

« At the restaurant »
Une famille va au restaurant. Vous pouvez changer les personnages mais il faut deux adultes et un enfants et modifier le texte là où
c’est nécessaire. Vous pourrez modifier la trame ci-dessous en notant les modifications et en me remettant le texte ainsi changé (je
peux aussi vous mettre le texte sur clef USB). Trouvez un nom à l’enfant (fille ou garçon) que vous noterez sur les pointillés ; le
serveur peut être une serveuse. L’aspect comique peut être purement visuel et ne pas changer le texte. Par exemple :
- le serveur trouve la famille pénible et fait des grimaces à son collègue qui reste en caisse tandis que la famille, elle, trouve le serveur
charmant et poli et lui laissera un gros pourboire.
- le père dit qu’il est au régime, pourquoi ne pas lui faire un gros ventre et une démarche comique ?
- l’enfant se tient très mal et les parents le trouve adorable tandis que le serveur lui fait des gros yeux quand il fait une bêtise que ses
parents ne voient pas.
- le serveur est manifestement très sale mais la famille ne s’en rend pas compte ou alors il parle d’un ton très désagréable et ne les
sert pas correctement.
A vous d’être imaginatifs, il y a plein d’autres possibilités qui ne nécessitent pas de changer le texte . Pensez aussi aux accessoires
et déguisements.
Mum : good evening.
Waiter : Have you booked a table ?
Dad : Yes we have. Our name’s crumpet.
Waiter : Ok, follow me please.
(They arrive next to a table)
Waiter : Can I take your coats ?
Mum and dad : yeah, sure.
The waiter takes the coats
Waiter: please take a sit.
Mum and dad : thank you.
Dad : Are you hungry………………………….. ?
Child : yeah, I’m starving dad !
Waiter : Here are the menus (he hands the 3 menus out). Would you like something to drink first ?
Child : Oh yes ! Can I have a coke ?? Please dad, say I can, I love coke !!
Dad : ok……………………… just for this one time, right ?
Waiter (to mum) : what about you miss ?
Mum : er… I’ll have a beer please.
Waiter (taking notes) : sure. What about you sir ?
Dad (reads and hesitates) well….. er…. I think I’ll have an orange juice. I’m driving, you see.
Waiter : no problem. I’ll be back in a minute.
Mum (to her child) : So………………………….. what would you like to eat ?
Child : oh, I’d like a big deluxe burger with French fries please !
Waiter (back with the drinks, serves the family) : Here you are ! (he takes his notebook and pen out )So, are you ready to
order ?
Mum : Yeah sure…. er (reads the menu) I’ll have a triple decker club.
Waiter : What about you sir ? What would you like ?
Dad : Er… could I have a jumbo deluxe burger.
Child : and I’d like a jumbo deluxe burger too !
Waiter : What side dish would you like with that ?
Mum : Well… er (reads the menu)…. I’ll have French fries please.
Dad : And could I have some coleslaw please ? You see, I’m on a diet !
Waiter : No problem. I’ll be back in a minute.
Mum to child : So……………………….. are you enjoying yourself ? Do you like this restaurant ?
Child : oh yes, but could I have a second coke please, oh say yes mum, please please please!
Mum : well…. er….. Ok
Child : oh thanks mum !!!
Waiter (he is back with a full tray and he serves the family) : so here are the burgers, the triple decker club and your side
Mum and dad : thanks a lot !
Waiter : Enjoy your meal.
Mum and dad : thanks.
Mum : we’d like another coke for…………………….. please.
Waiter : sure, I’ll be right back.
The family eats
Mum : This triple decker club is delicious. What about your burger……………………… ? Do you like it ?
Child : Yes it’s ok.
Dad : Mine is really very good too!
They continue eating and the waiter arrives with the coke
Waiter (to the child): here you are.
Mum and dad : thanks. ………………………. is such an angel, don’t you think ?
Waiter : sure….
Waiter goes away.
Mum to dad : can you pass me the salt John please ?
Dad (gives her the salt) : here you are.
They continue eating. The child drops something on the floor and picks it up, then plays with his knife and fork. The waiter
arrives (holding the menus)
Waiter: did you enjoy your meal ?
Dad : yeah, it was delicious !
Mum : yes, it was very good and my little…………………….. loved it, didn’t you………………………… ?
The child nods.
Waiter (hands the menus out) : would you like a dessert ?
Child : oh yes please !! (he tries to read the menu, slowly) cho-co-late brow-nie, milk-shake (the waiter grows impatient and
the parents smile) a-pple pie….. oh could I have a slice of apple pie with iceream ?
Dad : sure honey, what flavour icecream would you like ?
Child : I’ll have chocolate, strawberry and vanilla !
(The waiter writes the order while dad and mum look at each other and smile lovingly…)
Child : and could I have some chocolate sauce on top please ??
(The waiter keeps writing)
Child : oh no ! Can I have a stawberry milkshake instead please ?
The waiter crosses out things on his notebook, losing his patience but still smiling.
Dad (smiling) : he’s such a little devil, isn’t he ?
Child : I’m still hungry, can I have a VERY big milkshake please ? And please, mum and dad, could I have another
coke ?
Dad : sure you can !
Waiter takes the menus and clears the table, putting the things on his tray, then goes away.
The family discuss while waiting
The waiter is back with the child’s dessert : here you go !
Child : thanks !
Mum : could we have the check please ?
Waiter : sure, I’ll be back in a minute.
The child eats his milkshake and his parents watch him.
The waiter comes back with the check in a little plate and leaves it on the table.
Mum puts some money on the plate :
Mum : I’ll leave him a 20 dollar-tip, he was very polite.
The waiter comes back with the coats but leaves the check on the table. The family go away
Mum and dad : thanks for everything, bye bye !
The waiter opens the check and realizes he got a big tip
Waiter : oh gosh, that’s a lot ! They have finaly made my day !
Vous serez notés sur
- l’originalité de la mise en scène et votre investissement (répétitions, préparations des accessoires, costumes etc…)
- votre prononciation et accentuation
-L’ apprentissage du dialogue : vous obtenez la moyenne dès que vous avez appris votre texte. Si le par cœur est
difficile, vous pouvez garder votre texte sous les yeux : mais lisez-le le moins possible.
-Clarté de votre diction et fluidité : il faut que tout le monde vous entende, vous comprenne et que ça sonne le plus
naturel possible.