
Military Personnel Generation / Génération du Personnel Militaire
Professional Concepts and Leader Development / Concepts professionnels et développement du leader
About our publications…
Most publications are available at no cost to CAF members and DND civilian employees
for training, professional development and educational purposes.
Many titles are also available in PDF versions.
To order, please contact us at:
[email protected]
À propos de nos publications…
La plupart des publications sont offertes sans frais aux membres des FAC et
employés civils du Ministère de la défense nationale aux fins d’instruction,
de perfectionnement professionnel et d’éducation.
Nous offrons aussi des versions format PDF de certains titres.
Pour placer une commande, veuillez nous contacter par courriel :
[email protected]
Doctrine and Teaching Materials for the Canadian Armed Forces /
Manuels de doctrine et matériel didactique pour les Forces armées canadiennes
Duty with Honour: The Profession of Arms in Canada
Servir avec honneur : la profession des armes au Canada
*Summary also available – Une version synthèse est aussi disponible
Leadership in the Canadian Forces: Conceptual Foundations
Le leadership dans les Forces canadiennes : fondements conceptuels
Leadership in the Canadian Forces: Doctrine
Le leadership dans les Forces canadiennes : doctrine
Leadership in the Canadian Forces: Leading the Institution
Le leadership dans les Forces canadiennes : diriger l’institution
*Summary also available – Un résumé est aussi disponible
Leadership in the Canadian Forces: Leading People
Le leadership dans les Forces canadiennes : diriger des personnes
*Summary also available – Un résumé est aussi disponible
The Chief of the Defence Staff Guide to Professional Reading (2015)
2015 Guide de lectures professionnelles Du Chef D’état-Major De La Défense
The Chief of the Defence Staff Guide to Professional Reading (2014)
2014 Guide de lectures professionnelles Du Chef D’état-Major De La Défense
Canadian Forces Professional Studies Reading List 2006: A Guide to Reading on Professionalism and
Liste d’ouvrages recommandés des Forces canadiennes 2006 : un guide de lectures professionnelles sur le
Ethics in the Canadian Forces: Making Tough Choices—Workbook (PDF format only)
L’éthique dans les Forces canadiennes : des choix difficiles - cahier d’exercices (Version PDF seulement)
Ethics in the Canadian Forces: Making Tough Choices—Instructor's Manual
L’éthique dans les Forces canadiennes : des choix difficiles - guide de l’instructeur
Mentoring Handbook
Manuel sur le mentorat
Videos / Vidéos
Ethics in the Canadian Forces
L’éthique dans les Forces canadiennes
CF Leadership
Leadership des FC
Duty with Honour: The Profession of Arms in Canada
Servir avec honneur : la profession des armes au Canada
Leadership Doctrine Collection
Collection de doctrine de leadership de l’ILFC
Warrior’s Honour / L’honneur du guerrier
In Their Own Words: Canadian Stories of Valour and Bravery from Afghanistan 2001–2007 (2013)
TR 2013–01—From Start to Finish: Research Methodology for In Their Own Words (PDF format only)
RT 2013–01—Du début à la fin : Méthode de recherche employée pour l’ouvrage intitulé Récits de soldats
: Courage et vaillance des militaires canadiens en Afghanistan, 2001-2007 (Version PDF seulement)
War in Afghanistan: Eight Battles in the South—Magic Light Publishing (2012)
La guerre en Afghanistan: huit batailles dans le sud
Wars without Fronts: A Primer on Counterinsurgency—Magic Light Publishing (2012)
Les guerres sans fronts : ouvrage sur la contre-insurrection
Witness to War: Reporting on Afghanistan, 2004-2009—Magic Light Publishing (2010)
Témoin de la guerre : mes reportages sur l'Afghanistan de 2004 à 2009
What the Thunder Said: Reflections of a Canadian Officer in Kandahar—Dundurn Press (2009)
Ce que dit le tonnerre: réflexions d’un officier canadien à Kandahar
