French Centre News June 2015 - French Language Resource Centre


French Centre News June 2015 - French Language Resource Centre
Le français suit…
juin 2015
Eaglesham students who succeeded the DELF A1.1 (Grade 6) or DELF A1 (Grade 9) exams this spring.
Did you know?
455 students from Northwestern Alberta registered for the DELF exams this last April? Our biggest session yet!
Providing concrete information of proficiencies levels, students, parents and teachers appreciate the opportunity to
see results and the transformation of FSL teaching and learning. More info:
Upcoming French Professional Development Sessions
Register after June 15th at
Le 26 août - Scénarios pour mieux écrire les mots : Mieux lire et écrire les mots à l’aide des règles
de l’orthographe (Céline Leroux et Lise Martin)
Présentation d’une démarche favorisant l’apprentissage de l’orthographe lexicale. Le matériel, créatif et ludique, introduit
l'enseignement gradué de 24 règles ou patrons orthographiques pour les élèves de 6 à 12 ans. Cette approche est applicable en
classe régulière ou en classe spécialisée, en petit groupe de rééducation ou encore auprès d’élèves en immersion française.
Lors de l’atelier, les participants se familiariseront avec l’approche, visionneront des vidéos et pourront s’approprier
l’enseignement d’une première leçon. Des éléments théoriques sur les différentes formes de traitements des mots, les types
d’orthographe, les types d’erreurs et la mémoire permettront de situer le contexte d’une telle intervention. L’approche des
Scénarios pour mieux écrire les mots, a remporté le prix de l’AQETA pour Réalisation novatrice en milieu scolaire en mars 2011.
Lise Martin est orthopédagogue en dénombrement flottant aux niveaux préscolaire et primaire, depuis 1980. Détentrice d’un
Bacc. spéc. en orthopédagogie (UdeM,1980), elle a poursuivi sa formation avec le programme API (UQAT,1993); l’approche de
l’Enseignement Multisensoriel (2002); ainsi qu’un Programme court de 2e cycle en Psycholinguistique appliquée aux difficultés
de lecture et d’écriture (UQÀM, 2004). Ses champs d’intérêt se portent sur l’action préventive au préscolaire (développement de
la conscience phonémique) et la poursuite de l'apprentissage du langage écrit.
Bio : Céline Leroux a complété un baccalauréat en adaptation scolaire (orthopédagogie) à l’Université de Sherbrooke en 1976.
Elle a poursuivi sa formation notamment en API (Actualisation du potentiel intellectuel) et EMS (Enseignement
multisensoriel).Elle oeuvre depuis plus de 30 ans comme orthopédagogue au primaire et au préscolaire en milieu rural. Elle a
animé des ateliers pour les parents et donné diverses formations aux orthopédagogues. Avec ses pairs, elle a collaboré à
l’élaboration et l’application d’outils visant à faciliter le processus de lecture et d’écriture chez les élèves. Comment et pourquoi
un élève apprend-il? est le moteur qui a guidé ses réflexions.
Lise Martin est orthopédagogue en dénombrement flottant aux niveaux préscolaire et primaire, depuis 1980. Détentrice d’un
Bacc. spéc. en orthopédagogie (UdeM,1980), elle a poursuivi sa formation avec le programme API (UQAT,1993); l’approche de
l’Enseignement Multisensoriel (2002); ainsi qu’un Programme court de 2e cycle en Psycholinguistique appliquée aux difficultés
de lecture et d’écriture (UQÀM, 2004). Ses champs d’intérêt se portent sur l’action préventive au préscolaire (développement de
la conscience phonémique) et la poursuite de l'apprentissage du langage écrit.
September 24th Neurolinguistic Approach – Theory and How it looks in practice! (France Dupuis)
The strategies of the Neurolinguistic Approach (Intensive French) will be highlighted in theory and in practice. At the end of the
session, teachers will have a deeper understanding of the complete cycle of teaching students a second language. They will be
able to use the strategies for ORAL- READING – WRITING while teaching the French as a Second Language.
