
Rue E x Léon Gontran Damas, Fann Residence, Dakar - Senegal (en face de l'Agence Autonome des Transports Routiers (AATR) et du Centre
de Suivi Ecologique (CSE) et à côté de la Direction du DHL. PO Box: 5456 Dakar Fann - Tel: (221) 33 865 22 77 - Fax: (221) 33 824 20 58 –
E-mail: [email protected] URL :http://www.warccroa.org
List of books published in 2009 in the Francophone countries of West
Africa, available at the Library of Congress
Anasse, Ernest Assamoi . - L'assurance maritime et transports dans les pays de la CIMA : Les assurances
facultés : aspects juridiques et techniques, Abidjan, Fraternité Matin Editions, 2009, 216 p.
Brief summary : This book aims to popularize the practice of cargo insurance and make it accessible to all
stakeholders (insurers, lawyers, freight forwarders, surveyors, transporters, students, etc.).It deals with the
general regulation of insurance in the CIMA zone, risks of transport, subscription terms, compensation,
appeals and insurance operating losses.
Country : Côte d'Ivoire
Guèye, Ndèye Fatou Diop . - Agriculteurs dans les villes ouest-africaines : Enjeux fonciers et accès à l'eau,
Dakar, IAGU, 2009, 191 p.
Brief summary : The book deals with farmers in west African cities: Land issues and access to water
Country : Senegal
Barro, Aboubacar Abdoulaye . - Ecole et Pouvoir au Sénégal : La gestion du personnel enseignant dans le
primaire, Paris, L'Harmattan , 2009, 242 p.
Brief summary : This book focuses on public education policies, in particular on those relating to the
generalization of primary education and management of teachers in basic education in Senegal. This
research is both original and innovative.
Country : Senegal
Déazon, André . - Indicamétrie et Education - L'échelle des quinze (15) profils et l'alphabet indicamétrique : des
outils scientifiques pour une révolution pédagogique : Premier niveau du développement spiralaire de
l'indicamétrie, Abidjan, Conseil Mondial de l'Indicamétrie et du Panafricanisme (COMIPA), 2009, 168 p.
Brief summary : This book is dedicated to indicametry, a tool for an educational revolution.
Country : Côte d’Ivoire
Gado, Issaou . - Recherche-action en éducation : Les compétences de base de la recherche-action en
éducation, Porto-Novo, Editions C.N.P.M.S, 2009, 222 p.
Brief summary : This textbook explains the concept, the foundations, approaches and strategies for
implementing action research in education.
Country : Benin
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Djea, Jean-Luc . - Histoire récente de la Côte d'Ivoire : Le Sphynx aux portes du Palais, Abidjan, Sésame Editions,
2009, 247 p.
Brief summary : An analysis of recent political history of Ivory Coast
Country : Côte d'Ivoire
Tchitchi, Toussaint Yaovi . - Dàdà Gbè Hèn A' Zin…, un héros des résistances africaines à la pénétration
coloniale au 19ème siècle : (Actes du colloque du 13 au 15 décembre 2006, réunis et présentés par Toussaint
Yaovi Tchitchi et Bellarmin Coffi Codo), Cotonou, Les Editions Ablodè/UAC, 2009, 261 p.
Brief summary : Proceedings of the conference held from 13 to 15 December 2006 as part of the celebration
of the centenary of the death of King Gbehanzin
Country : Benin
Abba, Seidik . - La Presse au Niger : Etat des lieux et perspectives, Paris, L'Harmattan, 2009, 146 p.
Brief summary : True state of affairs of the press in Niger, this book highlights all the difficulties facing the
press in Niger.
Country : Niger
Codjo, Placide . - Les documents de communication administrative et commerciale : Nouvelle formule,
Cotonou, Benin, Imprimerie A-Z, 2009, 355 p.
Brief summary : This book, written by a civil administrator from Benin is a true training manual for writing
administrative and commercial documents.
Country : Côte d’Ivoire
Institut de linguistique appliquée de l'université d'Abidjan-Cocody . - Syllabaire Kroumen Plaapo, Abidjan,
Edilis, 2009, 162 p.
