Globalization -


Globalization -
Synthèse de documents "Globalization"
Voici la synthèse intégralement rédigée.
N'oubliez pas de :
1) clarifier la source quand cela est nécessaire (introduction des documents, cf
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2) donner un titre à votre synthèse.
3) réutiliser le vocabulaire vu en classe et dans les corrigés précédents pour que votre
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4) ne pas dépasser le nombre de mots.
Rappel : la conclusion doit être courte. Elle doit répondre à la problématique et offrir
une ouverture.
Revoir les VIDEOS DE METHODOLOGIE avant le prochain devoir...
Proposition de titre :
Globalization: the two sides of the coin
Globalization: a boon or a bane?
The influence of globalization on people's lives
Proposition d'introduction :
Over the past century, the world has turned into a global village. The acceleration of
trade and exchanges have made globalization irreversible. The documents presented here
study the many sides of globalization. Two articles from The Guardian, a British left-wing
newspaper, an article from the American New York Times and two cartoons, published over
the first decade the 21st century, raise the following question: what are the consequences of
The documents weigh the pros and cons. (77 words)
Thomas Friedman's article highlights the benefits of globalization for a country like
India. The movement of goods, services and people has been made easy with the development
of new technologies. India has taken advantage of its location and national resources to play a
central part in globalization. It has thus created a special link with the USA in the IT sector.
Indian developers work hand in hand with the Silicon Valley, with whom they
conveniently share a language. Activities outsourced in Asia enable American companies to
operate on both sides of the world, 24/7. Moreover, globalization's counterpart,
glocalization, offers new markets to corporation thanks to the adaptation of foreign goods to
local tastes and customs.
Both Simon Birch and The Guardian show that globalization is highly beneficial for
western countries. Thanks to cheap products manufactured abroad, the purchasing power of
westerners increases, as shown ironically in the first second cartoon.
In emerging countries, workers' rights can be defended on a global scale with the work
of NGOs to raise awareness. The jobs and wealth created in emerging countries has led to
Aude Ferrand 8/12/15 09:18
Commentaire: Votre synthèse devra comporter un titre (cela sera indiqué dans l'énoncé) Aude Ferrand 8/12/15 09:27
Commentaire: Résumé synthétique du propos des documents Aude Ferrand 8/12/15 09:28
Commentaire: Présentation synthétique (un peu développée cette fois, mais pas trop non plus !) Aude Ferrand 8/12/15 09:28
Commentaire: Problématique Aude Ferrand 8/12/15 09:30
Commentaire: Annonce légère du plan Aude Ferrand 8/12/15 10:49
Commentaire: Introduction d'un document, pour savoir sur quoi on s'appuie pour commencer Aude Ferrand 8/12/15 10:28
Commentaire: Introduction de deux documents dont les arguments partagent le même point de vue. NB : sur votre copie, les titres de journaux seront SOULIGNES. Aude Ferrand 8/12/15 10:37
Commentaire: Introduction d'un dessin de presse. Toujours garder en tête que les dessins de presse ont une dimension ironique, satirique, humoristique. the rise of a middle class, which shows the benefits of globalization in southern countries.
(188 words)
On the other hand, globalization raises a number of issues. The relationship between
western corporations and the employees working for their subcontractors is usually unequal.
Those workers are most of the time exploited in sweatshops and the number of jobs created
has not been followed by higher wages yet, as The Guardian and Simon Birch show.
Globalization thus raises ethical questions, such as that of human rights. Not only in
emerging countries, but also in Europe with the exploitation of undocumented immigrant
Moreover, easy access to cheap manufactured goods for northern countries leads to
overconsumption. One particular side effect of this trend is the impact of globalization on the
environment. Trade and increasing production trigger more and more pollution and waste.
The Guardian questions the west's ethics and habits by showing that consumers buy
too many useless goods.
All documents but one underline the fact that western consumers are at best
ignorant, at worst cynical. They either ignore ethical or environmental issues or do not care
about them as long as they can keep buying cheap goods. The Guardian and the cartoonists
appeal to westerners' conscience and question it. (190 words)
Aude Ferrand 8/12/15 10:34
Commentaire: Introduction de deux documents, pour plus de précision. On cherche toujours à clarifier cette question : d'où vient cet argument? Proposition de conclusion :
The documents give a contrasted outlook on globalization, insisting on both benefits
and drawbacks. As The Guardian shows, globalization is a fact, it cannot and should not be
reversed, but corporations and citizens have to take into account certain unavoidable issues in
order to prevent such problems as global warming and exploitation. Activists still have a long
way to go!
Mots de vocabulaire (à apprendre, bien sûr !) :
the location : la localisation, la place
conveniently : avantageusement
outsourced : délocalisé, sous-traité
counterpart : contrepartie
purchasing power : le pouvoir d'achat
NGOs : les ONG (Organisation Non Gouvernementales)
raise awareness : sensibiliser
subcontractors : les sous-traitants, les entreprises sous-traitantes
manufactured goods : les biens manufacturés, les produits manufacturés
a side effect : un effet secondaire, un effet négatif
trigger (vb) : déclencher
waste : les déchets (indénombrable !)
All documents but one : tous les documents sauf un
at best : au mieux
ignore (vb) : ignorer (= faire semblant de ne pas voir/savoir)
keep + v-ing (vb) : continuer à... Aude Ferrand 8/12/15 10:43
Commentaire: Je réutilise des expressions vues dans les corrigés précédents