Nh71,. af. (Diciei~i bre)


Nh71,. af. (Diciei~i bre)
af. (Diciei~ibre)
Suhi.\iiio.-i\pai-ato para la prijyeccion d e l a s figuras l;inetosc¿>picas. Espitas d e tonel para obten e r el i i e s a j ü e coiiiplcto. Yilia
s u b m a r i n o . L o s verrus eii S o r u e pa. L a gi-aii andamiada jiratoria
d e la Biblioteca (:onpresional d e
laciudad iie \Yashinirton. L a s llantas neumáticas e n iris. ;\nálisis
d e la paja. Sucx-o productu Ilainaiio C u e r o Keiiaissance. Una reina
d e sesenta aíios d e reinado. i\plicaciones del sanaili,,. Z u e r o s jemelos ite c a m p a ñ a . Los ladrillos
d e vidrio. L a carnara I'otografica
del n a t ~ i r a l i s t a .U n a linterna portátil para los f o t o p r a h s , Diamantes ile acero. U n a apiicacion nue.
va d e c a r h u r ~d e calcio. T o r n o d e
igualar i taladrar. El puente d e los
b u q u e s moderni>s.C r e m a deleche.
Nur\-a lámpara d e incanciescencia. El telar d e Xoi-thorf. La lecheria m o d e r n a . ICI hierro a haja
teiiiperatura. Clariticacii,n d e la
cerveza. Aparato d e R i i o i r e para
inscripcion mecánica d e la impro.
visaciori musical. J l a t e r i a s coiorantes enipleadas e n el arte del
pastelero, confitero i licorista.
Compai-aciones d e la hidi-aulica
con la electrotecnia. Privilejiusde
invencion « patentes. P a p e l i 16n e r o d e Eriiierii, Los lápices d e
Fabei-. E l valor relativo d e las locomotoras. L a harina d e linaza
, - n m o a l i m p n t i - i del g a n a d o .
Sc\i.xr,io.- Rkgulateurs: Organ e s d e r e l a p e e t volants des rnacliines; Theorie d e la correlation
d e ces appareils e n t r e e u s . par
G. R
E La collection d e s gites
mineraux e t metalliferes a I E c o l e
Superieure des :\lines; par L. D E
I,.\r-x.\r. Statistique d e I'industrie
inint2rale iie la Raviere e n 1895.
Proiiuction minerale e t mktallurpique des Iles-Britanniques pend a n t l a n n e e 1895. Lois, d r c r e t s e t
arrétes. e t c . Circulaires e t instructions. Jurisprudence. P e r s o n n e l .
S u ~ i . \ ~ i o . - h l o d e r n theatre stag e s S o . XX. T h e Russiam volunter fleet. Chilian nitrate of soda
deposits. T h e R u s s i a n volunteer
S . S . a1ierson.a Canet'sbreechloaiiing rnechanisni for Fielii g u n s .
L a u n c h e s a n trial trips. Refuse
destructor a t Leyton. S o t e s frorn
the United S t a t e s ; id. from the
Y o r l i s h i r e : id. from t h e South\Vest. hliscellanea. klarine eugin e e r s qualification. T h e 1-ondon
C o u n t v Council \\-orks Departm e n t . R a i i w a y s c h e m e s in Parliament. klotor c a r s . T h e Stanlev
Iliiig at S t . Enoch station. Thr
Phl-sical Society. Industrial notes,
Bool;s receive~l.. i n auxiliayy As
say balance. Litle's revolution in.
dicator for marine engines. Gau
ge's Jet Nozzle. ~ E n g i n e e r i n g i
patent record.
cycle sliow. Notes. Alotor carriages. Slide rules for special calcuI a t i o ? ~ . X new a p p l i c ~ t i o nof a
principie in the tlieory of structures. Bridge ractice T h e eiigines of the r 8 h i o . c Hard steel.
Metre-gauge rail~\-ays. Technical
education. Train resistances. «A'Iodern foundr practice,, and the
«Design of ?upolas.» Cernent to
resist paraiin. h National Iiailway
Museum. 21-ft. horizontal lathe.
