Increase of cost for Candles… - Precious Blood Parish, Glen Walter


Increase of cost for Candles… - Precious Blood Parish, Glen Walter
Saturday / samedi
June 18
Pro Populo
Annette & Etienne Desrosiers par la famille
Sunday / dimanche
June 19 juin
Val Desrosiers & Frank Leroux by the family
François Viau by Tony and Henrieta Wetering
Tuesday / mardi
June 21
Rene Brunet par Lucille & Bob Eves
Wednesday / mercredi
June 22
Philippe St.Laurent by Rita Hurtubise
Thursday / jeudi
June 23
Thérèse Duval by Betty Levy
Friday / vendredi
June 24
Eucharistic Adoration
M & Mme Omer Dupuis by Yves Dupuis & Françoise Dupuis-Barrow
Saturday / samedi
June 25
Pro Populo
Jocelyne Douika Lascelle by Anne & André Bourdeau
Sunday / dimanche
June 26
Ron Wilson by St Mathew High School
John (Jack) Lalonde by Gene & Kathy Picard
Parish web site…. and
What is this conference about? YOU!
- Enjoy amazing live music that uplifts your spirit.
- Hear speakers who understand your hopes and your fears.
They speak straight from their hearts.
- Make peace with the Father and feel that peace in your life.
- Experience your faith in an exciting new way.
- Meet other teens just like you.
For more information please contact Father Jacques or Cathie
Jarvis. Places are limited; therefore register now for an exciting
spirit-filled conference for high school aged students.
A Memorial Service will be held on June 26, at 2pm at Our Lady of the Rosary
Cemetery in Crysler. In case of rain, the Service will be held inside the Church. Please
bring your lawn chairs.
La Cérémonie au cimetière de la paroisse Notre-Dame-du-Rosaire à Crysler, aura lieu
le dimanche 26 juin à 14h au cimetière paroissial. S’il pleut, la cérémonie aura lieu å
l’église. Veuillez apporter vos chaises de parterre.
The Catholic Women’s League and The Knights of Columubus of St. Andrew’s are
jointly hosting a FAMILY DAY EVENT on Saturday, June 25th, 2011 at 1pm. Rain Date,
Sunday June 26th. There will be events and entertainment for all. For children, water slide on
the hill by the soccer field, face painting and games in the hockey rink. For adults, bake
sale and silent auction in the Parish Hall, musical entertainment in the hockey rink. We will
have a BBQ hot dogs and hamburgers, soft drinks, coffee, tea, and strawberry shortcake.
All proceeds will be used for repairs in the Parish Hall. Everyone is welcome!
sponsored by:
Our Lady of Grace / St. Pius X
Catholic Wowen’s League
Monday, June 27th, 2011
4:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.
Our Lady of Grace Church Hall, Ingleside.
Menu: turkey, ham, potatoes, salads & strawberry desserts
Adults: $12.00
Under 12: $5.00
Tickets can be purchased from CWL members or
by calling the church office at 613-537-2244
PLEASE MARK YOUR CALENDAR St-Joseph Parish Supper - Sunday, Sept.
11th, 2011 We will be having scheduled meetings to prepare this event. If you are
interested in helping out in a small way please call Sr. Jeannine Bissonnette at 347-1589
or Deacon Rick Jarvis at 347-1754.
Knights of Columbus Ontario Council 755 and seniors and friends are having a Yard
Sale on Saturday, June 25, 2011 from 9 am to 2 pm on the K of C lawn and parking lot at
205 Amelia Street. Hot dogs will be served. A full course lunch will be served from 11 am.
Sheppard’s pie plus (Pot luck dinner), coleslaw and macaroni salad, desserts and tea and
coffee will be served. Minimum donation is $7.00. Fundraiser for kitchen renovations.
Articles donations accepted for our yard sale.
Les ainés, leurs amis ainsi que les Chevaliers de Colomb #755 vous invite å une vente
de garage, le samedi 25 juin, 2011 de 9h à 14h sur le terrain de stationnement au 205 rue
Amelia. Un repas (pot luck) sera servi à 11h (pâté chinois) ainsi que salade au choux et
salade au macaroni, dessert, café et thé, au coût minimum de 7,00$. Articles pour la vente
vont être acceptés. Les fonds de cette vente sont pour la rénovation de la cuisine.
The Canadian Food Grain would like to give a big thank you to Fr. Jacques and
the parishioners of St.Joseph. The feed bag drive was very successful. We
collected $2650.00. This is the most in any year since we have been involved.
