Bio for - McMillan


Bio for - McMillan
Maria Sagan
[email protected]
domaines de pratique
services financiers
Maria is an associate in the Financial Services group. Her
practice focuses on all aspects of commercial financing and
asset acquisition transactions. She is developing expertise in
asset-based lending, derivative and structured transactions,
securitization, syndicated lending, and project financing.
financement structuré, titrisation et
instruments dérivés
partenariats public-privé (PPP)
prêts garantis et crédit consortial
financement de projets
conformité réglementaire
banques, finances et assurances
Maria is fluent in Polish and holds an Elementary I and II French
Language Certificate from the Centre Linguistique de Jonquiere
and an Elementary I Spanish Language Certificate from the
Barlovento School of Spanish. Prior to law school Maria
graduated summa cum laude from York University with a degree
in Psychology. She joined McMillan as a summer student in
2009 and completed her articles with McMillan in 2011.
mandats d’administrateur et associations
Ontario Bar Association
Canadian Bar Association
prix et palmarès
The Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP Book Prize in
Securities Regulation, 2010, Osgoode Hall Law School
The Gowlings Prize in Securities Regulation, 2010, Osgoode
Hall Law School
The John S. Proctor Award of Distinction, 2003-2007, York
McMillan S.E.N.C.R.L., s.r.l. | avocats | Vancouver | Calgary | Toronto | Ottawa | Montréal | Hong Kong |
Maria Sagan
t: 416.865.7851
[email protected]
Novembre 2015
Where's Waldo: New Ontario PPSA Debtor Location Rules
Finally Coming into Force
(seulement disponible en anglais)
Financial Services Bulletin
Avril 2013
Register this: Canadian regulators publish consultation paper on
OTC derivatives market participant registration
(seulement disponible en anglais)
Derivatives Bulletin
Février 2013
Trade local, clear global: Bank of Canada elaborates on
Canadian authorities' decision to allow OTC derivatives clearing
through global central counterparties
(seulement disponible en anglais)
Derivatives Bulletin
Juin 2012
Welcome to (counter)party central: Canadian regulators publish
consultation paper on OTC derivatives central counterparty
(seulement disponible en anglais)
Derivatives Law Bulletin
Avril 2012
Can I be excused? Canadian regulators publish consultation
paper on end-user exemptions in the OTC derivatives market
(seulement disponible en anglais)
Derivatives Bulletin
Février 2012
Collateral (un)damaged: Canadian regulators publish
consultation paper on segregation and portability in OTC
derivatives clearing
(seulement disponible en anglais)
Derivatives Law Bulletin
The ABA Guide to International Bar Admissions
(seulement disponible en anglais)
Sagan M. & Todgham-Cherniak, C. (2012). Canada-Ontario. In
Russell W. Dombrow and Nancy A. Matos (Eds.), (Chicago,
Illinois: American Bar Association, 2012)
Novembre 2011
Conduct and consequence: Canadian regulators publish
consultation paper on OTC derivatives market conduct rules,
surveillance and enforcement
(seulement disponible en anglais)
Derivatives Law Bulletin
McMillan S.E.N.C.R.L., s.r.l. | avocats | Vancouver | Calgary | Toronto | Ottawa | Montréal | Hong Kong |
Maria Sagan
t: 416.865.7851
[email protected]
Octobre 2011
What to do While You're Waiting for Regulatory Reform: New
Exemption Removes Regulatory Uncertainty for OTC
Derivatives Trading in Canada
(seulement disponible en anglais)
Derivatives Law Bulletin
McMillan S.E.N.C.R.L., s.r.l. | avocats | Vancouver | Calgary | Toronto | Ottawa | Montréal | Hong Kong |