Bredhaiii's air estractor. Industrial
notes. T h e telephone trunc line
system in Great Britain. Practice
with science. ~ E n g i n e e r i n g n patent record.
Nilm. í f i i 5 . (Deceiiiber 11)
Niim 1614. (Deceiiiber 4)
Schiinio.-H. Al. S . iPo\i.erful.»
Canet's quick-firing Field auns.
T h e Glasgo~vSubway anil Eable
Traction. Signalling arrangements a t Liverpool-street station. ,
T h e barr and strand fortress range-finder.Gosling'sforceddraupht
apparatus. Fishe's IHelm indicator and Steering telegraph. Cycle
Making hlachinery. Notes from
the North; id. from South Yorkshire: id from Cleveland and the
Northern Counties. hliscellanea.
T h e screlv steamship rTrunliby.» T h e recent trade of Japan.
Cruisers x i t h rams. T h e working
of the hailerexplosions acts. Railway scliernes in Parliament. T h e
lastest train in the bvorld. Kotes
from the Cnited States. Kotes
Brighton and Rottingdean railway. Cycle tuhe ivorl;s. hlotor
cars. A National R a i l n a
hIuseurn. Bridge practice. ~ a r j ~ t e e
Boileau's traverse tables. Stationary steam engines. The <Proteann gear for cycles. Packing
lamp-black. Diagrarns of tliree
month's fluctuations in the prices
of metals. Notes from the South\Vest. Steam J a c k e t . T h e fatal
collision a t hlerch. Hand sigiia-
in Parliament. Canet's quili-lii.
ring Field guns. T h e ;\rnericar
Society of Kaval r\rchitects an(
Marine Engineers. Tlie Russiar
volunteer S . S . xliherson.» Kine
rican Cycle hlaking A'lachinery
The John Cockerill Company
Tlie New German Lloyd Liners
Notes fi-om the United States
id. from the North; id. from Soutt
liorkshire; id. from Clevelanil an<
the Eiorthern Counties; iil. fi-on
the South-\Vest. hliscellanea. T h <
Bristol Corgoratiqn and the tram
ivays. Tlie rnithheld Club S l i o ~ v
Bridge practice. L o n d o n tram
ways. Tlie \veather of Sovember
rSg6. Notes. Colliery surfaceplant
Boiler erplosion a t Bristol. Lar
ge span railway bridges. hIoto
cars. Hard steel. A Sational Rail
way hluseum. Boiler tubes. T h <
rail\vay service to Scoiland. Tech
nical education. T h e streiight o
marine boilers. Launches ani
trial trips. Industrial notes. T h ,
origin of the Bessnier process
6 E n g i n e e r i n p patent record.
N i l m 1 C l i ; . (Deceiiiber 18)
S ~ > i . i ~ i o . - h l o d e r ntheatre sta
. No. XXl. \\.arship buildin!
in 1896. Literature. Books recei
ved. T h e American Society o
Naval Architects and hlirine E n
gineers. Canet's Field and moun
tain guns. Triple-espansion pum
ino engine. Gun mounting of H
c C ~ s a r . xS o t e s from th
North; id. from South Torkshire
id. from Clevelanci a n ~ itlic S o r - '
thern Counties; iii. from t h e s o u t h \Vest. Aliscellanea. C.oinpulsor!hoiler inspectinn. .\inerican niachine tools. The eiiucation of the
working man. T h e orisin of automatic fireai-ms. Annuals and Directories. Xotes. Notes from the
United States. lioval Aleteorological Society. 11arJ steel. 3Lotor
cars. T h e Scotch railivay service.
T h e fastest train in the ivorld.
Boiler tubes. Launclies and triai
trips. Cycle-hlaking llachinery.
Industrial notes. l ' h e Piftin Rotary P u m p . Steam bniler lepislation. Explosion oE a Log\\rood
Still. T h e Physical Society. Alkali manufacture. Heat transrnissioii
through metal c>-linders. rcEngineeringn patent record.
national de hallons-suudes. Plante: de iiir,ntasnes. par L . DC'FOCR.
L alcoolisme au premier age. par
ti. n r P. L'horizon gyrosco ique,
par S. Eglises monolithes $e Laiihela; par G.Iliciioc. La classilication ii?cimale. par Cit.-ED.