Once again THANK YOU!
In honour of Aliya Grace Roy
Blood Donor Clinic
Ramada Inn & Conference Centre
805 Brookdale Ave, Cornwall
Simon Fraser room,
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
12 pm to 3:30pm and 5pm to 7:30 pm
Call 1 888 2 DONATE to book an
En l’honneur de Aliya Grace Roy
Collecte de Sang
Ramada Inn & Centre de conférences
805, avenue Brookdale, Cornwall
Salle Simon Fraser
Le mercredi, 6 juillet 2011
de 12h à 15h30 et 17h à 19h30
téléphonez au 1 866 JE DONNE pour
prendre rendez-vous
The Children’s Liturgy at Precious Blood Parish is organizing a SUNDAE
SUNDAY on Sunday, June 26, 2011 after mass in the church hall. ** If your
child has any allergies, please notify JoAnn DaSilva at 613-938-9073 **
You are invited to the Anglican-United Men serving breakfast on Saturday, June 18,
2011 at St.John’s Anglican, Lancaster (20788 South Service Road: ) at 8:30am to 10:00am. Our guest speaker is Constable
Joël Doiron, OPP. Freewill donation for breakfast is welcome. Please confirm your
attendance at 613-662-1374 (Fr. Manassé) or 613-525-1886 (Tony Durin) or
613-347-2072 (Stuart Upton). Everyone welcome!
Salem United Church Concert Series - Sunday, June 19th at 7 p.m. "Nearwater" singing
and playing a pot pourri of musical genres, Sing-along and refreshments. Freewill offering
only-For info call Gary at 613-347-1363.
Increase of cost for Candles…
Due to the increase of the price for candles and the transportation,
we must in turn increase the price for the candles in the parish. The
new price for a large candle will be $4.00 and the small candles will
be $1.00. I hope that this will not be a major problem for you and
that you will all understand.
Pendant les mois de vacance, un bon nombre de paroissien(ne)s assisteront à la messe du dimanche
dans d’autres paroisses. Vous pouvez vous servir de vos enveloppes de la paroisse dans le diocèse
d’Alexandria/ Cornwall et elles vont nous revenir. Nous espérons que vous n’oublierez pas votre
paroisse durant les vacances. Les dépenses continuent. La paroisse doit pouvoir compter sur l’appui,
la générosité de “tout son monde”. Merci beaucoup!
During the vacation months, a sacred time for holidays, a good number of our parishioners will
probably be participating in Holy Mass in other parishes. We invite you to use your envelopes
anywhere in the diocese Alexandria/ Cornwall and they will come back to us. We hope that you will
not forget your parish during the vacation time. Summer or not, expenses continue. And we must
be able to depend on “its entire people” for support. Thank you for you cooperation.
Theology of the Body
The Catechism teaches us that "The mystery of the Most Holy Trinity is the central
mystery of the Christian faith and of Christian life" (CCC 234). This is because we are
created in the image and likeness of God, as the Bible tells us. Therefore, if God's
essential nature is love, so is ours! We have a built in openness to other people. We are
incomplete by ourselves. We are created to give ourselves to others and to receive
others. This is the real meaning behind human sexuality - the theological meaning of
our bodies. God created us male and female. When a husband and wife come together
in marriage, they become one flesh; they give themselves to each other completely,
holding nothing back. This is an image of the love of the Holy Trinity. The Father,
from all Eternity, loves the Son and pours himself into the Son, and the Son loves the
Father in return. And that mutual love is so complete that the Holy Spirit proceeds
from it. Every human family is an image of this Trinitarian love. The husband gives
himself without limits to the wife, and the wife receives him and gives herself in
return, without limits. And it is through that total love of mutual self-giving that God
brings a new life into the world: a child, called to eternal friendship with God. This is
the true sacredness and beauty of married love, of sexual love.
This is why the Church never wavers in issues of sexual
morality: human sexuality has a deep theological meaning that
we must all honor if we are to live life to the full. Any time
we separate sexual love from that meaning, we not only abuse
our very selves, but we also rebel against God, who has
created us in his image: the image of self-forgetful love.
Croire au Dieu Trinité, c’est changer l’image qu’on se fait de
Dieu. C’est aussi changer l’image qu’on se fait de l’être humain. Croire au Dieu
Trinité, c’est en même temps croire en l’être humain. Si la vie de Dieu est vie de
relation, l’être humain, créé à son image, se réalise en devenant un être de relation.
Oui, vraiment, toute personne est une histoire sacrée.