Warriors and Nation Builders: Development and the Military in Afghanistan (2009)
Dancing with the Dushman: Command Imperatives for the Counter-Insurgency Fight in Afghanistan (2008)
Danser avec le Dushman : les impératifs du commandement dans la lutte contre l’insurrection en
Afghanistan (Version PDF seulement)
TR 2008–02—“How do we go about building peace while we’re still at war?” Canada, Afghanistan and the
Whole of Government Concept
TR 2007–05—Crucible of Success: Applying the Four CQ Domain Paradigm: The Canadian Forces in
Afghanistan as a Case Study
Current Affairs / Actualités
The Same Yet Different: Continuity and Change in the Canada-United States Post-9/11 Security
Relationship (2012)
Diversity and Leadership / Diversité et leadership
Canada's Rangers Selected Stories 1942 – 2012 (2013)
Forgotten Soldiers (2010)
Transforming Traditions: Women, Leadership & the Canadian Navy: 1942–2010 (2010)
Façonner les traditions : les femmes, le leadership et la Marine canadienne de 1942 à 2010 (Version PDF
OKA: A Convergence of Cultures and the Canadian Forces (2009)
Aboriginal Peoples and the Canadian Military: Historical Perspectives (2007)
Aboriginal Peoples and Military Participation: Canadian and International Perspectives (2007)
Women and Leadership in the Canadian Forces: Perspectives and Experience (2007)
Le leadership des femmes dans les Forces canadiennes : Perspectives et expériences (2009)
Challenge and Change in the Military: Gender and Diversity Issues (2004)
Défis et changements chez les militaires : enjeux touchant à l’égalité des genres et à la diversité (Version
PDF seulement)
DND, CAF and Whole-of-Government /
MDN, FAC et participation pangouvernementale
The Defence Team: Military and Civilian Partnership in the Canadian Armed Forces and the Department of
National Defence, 2015
Monograph 2013–01—Cultural Complexity and the Canadian Armed Forces in Canada’s Arctic:
Understanding the Impact and Preparing to Meet the Challenges (2013)
The Comprehensive Approach to Operations: International Perspectives (2013)
Monograph 2012–02—Leading in Comprehensive Operations (2012)
Monographie 2012–02—Diriger des opérations exhaustives
Monograph 2011–01—Leadership in Whole-of-Government Operations: A Case Study of Security in the
Canadian Arctic (2011)
Monographie 2011–01—Leadership et opérations pangouvernementales: étude de cas – Sécurité dans
L’arctique canadien (Version PDF seulement)
Institutional Leadership in the Canadian Forces: Contemporary Issues (2007)
Dimensions of Military Leadership (2006)
The Operational Art: Canadian Perspectives—Leadership and Command Vol. 2 (2006)
The Canadian Way of War: Serving the National Interest—Dundurn Press (2006)—Out of Print
From the Outside Looking In: Media and Defence Analyst Perspectives on Canadian Military Leadership
Perspectives de l'extérieur: Opinions de journalistes et d’analystes de la Défense sur le leadership militaire
au Canada
Ethics / Éthique
Monograph 2011–02—The Dark Side in Leadership: A Critical Social Perspective (2011)
TM 2011–02—Toward the Development of a Measure of Military Ethos: Review and Analysis of Theory and
Measures Related to Early Socialization and Training Delivery in the CF. (2011)
Military Ethics: International Perspectives (2010)
L’éthique militaire : points de vue internationaux (Version PDF seulement)
The War on Terror: Ethical Considerations - Proceedings CCEL 7 Vol. 1 (2008)
Ethical Decision-Making in the New Security Environment - Proceedings CCEL 7—Vol. 2 (2008)
The Scylla and Charybdis of Strategic Leadership (2008)
The Warrior's Way: A Treatise on Military Ethics (2007)
À la manière des guerriers : un traité d’éthique militaire
CFLI TR 2007–04—Shifting to the Moral Plane: The Canadian Approach to Information Operations. (2007)
Health / Santé
A New Coalition for a Challenging Battlefield: Military and Veteran Health Research (2013)