Guri.i.\u~irl'eiiipkraturedes tubes
iie Geissler. par E . H . Emploi des
rayons X, par I ~ E \ I Y . Eclarairage
electi-¡que de l'avenue de l'()pera,
par J. L k ~ r n c r C
~ h. r o n i q u e .
Kcademie iies Sciences; seance du
30 Sovembre. par CIT. iie VILLEDELIII.. Le ceilre de l'avenue ii'Orleans, par E . Dcnois. oYouvelles
Scientiliquess (No. 1): Informations. Boite auz lettres. Petites
inventions. B i b l i o ~ r a p h i e .
N i m . 12:?S. (12 Déceiiibrc)
Scw.i~io.-Se tricycle a iuoteur
i essence de petr6le. par E . 11.
Kkt'ractions. rnirages sur le lac
Nicm. 1226. (28 Noreinhre)
Lernan, par F . - A . F ~ R E LLes
. 16S U M R I O . - L ~ Ssoiles trouees, vriers russes. par P . .!lrücis. Le
par 11. PARVILLE.
Les condictions cinquantenaire <le Neptunr. par
hiologigues aux pólces. par R . \'; 11. o r P R \ . I L L ECas
. ~ i epai-as~tisCollection de purcelaines de Chi- me, par A,\. J.&CQLET.
n e a u hluske iiu Louvre. ar A . de vitesse puur bicyclettes, par E .
T i s s ~ ~ o i o nLes
. mefaits &S ra- IHOSPITXLIEII.
Les stations centrayons S, par C.-E. (;. Trarnwavs les ci'&iiergic electrique a Parjs,
klectriques en t\rnerique, par i;. par J . L.\PF\RGL.E.
La plus petite
Le prix des ciivers illu- maison ~ i eParis. par i\. T . S o u rninants, par E . H . L'essai iiesliui- veas compteurs pour bicyclettes.
les par oxyiiation par \\-. G t s ~ i o ~par
. :\. . \ l . i ~ r r n .Chronique. AcaPluies et inondations. L'habita- iiemie des Sciences: seance du 7
tion salubre, dar G. Rrciroti. Chro- Deceinbre, par Cii. D E V I L L E D E C I L .
nique. Academe des Sciences; C'nepisode de chasse enChine, par
seance du 23 Kovemhre. par Cii. A . T I S S \ S D I E <iSuuvelles
L'uniíication des titiques. ( S o . 2 ) : Infurrnations.
pas d e vis. Al. 1-1. Gyliien, par 0. Boite aux Iettres. Petites iiivenC \ L L . + N D R E ~aSouvelles
Scien- tions. Bibliogi-aphie.
tiliques>, (Yo. 26): La semaine.
Information. Boite aux lettres.
Petites inventions. Riblioeravhie.
" ,
M t n . 4 . (28 S o r e m b r e )
Nim. 1227. (5 Déceinbre)
S u u i ~ n i o .- Le transporteur
S ~ ~ A i l i o . - L epremieríiacre au- Tramperley, par GEO.RESEL.Lotomobile i Paris. Le lancer inter- comotive ~ i . e r p r e s si cinq essieux
don! d e u z couplks ( p l . I \ ' ) Constructií>n rapicie d'uiie \-,,¡e ferree
d u C a m p 'le Cli3iijns ( O c t o h r e
1 8 ~ 6 ) . S o t e s u r ['?tude e t I'essai
d e s ventilateurs a f i ~ r c centriiuge.
p a r P.\L.LJ.IVEZ. L e s ti-aiii\\.ays
electriques. Eclairage elecirique
d e I'avenue d e ]'Opera a i'aris.
D u i r a n s p o r t des machines p a r
colis separes. p a r L < i c i s l t i c i i o c .
S y s t e m e d e casse-fuiite ernpliiyi
e n Arnkrique. S u u v e a u iiensiiiletre a eclielle n i i t r i q u e . í:i,ilstruction ti'un oninihus autijinohile a
Londres. Yaria. c r i e : 1 ireiiTresca. S o c i k t d e s l n s i n i e u r s
Givils;seanceiiu6Siiveinhre i S g 6
Acadeinie des Vciences: st'ance d u
16 Noveiiibi-e i8gb.
S,iiii., i j . (12 Ddcriiibre!