Brief summary : This Kroumen language syllabary is based on the document entitled "orthographe pratique
des langues ivoiriennes” and published by the Institute of Applied Linguistics, National University of Côte
d'Ivoire in 1979. At the end of the book are appended French translations of stories and pictures of syllables.
Country : Côte d'Ivoire
Les Editions Manding . - J'apprends à parler français : Le livre de l'élève Niveau 1 2ème année, Bamako, Les
Editions Manding, 2009, 86 p.
Brief summary : Through stories and rhymes, this book helps children to speak French and
understand language through images in the form of riddles
Country : Mali
Tchitchi, Toussaint Yaovi . - Langues et politiques de langues au Bénin, Cotonou, Les Editions Ablodè/UAC,
2009, 193 p.
Brief summary : This book provides an update on the actions and reflections regarding the management of
language and the implementation of language policy in Benin.
Country : Benin
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Abdrouhamane, Soli . - Eléments pour une veillée : Contes et nouvelles, Niamey, Imprimerie Bon-Béri, 2009,
144 p.
Brief summary : Through these short stories the author describes the behaviors that are immoral and that
affect the society. He advocates more human values for a better world.
Country : Niger
Amoussou, Bruno . - L'Afrique est mon combat, Paris, Editions l'Archipel, 2009, 207 p.
Brief summary : The book deals with the contemporary history of Africa in general and Benin in particular.
Country : Benin
Amoussou, Constantin . - Hydraulique de mes paupières : Tessons de paroles névralgiques…, Cotonou, Editions
Fous Sans Frontières, 2009, 93 p.
Brief summary : Collection of poems
Country : Benin
Ansomwin, Ignace Hien . - L'enfer au paradis, Ouagadougou, Editions Le LIS, 2009, 136 p.
Brief summary : A novel featuring idle youths lured by the mirage of the city
Country : Burkina Faso
Association des écrivains du Sénégal . - Contre l'oubli et le mépris : Hommage aux tirailleurs, Dakar, Les
éditions Maguilen, 2009, 98 p.
Brief summary : Anthology of poetry dedicated to the "Tirailleurs sénégalais" the black soldiers of the French
army during the two world wars.
Country : Senegal
Bali, Saley Boubé . - Tébonsé : Le destin d'un enfant de rue, Niamey, Afrique Lecture, 2009, 88 p.
Brief summary : Tébonsé is the story of a child born out of wedlock. His painful childhood takes place without
any reference because he is left to his own fate. This is for the author to paint the Nigerian society mired in
its retrograde views of life.
Country : Niger
Bemy, Vincent . - Billet de sortie, Abidjan, Cercle Editions, 2009, 233 p.
Brief summary : This book is the testimony of two years and seven months in jail by a bus driver for having
responsibilities in a serious traffic accident. He compares the prison to hell on earth.
Country : Côte d'Ivoire
Boureima, Moussa . - La légende du Roi Kabrin Kabran, Niamey, Editions Belle Afrique, 2009, 72 p.
Brief summary : This book tells the story of a king whose epic is a legend in the oral tradition of the people
of Niger.
Country : Niger
Combary, A. N. William . - A la croisée des chemins, Ouagadougou, Découvertes du Burkina, 2009, 95 p.
Brief summary : Novel addressing the issue of interracial marriage.
Country : Burkina Faso
Dia, Mamadou.- Coup de foudre, Bamako, Jamana, 2009, 75 p.
Brief summary : With a poetic style, the author expresses his love, friendship, relationships, fears and
hopes for a better Mali.
Country : Mali
Diallo, Boubacar . - Réalités et roman guinéen de 1953 à 2003 : 1. Cadre physique et histoire, Paris,
L'Harmattan Guinée, 2009, 127 p.
Brief summary : This book is a socio-critical thesis on Guinean novelists. It begins by situating the
geographical context, then it explores the historical and political. It's a real study of guinean society.
The author complements this by exploring the repertoire of themes and styles used by novelists.
Country : Guinea Conakry
Diallo, Boubacar . - Réalités et roman guinéen de 1953 à 2003 : 2. La peinture de l'univers rural, Paris,
L'Harmattan Guinée, 2009, 159 p.
