withey`s - Prince George Digitization
withey`s - Prince George Digitization
44 — The Prince George Citizen TV TIMES — June 26th, 1967 ------------ -----------1 3 7:00 DAYTIME SPECIAL ( D O nouvelles O (D 32) ENTERTAINMENT TONK3HT Singer Sheena Easton. In 12:00 Q HOWARD HUGHES: THE INSIDE STORY Home movies, still photos, letters, documents from previously secret files and film clips provide the substance for this investigation of the life of the reclusive billionaire. W O LFEN O NEWLYWED GAME WHEEL OF FORTUNE □ WILD, WILD WORLD OF ANI MALS In a tour of a sunken ship, a range of organisms is discovered. 09 CHLDREN OF FIRE MOUNTAM: HEROES Tom, Hema, and Davie come across an old friend while trying to atop a runaway cart. 7:30 ( S O L E CLAN CAMPBELL “Un cadeau du ciel” Neil et Emma sont impliques dans un accident avec un pecheur et sa femme.* EVENING DATING GAME O JEOPARDY! g O WORLD OF SURVIVAL O © THRILL OF A LIFETIME A data processor works with pros at the Molson Indy; a grandmother releases 2,000 balloona at the circua; a student gets to act on “The Campbella.” (R) g Q9 MOTORWEEK S In the 1 9 8 1 film " W o lf e n , " a ir in g F R ID A Y , J U L Y 3 o n A B C , A lb e r t F in n e y s t a r s a s a d e te ctive tra c k in g m y s t e r io u s b e a s t s th a t a re ter r o r iz in g New Y o rk . DAYTIME CHILDREN’S SHOWS 6:00 QD (5) ROMPER ROOM A visit to a fire station. (R) 4 :0 0 Q READING RAINBOW Amy Linker narrates "A Chair for My Mother,” about a family rebuilding its life after a devastating fire. (R) g 8 C H E C K LISTINGS FOR EXACT TIME DAYTIME SPORTS 10:00 O WIMBLEDON TENNIS Men's semifinal rounds, from London. (Same-day tape) 3 :0 0 ® Q SPORTSWEEKEND PGA Canadian Open Golf, second round, from the Glen Abbey Golf Course in Oakville. Ont. (Live) 5 :0 0 O CFL FOOTBALL Ottawa Rough Riders at Winnipeg Blue Bombers ® O CFL FOOTBALL 0 ( 0 ) NEWS EVENING ID REALITIES 0:00 ® Q PALME D’OR 1960-51, le cinema japonaia trlomphe avec “Rashomon” de Akira Kuroaawa. Q NBC NEWS Q CBS NEWS O ABC NEW Sg O M ACNEIL NEWSHOUR / LEHRER M U S I C S E R V Ii C E S U ltim ate D ance M usic For A ll O c casio n s T h e Specialist i W E IG H T LO S S 'P a z t i e S a u n d W e d d in g 6:30 (D O CAP D’ANQER “L'enlevement” Avec son equipe, le Dr Rob erts part a bord du North Star pour obaerver les baleines sur la cote du Pacifique. g TOP 8TC ---------TORY ONEW S REALITIES Capture that special feel ing w ith a professional wedding video from . . . INTERIOR VIDEO PRODUCTION 5 6 1 -0 5 2 8 100% Natural CALORAD Lose lbs. and inches while sleeping. No Diets — No Pills - No Powder. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Managers and Distributors are also required for a ground floor opportunity MLM. Call: Mary 962-7529 or Cindy 561-1551 * 8:00 O ADDERLY GD O MURDER. 8HE WROTE LES VEUVES C’eat I’heure de la verite. Les veuves mettent leur plan a execution. (5e de 6) O STINGRAY Stingray investigates a aeries of strange occurrences pla guing the conatruction of a building on aacred Indian burial grounds. In stereo. (R) O CBS SUMMER PLAYHOUSE O SLEDGE HAMMER! Sledge be comes a contestant on a game show to investigate the reigning champion’a death. In atereo. (R) g O WASHINGTON WEEK IN REVIEW (1)0 I © SCARECROW AND MRS. KMG Lee and Amanda have only 48 hours to help Billy remember the events of a lost weekend. O FALL OF EAGLES “The Appoint ment” The massacre of Bloody Sun day prompta Nicholas to strengthen his police state. 8:30 O MR. BELVEDERE Wealey fakea hia hamster’s death so that he can get a new puppy. (R) g O WALL STREET WEEK " ’Wall Street Week’s' Mid-Year Review” (Season Premiere) Paneliata How ard P. Colhoun, Gall Dudack. WII- WITHEY’S r T W J J WATER SOFTENING LTD. & A P P L IA N C E S . 1 5 3 3-2n d A ve. (Next to the Bank of B.C.) 563-0656 A nnouncem ent Northgate Furniture welcomes back Merlin Olsen and is pleased to announce his appointment as manager of the Prmce George Store. Merlin, with 31 years in the furniture business, 17'with Sears — comes to Prince George from the Fort St. John store. He looks forward to introducing his many old friends and customers to NORTHGATE’S quality furniture and ap pliances. Can save you hundreds on new Money Saver Water Softeners . . . Now Only $499 . . . or save money on Reconditioned Water Softeners starting as low as $399 . . . no down payment on approved credit. To find out more details drop Into our office at 2385 South Nicholson (Comer of Nicholson & Massey) or Phone 563-4909 Monday through Sat urday.