Shaping the Future: Military and Veteran’s Health Research (2011)
Combat Stress in the 20 Century: The Commonwealth Perspective (2010)
The Operational Art: Canadian Perspectives - Health Services Support Vol. 3 (2006)
Historical / Histoire
Général de la guerre froide et de la paix: Richard Evraire Identité, éducation et leadership franco-ontarien
dans les Forces armées canadiennes 1954–1997 (édition révisée 2015) par Roch Legault
Monograph 2012–01—Weighty and Hefty Responsibilities: Junior Canadian Army Officers, Ideal
Leadership and the Second World War (2012) (PDF format only)
TR 2012–01— “We need leaders – God, how we need leaders”, Exploring “Bad” Officership in the
Canadian Army, 1939— 1945: A Brief Synopsis (2012) (PDF only)
Believers in the Battlespace: Religion, Ideology and War (2011)
Les croyances dans l’espace de combat : religion, idéologie et guerre (Version PDF seulement)
History Etched in Stone: Gravestone Art and the Garrison Graveyard at Annapolis Royal (2011)
Soldier’s Blue: How Bomber Command and Area Bombing Helped Win the Second World War (2011)
Les soldats en bleu : comment les bombardements de zone effectués par le Bomber Command ont
contribué à la victoire durant la deuxième guerre mondiale (Version PDF seulement)
Great War Commands: Historical Perspectives on Canadian Army Leadership 1914–1918 (2010)
Les commandements durant la grande guerre : perspectives historiques sur le leadership dans l’Armée de
terre du Canada 1914–1918 (Version PDF seulement)
The Other Cold War: Canada’s Military Assistance to the Developing World 1945–1975 (2010)
L’autre guerre froide: l’assistance militaire du Canada au monde en développement entre 1945 et 1975
(Version PDF seulement)
Lipstick and High Heels: War, Gender and Popular Culture (2007)
None but the Brave: The Essential Contributions of RAF Bomber Command to Allied Victory during the
Second World War (2009)
TN 2008–01— “…like a beam of light from the past…”, Clausewitz and On War—A Review Essay (2008)
(PDF only)
Guy Simonds and the Art of Command (2007)
Intrepid Warriors: Perspectives on Canadian Military Leaders—Dundurn Press (2007)
Les guerriers intrépides: perspectives sur les chefs militaires canadiens
Kurt Meyer on Trial: A Documentary Record (2007) Out of Print
Learning the Hard Way: The Leadership Experiences of Lt. Agar Adamson in the South African War; 18991902 (2007)
Loyal Service: Perspectives on French-Canadian Military Leaders—Dundurn Press (2007)
Le leadership militaire canadien français: continuité, efficacité et loyauté
Neither Art, Nor Science: Selected Canadian Military Leadership Profiles (2007)
Ni art, ni science : profils de leaders militaires canadiens choisis
The Apathetic and the Defiant: Case Studies of Canadian Mutiny and Disobedience, 1812–1919—Dundurn
Press (2007)
Les apathiques et les rebelles: des exemples canadiens de mutineries et de désobéissance, 1812 à 1919
The Insubordinate and the Non-Compliant: Case Studies of Canadian Mutiny and Disobedience, 1920 to
Present—Dundurn Press (2007)
Les insubordonnés et les insurgés: des exemples canadiens de mutinerie et de désobéissance, de 1920 à
nos jours
The Unwilling and the Reluctant: Theoretical Perspectives on Disobedience in the Military (2006)
Leadership and the Profession of Arms / Le leadership et la profession des armes
Overcoming Leadership Challenges: International Perspectives (2015)
The Human Dimensions of Operations: A Personnel Research Perspective (2014)
Adaptive Leadership: In the Military Context International Perspectives (2014)
Military Human Resource Issues: A Multinational View (2013)
Threats to Military Professionalism: International Perspectives (2012)
Developing the Next Generation of Military Leaders: Challenges, Imperatives and Strategies (2011)
La formation de la prochaine génération de chefs militaires : Défis, impératifs et stratégies (Version PDF