Brief summary : The rural universe remains a constant in the African fictional creation because of the esthetic
of works and their shape. The novel in Guinea has always evoked the realities marking its
traditional attachment to this world. This book shows that the novel reveals the behavior of the traditional
Country : Guinea Conakry
Diallo, Boubacar . - Réalités et roman guinéen de 1953 à 2003 : 3.La peinture de l'univers urbain, Paris,
L'Harmattan Guinée, 2009, 137 p.
Brief summary : City life attracts Guinean rural populations but in many cases the city is
the place of lost illusions for that people. This desperation has led to violence in the struggle
between a despotic power and an opposition frustrated. This volume reveals that Guinean novels use to
exorcise this socio-political disaster and chaos.
Country : Guinea Conakry
Diallo, Boubacar . - Réalités et roman guinéen de 1953 à 2003 : 4. L'idéologie des romanciers guinéens, Paris,
L'Harmattan Guinée, 2009, 88 p.
Brief summary : This volume shows the richness of the ideological database of the Guinean novelists. This
allows them to better appreciate the socio-political evolution of the country and to study the political role
played by the intellectuals in this evolution. The Guinean writer makes himself useful by the society projects
emerging from his works and which are likely to rehabilitate the country's history.
Country : Guinea Conakry
Diarra, Facoh Donki . - La commune sous les manguiers, Bamako, Sahélienne, 2009, 188 p.
Brief summary : This book discusses the decentralization project diverted from its original objectives
and produce unexpected results in a town situated not far from Bamako.
Country : Mali
Diarra, Facoh Donki . - Crime en mode majeur, Bamako, Editions Jamana, 2009, 223 p.
Brief summary : This book tells the story of a young man of peasant origin unduly recruited in the national
police at the time of the Military Committee of National Liberation. At the time of democracy, it's hard for
him to adjust to the new situation in the country.
Country : Mali
Gazibo, Boureima . - Pour l'honneur et la liberté : Théâtre, Montréal, Monière-Wollank Editeurs, 2009, 49 p.
Brief summary : Through this fiction, the author wanted to honor the men who have lived or still living in his
home village and other neighboring villages. The play focuses on freedom for each member of the
community to provide advice in the conduct of public affairs.
Country : Niger
Gbedo, Marie-Elise . - Le destin du roseau, Cotonou, Editions Ruisseaux d'Afrique, 2009, 459 p.
Brief summary : A biography leading to the fate of women in society.
Country : Benin
Guenou, Julien A. - Le soleil des damnés : L'aube, Les éditions Oasis, 2009, 198 p.
Brief summary : It's a trilogy in which the author makes us trace the origin of the bucolic and wild Africa.
Thus, he revives the great tradition of storytelling in the evening moonlight.
Country : Togo
Idé, Adamou . - Tous les bleues ne donnent pas le cafard…, Ciboure, La Cheminante, 2009, 95 p.
Brief summary : The author uses a humorous style to warn about the dangers of passion for power
Country : Niger
Kam, Heidi Sophie . - Sanglots et symphonies : Poésie, Ouagadougou, CEPRODIF, 2009, 30 p.
Brief summary : Collection of poems
Country : Burkina Faso
Kam, Heidi Sophie . - Quêtes : Poésie, Ouagadougou, CEPRODIF, 2009, 38 p.
Brief summary : Collection of poems
Country : Burkina Faso
Lalinon Gbado, Béatrice . - Le chant du conte, Cotonou, Editions Ruisseaux d'Afrique, 2009, 116 p.
Brief summary : This book deals with the intrusion of song in the narrative.
Country : Benin
Maïga, Tahirou . - L'odyssée d'une famille, Bamako, Jamana, 2009, 180 p.
Brief summary : This book tells the story of a family united by love through the generations and the natural
phenomena such as drought and famine.
Country : Mali
Meyer, Gérard . - Contes de l'Afrique de l'Ouest, Paris, Karthala, 2009, 222 p.
Brief summary : This collection contains stories from eastern Senegal and north-eastern Guinea. They were
recorded on the fly during cultural gatherings between 1980 and 1997.
Country : Guinea Conakry
N'dah, François d'Assise . - Le jour où la vie m'a fait pleurer : Mémoires d'une vie d'errance, Abidjan, Ivoir'
Livres, 2009, 119 p.
