A selected Bibliography for Management Development


A selected Bibliography for Management Development
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Geneva 1974
International Labour Office
A selected
for Management
Sélection d'ouvrages
le perfectionnement
de cadres
Management Development
and Career Opportunities Branch
Human Resources Development Department
z ^y
M ananualDev
General Management
Gestion générale
Financial Management
Gestion financière
Marketing Management
Gestion de la
Administration du
Sciences du
Analyse quantitative
et systèmes d'information de gestion
Production Management
Personnel Management
Behavioural Sciences
Quantitative and
Management Information
VIII. Office Management
and Organisation
and Methods
Small Business
This bibliography has been compiled
to assist management development
institutions in establishing a
library suitable for training
programmes and consultancy
services. Business schools,
management libraries and company
training departments may also
find it useful.
The books on the list have been
selected from those most widely
recognised in the field of management, and those most recently
Within the nine broad areas of
management subjects shown in the
Table of Contents, the books are
listed alphabetically. No attempt
has been made either to sub-divide
the areas or to cross-index them
where they might overlap. Readers
should therefore glance at all
the sections.
Cette bibliographie a été établie
afin d'aider les institutions de
perfectionnement de cadres dirigeants
à créer une bibliothèque destinée
aux cours de formation et aux Services
de conseils en gestion. Les écoles
d'administration des entreprises,
les bibliothèques spécialisées et
les services de formation du personnel des entreprises peuvent également y puiser des renseignements
Les ouvrages qui la composent ont
été sélectionnés parmi ceux faisant
autorité en la matière et récemment
Sous chacune des sept rubriques
portant sur un domaine particulier
de la gestion, les livres ont été
classés alphabétiquement. Ils ne
sont répertoriés que sous une seule
rubrique, même s'ils se rattachent
à plusieurs domaines de la gestion.
En conséquence, il convient de
consulter les autres rubriques dans
le cas de livres relevant de
plusieurs domaines.
Needless to say, a bibliography is
only good to the extent that it
is current. Users are therefore
advised to make an effort to keep
the list up to date.
Une bibliographie n'est utile que
si elle est actualisée. Il appartient
donc aux utilisateurs de la mettre
à jour.
Information about periodicals,
reference books and addresses
useful to a library of management
development publications can be
found in Man Dev Manual 22... (revised) :
"Information in the field of
Management Development".
Signalons, d'autre part, que le
Man Dev Manuel No 22 (revisé):
"Documentation relative au perfectionnement des cadres dirigeants"
contient des renseignements sur les
périodiques, les ouvrages de référence et lès adresses utiles en
matière de gestion.
Allen, L.A., Management and Organization, McGraw-Hill, 1958
A.M.A., Systems Planning and Control, A.M.A.
A.M.A., Cost Control to the Supervisor, A.M.A.
Andrews, R.R., The Concept of Corporate Strategy, Housewood, Illinois, Irwin, 1971
Ansoff, Corporate Strategy, McGraw-Hill, 1965
Appley, Lawrence, A., Management Evolution, A.M.A.
Argenti John, A Management System for the
Unwin Ltd, 1972
eventies, London, G. Allen and
Béer, S., Décision and Control, Vols. I and II, V, Wiley, 1966
Bergen, G.L., Haney, W.V., Organizational Relations and Management Action Cases and Issues, New York, McGraw-Hill, 1966
Bittel, L.R., Management by Exception - Systematizing and Simplifying the
Managerial Job, McGraw-Hill, 1964
Bonge, J.W., Coleman, B.P., Concepts for Corporate Strategy.
Policy, New York, MacMillan , 1972
Bonini, C.P. et
Readings in Business
al., Management Controls, New Directions in Basic Research,
McGraw-Hill, 1964
Branch, Milville C., The Corporate Planning Process, A.M.A.
