Since 2015 Assistant Professor – YEDITEPE UNIVERSITY Since


Since 2015 Assistant Professor – YEDITEPE UNIVERSITY Since
Rue Jean-Antoine Gautier 9
CH-1201 Geneva
[email protected]
Born 12 August 1982
PhD _UNIGE-Switzerland/
L.L.M. _College of Europe-Belgium
J.D. Switzerland / Turkey
Since 2015
Assistant Professor – YEDITEPE UNIVERSITY
Since 2014
Instructor at the Geneva Cantonal Police Academy
Since 2013
Assistant Professor - UNIVERSITY OF GENEVA
Société Académique- Eugène Choisy and Charles Borgeaud Postdoctoral Scholarship 2014-2016.
Research and Teaching Assistant - UNIVERSITY OF GENEVA
Academic Assistant to Professors Christian Nils-Robert (2007-2008), André Kuhn (2008-2009) and
Bernhard Sträuli (since 2008).
(Rome, Italy)
Executive Comitee - UPR-INFO
(Geneva, Switzerland)
(Istanbul, Turkey)
(Zurich, Switzerland)
Since 2013
2008 - 2013
2008 - 2009
2006 - 2007
2005 - 2006
2001 - 2005
2001 - 2005
Postdoctorate – University of Geneva & Yeditepe University
Habilitation Thesis: "The protection of privacy in the telecommunications sector: issues of
constitutional law, criminal law and criminal procedural law".
PhD - University of Geneva, Switzerland
Thesis: “La liberté d’expression face à la présomption d’innocence”
Prof. Walther Hug Preis
Hukuk Lisansi (J.D. Equivalent), (equivalence) - University of Marmara, Istanbul, Turkey
LLM in “European Legal Studies” - College of Europe, Brugge, Belgium
Thesis: “Contemporary issues in International Commercial Arbitration : The Situation in Turkey”
International Legal English Certificate, Cambridge University, United Kingdom
Transnational law Certificate - University of Geneva, Switzerland
Licence en Droit (J.D. Equivalent) - University of Geneva, Switzerland
Participation at the European Law Moot Court 2004/2005.
Language Skills
Fluent in English, French, Italian. Basic knowledge of German. Turkish Mother tongue.
Proficiency in all MS Office products, all common MS Windows and Apple platforms, MS
Internet Explorer, social networking.
Swiss-Turkish Lawyers’ and Jurists’ Association(STAJ)
Société suisse des juristes (SSJ).
International Association of Penal Law(AIDP).
Société Suisse de Droit International (SSDI).
Association suisse pour le droit européen (ASDE)
College of Europe Alumni Association.
Association Suisse-Turquie
B.Bulak, « Enerjide Küresellesme ve Liberallesme Isiginda Tahkim Kavrami », Tesisat Dergisi n° 144, p. 24-26 (2008).
B.Bulak with G. Taupiac-Nouvel, V. Covolo, A. Bayle, I. Costea, H. Gicquel, V. Giannoulis, R. Capdevielle, C. Janssens and
A. Popescu, « Les méthodes dans la construction de l’Espace européen de liberté, de sécurité et de justice », Revue Lamy
Droit des affaires n° 43, p. 68-75 (2009).
B.Bulak, « Immigration Detention in Switzerland », National Report for Immigration Detention and the Rule of Law:
Safeguarding Principles, The Bingham Centre for the Rule of law (2013).
B.Bulak with A. Zysset, « “Personal Autonomy” and “Democratic Society” at the ECtHR: Friends or Foes? », UCL Journal of
law and Jurisprudence (2013) UCL Journal of Law and Jurisprudence, Vol. 2, p. 230-254, 2 UCLJLJ 230 (2013).
B.Bulak, La liberté d’expression face à la présomption d’innocence, thèse de doctorat, Collection Genevoise, Droit
international, Schulthess, ISBN 978-3-7255-6987-8 (2014).
B.Bulak, « Les conflits de droits fondamentaux : une question pour le législateur ou pour le juge ? : analyse à l’aune de la
protection de la réputation et de la liberté d’expression », in Le législateur, son juge et la mise en oeuvre du droit,
P.Pichonnaz (ed.), p. 33-56, Schulthess ISBN 978-3-7255-7063-8 (2014).
B.Bulak, « Grandeur ou décadence de la présomption d’innocence », Revue Trimestrielle des Droits de l’Homme, N°
2015/103, p. 623– 644, Anthemis ISSN 2-0777-3579 (2015).
« La protection de la vie privée et la surveillance des télécommunications. Étude de droit comparé : Turquie-Suisse », Annales
de la Faculté de droit d’Istanbul ISSN0578-9745 (en cours de publication).
2008 Enerjide Küresellesme ve Liberallesme Isiginda Tahkim Kavrami, Presented at the 14th International Energy &
Environment Fair and Conference, ICCI 15-17 May 2008, Istanbul.
2011 Diritto di cronaca vs. Presunzione d’innocenza, Tavola rotonda a cura di M. Luminati, Istituto Svizzero di Roma, 29
march 2011, Rome.
2012 Les conflits de droits fondamentaux : une question pour le législateur ou pour le juge ?, 3ème Cycle romand de droit,
24-26 october 2012 Morat.
2014 Direct democracy and judicial review as complementary mechanisms – a comparative study of US and Swiss legal
systems, Third Annual Conference of the Younger Comparativists Committee of the American Society of Comparative
Law, 4-5 avril 2014, Portland.
2014 La protection de la vie privée et la surveillance des télécommunications : Etude de droit comparé : Turquie-Suisse,
Journées Turco-Suisse, 25-27 avril 2014, Istanbul.
2014 Turkish Democracy in Light of Fundamental Rights, Società Italiana di Scienza Politica XVIII Annual Conference,
Università di Perugia, 11-13 september 2014, Perugia.
2015 Preventive surveillance, data protection and the rule of law in Turkey with regard to European Standards,
“Surveillance, Privacy and Transnational Relations in the Digital Era” International Association of Constitutional Law,
Institut d’Etudes Européennes - Université Libre de Bruxelles, 12-13 March 2015, Brussels.
2015 Preventive and Judicial Surveillance, Data Protection and Rule of Law in Turkey with Regard to European Standards,
Fourth Annual Conference of the Younger Comparativists Committee of the American Society of Comparative Law,
April 16-17, 2015, Florida State University College of Law, Tallahassee.
2015 European Convention On Human Rights :
From The Lowest Common Denominator To The Greatest Common
Divisor ?, The Global Challenge of Human Rights Integration-Towards a Users’ Perspective, 9-11 décembre 2015,