Forum Chine Europe - Forum China‑Europa


Forum Chine Europe - Forum China‑Europa
Second China-Europe Forum
4 - 7 October 2007
Detailed Programme of the
Workshop WS 44 -"Armed Forces"
On " Security and Defence" (4-5 October)
Brussels, "Facultés Universitaires de Saint Louis" (FUSL)
3 October
welcome dinner with the Chinese delegation at the Husa President Park Hotel
4 October
08h45 :
09h15 :
09h30 :
Bus leaves the Husa President Park Hotel
Arrival at the FUSL
welcome address by Mr Jean Paul Lambert, Recteur des Facultés,
opening address by Admiral Alain Coldefy, vice-president EADS, former
French general inspecteur des armées , deputy chief of the Defence Staff,
"from one Forum to the other" by General (ret) Joël Coignard, ( in charge of
the Master on Security and Defence in Europe at the University of Reims
Champagne Ardennes )
09h45 :
Session 1 : China's Security and Defence policy
By Senior-Colonel Bai-Zonglin, Military, Naval and Air Attaché ,
Embassy of the People's Republic of China
12h30 :
buffet lunch at the "Facultés Universitaires de Saint-Louis"
Session 2 : Europe's Security and Defence challenges.
Chairman : Professeur Michel Liégeois ( Université catholique de Louvain,
Centre d'études des crises et des conflits internationaux)
Interventions : - Colonel Franz Berger (Director for International Cooperation at the German
Defence Staff) : Perspectives of German Security Policy;
- Captain (navy) Christian Madsen (Swedish Ministry of Defence) : Swedish
- Lieutenant-colonel Alexandre de Bordelius (EU Military Staff) : EU
command structure and operations);
- Major Uberto Incisa di Camerana (EU Militay Staff ): ACEH monitoring
Mission (AMM), civil-military cooperation.
Admiral (ret) Alain Coldefy ,
bus leaves the hotel
dinner at the restaurant "Les Petits Pères" (149 rue des carmélites)
5 October
bus leaves the Husa President Park hotel
Session 3 : common responsibilities
Chairman :
Mr Edward O'Hara, MP, Chairman of the Technical and Aerospace Committee
at the Assembly of Western European Union.
In this session, there will be no formal presentation, but a discussion allowing
to draw how can China and Europe better assume their global responsibilities.
buffet lunch .
Session 4 : working together on common challenges
Chairman :
Colonel (ret) Rosenberger (former chief of staff, German Federal Institute of
Security Policy, Berlin ).
In this session, there will be no formal presentation, but a discussion aiming at
finding practical forms of cooperation
Conclusion General (ret) Joël Coignard