S~ai.\ilio.-Traraux d ' e x t e n s i i ~ i i
~ i port
~ i d e 1lunl;erque: L c s bas-
sins d e Frezeinet e t l'ecluse 'rrystan1 ípl. 1'11.p a r :\. D i 3 i . i ~ S. o u r e a u canon de canipagne J tir
rapiile. Une nouvelle thkiirie s u r
l'iiiclinaison d e s couches aui-iieres
de\\itevatersrand. p a r F. S(:IIIFF.
.\piilicatii~nd u systerile cantile>-er
aux coinhles mrtalliques. p a r J .
G . \ c ~ \ i ; u . P<>nts-levis kqiiilihrés
p~~urr~>iesierrées.Cttahlisen;\m~i-ique. L e plus priif,>nii puits dli
niunde. F o t e s u r Iélectru-dkpu:;:.
tion de I',,r. \Iachine poui- contr0I<.r la qualitd des luhritiants. hlachine pour kssa!er les tubes c?udes. N i ~ u v e a u priict'dt p u u r 1111priiiier les iiessins s u r la Cunte d e
1Virin. C. (5 Drceiiibre)
e . \'aria. Suciitd d e s Ingenieurs
Ciiils: séance du 2 i i I-riveiiibre.
noui-elle lucu- .\ca~ii;mie d e s Sciencrs: s i a n c e
e Llvi-es rdceiiimotive e l e c t r i q u e d e mines. Eclai- d u 3 i
rage d e s voies publiques: i\lluiila- meiit pal-us.
g e d e s ii~!.ers; par I l i i x n ~A~.\I:I:l i d i c ~Gi>\iiitii.ii ini:s Ciiiriixs
ci1.4~.L e traiispcjrt d u p<iissi>iiet
l e s cliasseursa vapeui- [ p l . \'l. p a r
u c FKK
P. D
. Les nijureaii.; trains
express a n s l a i s e n iSg6. pal- P \vi.
Sfiiil. :i(So\-eiiilii.?)
J L Y E Z . O r s a n i s a t i i ~ ni i u n cliantier
S~ni\iiii>.-Le priijet ~ L Ipercepuur l'ezecutiuii d ' u n C.<i,ui eii
A m e r i q u e . L a libert; d e la pro- )iient d u Sinipluii, p a r J . .\IIcI~I:I..
fession d'architecte. par L O L I SI I \ - Note sui- iin niuyeii eiiipliiyk ;iu
c i r o ~ Origine
d e s coutuines rela- cliemiii d e fer titi Siii-d pour retives a la pose d e la premiere pirrre calei- s u r les roues les essieuY e t
d ' u n p o n t . Plate-forine t i ~ u r n a i i t e les rnanivelles ~ii:cait.se n sei-vice.
a pivot central. Falsitication d e la p a r 31. ~ i : B < , L S <K~T I. C O ~ S ~ I ~ L I C hiere p a r le hisultite d e chaux. I n ti«n des clianpenients e t cr; iscdicateurs par ci>riiunnkes puur iiients d e vuie. Itails de raccur~lel'orieiitation iiu puhiic Jniis les ineiit. p a r 11. E i i . Giinssicii. L C
g r a n d e s villes. S o u v e l l e Ii-ne d e nonveau iiipi,t de li~cuiiiutives
c h e m i n d e fer d e \ l i l a n ? Alu- d e S t u t t g a r t . Statistique desciien i c h par l'Engaiiine. \'eniilateur m i n s d e fer S ~ i i s s e spuur 18~14.~ - i prujet
d u pon s u r
mfi p a r I'&iectricit<'. :\ssociatioii G i i i ~ i ~ s i ~ 1.e
. supersT e c n i q u e hlaritiime. \.aria. .\ea- I ' l ludson a S e \ i - \ - i ~ r l <1.a
deiiiie d e s Sciences: s i a n c e d u 23 ti-ucture a r e c I<,n,vrines eii AutriN o v e m h r e . Societi. d ' E n c o i i r a ~ e - ciie. Les trains les plus rapides
m e n t poui- I'lndustrie S a t i o n a l e ; iie l'Allema$ne e t d e I'r\utriche.