Brech, E.F.L., The Principles and Practice of Management, Longmans
Brown, W., Organization, London,Heinemann, 1971
Burst and Chapman, New Décision Making, Tools for Managers, Harvard Univ. Press
Carroll, Phil, Time Study Fundamentals for Foremen, McGraw-Hill
Carroll, S.J. , Paine, F.T. and Mimer, J.B. , The Management Process: Theory, Research
and Practice, MacMillan, 1973
Craig, H.F., Instructors' Guide to Case Studies for1 Management Décisions, ILO,
Geneva, 1966
Craig, H.F., Case Studies for Management Décisions, ILO, Geneva, 1966
Crozier, The Bureaucratie Phenomenon, London, Tavistock, 1964
Cyert, R.M., Welsch, L.A., Management Décision Making: Selected Readings, Penguin
Books, 1970
Dale Ernest, The Great Organisers, McGraw-Hill, 1960
Dale Ernest, Reading in Management: Classics and Landmarks, McGraw-Hill, 1965
Dale Ernest, Planning and Developing the Company Organisation Structure, A.M.A.
Dale and Urwick, Staff in Organization, McGraw-Hill, 1961
Daniel, W.W. et
al., The Right to Manage, MacDonald, 1972
Doktor, Robert H., Managerial Insights: Analysis, Décision and Implementation
Prentice-Hall, 1973
Drucker, P.F., Managing for Results, Heinemann, 1964
Drucker, P.F., The Practice of Management, London, William Heinemann Ltd.
Ecker, Paul, Macrae J., Ouelette, V., Telford, Ch., Handbook for Supervisors,
Enelewood Cliffs, N.Y., Prentice-Hall Inc., 2nd ed. 1970
Fayol, H., General and Industrial Management, Pitman
Folett, Mary P., Dynamic Administration, The Collected Papers, Pitman
Graham, R.G., Gray, C F . , Business Games Handbook, American Management Association,
Gross and Gross, Business Policy, Readings and Commentaries, Roland Press, 1967
Gvishiani, Organisation and Management, A sociological Analysis of Western Theories,
Moscow, Progress Publishers, 1972
Hicks, H.G., Management of Organisation - A Systems and Human Resources Approach,
McGraw-Hill, 1972
Hough, L., Modern Research for Administrative Decisions, Prentice-Hall, 1970
Hutton, G., Thinking about Organisation, Tavistock Publications in Association with
Bath University Press, 1972
Juran, Managerial Breakthrough, McGraw-Hill
Katz, R.L., Cases and Concepts in Corporate Strategy, Prentice-Hall, 1970
Kay, B.R. and Clough, R.L., Cases in Supervision, McGraw-Hill
King-Scott, Production Control for Supervisors, Collins, 1971
Kobanaski, S., Creative Management, A.M.A., 1971
Koontz, H. and O'Donnell C., Principles of Management, McGraw-Hill, 1968
Litterer, J.A., The Analysis of Organisation, Wiley, 1973
Litterer, J.A., Organisation, Structure and Behaviour, Vol. I., Wiley, 1969
Marrow, Alfred J., Behind the Executive Mask, A.M.A
Marting, Elizabeth, Finley, Robert E. and Ward, Ann, Effective Communication on the
Job, A.M.A.
Maynard H.B., Handbook of Business Administration, McGraw-Hill, 1967
McGregor, D., The Professional Manager, McGraw-Hill, 1967
Merrill, Harwood F., Classics in Management. Selections from the Historic Literature
of Management, A.M.A.
Morgan, J.S., Managing Change; the Strategies of Making Change Work for you,
McGraw-Hill, 1972
Newman D., "Organisation Design, Edward Arnold, 1973
OECD, Modern Management; Principles arid Practices, OECD
Parkinson C.N. , Parkinson's Law or the Pursuit of Progress, Dawson
Petit T.A., The Moral Crisis in Management,' McGraw-Hill, 1967
Rose, T.C., Higher Control in Management, Pitman, 1967
Scott, Organisation Theory, Irwin, 1967
Smith, Christensen and Berg, Policy Formulation andi Administration, Irwin, 1971,
6th ed.
Taylor, F.W. , Principles of Scientific Management, Harper, N.Y.
