Expo AQA GCSE Higher - Pearson Schools and FE Colleges


Expo AQA GCSE Higher - Pearson Schools and FE Colleges
Contrôle écrit
Preparing for a written assessment task
Un de mes films préférés
Controlled assessment practice
Je suis fan des bandes dessinées «Spider-Man» depuis
que je suis petit et j’adore aussi les films de SpiderMan. Samedi dernier, je suis resté à la maison et j’ai
regardé Spider-Man 3 à la télé. C’était génial! C’est
le troisième film de la série et à mon avis, c’est le
Dans ce film, Peter Parker (c’est la vraie identité de
Spider-Man) veut se marier avec sa petite copine,
Mary Jane (rôle interprété par Kirsten Dunst), mais,
bien sûr, ils ont des problèmes! D’abord, Spider-Man
est attaqué par une substance noire qui change son caractère et le rend plus aggressif.
Ensuite, son ancien copain, Harry, veut le tuer pour se venger de la mort de son père.
Puis Spider-Man doit combattre deux ennemis qui menacent New York: Sandman, un
homme de sable qui a tué l’oncle de Peter Parker, et Venom, un méchant qui ressemble
à Spider-Man et qui possède des pouvoirs dangereux. Finalement Spider-Man réussit
à vaincre ses ennemis, avec l’assistance de Harry, mais malheureusement, Harry est
tué par Venom. Cependant, tout finit bien pour Peter et Mary-Jane, qui sont toujours
J’ai beaucoup aimé ce film parce qu’il est passionnant, romantique, drôle et triste en
même temps. Il est plein d’action et les effets spéciaux sont superbes. La vedette du
film est Tobey Maguire et il est excellent dans le rôle principal. Il est vraiment doué
comme acteur. Le premier et le deuxième films de la série sont bien, mais, pour moi,
le troisième est plus intéressant et plus émouvant que les autres.
Je vais recommander ce film à tous mes copains et de plus, je voudrais acheter les trois
films en DVD, pour les revoir aussitôt que possible!
le rend plus aggressif – makes him more aggressive
ancien – former
1 Find the French equivalent of
these phrases in the text and
copy them out.
wants to get married to
is attacked by
wants to kill him
the death of his father
possesses dangerous powers
manages to defeat his enemies
however, everything ends well
funny and sad at the same time
the special effects
the star of the film
in the lead role
a really talented actor
un homme de sable – a man made of sand
ressemble à – looks like
2 Connectives, which are used to join sentences
or ideas, or to introduce sentences, make a text
more interesting. Read the text again. List and
translate into English the connectives used.
3 Are the following statements True (T), False (F)
or Not Mentioned (NM)?
1 Guillaume has been reading ‘Spider-Man’
comics since he was a little boy.
2 He has only seen one of the three Spider-Man
3 He thinks Kirsten Dunst is attractive.
4 He likes the fact that the film is full of action.
5 Usually, Guillaume prefers martial-arts films.
6 He thinks Tobey Maguire is a good actor.
7 He doesn’t think his friends would like the film.
8 He has already bought one of the Spider-Man
films on DVD.
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Module 2
4 You might be asked to write about a film you have seen or a book
you have read as a Controlled Assessment task. Use the Grade
Studio to help you prepare.
To achieve a Grade C, you need to use connectives, adjectives and the three main tenses (present, perfect
and future) correctly.
◆ Include at least six of the connectives from exercise 2 in your text.
◆ Look at the number of adjectives Guillaume uses to give his opinion of the film.
◆ He uses the present tense to describe the plot of the film, the perfect tense to say when he watched
it and that he liked it, plus aller + infinitive to say he is going to recommend the film to his friends.
To aim higher than a Grade C, you need to aim for maximum accuracy.
◆ Look at the verb endings in Guillaume’s second paragraph. When you are
describing the characters and action in a film, you need to use the il/elle/ils/elles
parts of the verb correctly, so make sure you know them.
◆ Also make sure you use the correct adjective agreement: masculine or feminine,
singular or plural. Look for examples in Guillaume’s text.
To really impress the examiner and aim for an A* Grade:
◆ include the comparative (plus/moins + adjective + que …).
Guillaume uses this to compare Spider-Man 3 with the other
two films.
◆ use a relative pronoun such as qui (who/which). Guillaume
uses this six times to describe the plot of the film!
◆ use a direct object pronoun, to avoid repeating a noun,
e.g. Harry veut le tuer (Harry wants to kill him).
◆ use depuis + the present tense to say how long you have
been doing something, as Guillaume does in the first line.
5 Now write an article about
one of your favourite films
or books.
● Use or adapt phrases from
Guillaume’s text and from
unit 4.
● If you have to look up
words in a dictionary,
make sure you choose the
right translation! Look
carefully at any examples
given. Cross-check by
looking the French word
up in the French–English
part of the dictionary.
● Structure your text
carefully in paragraphs
and refer to past, present
and future events.
Épate l’examinateur!
◆ Include le meilleur/la meilleure
(plural: les meilleurs/meilleures).
See how Guillaume uses this to say
which of the Spider-Man films he
thinks is the best one.
What did you see or read, and when?
What sort of book or film is it?
What was your general impression
of it?
Main paragraphs
What is the story of the book or film?
Describe the main characters.
What happens at the beginning, in the
middle and at the end?
What do you think of the film and the
actors, and why?
Would you recommend the film?
What are you going to see or read
next, and why?
Check what you have
written carefully. Check:
● spelling and accents,
especially words which
are similar to the
English (e.g. ennemi,
attaqué, dangereux,
effets, acteur)
● gender (le/la/l’/les; un/
une) and agreement
(e.g. adjectives, past
participles of être
● verb endings (e.g. je
veux/il/elle veut)
● tense formation (e.g.
j’aime/j’ai aimé; je suis
resté/je vais acheter)
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