Bio: As a life-long learner and educator, France Dupuis is a promoter of the benefits of learning a second language. She has a
wealth of teaching experience in the classroom as well as in role of instructional leader with colleagues. France is a passionate
learner and an advocate for our profession. During her 28 years as a Second Language educator, France has been involved at
different levels of FSL education as a teacher of Core French, Extended, and Immersion in the province of Ontario. She has
been a facilitator of many sessions on French Second Language learning strategies and a workshop presenter for various
publishers at different conferences. Acting as the FSL Consultant for the Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario for 9
years now, she models high yield strategies in oral communication, reading and writing. Because of her passion about searching
for the best possible ways to enrich every second language learner on their journey to acquire another language, France has
been involved in providing training for the Neurolinguistic Approach (ANL) to teachers in Ontario and from other provinces and
territories of Canada as well as from China and France. She also been involved of providing training for Correcteur du
DELF/DALF in the Eastern Region of Ontario.France’s believe that ‘’ To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also
dream; not only plan, but also believe.’’ (Anatole France, 1921)
24 septembre - Comment soutenir les élèves d’immersion en écriture (7 à 12) (Josée Le Bouthillier)
Pour un enseignement efficace de l’écriture, l’enseignant/e doit tenir compte des pratiques exemplaires et du contenu à
enseigner, c’est-à-dire les genres, les processus de l’écrit et les traits d’écriture. Il/elle ne doit pas oublier non plus l’évaluation
formative. De plus, les aspects socioaffectifs et affectifs jouent un rôle primordial dans l’acquisition de l’écriture. Tous ces
éléments à intégrer à son enseignement peuvent sembler une lourde tâche pour un/e enseignant/e. Pourtant, la recherche
indique qu’il est crucial d’enseigner explicitement l’écriture, sinon les élèves n’arriveront pas à développer leurs compétences.
Cet atelier vise à démontrer comment les participants peuvent organiser leur enseignement en intégrant tous les éléments
mentionnés ci-dessus d’une façon simple et facile. Les participants pourront intégrer à leur enseignement les pratiques et les
différentes activités motivantes dès leur retour en classe le lendemain! Ils auront l’occasion de participer à des activités et à les
vivre eux-mêmes.
Cet atelier se déroulera en trois temps. Dans un premier temps, les participants découvriront un modèle d’enseignement de
l’écriture intégrant les domaines socioaffectif, affectif et académique. Ils participeront à certaines activités visant les domaines
socioaffectif et affectif qu’ils pourront facilement effectuer dans leur salle de classe. Dans un deuxième temps, les participants
exploreront plus en profondeur le domaine académique. Par le biais de viéoclips et de diverses activités, ils exploreront les
pratiques exemplaires. Cette deuxième partie examinera les façons dont les participants peuvent intégrer les genres, les
processus de l’écrit et les traits d’écriture par le biais de pratiques d’enseignement basées sur la preuve. Dans un troisième
temps, les participants exploreront l’évaluation formative et les façons dont celle-ci peut les aider à soutenir leurs élèves dans
leur cheminement en écriture. L’identification des besoins des élèves à l’aide de l’évaluation formative servira de tremplin à la
présentation de plusieurs activités motivantes liées aux traits d’écriture.
Bio : Josée Le Bouthillier est associée à la recherche à l’Institut de recherche en langues seconde du Canada. Depuis 8 ans,
elle effectue de la recherche dans le domaine de l’écriture en immersion française. De plus, elle s’occupe de la formation des
futurs enseignants et de la formation continue des enseignants. Elle est la co-auteure de 70 activités motivantes de
communication écrite ainsi que l’auteure de plusieurs articles et chapitres liés à l’écriture.
25 septembre - Comment soutenir les élèves d’immersion en écriture (1 à 6)
Avec Josée Le Bouthillier : La même description en haut mais pour les éducateurs de la 1ère à la 6ième année
DELF Training Dates for 2015-2016
Mark your calendars for the following dates and register through
1. Initial DELF Training (valid for 5 years): Levels A1 and A2: October 1st and 2nd , 2015
2. Initial DELF Training (valid for 5 years): Levels B1 and B2: October 28th and 29th, 2015
3. DELF One-Day Retraining (valide for 5 years) : Levels A1 through to B2: October 30th, 2015
4. DELF PRIM Training: Levels A1.1 to A2: January 14th, 2015
If you are unsure of the leveling or of the date of your last certification, please contact our Centre as we have all the records
and provide advice.
DELF Fall Exam Dates for 2015
DELF Scolaire: November 23rd to November 27th, 2015
1. B2 – 10 AM November 23rd
B1 – 10 AM November 24th
A2 – 10 AM November 25th
A1 – 10 AM November 26th
Register will take place between October 13th and October 30th, 2015
Reserve Now for Exciting French Cultural Events!
Award-winning, inspiring bilingual author and motivational speaker, David Bouchard is reserved from September
28th to October 2nd. He will provide 90 minutes performances in Northwestern Alberta either in the morning or the
afternoon for FSL, Immersion and Francophone students Grade 1 through to 12. The Centre will reimburse
schools $500 for this event. (He charges $5 per student up to $1600.) If you are interested in having this
FABULOUS speaker in your school, please contact the Centre to reserve before June 19th. We will pass on all
the information to his agent who will then deal directly with the school. Fill in the cultural reimbursement form on
our website after the show.
Watch for more exciting French cultural events in 2015-2016! Cinémagine jeunesse, Communication
Jeunesse,Herman Poulin and much more!