Terry, G.R., Principles of Management, Irwin, 1964
Urwick, L.F., The Elements of Administration, Pitman
Vickers, G., The Art of Judgement - A Study of Policy Making, London, Chapman and
Hall, 1965
Allusson, R., Les organigrammes, Ed. Entreprise Moderne d'Edition, 1969
Ansoff, I., Stratégie du développement de l'entreprise, Ed. Hommes et Techniques, 1970
Armand, Louis et al., L'entreprise de demain, Gérard & Cie
Ayres, R.V., Prévision technologique et planification à long terme, Ed. Hommes et
Techniques, 1972
Baruzy, P., Le savoir diriger, Ed. Entreprise Moderne d'Edition, 1972
Boston Consulting Group, Perspective sur la stratégie de l'entreprise, Ed. Hommes
et Techniques, 1970
Bouquerel, G., Management, Ed. Dunod
Brooke, M.Z. et Remmers, H.L., La stratégie de l'entreprise multinationale,
Ed. Sirey, 1973
Brown, G., Le diagnostic d'entreprise, Ed. Moderne
Chevalier, J., Organisation, Ed. Dunod, 1966
Copeman, G., Comment ils dirigent leur entreprise en Grande-Bretagne, en Allemagne
et aux Etats-Unis, Ed. Entreprise Moderne d'Edition, 1973
Crener, M. et Monteil, B. , Principes de management, Ed. Hommes et Techniques, 1972
Cyert, R. et March, J., Processus de décision dans l'entreprise, Technique et
Daude, B., L'entreprise et la recherche, Ed. Dunod, 1969
Delfosse, Le manuel de l'agent technique, Ed. Entreprise Moderne, 1970
Druker, Peter, La pratique de la direction des entreprises, Ed. d'Organisation,
Druker, Peter, Que sera demain, Ed. d'Organisation,
Duval, C. , L'efficacité personnelle, Ed. d'Organisation, 1970
Fayol, H., Administration industrielle et générale, Ed. Dunod, 1970
Froissart, B., Comment implanter la direction par les objectifs, Ed. Entreprise
Moderne d'Edition, 1971
Gelinier, 0., Fonction et tâches de direction générale (4ème éd.), Ed. Hommes et
Techniques, 1969
Gerbier, J., Aide-mémoire organisation gestion, Tomes I et II, Ed. Dunod
Gerbier, J., Organisâtion-Gestion, Tomes I, II et III, Ed. Dunod
Hutchinson, J., Panorama des stratégies et techniques du management,
Ed. Publi-Union, 1972
Kepner, C.H. et Tregoe, B., Le manager rationnel, Ed. d'Organisation, 1972
Lambin, J.J. , La décision commerciale face à l'incertain, Ed. Dunod
Lauzel, P., La gestion rationnelle de l'entreprise, Ed. Entreprise Moderne
d'Edition, 1972
Lobstein, J. , L'entreprise industrielle et ses systèmes, Ed. Sirey, 1969
Lobstein, J., Organiser, commander, structurer: les trois impératifs du gouvernement
de l'entreprise, Ed. d'Organisation^ 1973
Maillot, La gestion industrielle, Ed. Entreprise Moderne d'Edition, 1971
Moles, Créativité et méthodes d'innovation, Lib. d'enseignement technique
Ozenne, J.P. , Quatre stratégies pour un développement, Ed. Chotard et Associés, 1972
Rameau, C.,La prise de décision, acte de management,, Ed. d'Organisation, 1971
Taylor, F.W., La direction scientifique des entreprises, Ed. Dunod, 1965
Tezenas du Montcel, Dictionnaire de l'organisation et de la gestion,
Ed. d'Organisation, 1971
Tezenas du Montcel, Dictionnaire des sciences de la gestion, Ed. Marne, 1972
Tessier du Gros, A., et Thiebault, J.J. , Le courage de diriger, Robert Laffont
Zimmern, Bernard, Développement de l'entreprise et innovation, Ed. Hommes et
Anthony, Robert N., (i) Management Accounting. Text and Cases, (ii) Management
Accounting Principles. Homewood: Richard D. Irwin
Beranek, William, Working Capital Management, Belmont, California: Wadsworth
Bergfield, Albert J., Earley, James S. and Knobloch, William R., Pricing for Profit
and Growth, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall
Bigg, Walter W., Cost Accounts, London:MacDonald and Evans
Blocker, John G. Weltmer, W. Keith, Cost Accounting, New York: McGraw-Hill
Brink, Victor Z., Internal Auditing (2nd edition revised and rewritten by
James A. Cashin) , New York: The Ronald Press
Bullock, J. and de Paula, Clive, Research and Development - The Key to Future
Profitability, London: The General Educational Trust of the
Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales
Burke, Walter L. and Bryan Smyth, E., Accounting for Management, Chapters 10 and 11,
Sidney: Law Book Company
Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants, Accounting Terminology, Toronto
Cropper, L., Cuthbert, Morris, F.D. and Fison, A.K., Accounting, London: Macdonald
and Evans
Cutford, Sir Arthur E., Audits (12th ed. by A. Palmer and J.C. Crawford), London:
Gee and Company Ltd.