Brief summary : In this book the author looks at the thorny issue of the world and our relationship with
others. This hybrid work is both a collection of poems and short stories, verse and prose being mixed as the
true reflections of a life marked by despair.
Country : Côte d'Ivoire
Niaré, Samba . - Tomon : Le village-cimetière, Bamako, EDIS, 2009, 42 p.
Brief summary : Comic book telling the story of Tomon, a lost city.
Country : Mali
Ouattara, Yvonne . - En souvenir de l'arbre à palabres, Paris, L'Harmattan, 2009, 176 p.
Brief summary : Between 1999 and 2003 Emmanuel and Andrée exchanged letters between France and
Burkina Faso. They want to remember the days when they met at the palaver tree, a place in Paris that
allowed Africans to make Europeans discover their way of life and difficulties.
Country : Burkina Faso
Ould Khattat, Mohamed . - Séjour aux USA à l'heure d'Obama, Nouakchott, Librairie 15/21, 2009, 53 p.
Brief summary : A Mauritanian journalist describes his journey to the United States during the presidential
election that will result in the choice of Barack Obama
Country : Mauritania
Sanoussi, Hadiza . - Et Yallah s'exila, Ouagadougou, Editions Jel, 2009, 161 p.
Brief summary : This new depicts the relationship between humans and their creator.
Country : Burkina Faso
Sarr, Pape Ousmane . - Les déboires de Habib Fall suivi de Blessures de mon pays, Paris, L'Harmattan, 2009, 61
Brief summary : These are two novels, the first telling the story of a young orphan who wants to build his
life despite the questions that torment his mind while the second is a fiction of ethnic war.
Country : Senegal
Sidokpohou, Roger . - Nuit de mémoire, Paris, L'Harmattan, 2009, 129 p.
Brief summary : Novel based on accounts of the slave trade.
Country : Benin
Sy, Alpha Amadou . - L'imaginaire Saint-Louisien (domou Ndar) à l'épreuve du temps, Thiès, Senegal, Fama
Editions, 2009, 92 p.
Brief summary : The city of Saint-Louis, Senegal, has managed to build a civilization in terms of aesthetics in
the cladding, of culinary talent, of original manners and, above all, of a remarkable sense of hospitality
called Téranga that is one of the values by which most Senegalese people identify themselves.
Country : Senegal
Taama, Gerry . - Parcours de combatants, Paris, L'Harmattan, 2009, 245 p.
Brief summary : The author tells a long adventure at the end of which love seems to be the only winner; love
that makes sad.
Country : Togo
Taddé, Amadou Siddo . - Lettre à Obama : J'ai lu "L'audace d'espérer", Niamey, Imprimerie Issaberi, 2009, 75 p.
Brief summary : This book comes in the form of a letter to President Obama of the United States of America.
The author indulges in a comparison of democratic practice between the United States and Niger.
Country : Niger
Tiendrébéogo, Rigobert . - Les fantasmes de "l'esprit" : Récit initiatique, Ouagadougou, L'Harmattan, 2009, 116
Brief summary : The story of a young person exploring his own personality
Country : Burkina Faso
Traoré, Djéna . – Danfing, Bamako, Editions Jamana, 2009, 105 p.
Brief summary : This book published posthumously is the story of the events the author witnessed during his
teaching career from 1976 to 1992.
Country : Mali
Wilson, Dave . - La veillée, Cotonou, Editions Ruisseaux d'Afrique, 2009, 86 p.
Brief summary : Collection of entertaining and didactic stories.
Country : Benin
Back to Contents
Assogba, Komlan Françoise . - Production durable du piment au Bénin, Cotonou, Institut National des
Recherches agricoles du Bénin, 2009, 48 p.
Brief summary : This book helps to raise substantially the level of production of pepper in Benin.
Country : Benin
De Souza, Simone Guigues . - Flore du Bénin : Tome 1 : Catalogue des plantes Biotopes Localités, Cotonou,
Imprimerie Tunde, 2009, 424 p.
Brief summary : Catalogue taking stock of wild plants and those introduced for food, reforestation and
Country : Benin
Ndoye, Tidiane . - La société sénégalaise face au paludisme : Politiques, savoirs et acteurs, Dakar, Crepos, 2009,
312 p.