séance d u 1 3 h-o\-eiuhre. Livres l'raiiis a graiids parcoui-s s a n s
arrét. L e s tramways electriques
rt'cernrnen! p a r u s .
a u s Estats-Unis. Equipe banale M I N . Fear amoni: soldiers. Ameriet &quipe multiple. Lepislation et can establishments in Russia. A
Jurisprudence. Notice hihliopra- motor, car club in London. The
~ h i q u e ],es
: tram\\-ays electriques. decapitated princess. Temperature
o f the Polar Sea. Handsome vehii?i:<ri<
cle at a lo\\. price. Self ineasurinp
pump.Subrnai-ine telephone n.orl;
111 he\\.\-orli ba>-. llapnolia metal.
S ~ í i n .?.
. (Soreii~l~te)
The snori. adjustable bic-cle holSi-\i.\~in.-Laboratoire de cm&- del-. Improved sma11 motors. Rufcaiiiquc appliquee rie la Faculte falo autnmatic injector (1896 ino'recliniqlie de I'Vniveisitt. de Lie- iiei). Improved ~ E s c e l s o rThree~e (I:;cole des h r t s et Slanufactu- Quartei-.\utomatic 1initter.r Conres e t des Xlinesi: Stude de huit tinuous roofiny tin. A \vire stretesgais de machine a vapeur, par ching device. Inmense fans. T h e
manufacture oC IHard-\\.are speY. i ) \ \ . ~ ~ s i i . i r \ - r n s - D m -Dosage
d u saufre dans les pi-oiiuits de laci- cialties.
dkrursie: par L . C : \ ~ I P R E DUou~S.
hle teiilpe de lacier. par .\. GnTIIC ELECTRICIAZ
Le lahoratoire de mines et
iiietallui-gie iie llnstitut TechiloiiTir?)z. :T. (Soreinber 2 i )
loyique de .\lassacliusetts. a Roston. l<spei.ience pi-olonpee sur une
Sr:ii inri>.-Xotes. Electromagrnachine a rapeur. llesistance de; netis theoi-y, by O. I H ~ . \ r l s r n T
~ .h e
tire-tiinds a l'arrachemeiit, Le pre- electrol!-sis o f soiiiuiii and potainier f<>urneaud cul;eiiu continent. siuiii clilorides.Theanaconda elecI:r~l.iíic,ni~iiin:1 Ib.pport sur la tri>lytic copper retinery. l'he teleiirevention de catas!i-ophes tei-iiia- phiine triinci< line system in (;reat
¡es ATeplitz-Schcrnau. pai- I I . 110- liritaiii. h!. J . GIVEY.Cagliustry.
fer. Hiile-memoire de pkol<jpie, l'he Croinpti~npotentiometer: its
par Ilenry Giraril. 3 \Iinrrnlojie: use and capabalities. hy \V. C.
¡de-inknioire pijur I'ctuiie des FISHER.l'he Alc. Donald hattery.
speses. par Leon .lo\\-a. 4 .\ccu11.. Ii. C o o ~ e r , .The electi-ic
inulateurs electriques. par F..Lop- Iightinp of Cape Toli-n. The anpC. 5 Ilevenu. salaire i t capital. nua! dinner of the Institution of
leui- iolidnritil. pal- lc l l ~ i cde Sii- t.:lectrical Enxiiieers. The prepaii~lles.
iration of i i i a n ~ a n e s ein the electric furnase. hi. 11. \ l o i s s ~ x .:\meS ~ : I E X T I F I C .\\!KRI(:.!X
rican notes. (yorrespendence. Legal intelli,eence. Trade notes and
iiotices. í;,jmpanies. iiieetiilgs and
repurts. Nen-scompanies. &c. CiSi iiii<io.-Counterlveiglite~i lift ty notes. Conipanies s h a r e list.
hi-iiige on the Erie. Gí~ri~i
locümotire perforinance\\-itli heavi-ioads.
S A i l z . f,. (Deceiiihei 4)
Tlie abuse of free lihrariés. Dr.
