COMPREHENSION DU TEXTE I. Lisez le document et complétez le


COMPREHENSION DU TEXTE I. Lisez le document et complétez le
I. Lisez le document et complétez le paragraphe suivant: (2
This document is taken from ………………………… It is about
wheelchair basketball at the …………………….. which will
take place in ……………. in …………………….
II. Complétez le tableau suivant à l'aide des informations
du texte.
Places of the event
date of the basketball final
Number of teams (men + women)
III. Les affirmations suivantes sont-elles vraies (RIGHT)
ou fausses (WRONG)? Cochez la bonne case. Justifiez votre
réponse en recopiant le passage du texte qui a guidé votre
1. Buying a top wheelchair is not expensive.
2. Basketball players can keep their wheelchair for a long
3. The disabled American World War II veterans were the
first to practise Wheelchair Basketball.
4. In Wheelchair Basketball, the basket is not as high as in
5. Basketball players can't shoot after three pushes of the
6. Each player has a number of points related to his
I) Un journaliste interviewe un joueur de l'équipe anglaise
de basketball en fauteuil. Complétez les questions à l'aide
du mot interrogatif qui convient.
……………founded the paralympic games?
Sir Ludwig Guttman.
…………….. will Wheelchair Basketball games start?
On Thursday 30 August.
……………… will they take place?
In London.
………………… athletes will compete?
264 (144 men, 120 women).
……………….. is a basketball court?
It's 91 ft long.
…………….. material are their wheelchairs made of?
They are made of titanium.
II) Un célèbre coureur exprime sa joie suite à sa troisième
médaille d'or aux jeux paralympiques de Pékin. Complétez
ses propos en mettant les adjectifs entre parenthèses au
superlatif de supériorité.
"It's the ……………………..(exciting) day of my life because
that's the …………… (fast) and ………….. (good) race I've
ever run. Now the ………………………… (important) thing is
to be part of the national 4X400m relay squad. I'd be the
…………………… (happy) and…………………. (proud) man if
we could qualify for the final in the London Olympic
Rédigez EN ANGLAIS un paragraphe d'environ 50 mots
dans lequel vous répondrez aux questions suivantes.
What's your favourite hobby or sports activity? When and
where do you practise it? Why do you like it?

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