Brief summary : Senegalese society facing malaria : policy, knowledge and actors
Country : Senegal
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Adjanohoun, Marcellin . - L'histoire d'une détention politique au Bénin sous la révolution 1972-1984 : Motif : la
ténébreuse affaire Kovacs, Paris, L'Harmattan, 2009, 163 p.
Brief summary : History of the political evolution of the Republic of Benin.
Country : Benin
Agba, Kondi Charles Madjome . - Ministre avec Eyadéma, Lomé, Les éditions de la Rose bleue, 2009, 428 p.
Brief summary : This book is an immediate test of history. Four years after the disappearance of the father of
the nation of Togo, the author proposes a comeback over General Eyadema period.
Country : Togo
Ag Doho, Sidi Alamine . - Touareg 1973-1997 : 25 ans d'errance et de déchirement, Bamako, Sahélienne, 2009,
126 p.
Brief summary : This is the story of the long march of Tuareg nomads depleted by drought
Country : Mali
Amouzou, Essè . - Pouvoir et sociétés : les masses populaires et leurs aspirations politiques pour le
développement en Afrique noire, Paris, L'Harmattan, 2009, 215 p.
Brief summary : After having reviewed the past governance systems in black Africa , the author presents the
recent case of Togo, where there was a mobilization of the majority of opposition
activists around Gilchrist Olympio, leader of the UFC to whom they trusted to create favorable conditions
for economic and political changes that can foster them out of the woods.
Country : Togo
Dabiré, Der Laurent . - Emigration internationale des Burkinabè, Ouagadougou, L'Harmattan, 2009, 104 p.
Brief summary : This book provides an analytical overview of the characteristics, determinants,
impactsand management mechanisms of the international dimension of migration in Burkina Faso since the
country's independence.
Country : Burkina Faso
Diallo, Alpha Mamadou . - Les Etats-nations face à l'intégration régionale en Afrique de l'Ouest, Paris, Karthala,
2009, 176 p.
Brief summary : This book is the result of the national seminar on regional integration in West Africa held
in Guinea in 2007. It includes communications that focused on history and geography of
Guinea, the languages and culture as development factors, the contribution of Guinea in the process of
liberation and unification of Africa, the monetary integration, the Guinean agricultural policy, the
OHADA and the Guinean business environment.
Country : Guinea Conakry
Diallo, Papa Ibrahima . - Les Guinéens de Dakar : Migration et intégration en Afrique de l'Ouest, Paris,
L'Harmattan, 2009, 185 p.
Brief summary : The study of migration of Guineans to Dakar, Senegal, is an example of socio-geographical
movements that have taken courses in West
Africa since the precolonial period.Undoubtedly, Dakar, West African francophone metropolis, provides
a forum for a sociological study of the integration of migrants in the Senegalese capital.
Country : Guinea Conakry
Essè, Amouzou . - L'Afrique 50 ans après les indépendances, Paris, L'Harmattan, 2009, 274 p.
Brief summary : In this book, the author was concerned to revive the experiences of the African continent
fifty years after independence.
Country : Togo
Fall, François Lonsény . - Mon pari pour la Guinée : Le changement est possible, Paris, L'Harmattan, 2009, 198
Brief summary : The author took a look back and forward himself, on his journey and his country. He shows
his roots in his native Guinea, recounts his childhood, his youth, his training, the moments that were
important in his life and introduces us to the people around him. At the end of December 2008, a new page in
the history of Guinea opens and he decides to lay the groundwork for an ambitious rebuilding for a better
future of his country.
Country : Guinea Conakry
Fassassi, Yacouba . - En route vers le futur du régime, du "changement" au développement intégral du Bénin,
Cotonou, Star Editions, 2009, 332 p.
Brief summary : Here is an essay that takes us into the future after we have plunged in the past.
Country : Benin
Gomez, Alsény René . - La Guinée peut-elle être changée ?, Paris, L'Harmattan, 2009, 203 p.
Brief summary : In this book the author presents some ideas to explain the reasons for missed appointments
with his country's development 50 years after independence and calls on his countrymen to work for change.
Country : Guinea Conakry
Haïdara, Chirfi Moulaye . - Tombouctou : une célèbre cité du Mali promue parmi les finalistes des Nouvelles
Sept Merveilles du Monde, Bamako, At the author, 2009, 250 p.