Dickey, Robert I., Cost Accountant's Handbook, New York: The Ronald Press
Dobson, R. Warwick, An Introduction to Cost Accountancy, (2nd edition)
Ewing, David W. (editor), Long-Range Planning for Management, Evanston, Illinois:
Harper and Row
Finney, H.A. and Miller, Herbert E.,
(i) Principles of Accounting Introductory
(ii) Principles of Accounting Intermediate
(iii) Principles of Accounting Advanced
Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall
Friedland, Seymour, The Economics of Corporate Finance, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey:
Prentice-Hall Inc.
Garbutt, Douglas, Carter's Advanced Accounts, London: Sir Isaac Pitman and Sons Ltd.
Harper, W.M., Cost Accountancy, London: Macdonald and Evans
Helfert, Erich A., Techniques of Financial Analysis, Homewood: Richard D. Irwin
Horn, S.F., Glossary of Financial Terms, New York: American Elsevir Publishing Co.
Horngren, Charles T., Cost Accounting, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall
Hunt, Pearson, Williams, Charles, M. and Donaldson, Gordon, Basic Business Finance.
Text and Cases, Homewood: Richard D. Irwin
Hunt, Pearson and Andrews, Victor L., Financial Management, Cases and Readings,
Homewood: Richard D. Irwin
Kohler, Eric L., Dictionary for Accountants, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey:
Prentice-Hall Inc.
Lenhart, Norman J. and Defliese, Philip L., Montgomelry's Auditing, New York:
The Ronald Press
Matz, Adolph, Curry and Frank, Cost Accounting, Cincinnati, Ohio: South-Western
Publishing Company
Merrett, Anthony John and Sykes, Allen, (i) Capital Budgeting and Company Finance,
(ii) The Finance and Analysis of Capital Projects. London:
Longmans, Green and Company
Morse, H., Clifton and Wyatt, E.E. , Cost Réduction Guide for Manufacturing Management,
Chicago: Wyatt and Morse Inc.
National Association of Accountants of America,
(i) Research Reports: 29. Accountinig for Research and Development
Nos. 16-17-18. The Analysis of Cost-Volume-Profit Relationships
2 2. The Analysis of Manuf aicturing Cost Variances
34. Classification and Codling Techniques to Facilitate
Accounting Opérations
39. Accounting for Costs of Capacity
24. Product Costs for Pricing Purposes
(ii) Accounting Practice Reports:
9. Reports which Managements find most useful
10. Separating and Using Cpsts as Fixed and Variable
15. Developing and Reporting of Variances
Neuner, John J.W. and Frumer, Samuel, Cost Accounting - Principles and Practice,
Homewood: Richard D. Irwin Inc.
Nickerson, Clarence B., Managerial Cost Accounting and Analysis, New York:
Pickles, William, Accountancy, London: Sir Isaac Pitman and Sons Ltd.
Prentice-Hall Staff, Accountant's Encyclopedia, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey:
Prentice-Hall Inc.
Robinson, Roland I., Financing the Dynamic Small Firm: Problems of Promotion, Survival
and Growth, Belmont, California: Wadsworth
Samuels, J.M. and Wilkes, F.M., Management of Company Finance, London: Thomas Nelson
and Sons, Ltd.
Stettler, Howard F., Auditing Principles, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: PrenticeHall Inc.
