Titre ou direction sur deux lignes


Titre ou direction sur deux lignes
Année universitaire 2014/2015
Collège universitaire
Semestre d’automne
Civil Disobedience
Markus KNEER
Programme des séances (contenu et objectifs pédagogiques) :
Pour chacune des 12 séances : présentation du thème général, de la(les) thématique(s), textes de
référence, lectures préparatoires, exercices) :
Session 1: Political Obligation
Gilbert, M., 2006, A Theory of Political Obligation, Oxford University Press, excerpts
Horton, J. (ed.), 2010, Political Obligation, Palgrave Macmillan, excerpts
Session 2: Thoreau
Thoreau, H.D., 1849, “Civil Disobedience” in Civil Disobedience and other Essays, 1993, Dover
Pateman, C., 1979, The Problem of Political Obligation: A Critical Analysis of Liberal Theories,
University of California Press, excerpts
Session 3: Rawls
Rawls, J., 1971, A Theory of Justice, §§51-59, 333-382
Sabl, A., 2001, “Looking Forward to Justice: Rawlsian Civil Disobedience and its Non-Rawlsian
Lessons”, Journal of Political Philosophy
Session 4: Dworkin and Habermas
Dworkin, R., 1977, Taking Rights Seriously, London: Duckworth, Ch. 8, pp. 206-22
Habermas, J., 1985, “Civil disobedience: litmus test for the democratic constitutional state”, Berkeley
Journal of Sociology
Suber, P., 1999, “Civil Disobedience”, Philosophy of Law, Garland Publishing 1999
Session 5: The Civil Rights Movement
King, M.L. & Carson, C. (ed.), 2001, The Autobiography of Martin Luther King, ‘A Letter from the
Birmingham Jail’, p. 187-204, Warner Books
Burns, S., 1997, Daybreak of Freedom: The Montgomery Bus Boycott, The University of North Carolina
27, rue Saint-Guillaume 75007 Paris France T/ +33 (0)1 45 49 50 51 - F/ +33 (0)1 42 22 39 64
Session 6: Civil Disobedience and Violence
Murphy, J.G. (ed.), 1971, Civil Disobedience and Violence, Wadsworth Publishing
Morreal, J., 1976, “The justifiability of violent civil disobedience”, Canadian Journal of Philosophy
Session 7: Nonviolent Civil Disobedience
Sharp, G., 1973, The Politics of Nonviolent Action, Porter Sargent Publishing
Chenoweth, E. & Stephan, M.J., 2011, Why Civil Resistance Works; the strategic logic of nonviolent
conflict, Columbia University Press
Holmes, R.L. (ed.)., 1990, Nonviolence in Theory and Practice, Wadsworth
Session 8: Gandhi’s March to the Sea
Brown, J.M., 1977, Gandhi and Civil Disobedience: The Mahatma in Indian Politics 1928-1934, Ch. 3
Parekh, B.C. Gandhi’s Political Philosophy, 1989, University of Notre Dame Press
Routledge, P., 1993, Terrains of Resistance: Nonviolent social Movements and the Contestation of
Place in India, 1993, Praeger Publishing
Session 9: The Occupy Movement
Mitchell, W.J.T et al., 2013, Occupy: Three Inquiries in Disobedience, University of Chicago Press
Van Gelder, Sarah, 2011, This Changes Everything: Occupy Wall Street and the 99% Movement,
Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 2011.
Interview with Joshua Cohen on a Rawlsian view of the ‘Occupy Wall Street Movement”:
http://occupytheairwaves.com/ep6, transcript will be provided.
Session 10: Rules and Exceptions
Barry, B., 2001, Culture and Equality, Oxford: Polity, pp. 308-28.
Caney, S., 2002, “Equal Treatment, Exceptions and Cultural Diversity”, in P. Kelly (ed.),
Multiculturalism Reconsidered, Oxford: Polity
Session 11: Civil Disobedience in the Arab World
Anderson, L., 2011, “Demystifying the Arab spring: parsing the difference between Tunisia, Egypt and
Libya”, Foreign Affairs
Moore, W.H., 2012, “Non-violent v. violent dissent before the Arab Spring: Bahrain, Jordan & Syria
1990-2004”, MS.
Ottawy, M. & Hamzawy, 2011, “A. Protest Movements and Political Change in the Arab World,”
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Session 12: Penalizing Civil Disobedience
Lefkowitz, D., 2007, “On a moral right to civil disobedience”, Ethics 117, pp. 202–33.
Brownlee K., 2008, “Penalizing Public Disobedience”, Ethics, 118, pp. 711–6.
Présentation des modalités d’évaluation :
Class participation 30%
Short presentation 30%
Research paper 40%
27, rue Saint-Guillaume 75007 Paris France T/ +33 (0)1 45 49 50 51 - F/ +33 (0)1 42 22 39 64
Références bibliographiques :
Gilbert, M., 2006, A Theory of Political Obligation, Oxford University Press
Sabl, A., 2001, “Looking Forward to Justice: Rawlsian Civil Disobedience and its Non-Rawlsian
Lessons”, Journal of Political Philosophy
Habermas, J., 1985, “Civil disobedience: litmus test for the democratic constitutional state”, Berkeley
Journal of Sociology
Mitchell, W.J.T et al., 2013, Occupy: Three Inquiries in Disobedience, University of Chicago Press
Lefkowitz, D., 2007, “On a moral right to civil disobedience”, Ethics 117, pp. 202–33.
27, rue Saint-Guillaume 75007 Paris France T/ +33 (0)1 45 49 50 51 - F/ +33 (0)1 42 22 39 64