Solmaii on tubercillusis. !\ daimSu~i.iiir«.-Xotes. Thc measure!el- Ihi~rselesscarria:e. Tlie french inent ?fteimperature: an applicali<~rseless
cai-i-iage irac?. \ a s o - ti011ot rneasurenient of resistance.
n e inspection car. Tlie free iietei-- hy G. Al. C L L R IT~ h. e temperatumination iii' iiiinerals. Casadaya re cuefficient o f Ileilbert oile-volt
propacanda. b!- \\'ii.~.i.iv Brxjr- cell. Douplas Southei-n Electric
Traniway. International Submarine Telegrapli hlernorial. T h e Bristol Traiiimay Question. Reviews.
Physical cheniistry. The telephone trui?lr line susteni in Great Britain. The preparation of silicon in
the electric furiiace. by 13. hloisS
Direc-Coupled generator a t
Su $1~-.. Station. Electric ligliting
ani tlaction notices. Correspondence. Legal intclligeiice. Trade
notes anci notices. Coiiipanies'share list.
A%?. 7. (Deceiiilier 11)
Suhr~~io.-Xotes.Quartz libres,
by C. Y . Uoi-s. The professorship
ofelectrical ensineering atUniversity College. l'he ne\v po\ver ylant
of theNiagara Falls Hydraulic 1'0\ver and hlanufacturing Conipaiiy.
by O. E . D c s i ~ .'4 640 horsepomer l-futin-Leblanc alternator
with stationery arrnatui~e.Cin tlie
manufacture of alkali and bleacli
by chernical and electrolytic methods, by B. BLOCXT.Subrnaiine
tele hone cables Dr. J a c q u e s
Celil A reviewofelectric trnction.
Ilo\\. to increase the \\-orliing efficiency of raili\-ay motoi-S, hy \Ir,
On the niagnetic pernieability o i Iiquiii oivgen and Iiquid
air, by Prof. J . A. FLE\LISG
J . D ~ \ v . i n .The carbon circuit o i
an incandescent lanip. by C. D .
i\l,\nsri. American notes. Coi-respondence. Legal intelligence. Trade notes and notices. Companies'
share list.
N~im.S. (Daceiiiber 1 8 )
Sl;>ia~ro.-SotesElecti-oiiiagnetic theory. by O . I I E A ~ I S I U
nieasurement of temperature: aii
application of measurenient of resistence. by í;. .\L. C L ~ R I ; The
Croydon Electric Supply Station.
Breal<don.ns of stationary steani
engines, bv ?l. LOSGRIDGE.
Cantinuous raili. Revielvs. The annual
general nieetihg of the Institution
of Electrical Engiiieers. Theelectrically welded continuous rail, by
R. EYRE.Track and trach-joints:
Construction. maintenance a i i d
bcniiing, by A l . I í . BOII.EN. Fittiiigs ior 200-volt circuits. Correspondence. Legal intell~gence.Trade notes and notices. Companies'
meetings and reports. Xews companies, &. City notes. Cornpanies'
share Iist.
~ i r Ec ~
G ~ ~ E E Ri ~s S
o Gu i s i s c
7'ol. L X I i Ar:,
2 G . (Deceiiiber 26
Suhi\i~io.-The statistical numberofthe Engineering and hlining
lournal. Advertising Uritish Coiuiiibia i\lines. The explusion in
the Baltirnore Colliery. Auditing
Cornpan accounts. 1s natural gas
a niineray. The teed theory of the
hearth. Electric and other power
transrnission. The Anaconda Copper \lining Cornpany's Report.
Se\vs publications. Books received. Condition of gold in Parting.
The inlrinsee value of g o l d Xbstractofofiicial reports. l'he Taylor
h--draulicair conipressor. Alexander Trippel. A Saxon Coa1 Aline.
An Illin«is«Solid-Shorting .Ilinei>:
Tlie \'i~-den Shaít. The bituniinous shales o i S e w Suuth \\:ales.
The gasoline ensine for hoisting
aiid pumping. Some applicatioii
of conipresseci air. hsphalt in hlexico. Recent decisions aKecting
the rnininc in'iustry. Pateiits rolating to rninins and rnetallur-gie.