Weston, J. Fred and Brigham, Eugène F., Managerial Finance, New York: Holt,
Rhinehart and Winston
Williams, R. Glynne, Principles and Practice of Auditing, London: Cassell and
Company Ltd.
Wixon, R., Accountants' Handbook, New York: The Ronald Press
Zeyher, Lewis R., Cost Réduction in the Plant, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey:
Bodt, G. de, Direct costing, Ed. Dunod
Bodt, G. de, Direct costing et programmation de l'entreprise à produits multiples,
Ed. Dunod, 1970
Chardonnet, L., Encyclopédie comptable, Delmas
Cibert, A., Comptabilité analytique, Ed. Dunod, 1968
Cibert, A., Comptabilité générale, Ed. Dunod, 1967
Cibert, A., Résultats comptables. Calcul et interprétation, Collection "La vie de
l'Entreprise", Ed. Dunod, 1969
Conso, P., La gestion financière de l'entreprise, Ed. Dunod
Delestan, A., La comptabilité dans les cadres du plan comptable, Ed. d'Organisation,
Depallens, G., Gestion financière de l'entreprise, Ed. Sirey, 1967
Garnier, P., La technique comptable approfondie et les comptabilités spéciales,
Ed. Dunod, 1968
Gerbier, J., Le factoring, Ed. Dunod, 1970
Gervais, J., De la prévision économique à la gestion financière, Ed. Entreprise
Moderne d'Edition, 1970
Grappin, M., Comptabilité et gestion, Ed. Sirey, 1972
Gremillet, A., Sélection et contrôle des investissements, Ed. d'Organisation, 1972
Guerny, J. de, & Guiriec, C , Principes et pratiques de gestion prévisionnelle,
Ed. Delmas, 1971
Helfert, E.A., Méthodes de gestion financière, Ed. d'Organisation, 1973
Jacotey, C., Principes et techniques de l'évaluation des entreprises, Ed. Delmas,1972
Lauzel, P., Contrôle de gestion et budgets, Ed. Sirey, 1971
Martin, J.F., La pratique du règlement judiciaire: liquidation des biens, faillites,
banqueroutes, Ed. Delmas
Mazarz, G., La comptabilité, Ed. Delmas, 1971
Meyer, J., Comptabilité d'entreprise et comptabilité nationale, Ed. Dunod, 1962
Meyer, J., Gestion budgétaire, Ed. Dunod, 1969
Meyer, J. & Launois, S., Eléments de solutions des exercices de gestion budgétaire,
Ed. Dunod, 1965
Migeon, H., Le contrôle de gestion, Ed. Fayard-Mane, 1970
Moisson, M., Pratique du contrôle budgétaire, Ed. d'Organisation, 1969
Moisson, M., Pratique de la gestion prévisionnelle, Ed. d'Organisation, 1970
Painsavanier, R., Pour comprendre le langage de votre comptable, Ed. d'Organisation,
Passerom, S., Comprendre la fiscalité des affaires, Ed. Delmas, 1972
Radke, M., 250 mesures pratiques pour réduire les coûts, Ed. Entreprise Moderne
d'Edition, 1970
Ramboz, A., La comptabilité au service de la gestion! industrielle, Ed. Entreprise
Moderne d'Edition
Rapin, A., Comptabilité analytique d'exploitation, Ed. Dunod
Revers Cadoret, M., Le factoring: une nouvelle méthode de crédit, Ed. Dunod
Riebold, G., Le cash-flow - Nouvelle dimension du management audit, Ed. d'Organisation, 1973
Sarocchi, P., De la comptabilité analytique au contrôle budgétaire - Initiation à la
comptabilité industrielle, Ed. d'Organisation, 1972
Simeray, J.P., Le contrôle de gestion, Ed. Entreprise Moderne d'Edition
Simtot, W., Comment concevoir et exploiter le tableau de bord de l'entreprise,
Ed. Entreprise Moderne d'Edition, 1966
Snozzi, E.G., La vérification du bilan, Ed. Dunod
Snozzi, E.G., L'interprétation du bilan, Ed. Dunod
Trotignon, G., Manager et comptable: deux fonctions, un seul langage,
Ed. d'Organisation
Tucker, S.A., L'évaluation des coûts et la détermination des prix par la méthode
T.H.M., Ed. Moderne, 1966
A.M.A., Sales Forecasting.