Brief summary : The author is in love with his hometown which he reveals the charms and secrets. A city full
of mysteries with beautiful illustrations
Country : Mali
Kacou, Théodore . - Fraude électorale, Abidjan, 2009, 191 p.
Brief summary : In this book the author seeks to identify and expose corrupt practices and fraudulent to
influence voters to distort or misrepresent the manifestation of their will.
Country : Côte d'Ivoire
Kiffo, Gemzo . - Demain le Togo : Une nouvelle vision pour l'avenir, Lomé, CACIOPEE, 2009, 182 p.
Brief summary : This book is a retrospective of the past, a finding of the present and a forecast of the future
of Togo.
Country : Togo
Lewin, André . - Ahmed Sékou Touré (1922-1984) Président de la Guinée : Tome 6 (1970-1976), Paris,
L'Harmattan, 2009, 308 p.
Brief summary : Volume 6 of this biography covers the period from the attempted landing in Conakry,
November 22nd, 1970, by Portuguese mercenaries and exiled Guinean opponents to the normalization of
diplomatic relations between Conakry, Bonn and Paris, via the
intense campaign of arrests, interrogations and executions, the murder of Amilcar Cabral, the arrest and
subsequent death in detention of Diallo Telli with the denunciation of the Fulani conspiracy .
Country : Guinea Conakry
Sako, Nicodème . - Comment rendre une nation puissante : Stratégies pour le pouvoir des nations, Paris, Books
on demand GmbH, 2009, 96 p.
Brief summary : The book addresses the question of exercising power in an original way: the author bases his
thinking on a new reading and analysis of Bible stories that he derives principles for modern times. The book
also examines the elements of nature as models to find the true sources of wisdom and intelligence that
surrounds us.
Country : Côte d'Ivoire
Samb, Serigne Saliou . - Papa Samba Mboup Chef de cabinet du Président Abdoulaye Wade : Ange ou démon ?
Confidences, récits et témoignages, Dakar, Les éditions Maguilen, 2009, 233 p.
Brief summary : Biography of President Abdoulaye Wade’s influential chief of staff through secrets, stories
and testimonies
Country : Senegal
Souza, Alexandre de . - Togo, la dynastie de la terreur, Nice, Editions Bénévent, 2009, 150 p.
Brief summary : The author was inspired by real events marked by violence and violations of human rights to
condemn poor governance in Togo.
Country : Togo
Touré, El Hadj Mohamed Lamine . - Mémoires d'un compagnon de l'indépendance guinéenne, Paris,
L'Harmattan, 2009, 152 p.
Brief summary : Through his autobiography, the author of this book tells the story of a generation of black
African born in the 1920s, a generation heir to the traditions and cultural, moral and warlike values of the
empire of Mali and that of Ouassoulou, a generation deeply aspiring to freedom of choice when decision
time had come in the 1950s.
Country : Guinea Conakry
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SOCIETY AND CULTURE (Religion, Arts, Sports)
Amouzou, Essè . - Pauvreté, chomage et émigration des jeunes Africains, Paris, L'Harmattan, 2009, 271 p.
Brief summary : In the absence of viable policies of African states in terms of job creation and fighting
against poverty, the misery of African youth has reached a dismal from which emigration to
Europe and America maintains itself.
Country : Togo
Bilé, Serge . - Et si Dieu n'aimait pas les Noirs ? : Enquête sur le racisme aujourd'hui au Vatican, Saint-Malo,
France, Pascal Galodé Editeurs, 2009, 119 p.
Brief summary : This book reveals the contradictions and shadows of the Vatican, an institution that still can
not get rid of its own prejudices about black people once likened to the devil
Country : Côte d’Ivoire
Centre Al-Tourath pour la recherche et la publication . - La ville sainte de Touba et sa mosquée : l'histoire et
l'évolution, Guédé Bousso, Senegal, Le Centre Al-Tourath pour la recherche et la publication, 2009, 276 p.
Brief summary : French/Arabic bilingual book on the history and evolution of the holy city of Touba and its
Country : Senegal
Congrégation de l'Immaculée Conception . - Le Bon Berger : Mgr. Isidore De Souza, Cotonou, Editions
Immaculée Médiatrice, 2009, 548 p.
