
7 rue Dragon
13006 Marseille
+33 (0) 6 46 06 51 43
E-mail: [email protected]
Research associate at the IREMAM (Institute of Arab and Muslim World Studies and Research, Aix
en Provence, France), October 2014-2016.
Visiting scholar at the IMéRA (Marseille), February-July 2015
BANTING POSTDOCTORAL FELLOW, University of Montreal, 2012, October 1–2014,
September 30).
Research associate, Cérium (Centre d’études et de recherches internationales de l’université de
Montréal), Montréal, October 2013, October 2014.
Postdoctoral fellow, CEPSI-CIPSS (Center for International Peace and Security Studies), University
of Montreal, October 2012-December 2014.
Research associate, CEIFR (Center for the Interdisciplinary Studies of Religious Facts) (CNRSEHESS), Paris, 2011-2013.
PhD student, EHESS, Paris, 2006-2011.
Doctoral fellow, CEDEJ (Center for Economical, Juridical and Social Studies), Cairo, 2006-2008.
Qualification to assume a position of Maître de Conférences des Universités
(Associate professor) awarded by the French National Council of the Universities
(CNU) in the sections 04 (Political science) and 22 (Modern and contemporary
Ph.D in Political Studies, EHESS (School for Advanced Studies in Social Sciences),
Paris. “Minority and Structural Violence: The Rise of a “Coptic Question” and
Contemporary Transformations in the Egyptian Political Scene”. Research
supervisor: Professor Hamit Bozarslan (History and Political Science, EHESS).
Ph.D (1st Year), Art History, UQAM, Montreal.
“The Writing of History and Artistic Practices in Contemporary Lebanon”
Master 2, Political Philosophy and Philosophy of Art, Paris X (Nanterre).
“Art and Politics in T.W. Adorno’s Thought”
Licence (BA) Chinese Language and Civilization, INALCO (National Institute of
Oriental Languages and Civilizations), Paris.
Licence (BA) and Master 1, Philosophy, Paris I (Pantheon-Sorbonne).
“Kant’s Third Critique: Imagination and Liberty”
Organization of the panel The 25 January Revolution and the “peuple introuvable”, 1st symposium of the
Scientific Interest Group-Middle East and Muslim World, Paris, 6-9 July 2015.
Organization of the Conference, Charisma, Martyrs and Medias in the XXIth Century Middle East,
University of Montreal, Cérium, Canadian Research Chair on Islam, Pluralism and Globalization,
Montreal Arts-Interculturels, September 27-28, 2014.
2 Co-organization of the Panel “Coptic Religious and Political Life in Contemporary Egypt: Recent
Scholarly Developments”, Tenth International Congress of Coptic Studies, Rome, September 17-22, 2012.
Égypte : révolution et contre-révolution [Egypt: Revolution and Counter-Revolution], Montreal-Paris: Laval
University Press-Hermann, Fall 2014.
Les Coptes d’Égypte. Violences communautaires et transformations politiques (2005-2012) [Egyptian Copts:
Sectarian Violence and Political Transformations (2005-2012)], Paris: Karthala, 2012 (to be translated
into Arabic by the ACRPS, Qatar, and maybe into English by Stanford University Press).
Selected articles by Alain Roussillon (working title), with Hamit Bozarslan, Paris-Cairo, IISMM-CEDEJ
+ Special Issue of Égypte-Monde Arabe [Egypt-Arab World] dedicated to Alain Roussillon, Cairo:
CEDEJ, to be published, fall 2016-winter 2017.
Thematic dossier, Image, Body and Authority: Charisma in a Secular World (including articles by Gilles
Bataillon, Vincent Bloch, Christiane Gruber, Jean-Claude Monod), to be submitted to Critique
Special issue on the Egyptian revolution, with Tewfick Aclimandos, Cahiers de l’Orient, 108,
November, 2012.
Conversions religieuses et mutations politiques. Tares et avatars du communautarisme égyptien [Religious
Conversions and Political Changes. Defects and Avatars of Egyptian Communalism], Paris: Non
Lieu, 2008.
Refereed journal articles
“Nous sommes tous Mina Daniel (Kullinā Mīnā Dānyāl ). Subversion et restauration de la logique
identitaire en Égypte” [We are all Mina Daniel (Kullinā Mīnā Dānyāl ). Subverting and Restoring the
Principle of Identity in Egypt], in Aurélien Girard et Bernard Heyberger (eds.), “Christianismes au
Moyen-Orient”, Archives de sciences sociales des religions (in press, 2015).
“Contestations coptes contemporaines” [Contemporary Coptic Contests], in Sarah Ben Néfissa and
Blandine Destremau (eds), Revue Tiers Monde, Special Issue 2011, Paris: Armand Colin, p. 139-163
(also translated into Arabic).