Techniques and Trends, A.M.A.
Arvidsson, R. and Dandapani, S., An Introduction to Sales Management in Retailing,
New Delhi, International Coopérative Alliance, 1972
Aspley, J.C. and Harkness, J.C., Sales Managers Handbook, Dartnell
Badham, D., Programmed Learning for Sales Training, London, Industrial Training
International, 1970
Banks, Seymour, Expérimentation in Marketing, McGraw-Hill, 1965
B.I.M., Management Training and Development in Retailing, B.I.M., 1963
B.I.M., The Field Sales Supervision, B.I.M., 1959
Blankenship, A.B. and Doyle,,J.B., Marketing Research Management, A.M.A.
Bolling, C.L., Sales Management, Pitman
Brink, E. Loren and Kelley, The Management of Promotion, Consumer Behaviour and
Demand Stimulation, Prentice-Hall
Bursk, E.C., Cases in Marketing Management, Prentice-Hall, 1965
Bursk, E.C., Modem Marketing Strategy, Harvard University Press
Bursk and Greyser, Advanced Cases in Marketing Management, Prentice-Hall, 1968
Bursk, Text and Cases in Marketing. A Scientific Approach, Prentice-Hall, 1962
Butcher, C., McAnelly, J.R., Fundamental of Retailing, Collier - MacMillan, 1973
Carney, G.J., Managing a Sales Territory, New York, A.M.A., 1971
Carson, David, International Marketing, A Comparative Systems Approach, Wiley, 1967
Cheskin, L., How to Product what People will buy, edited by Bradle, Van Allen, Liveri
Corbin A. et al., Décision Exercises in Marketing; using the Principles of
Systemetrics, McGraw-Hill
Cox, R., Alderson, W., Theory in Marketing, Irwin
Crisp, R.O., Marketing Research, McGraw-Hill
Crisp, R.O., Sales Planning and Control, McGraw-IIill
Darden, W.R. and Lamone, R.P., Marketing Management and the Décision Sciences,
Allyn and Bacon, 1971
Davis, E.J. , Expérimental Marketing, American Management Association, 1970
Denny, E., The Merchant Apprentices. A Guide to training and Administration of Staff
in the Distributive Trades, London, Collins, 1970
Dominguez, G.S., Product Management, New York, American Management Association, 1971
Dunn, S.W., (éd.), International Handbook of Advertising, McGraw-Hill
Edlund, S., There is a better Way to Sell, New York, Amacom, 1973
Ferber, R., Statistical Techniques in Market Research, McGraw-Hill
Ferber, Blanherty and Hollander, The Marketing Resea.rch, Ronald Press, 1964
Frey, A.W. (éd.). Marketing Handbook, Ronald Press, 1965
Gisser, P., Launching the New Industrial Product, American Management Association,
Grosse, W.H., How Industrial Advertising and Promotion can Increase Marketing,
American Management Association, 1973
Hanan, M., Life-Styled Marketing, American Management Association, 1972
Harris and Seldom, Advertising in Action, André Deutsch, 1962
Harvey, J.M., Africa - Sources for Market Research, Beckenham C.B.D., Research Ltd.,
Heskitt, J.L., Ivie, R.M. and Glaskowsky, N.A., Business Logistics, Ronald, 1964
International Trade Centre UNCTAD/GATT, Exporting tcj the Socialist Countries of
Eastern Europe; a Guide to Marketing Techniques, International Trade
Centre UNCTAD/GATT, 1971
International Trade Centre UNCTAD/GATT, Getting Star'ted in Export Trade, ITC, 1970
Kaven, W.H., Managing the Major Sale, American Management Association, 1971
Kotler, P., Marketing Management:
Analyse, Planification and Control, Prentice-Hall,
Lazo, M. and Corbin, A., Management in Marketing:
Text and Case, McGraw-Hill
Leighton, S.R.A., International Marketing, McGraw-Hill, 1966
Lucas, Measuring Advertising Effectiveness, McGraw-Hill
Magee, John F., Physical-Distribution Systems, McGralw-Hill, 1967
Martineau Pierre, Motivation in Advertising, McGraw-Hill, 1957
McCarthy, E.J., Basic Marketing, Irwin, 1971
McKay, E.S., The Marketing Mystique, American Management Association, 1972
McNair, M.P. et al., Problems in Marketing, McGraw-Hill
Moller and Wilemon, Marketing Channels, A Systems, Viewpoint, Irwin, 1971
Murphy, G.J., Transport and Distribution, Business Books, 1972
National Economie Development Office, Market Research in Action, London, National
Economie Development Office, 1971
Newgarden, A., The Field Sales Manager, Manual of Practice, A.M.A., 1960
Newman, Joseph, Motivation Research and Marketing Management, Plimpton Press, 1957
Nystrom, Ph., Marketing Handbook, Ronald Press, N.Y.
Oxenfeldt, A.R., Executive Action in Marketing, Belntont, Cal., Wadsworth
Rodger, L.W., Marketing in a Compétitive Economy, Hutchinson, 1965
Schaffir, K.H. and Trentin, H.G., Marketing Information Systems, New York, Amacom,
19 73
Schwartz, Development of the Marketing Theory, Dawson and Sons
Seibett, J.C., Concepts of Marketing Management, Harper and Row, 1973
Shaw, S.J. et al., Marketing in Business Management, MacMillan
Siegel, Non-Parametric Statistics, McGraw-Hill, 1956
Simmonds, K. and Leighton, D., Case Problems in Marketing, David and Charles, 1973
Smith, A.D., An Evaluation of the Market Research Service of the International Trade
Centre UNCTAD/GATT, Geneva, 1971
Smith, R.B., Creating Goodwill - The Sales Manager's Assignment, London, MacDonald
and Evans Ltd.
Stanton, W.J. and Buskirk, R.H., Management of Sales Force, Irwin
Staudt, T.A. and Taylor, D.A., A Managerial Introduction to Marketing, Prentice-Hall,
Thomas, P.G., Modern Retailing Techniques, London, MacDonald and Evans
U.S. Government Printing Office, Marketing Management, Washington, D.C., U.S. Government Printing Office
Wills, G., Booth, K., Mann, J., New Ideas in Retail Management - Selected Perspectives
and Viewpoints, London, Staples, 1970
Beck, M., Pour rentabiliser l'exportation, Ed. Hommies et Techniques, 1973
Bergfeld, A.J. , Early, J.S., Knobloch, W.R., De l'a'nalyse des cours à la fixation
des prix pour la rentabilité et 1'expansion de l'entreprise,
Ed. Hommes et Techniques, 1972
Biolley, G. & Cohen, M., Traite pratique de la promotion des ventes, Ed. Dunod, 1972
Bord, P. & Bruel, 0., La fixation du prix de vente |des produits industriels,
Ed. d'Organisation, 1972
Castagnol, Y., Principes et pratiques de la promotion des ventes, Ed. Delmas & Cie,
Chorafos, D.N., La direction des produits nouveaux, Ed. Entreprise Moderne d'Edition
C.P.A., Cas vivants de marketing, Ed. Dunod, 1971
Cracco, E., Rostenne, J., Les dimensions du consommateur, Annales des sciences
économiques appliquées, 1971
Bauger, A., Comment devenir chef des ventes, Ed. d'Organisation, 1971
Dayan, A., Manuel de la distribution, Ed. d'Organisjation, 1973
Denner, A., Principes et pratique du marketing, J. Delmas, 1971
Dumont, G.P., La force de vente de l'entreprise, Ed. d'Organisation, 1972
Etudes et promotion, Le Guide de l'information et dju perfectionnement des dirigeants
et cadres d'entreprises, Etudes et 'promotion, 1971
Haas, Pratique de la publicité, Dunod
Holderbach, L. , Les hommes de la vente: le meilleur' investissement de l'entreprise,
Ed. Chotard et Associés, 1971
Jaggi, Y., Le phénomène de concentration dans le sqcteur de la distribution en
relation avec l'avènement de la soc[iété de consommation massive,
Ecole des sciences sociales et politiques, 1970
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