fresh fox new s - Terry Fox Elementary School


fresh fox new s - Terry Fox Elementary School
Vol 9 | Issue 2 | December 2016
Hi everyone! I?m Sydney, the
editor of issue two. We
thank you very much for
reading our first issue.
Hi! we have s o me excit ing t hings t o s har e w it h y o u
gu y s ! We went ar o u nd t he s cho o l at t he s t ar t o f
December t o f ind o u t what t eacher s wer e do ing w it h
t heir cl as s es du r ing t he mo nt h and go t s o me gr eat
answer s !
For this issue, as always, we
want to make it fun but
educational at the same
We hope you enjoy!
Extra Note from Mr. P: Sorry
for the late release of this
Newspaper. We had some
delays and software issues
that have now been fixed!
Some of the info may seem
out of date due to the delay.
Les mat er nel s o nt t er miné de t r avail l er s u r l e
t hème des dino s au r es. Apr ès il s vo nt t r avail l er s u r
l e t hème d?es pace po u r q u ?il s peu vent expér iment er
s u r l es r o bo t s.
Po u r No ël il s vo nt s pr at iq u er l eu r chans o ns de No ël .
Au s s i il s vo nt au s s i par t iciper dans u n ?Sant a?s
wo r ks ho p? avec l es amis de 6 ieme année , q u i vo nt l es
aider avec u ne br ico l age.
Co nt inu ed o n page 2
The Fresh Fox News is a st udent
creat ed newspapaer for Terry
Fox School. Our goal is t o
provide informat ion from a
st udent 's point of view. We
int end t o publish 4 online issues
t his year bet ween November
and April. Our t eam consist s of
14 grade Six st udent s who meet
once per week at lunch. This
issue was creat ed by: Sydney,
Kat elyn, Ashley, Emily,
Mat t hew, Tayle, and Alexandra
wit h t he help of Miss Nat alie
and Mme Tara (t wo McGill
st udent t eachers), and Mr. P.
We apologize in advance for
any mist akes or errors you may
find... we are all doing t his
volunt arily t o t ry and learn
somet hing fun and new.
Thanks for your support !
Les amis en 1r e année o n beau co u p de cho s es int ér es s ant à par t ager avec vo u s !
I l s co mmence par l es mat hémat iq u es en t r avail l ant s u r l ?heu r e. I l s veu l ent
s avo ir co mment l es ho r l o ges f o nct io nnent ! Al o r s il s s o nt excit é de s avo ir
q u e Mme Gaby et Mme Kar o l ina s o nt l es pr o f es s eu r s par f ait po u r l es
ens eignée. I l s vo nt au s s i al l er vis it er l e co s mo dôme po u r ét u dier l es
pl anèt es !
Les amis de 2 em année s o nt en t r ain d?appr endr e des dif f ér ent s l angages ! I l s
s o nt t r ès excit é d?appr endr e ce s u j et ! Au s s i en mat hémat iq u es il s co ncent r e
s u r l es s o l ides po u r l eu r s examen. Po u r u ne pet it e s u r pr is e, l a cl as s e de
Mme Po l et t a vo nt f air e u ne pièce de t héât r e! Mais dans l a cl as s e de Mme CÔt é
il y a u ne pet it e s u r pr is e au s s i! I l s vo nt peu t - êt r e f air e u ne déj eu ner en
py j ama l e 2 3 Décembr e!
En 3 em année , il s o nt beau co u p d?act ivit és po u r l es gar der o ccu pés !
Pr emièr ement , il s t r avail l ent s u r l e géo mét r ie- l es angl es. Mais il s
t r avail l ent au s s i s u r l a déco mpo s it io n. Po u r No ël il s vo nt f air e u ne cadeau
po u r l eu r par ent s po u r l es f air e u ne pet it e s u r pr is e! Et peu t - êt r e dans l a
cl as s e de mme f o u gèr e il s vo nt avo ir u ne vis it e d?u n l u t in!
Les enf ant s de 4em année s o nt pr épar é ! I l s appr ends de l a no u vel l e - Fr ance
en Es cal es , l es s o l ides , l es po l y go ns , et l es dr o it e per pendicu l air e en
mat hémat iq u es , et En f r ançais il s appr end l eu r chans o ns de No ël .
T he 5 h gr ade s cient is t s ar e w r it ing ho l iday l et t er s w it h a ho memade gif t
f o r t he s enio r s t hey w il l be vis it ing in t he new y ear . Bu t bef o r e t hat , t hey
w il l be wo r king o n divis io n and f r act io ns. T hey s ay ? we?r e go ing bey o nd t he
piz z a?. Les s cient if iq u es de Mr .cy r t r avail l ent f o r t dans l a cl as s es !
Les 6 em année s o nt ent r ain de f air e u ne co nt e de No ël dans l a cl as s e de mme
cat her ine, po u r q u ?il s peu vent l es l ir e au mat er nel l es po u r l e ?s ant a?s
wo r ks ho p!? I n engl is h cl as s , we ar e wo r king o n a bo ar d game pr o j ect t hat we
w il l pl ay t he day bef o r e we l eave f o r w int er br eak!
Miss Natalie is a McGill student-teacher who worked with the Grade 6 classes from the first day of
school until the first week of December.
Miss Natalie has always liked working with younger kids. When she was little, her sister always
played teacher with her. While being a student teacher, she's learned that you have to be patient.
She has also learned that you should have fun every day no matter what.
Her favourite school subjects are probably science and English. Miss Natalie?s favourite hobby is
synchro (she also teaches a team). If she wasn?t a teacher, she would probably want to be a chef.
She can?t resist pasta, burgers, asian-style food and sushi. She loves comedy and suspense movies.
Miss Natalie?s favourite book is The Pact.