Monograph 2010–01—Leadership in the Canadian Military Context (2010)
Decision-Making: International Perspectives (2009)
TR 2008–01—Broadsword or Rapier? The Canadian Forces’ Involvement in 21 Century Coalition
Operations (CDS Critical Topic Number 6 Project Report) (2008)
RT 2008-01 de l’ILFC – Fort-épée ou rapière? La participation des Forces canadiennes aux opérations de
coalition dans le XXI siècles (Équipe de projet de l’ILFC rapport sur le point numéro 6 de la liste des sujets
critiques de CEMD
The Military Leadership Handbook – Dundurn Press (2008)
Le précis de leadership militaire
Command Intent: International Perspectives and Challenges (2008)
Professional Ideology & Development: International Perspectives (2008)
Strategic Leadership Development: International Perspectives (2007)
TR 2007–02—Leadership in CF Operations: Emerging Issues and Future Trends (2007)
In Pursuit of Excellence: International Perspectives of Military Leadership (2006)
The Admirals: Canada’s Senior Naval Leadership in the Twentieth Century—Dundurn Press (2006)
Professional Ideology and the Profession of Arms in Canada (2005)
L'idéologie professionnelle et la profession des armes au Canada
The Operational Art: Canadian Perspectives - Context and Concepts Vol. 1 (2005)
Generalship and the Art of the Admiral: Perspectives on Canadian Senior Military Leadership—Vanwell
Publishing (2001)—Out of Print
La fonction de général et l'art de l'amirauté: perspectives du leadership militaire canadien—Dundurn Press
(2002) - Stock épuisés
Warrior Chiefs: Perspectives on Senior Canadian Military Leaders—Dundurn Press (2001)
Chefs guerriers : perspectives concernant les militaires canadiens de haut niveau
Lessons Learned / Leçons apprises
In Harm's Way: On the Front Lines of Leadership Sub-Unit Command on Operations Vol. 1 (2006)
Au péril de notre vie: le leadership sur la ligne de front Vol 1
In Harm's Way: Serving the Greater Good Perspectives of Operational Duty Vol. 2 (2006)
Au péril de notre vie: contribuer à l'intérêt commun des points de vue sur la fonction opérationnelle Vol 2
In Harm's Way: The Buck Stops Here Senior Commanders on Operations Vol. 3 (2007)
Au péril de notre vie: «Le responsable, c’est moi» les commandants militaires supérieurs durant les
opérations Vol 3
In Harm's Way: Grass Roots: Perspectives on Military Leadership from the Senior NCO Corps Vol. 4 (2008)
Au péril de notre vie : «Les pieds sur terre» points de vue des sous-officiers supérieurs sur les opérations
Vol 4
In Harm's Way: Leveraging Trust: A Force Multiplier for Today Vol. 5 (2008)
Au péril de notre vie : L’atout de la confiance un multiplicateur de la force contemporain Vol 5
In Harm’s Way: The Comprehensive Approach: Perspectives from the Field Vol. 6 (2015)
Military Culture, Cultural Intelligence and Systems Thinking / Culture militaire,
intelligence culturelle et pensée systémique
TM 2012–01—Measuring Cultural Intelligence in the Canadian Forces: Validity and Reliability of the
Cultural Intelligence Scale (2012)
TN 2012-01—Cultural Intelligence and Military Identity: Implications for Canadian Forces Leader
Development (2012) (PDF only)
TR 2012-02—The Impact of Language Knowledge and Ability on the Development of Cultural Intelligence:
Concepts, Relationships (2012)
TR 2011–01—The Importance of Culture: Soft Skills for Inter-Agency, Complex Operations (2011)
RT 2011–01 de l’ILFC—L’importance de la culture : compétences non-techniques nécessaires lors des
opérations interorganisationnelles complexes
TR 2011–02—Cultural Intelligence and Identity Development: Concepts, Measures and Relationship
to Canadian Forces Professional Development (2011)
Cultural Intelligence and Leadership: An Introduction for Canadian Forces Leaders (2009)
L’intelligence culturelle et le leadership: introduction à l’intention des leaders des Forces canadiennes
