la mode


la mode
Année 8: Français
la mode
In this unit you will learn how to do the
following things in:
Conjugate –er verbs.
Use the comparative.
Express complex opinions.
Use demonstrative adjectives correctly.
Develop my reading skills.
Use adjectives correctly to describe my
physical appearance.
Develop my reading skills.
Assessment task
1) Writing: Write the description of a fashion show in a
different country & present it to the editorial team of
a fashion magazine.
2) Speaking: Perform the fashion show.
3) Reading: Read people’s opinions on fashion.
I can write the description of a fashion show & give complex opinions about
what models are wearing & what they’re going to wear next weekend. I can
include time expression & connectives. Spelling & tenses are mainly
accurate & I have a good pronunciation.
I can write the description of a fashion show about what models are
wearing & what they’re going to wear next weekend. I can include time
expressions. But I haven’t included any complex opinions & I have made
some mistakes with the spelling & the tenses. I have a good pronunciation.
I can write the description of a fashion show & give complex opinions about
what models are wearing. I can include time expressions & connectives. I
have a good pronunciation & my spelling’s generally correct.
I can write the description of a fashion show & give simple opinions about
what models are wearing. I can include time expressions & connectives. I
pronounce the words correctly but there are many spelling mistakes.
I can write some sentences to describe a fashion show with some
descriptions about what models are wearing but there are many mistakes
with the verbs. I can include some simple opinions & time expressions but I
make some mistakes with the pronunciation & my spelling is not generally
I can write some simple descriptions about what models are wearing at a
fashion show. My sentences are very short & simple and there are a lot of
mistakes. I make some mistakes with the pronunciation.
MARKING ladder
I have presented my work clearly &
I can describe a fashion show.
I have given information about the
clothes that models are wearing.
I have used aller + infinitive to
express the future tense where
I have expressed complex opinions
about what models are wearing.
I have used adjectives to make my
fashion show more interesting.
I have included connectives to link
my sentences.
I have used expressions of time to
make my sentences more interesting.
I have checked my spellings in my
I have re-read my work & checked
my spellings & verbs.
Vocabulary Resources
Qu’est-ce que tu portes ?
What are you wearing ?
Je porte…
I’m wearing…
un jean
un pantalon
un pull
a jumper
un manteau
a coat
un maillot de bain
a swimsuit
un sweat
a sweatshirt
une jupe
a skirt
une robe
a dress
une chemise
a shirt
des chaussures
des chaussettes
le week-end prochain
next weekend
l’été prochain
next summer
en juin
in June
Je préfère…
I prefer…
I like
à mon avis…
in my opinion…
selon moi…
According to me
Je pense / crois que c’est…
I think that it is…
Il me semble que c’est…
It seems to me that it’s…
élégant (e) / moche
elegant / ugly
joli (e) / beau (belle)
pretty / beautiful
démodé (e) / branché (e)
old-fashioned / trendy
chaud (e)
cher (chère)
Il/elle est bien/mal habillé (e) He/she is well/badly dressed
Il / elle est…
He / she is…
un peu / assez / vraiment /
A bit / quite / really / very
grand (e) / petit (e)
tall / small
Il / elle a…
He / she has…
les cheveux longs / courts
long / short hair
les cheveux ondulés / bouclés wavy / curly hair
les cheveux raides / en
straight / spiky hair
Il / elle a les yeux verts.
He / she has green eyes.
plus + adjective que…
more… than…
moins + adjective que…
Mes mots clés
Future Tense with aller & infinitive:
Use the correct part of aller & the infinitive to say what
you are going to do: e.g
je vais aller
I am going to go
tu vas porter
you are going to wear
il va voyager
he is going to travel
elle va arriver
she is going to arrive
nous allons manger
we are going to eat
vous allez acheter
you are going to buy
ils vont partir
they are going to leave
elles vont rester
they are going to stay
Unit review
Things I liked about this unit:
Things I would change for next year: