la 12ème Rencontre SFC à Lyon Rencontre SFC à Lyon Mercredi


la 12ème Rencontre SFC à Lyon Rencontre SFC à Lyon Mercredi
la 12ème Rencontre SFC à Lyon
Mercredi 21 Septembre 2016 à 18h30
Centre de Formation de la CCI de Lyon
Contribution des UVA longs dans les conséquences cliniques et biologiques
des expositions solaires
Françoise BERNERD
L’Oréal R&I Fellow - Light and Pigmentation research group
Lys’Sun™, the shield against solar elastosis
R&D Scouting & Communication - BASF Beauty Creations
La SFC et le CED remercient la société BASF Beauty Care Solutions
et le Centre de Formation de la CCI de Lyon
pour la prise en charge des frais d’organisation
Contribution des UVA longs dans les conséquences cliniques et biologiques des expositions
Françoise BERNERD
L’Oréal R&I Fellow - Light and Pigmentation research group
Bien que les UVA longs (UVA1 340-400 nm) représentent la majorité des UV que nous recevons
quotidiennement, leur impact biologique précis n’est pas complètement décrypté. Nous avons revisité de
façon approfondie les effets des UVA1 et avons montré que ces rayonnements affectent de nombreuses
fonctions cellulaires essentielles, renforçant la nécessité d’une prise en compte plus systématique en
Lys’Sun™, the shield against solar elastosis
R&D Scouting & Communication - BASF Beauty Creations
Our lifestyle regularly exposes us to sunlight. We actively seek a healthy skin color which gives us an
attractive complexion, without realizing that behind this short term effect lies a far more insidious biological
process: photo-ageing.
The fundamental elements of the dermis are collagen and elastic fibers. Under UV radiation, the increase of
proteases induced an accentuated degradation of collagen fibers compared to chronobiologic ageing. Elastin
fibers are mostly made up of elastin and provide skin its biomechanical properties and firmness (also affected
by sunlight). During the photo-ageing the collagen fibers seem to be replaced little by little by the elastin
aggregates. The skin loses its elasticity and becomes loose, lines deepen and run together: this is known as
solar elastosis.
Considering the already known products on the market, BASF Beauty Creations discovered a new process
triggered in response to UV light which upsets the balance of these elastin fibers: too much elastin and too
little LOX-L enzyme to assemble it into functional elastic fibers. This imbalance leads to accumulation of nonfunctional elastin, which form aggregates. For the first time, we addressed the protease inhibitor, elafin, which
is associated to the elastic fibers, and known to be a marker of elastotic aggregates.
In vitro, Lys’Sun™ allows the neo-synthesis of functional elastin fibers by balancing LOX-L and elastin
expression thanks to an induction of LOX-L expression under UVA radiation. In parallel, Lys’Sun™ reduces
the formation of non-functional elastotic aggregates by inhibiting elafin expression which is the enzyme
preventing aggregates removal. Moreover, Lys’Sun™ is an anti-oxidant and inhibits MMPs, proteases
responsible for the degradation of functional elastic fibers. Compared to placebo in clinical trials, Lys’Sun™
improved significantly firmness (- 12.4% of volume deformation after 3 months) and reduced significantly
wrinkles (-7.8% of wrinkle depth in 2 months).
Using a rebalancing strategy addressing both elafin and LOXL is the mode of action of Lys’Sun™ to offer a
real skin care improvement of photo-aged skin. Lys’Sun™ protects and corrects skin from solar elastosis by
allowing the progressive replacement of the elastin aggregates by new functional fibers. Its efficacy is proven:
lines are decreased and the skin recovers its firmness.
In addition to the sun protection of UV filters, Lys’Sun™ preserves the skin from the imbalances caused by
sunlight and helps restore its youthful appearance.
Cette rencontre est gratuite pour les adhérents du CED, de la SFC ou de la FEBEA. Le
nombre de places étant limité, pensez à vous inscrire rapidement auprès du CED par mail
([email protected]
[email protected])
04 72 85 07 74).
[email protected] ou par téléphone (04
Centre de Formation
Formation de la CCI
36 rue Sergent Michel Berthet
69009 LYON
Métro ligne D arrêt Gorge de Loup - Plan d'accès

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