“Les Frères, les coptes et la révolution” [The Brothers, the Copts and the Revolution], Outre-Terre,
n°29, Paris, October 2011.
“La révolution égyptienne de 2011 : rupture de l’ordre communautariste ?”, [2011 Egyptian
Revolution: a Break in the Sectarian Order?], Histoire et liberté, n°45, April 2011, p. 51-65.
3 “Muhammad le chrétien. Instrumentalisations de la question confessionnelle et consolidation du
régime autoritaire” [Muhammad, the Christian. Instrumentalization of the Confessional Issue and the
Consolidation of the Authoritarian Rule], in Hadjar Aouardji and Hélène Legeay (eds), Chroniques
égyptiennes 2007 [Egyptian Chronicles 2007], Cairo: CEDEJ, October 2008, p. 257-281.
“Discours contemporains autour de la conversion” [Contemporary Discourses on Religious
Conversions], in Pierre Blanc (ed.), Chrétiens d’Orient [Eastern Christians], Les Cahiers de Confluences,
Paris: L’Harmattan, September 2008, p. 127-141.
Book Chapters
« Les coptes dans le piège du communautarisme », Le livre noir de la condition des chrétiens dans le monde,
Paris, XO éditions, octobre 2014.
“Taranim and videos-clips”, in Laurent Bonnefoy and Myriam Catusse (eds), Jeunesses arabes. Du Maroc
au Yemen : Loisirs, cultures et politique [Arab Youths. From Morocco to Yemen: Leisure, Cultures, and
Politics], Paris, La Découverte, Fall 2013.
“La construction d’église au Moyen-Orient” [Church Building in the Middle-East], in Stéphane
Lathion and Patrick Haenni (eds), Les minarets de la discorde [Minarets Row Rumbles On], Paris:
Infolio-Religioscope, October 2009.
Invited articles
“The Copts, the Nation, and the Revolution”, Program on Arab Reform and Democracy; Center on
Democracy, Development, and the Rule of Law, Stanford University, Fall 2013.
With Severine Gabry, “Religious Emotions online. Contemporary Practices of the Taranim in the
Coptic World”, Religioscope, Fall 2013.
“Coptes d’Égypte : un ‘nationalisme utopique’ ?” [Egyptian Copts: A “Utopian” Nationalism?],
Cahiers de l’Institut Religioscope, n° 6, July 2011 (www.religion.info/pdf/2011_07_Guirguis.pdf).
“Égypte : l’autre succession –l’Église copte à l’approche d’un tournant”, [Egypt: the Other
Succession –the Coptic Church at a Watershed], Religioscope, October 2010
(http://religion.info/french/articles/article_501.shtml) (also translated into Arabic).
“Beyrouth, figures de l’archive” [Beyrouth, Figures of the Archive], Art Press, January 2007, p. 47-54.
“L’archive et le témoin. Photographie et vidéo dans le Liban contemporain” [Archiving and
Witnessing. Photography and Video Practices in Contemporary Lebanon], Altermed, n°1, Paris: Non
Lieu, November 2006.
““The Egyptian State and the Production of Minorities: The Impossible Revolution?”, Lecture in
absentia at The Third Annual Conference on Issues of Democratic Governance: Sectarianism and the Manufacturing
4 of Minorities in the Greater Arab Mashreq, Arab Center of Research and Policy Studies in Doha, Amman,
13-15 September 2014.
Egypt: Where are we now? Constitutional, Social and Political Issues, Roundtable, Cérium (Centre d’études et
de recherches internationales de l’université de Montréal), University of Montreal, November 6,
Les Coptes d’Égypte et la révolution [Egyptian Copts and the Revolution], Roundtable, IISMM-EHESS
(Institute for the Study of Islam and Societies of the Muslim World-School for Advanced Studies in
Social Sciences), Paris, May 30, 2013.
“Les coptes d’Égypte: Déclin de l’idéal national et communautés transnationales” [Egyptian Copts:
Decline of the National Ideal and Transnational Communities], Conference at the Canada Research
Chair Islam, Pluralism and Globalization, University of Montreal, May 9, 2013.
“Community, Nation-State, and Citizenship: Dilemma of Coptic Participation in Egyptian Political
Life”, Lecture at the Workshop Minority Rights in the Transitioning Arab World, Program on Arab
Reform and Democracy; Center on Democracy, Development, and the Rule of Law,
Stanford University, April 30, 2013.
“Discours de Chenouda III (1971-2012) : l’auto-aliénation de l’Église copte ?” [The discourse of
Chenouda III: The Self-alienation of the Coptic Church?], Lecture at the Symposium Analysis of Near
East Christian Communities in Time of Crisis, Saint-Joseph University, Beirut, January the 25-26, 2013.
“Disparition et conversion de jeunes chrétiennes : Analyse pluri-causale d’une figure emblématique
de la fitna tâ’iffiyya en Égypte” [Disapearance and Conversion of Young Christian Girls: Pluri-causal
Analysis of an Emblematic Figure of the Fitna Tâ’iffiyya in Egypt], Lecture at the Workshop Genre et
sexualité au prisme des religions en Méditerranée [Gender, Sexuality and Religion in the Mediterranean
Area], organized by Idemec, Iremam and LAMC, Maison Méditerranéenne des Sciences de l’homme,
Aix-en-Provence, December 13, 2012.
“La diaspora copte et l’islam” [Coptic Diaspora and Islam], Lecture at the Workshop The Right to
Blaspheme, CREUM (Research Center in Ethic of the University of Montreal), October 2, 2012.
Lecture at the panel “Coptic Religious and Political Life in Contemporary Egypt: Recent Scholarly
Developments”, Tenth International Congress of Coptic Studies, Rome, September 17-22, 2012.
“The Copts in Egyptian Political Life after Moubarak’s Demise”, Conference paper, iReMMO’s
Popular University, training course organized by Alain Gresh and the iReMMo (Institute for
Mediterranean Research and Studies Middle East), Paris, February 4, 2012. “Egyptian Revolutionary Process and the Communal Order”, Conference paper, Chrétiens d’Orient
[Eastern Christians], École Française de Rome (French School in Rome), December 1-2, 2011,
“Egyptian Revolutionary Process and the Copts”, Lecture, Histoire des chrétiens d’Orient [History of
Eastern Christians], Seminar organized by Bernard Heyberger, IISMM/EPHE/EHESS, 96 Bd
Raspail, Paris, June 1, 2011.
5 “Changing Features of Coptic Activism 1972-2010”, Communication presented in absentia by Kari
Vogt at The Future of Coptic Studies: Theories, Methods, Topics, Symposium coordinated by Nelly van
Doorn-­‐Harder, Wake Forest University, Winston Salem, North Carolina, September 17-19, 2010.
“The Copts and the Egyptian Regime: Official Support, Occasional Dissent and Mass
Mobilizations”, Lecture, Histoire des chrétiens d’Orient [History of Eastern Christians], Seminar
organized by Bernard Heyberger, EHESS, Sorbonne, Paris, April 16, 2010.
“Forbidden Identities: Converts to Christianity and the Egyptian State Apparatus”, Lecture, Histoire
des chrétiens d’Orient [History of Eastern Christians], Seminar organized by Bernard Heyberger,
EHESS, Sorbonne, Paris, June, 2008.
May 2013: Special Jury Prize of l’Oeuvre d’Orient for the book Les coptes d’Égypte. Violences
communautaires et transformations politiques (2005-2012) [Egyptian Copts: Sectarian Violence and Political
Transformations (2005-2012)], Paris: Karthala, 2012.
MAY 2012 : BANTING Fellowship
(140 000 CAN $/ 2-year)
March 2012: CEIFR-ANR (National Agency for Research) research grant for a three-week mission
in Lebanon and Egypt
(3 000 $)
2009-2011: Mobility travel grants for the 2009-2010 and 2010-2011 academic years EHESS (School
for Advanced Studies in Social Sciences), Paris.
(1 500 $)
2006-2008: French Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs grants for the 2006-2007 and 20072008 academic years.
(13 000 $/2 years)
Fall 2014
Lecturer, University of Montreal, Revolution: Egypt and the Arab world, undergraduate course,
Department of Political Science.
2011, October 11-13
Lecture at the ENSP (France’s National Police College), training course organized by the IISMM
(Institute for the Study of Islam and Societies of the Muslim World), “Coptic Citizen and the
Egyptian State. Historical Perspectives and Contemporary Problems”, Lyon.
2010, June 8
“Egyptian Christians: A Historical and Political Survey”, Lecture, Seminar organized for Budé
Committee Members by Henry Laurens, Collège de France, Paris, June 8, 2010.
2013-2014, review of articles for the Middle East Journal of Culture and Communication, Critique
“The Copts and the Egyptian Revolution”, Consultancy for the French MAEE (Ministry of Foreign
and European Affairs), January 2012.
News interviews in various publications such as Libération, Le Monde, Médiapart, France-Info,
Courrier International, Radio Vatican, France 24, France O (TV), Pèlerin Magazine, le Nouvel
Observateur, L’Express, RFI International, faitreligieux.com, Le Courrier, Le Nouvelliste (Suisse)…
French: native speaker
English: speaking, reading, writing (excellent)
Arabic: Speaking and reading (excellent)
German, Spanish, Italian and Chinese: reading and oral understanding (good)