Inside Canadian Forces Transformation: Institutional Leadership as a Catalyst for Change (2009)
Au cœur de la transformation des Forces canadiennes : le leadership institutionnel en tant que catalyseur
de changement (Version PDF seulement)
TM 2009–01—Measuring “Cultural Intelligence” and “Emotional Intelligence”: An Annotated Bibliography
TR 2009–01—The Paradoxical Trinity: War as a Complex Adaptive System and How to Approach It Using
Systems Thinking and Design (2009)
TR 2009–02—Cultural Intelligence, 360 Degree Feedback and Development of Self Awareness Among
Canadian Forces Leaders: Review and Analysis of Available Tools & Measures (2009)
TM 2007–01—Cultural Intelligence, Emotional Intelligence and the Canadian Forces Leader Development:
Concepts, Relationships and Measures (2007)
TR 2007–01—CF Transformation and the Civilian Public Service Defence Professional (2007)
RT 2007–01 de l’ILFC—La transformation des Forces canadiennes et le professionnel civil de la Défense
Understanding Military Culture: A Canadian Perspective - McGill-Queens University Press (2004)—Out of
Professional Development and Education / Développement professionnel et
The Defence Learning, Education and Training Handbook: Educating the Leader and Leading the Educated
TR 2015–01—Who is Writing About What: An Examination of the Canadian Armed Forces Professional
Journals (PDF format only)
RT2015–01—Les auteurs et les sujets de leurs articles: un examen des revues professionnelles des Forces
armées canadiennes (Version PDF seulement)
TR 2012–03—Alternative Training Delivery and the Early Socialization of Non-Commissioned Members:
Final Report on the Development of an NCM Ethos and Socialization Survey (2012) (PDF only)
RT 2012–03— de l’ILFC - Diversification des modes de prestation de l'instruction et socialisation précoce
des militaires du rang Rapport final sur le développement d'un sondage sur l'éthos et la socialisation des
TM 2010–02—Alternative Training Delivery and the Early Socialization of Non-Commissioned Members:
Review and Analysis of Military Research and Related Concepts (2010)
TM 2008–01—The Socialization of the Officer Cadets at the Royal Military College of Canada – Results of
the 2006 Survey (2008)
TM 2007–02—Tradition and Change: The Socialization of Officer Cadets at the Royal Military College of
Canada – Preliminary Results of Interviews (2007)
TR 2007–03—Tradition and Change: The Socialization of Officer Cadets at the Royal Military College of
Canada — Final Report on the Interview Protocol (2007)
TR 2006–01—The Professional Development Framework: Generating Effectiveness in Canadian Forces
Leadership (2006)
RT 2006-01 de l’ILFC – Le cadre de perfectionnement des professionnels: Générer l’efficacité dans le
leadership des Forces canadiennes
TM 2006–01—The Socialization of Officer Cadets at the Royal Military College of Canada: Focus Group
Results (2006)
TR 2006–02—The Socialization of Officer Cadets at the Royal Military College of Canada: A Conceptual
Overview (2006)
Special Operations Forces (SOF) / Forces d’opérations spéciales
Special Operations Forces: By, With, Through A SOF Global Engagement Strategy (2014)
Special Operations Forces: Building Global Partnerships (2012)
Special Operations Forces: A National Capability (2011)
Les Forces d’opérations spéciales : une capacité nationale (2013)
The Difficult War: Perspectives on Insurgency and SOF – Dundurn Press (2009)
Une guerre difficile : points de vue sur l’insurrection et les Forces d’opération spéciales
Casting Light on the Shadows: Canadian Perspectives on Special Operations Forces – Dundurn Press
(2007) /Lumières sur les forces de l'ombre: une perspective canadienne sur les Forces d'opérations
To order, please contact us at:
[email protected]
Pour placer une commande, veuillez nous contacter par courriel:
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