Travel Aid Funds Still Available!
Remember first come, first serve! If you plan on taking your students on a cultural, linguistic school trip to France or
Québec, apply for funds through the Centre now. Schools are required to offer the DELF exams to their students in
order to apply. See the May newsletter on the homepage of our website for the procedure:
Accepting Requests for Virtual Partnerships with France
Requests forms for partnerships are available on the home page of our website. Consider doing authentic, relevant
and meaningful language activities with your students in either English or French with a classroom in France.
Matching will be done in June. Above, Fiona Logan from PWSD, who is now in partnership with a teacher in France.
PWA Student Off to Belgium with the 3 Month OSEF Exchange
Madison Shields was one of three students this year participating in the OSEF exchange for 2015 and is seen here receiving her
$500 bursary from the FRLC.
New Books at GPPL for Grades 4 to 6 French Readers!
A Few Choice Teacher Resources on their way to the FLRC!
French Immersion, Core French, & Francophone Graduates: Where Are They Now?
Canadian Parents for French Alberta has joined forces with CPF BC & Yukon, the Office of the Commissioner of Official
Languages, Canadian Heritage, and Radio-Canada to discover where bilingual grads find themselves today. Graduates of
French first and second language programs include: Olympians, journalists, Ministers, engineers, researchers, teachers and so
much more! Many others were enriched by their French language education in some way, shape or form.
We’re putting the call out to you to help us catch up with these alumni to answer these questions: Where Are They Now
& How Did Learning French Enrich Their Lives?
If you, or someone you know is a French Immersion, Core French, or French as a First Language graduate from Alberta, BC, or
Yukon, please check out the project and fill out the form.(Click on links)
If you would rather email us someone's story, please contact Morgan Desjarlais: [email protected].
The purpose of this project is to reconnect with French language graduates, to digitally capture many of their personal stories,
and to help inspire the current generation of French language learners.
Please help us find graduates with compelling experiences!
What is WIGUP? Why should my school look into it?
We believe that our platform is the best to speed up the learning of a second language because students can listen to up to 1000
short (3-7 minutes) and inspiring documentaries and then work on their own publications (videos, blogs, e-presentations)
requested by their teachers. To do so, they must reach out in their communities and talk to people, interview them, write, present
in front of the class their projects, etc. This is how they will gain a life-long confidence in speaking in the other language.
WHAT IS WIGUP? You can access the French side of WIGUP
( ) with the following codes: username: champignon and password: champignon
With a subscription to, all schools teaching French across Canada could have individual students' accounts as well as
teachers' accounts in this safe environment. They could access the platform through single sign-on (SSO) via their existing
virtual learning environment. WIGUP also offers web-interviews with celebrities, white board applications, a badges' system, a
Professional learning community, etc. We are members of the Clinton Global Initiative that recognized this unique platform for its
most innovative approach. Thus, through real stories of inspiring people and real projects led by students in their own
communities, children will GAIN CONFIDENCE in speaking and writing in French while discovering WHO THEY ARE.
Do you know about FRANCOLAB?
It is a fabulous website offering French teachers wonderful interactive resources for learners of all ages and levels. It is offered
free of charge. With Francolab, you can: easily access Canadian content adapted for use in classrooms, freely make use of
pedagogical activities developed by experts, offer students a wide array of interactive games to improve their language skill,
arouse learners’ interest through topics offering a wealth of information on Canadian culture.
The content available today is of interest for learners from grade 5 and up. We are actively working on resources for younger
learners. Click on the following links to access the Francolab Dissemination Kit, which contains all you need to get started with
our resource. It includes:
 a Quick Start Guide (705kb), which gives handy tips and tricks to make the most out of Francolab ;
a PowerPoint presentation (6mb), which you may freely distribute to introduce Francolab to your colleagues (also
available on Slideshare) ;
 a digital copy of our flyer.
A Leadership Institute for Second Language Educators
Edmonton on August 24 and 25, 2015
The Institute for Innovation in Second Language Education (IISLE) at Edmonton Public Schools is again offering this unique,
research-based professional learning opportunity designed to assist leaders in implementing exemplary programs for all second
This institute focuses on a tool for strategic planning that has been specifically designed by IISLE to support administrators and
teacher leaders to assess and improve their second language program effectiveness. This tool has been used by school
principals, central administrators, department heads and teacher leaders for three years, with great success.
This two-day workshop will cover several key topics for lead educators in language programs, including:
-Characteristics of effective language programming
-Assessment and analyse of program effectiveness
-Inclusive education in language programming
-Effective technologies for language learning
-Local, national and international trends in languages
The Second Languages Educators Leadership Institute is designed for school district leaders, school administrators, consultants,
department heads and lead teachers involved in second language leadership both in and outside of Canada.
Detailed program and further information will available soon at