Brief summary : Collection of interviews with Msgr. Isidore de Souza.
Country : Benin
Diarra, Ismaïla . - Déclin des traditions de la société bamanan, Bamako, Imprim Color, 2009, 119 p.
Brief summary : This book addresses the decline of the traditions in Bamanan society
Country : Mali
Durou, Jean-Marc . - Les Touaregs racontés aux enfants, Paris, Editions de La Martinière, 2009, 77 p.
Brief summary : This work is a true story about the Tuareg people, its history, its customs and questions
about its future.
Country : Niger
Fall, Ndèye Anna Gaye . - L'Afrique à Cuba : La regla de osha : Culte ou religion ?, Paris, L'Harmattan , 2009, 200
Brief summary : La regla de Osha in Cuba has often been seen as a set of discontinuous and
fragmented elements mixed with Catholicism. This was to deny the identity of the slaves to
better justify their enslavement. In this book, the author invites us to reflect without prejudice on
the definition of the term religion.
Country : Senegal
Fortaillier, Viviane Froger . - Arts au féminin en Côte d'Ivoire, Paris, Le Cherche Midi, 2009
Brief summary : This book is an illustrated and commented album on works of art performed by women in
Côte d'Ivoire.
Country : Côte d'Ivoire
Gbagbo, Michel . - Réintégration sociale des personnes ayant souffert de maladie mentale à Abidjan : Tome 1 :
Considérations théoriques, Abidjan, Nouvelles Editions Ivoiriennes, 2009, 200 p.
Brief summary : This book addresses the question of the social reintegration of persons who suffered from
mental illness in Abidjan.
Country : Côte d’Ivoire
Krekre, Firmin . - Lezy : Art martial africain, Abidjan, EDUCI, 2009, 81 p.
Brief summary : This work on the Lezy, an African martial art, is the result of twenty years of research. It
teaches the techniques and strategies of combat and the training methods that allow access to
martial power and social serenity.
Country : Côte d'Ivoire
Monsia, Marc . - De l'origine égyptienne des peuples des quatre orients Aja, Chabè, Kétou et Houn : Langues,
Dieux et Coutumes, Cotonou, Les Editions du Flamboyant, 2009, 221 p.
Brief summary : The work here shows the existence of relevant linguistic similarities in terms of cosmogony,
cosmology and customary between the ancient peoples of Egypt and those of the Gulf of Guinea.
Country : Benin
Ouédraogo, Jean-Bernard . - Travail et société au Burkina Faso : Technique, innivation, mobilisation,
Ouagadougou, L'Harmattan, 2009, 247 p.
Brief summary : Critical survey of labor techniques, innovations and mobilization in Burkina Faso
Country : Burkina Faso
Sall, Pape Amadou . - Ëtu Maodo : La cour religieuse du Cheikh, Dakar, Jangaal Presse Edition, 2009, 251 p.
Brief summary : This book tells the story of Elhadji Malick Sy, one of the greatest guides of the tijania muslim
order in Senegal. It also mentions the great "shaykhs" who are watered from the source of his immense
Islamic science.
Country : Senegal
Sène, Fama Diagne . - Barça ou Barsakh : Les coulisses de la misère, Dakar, Editions Damelles du Sénégal, 2009,
61 p.
Brief summary : The book evokes the nagging issue of illegal immigration for Europe of African youth who
are willing to risk their lives in makeshift boats
Country : Senegal
Sow, Ibrahima . - Divination Marabout Destin : Aux sources de l'imaginaire, Dakar, IFAN Cheikh Anta Diop,
2009, 564 p.
Brief summary : The book is about divination, marabouts and destiny. It intends to go back to the sources of
the african imaginary
Country : Senegal
Zeba, Milis I. - Meiway "Une voix d'Afrique" : Biographie, Abidjan, Editions Eburnie, 2009, 126 p.
Brief summary : Biography of the artist-composer Patrice Désiré Ivorian Frederick Ehui better known by the
nickname Meiway. This richly illustrated book traces the exciting journey of the artist with a wide
opening on his discography and his honors at the end of his two decades of experience.
Country : Côte d'Ivoire
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