A funny story she was willing to share with us was that one day, Miss Natalie was at synchro
practice and while she was walking, she slipped and fell on her butt! Ouch!
Thanks for working with us Miss Natalie! We miss to a lot already!
Mme Nadia est une enseignante de maternelle à Terry Fox. Pendant sa carrière d?enseignante
elle a déjà enseigné à une autre école avant Terry Fox. Elle a enseigné à St-John Fisher. Elle
est une enseignante car elle aime beaucoup les enfants et elle aime voir les enfants grandir.
Elle veut aussi partager avec les lecteurs qu?elle aime quand les maternelles font des activités
avec les 6ième années parce-qu?elle voit ses anciens élèves. Elle aime aussi enseigner la
maternelle car elle aime avoir des nouveaux élèves chaque année. Si elle n?était pas une
enseignante, elle ouvrirait un magasin de livres pour enfants
Mme Nadia aime enseigner la maternelle. Son année préférée était la 6ième année quand
elle était jeune. Elle est passionnée de l?équitation et de la planche à neige. Elle en fait
lorsqu?elle n?est pas à l?école. Son mets favori est le homard. Elle aime les films d?animations.
Son livre favori est <<La rébellion chez les crayons.>>
L?histoire la plus embarrassante de Mme Nadia se passe au cinéma. Lorsqu?elle est allé
chercher du popcorn pour sa famille elle retournait mais elle n?arrivait pas à les retrouver. La
salle était noire. Elle a vérifié pour dans les toilettes, dans le stationnement pour retourner
dans la salle de cinéma. Finalement, elle a retrouvé sa famille après le film. Merci Mme Nadia
pour votre temps.
Wendy?s Fort
Wendy needed to go in her backyard to get materials
for her science project that was due tomorrow. She
totally forgot that it was due tomorrow. She hadn?t
done one thing for her project. She got some of her
materials. She found 12 yellow leaves, 20 brown leaves,
3 red leaves and a couple sticks. She decided to do
most of it at her place then do the rest of it at school
first thing in the morning.
In November, we announced the full Peer
Mediation Teams for the rest of the year.
These grade 6 and 5 students have been
partnered up to help out anyone who needs it.
She wanted to make a little fort with her hamsters
inside. They?re names were Nibbles who was the oldest,
Batman, who was the second oldest, and finally Sushi!
Later the next day Wendy found out from her best
friend Adrien that they had science right away when the
bell rings!
?Great! great!?
?What?? Adrien asks Wendy.
?I forgot to do my science project and I didn?t get a good
chance to finish it! And now it?s due today!....?
?Wait! What? It?s due today???? Adrien yells.
?Apparently.? Wendy replies.
?NOOO! I thought it was due in January!!?
?Well you're wrong! Because it?s due today. Suzie even
told me.?
?Suzie?! Suzie the prankster?? Adrien asks Wendy in
Later, the bell rings to line up and go inside. Then the
second bell rings and they went straight to science
class. Wendy went to go inform Miss. Bailey that she
forgot to do the science project that was due today.
?What?? The science teacher says.
?Yes. Im super sorry.?
?It?s not due today it?s due on January 10th!?
?WHAT???? Wendy yells in crazyness!
?Suzie really! Are you for real? I worked really hard and
did so much in only one day!?
A couple hours later when the recess bell rings,
Wendy, Adrien and another friend named Monica
went outside and just spent their recess talking
about Wendy?s fort and how she had made it.
By: Alexandra
Ch r ist m as Tr ee San dw ich Cook ies
Do you have an idea for
something that you'd
like to see published in
the Fresh Fox News?
Adu lt h elp an d su per vision is r equ ir ed f or t h is r ecipe. We f ou n d t h is on
Pin t er est .
Come by and see Mr. P
and he and the News
Crew will tell you how
you can help us out!
3/ 4 cu p (175 m L) Van illa Fr ost in g
In gr edien t s
1 pk g Pillsbu r y* Ready To Bak e* Ch r ist m as Tr ee Sh ape* Su gar
Cook ies
Can dy Spr in k les
In st r u ct ion s
STEP 1: Heat oven t o 375ºF. Bak e cook ies as dir ect ed on pack age.
Cool com plet ely.
Maybe you have a
drawing, or story, or
poem that you're proud
of that we can share
with the rest of the
school community.
We have at least 2
issues left this year, so
there is still a chance to
have your work in an
upcoming issue!
STEP 2: For each san dw ich cook ie, spr ead 1 t bsp (15 m L) f r ost in g
on bot t om of 1 cook ie. Top w it h secon d cook ie, bot t om side
dow n ; pr ess t oget h er gen t ly.
STEP 3: Roll cook ie san dw ich es in can dy spr in k les t o cover edge
of f r ost in g cen t r e. St or e loosely cover ed.
Q: What do you call a fake noodle?
A: An Impasta
Q: What happens if you eat yeast and shoe
FFN Riddles
Q: Keep to yourself, I?m here, share me and I?m gone. What am I?
A: A secret
Q. What has a face and two hands but no arms or legs?
A. A clock!
Q. What is the easiest way to double your money?
A. Put it in front of the mirror of course!
A: Every morning you'll rise and shine!
Q. What has a thumb and four fingers but is not alive?
Q: What did the rock say to the ruler? And
what did the ruler say to the rock?
A. A glove.
A: You rock! You rule!
Q. What has to be broken before you can use it?
A. An egg.
Q. What has a neck but no head?
A. A bottle.
Q. What gets wetter as it dries?
A. A towel.
Q. What goes up and doesn?t come back down?
A. Your age.
Q. What belongs to you but is used more by others?
A. Your name.
Q. Everyone has it and no one can lose it, what is it?
A. A shadow.
Q. It?s been around for millions of years, but it?s no more than a month old.
What is it?
A. the moon

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