books/livres - Sage Publications


books/livres - Sage Publications
Full presentations of many of the entries below have already been distributed to
BMS subscribers and RC33 members over the BMS-RC33 distribution list <bms-
[email protected]>.
Brugidou, L’opinion et ses publics - Une approche pragmatiste de
l’opinion publique (2008, Les presses de Sciences Po, isbn 978 2 7246 1018 5, 212
pp.). Pour de nombreux sociologues, ¡’opinion publique n’existe pas, il s’agit d’un
artefact crce par des instruments, les sondages. Et pourtant, si 1’opinion publique
n’existe pas, les controverses se multiplient et cr6ent leurs propres publics. Les
dispositifs d’enquete doivent donc changer de perspective pour rendre compte,
moins d’une opinion publique une et indivisible, que de la dynamique des
arguments et de la plasticitd des publics.
s’agit aujourd’hui de restituer la parole des « agents ordinaires », leurs images,
leurs rdcits et leurs arguments, qui forment des « lieux communs » sur un probl6me
qui les concerne, et d’identifier ainsi des publics, grfice A des sondages
expérimentaux considdrds comme des sc6nes publiques, ou des formes de
coordination collective qui peuvent comporter trois dimensions : le partage d’une
identitd, l’accord sur un diagnostic (cause, responsabilitd, solution) et 1’engagement
dans une action collective. C’est un ouvrage qui renouvelle la r6flexion sur le r8le
des sondages A I’heure d’Internet, des jurys citoyens et de la ddmocratie
Xavier Marc et Jean-FranVois Tcbemia (sous la direction de), Etudier ¡’opinion
(2007, Presses universitaires de Grenoble, isbn 978 2 7061 1404 5, 260 pp.). Cet
ouvrage veut A la fois analyser les outils mis en oeuvre pour dtudier 1’opinion,
prdsenter les savoir-faire de professions encoure mal connues et s’interroger sur les
notions et concepts utilis6s dans diffdrentes domaines (opinions, intentions de vote,
m6dias, satisfaction et services, grande consommation, d6bat public). Pour mener à
bien ces objectifs, des professionnels du sondage et des dtudes qualitatives, des
chercheurs et des universitaires ont été mobilises autour d’un projet collectif :
prdsenter de manure ddpassionn6e les nombreuses questions qui dmergent
lorsqu’on veut « dtudier 1’opinion ».
L’ouvrage est destind a un public d’dtudiants (niveau licence et master) en science
politique, sociologie, sciences sociales, marketing, aussi bien dans les universitds
que dans les instituts d’dtudes politiques ou dans les dcoles de commerce. Il est
aussi utile au citoyen qui veut comprendre comment se font les sondages et les
dtudes dont il entend parler dans les mddias, ainsi qu’aux professionnels effectuant
commandant des dtudes.
Barbut, La mesure des inigalitis - Ambigutt6s et paradoxes (2007, Librairie
Droz, isbn 978 2 600 01164 8, 222 pp.). Une analyse approfondie et sans a priori
idéologique de la notion meme d’indgalitd et de la logique de la comparaison
montre qu’en 1’esp6ce on se heurte souvent A une impossibilite : les inegalites ne
sont pas toujours comparables, loin de IA. D’ailleurs, toute « mesure » de ces
demieres s’expose A l’incoh6rence et risque d’aboutir A une impasse. L’auteur met
t’accent sur la complexitd de ces questions et met en evidence les ambiguïtés qui
leur sont inhdrentes. Il 6voque leur histoire depuis Vilfredo Pareto. Des applications
A des donn6es empiriques sont prdsentdes et ddveloppdes : elle sont en effet
insdparables des considdrations thdoriques.
(Professor of Technology and Human Factors, RSM Erasmus University,
Rotterdam) and Tony Hak (Associate professor of Methodology, RSM Erasmus
University, Rotterdam), Case Study Methodology in Business Research (2007,
Butterworth Heinemann, isbn 10: 0-7506-8196-9, 328 pp.). This book sets out
Jan Dul
structures and guidelines that assist students and researchers from a wide range of
disciplines to develop their case study research in a consistent and rigorous manner.
It clarifies the differences between practice-oriented and theory-oriented research
and, within the latter category, between theory-testing and theory-building. It
describes in detail how to design and conduct different types of case study research,
providing students and researchers with everything they need for their project.
The authors’ aims
are to: present a broad spectrum of types of case study research
(including practice-oriented case studies, theory-building case studies and theorytesting case studies) in one consistent methodological framework; emphasize and
clearly illustrate that the case study is the preferred research strategy for testing
deterministic propositions such as those expressing a necessary condition case by
case and that the survey is the preferred research strategy for testing probabilistic
propositions; stress the role of replication in all theory-testing research, irrespective
of which research strategy is chosen for a specific test; give more weight to the
importance of theory-testing relative to theory-building.
Templates are supplied for case study protocol and how to report a case study. This
work is a modular textbook primarily aimed at serving research methodology
courses for final year undergraduate students and graduate students in Business
Administration and Management, which is also useful as a handbook for
Michael Don Ward (University of Washington) and Kristian Skrede Gleditsch
(University of Essex), Spatial Regression Models (2008, Sage Publications,
Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences series, isbn 10: 1412954150, 112
pp.) assums no prior knowledge and is geared toward social science readers, unlike
other volumes on this topic. The text illustrates concepts using well known
international, comparative, and national examples of spatial regression analysis.
Each example is presented alongside relevant data and code, which is also available
on a Web site maintained by the authors.
Manfred Max Bergman, Advances in Mixed Methods Research: Theories and
Applications (2008, Sage Publications, isbn 10: 1412948096, 272 pp.) illuminates
new ways of conceptualizing and conducting empirical research in the social
sciences and humanities. It contains contributions from some of the world’s leading
experts on qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches. The
contributions cover all of the main practical and methodological issues and
where it is
number of different visions of what mixed methods research is and
Gary Alan Fine and Christopher R. Wellin, Ethnographic Work: Process and
Problems in Diverse Career Settings (2008, Sage Publications, Qualitative
Research Methods series, isbn 10: 0761923780).
John Fox, Applied Regression Analysis and Generalized Linear Models (2008,
second edition, Sage Publications, isbn 10: 0761930426, 888 pp.) extends coverage
to regression models such as: generalized linear models; limited-dependentvariable-models ; mixed models and Cox regression among other methods.
Dawn Iacobucci, Mediation Analysis (2008, Sage Publications, Quantitative
Applications in the Social Sciences series, isbn 10: 141292569X, 104 pp.).
Jared A. Jawroski (editor), Advances in Sociology Research: Volume 5 (2008,
Nova Science Publishers, isbn 10: 1604563818): Influences of Distal and Proximal
Family Environment Variables on Pre-adolescents’ Self-concept; The Persistence of
Asset Poverty in the United States, 1984-2001; Parental Styles and Attachment in
Relation with Self Control, Social Skills and Coping in Children at Risk for
Poverty; Improving Communication Interactions between Parents and Children
with Developmental and Physical Disabilities; Statutes of Limitation in Federal
Criminal Cases: An Overview; Poverty and Environment: A Review of Issues and
Evidences of Malaysia; Tests of Materials as Covers for Flight Information
Recorders Under Conditions Modeling an Accident; Unemployment Insurance:
Factors Associated with Benefit Receipt; Medicare: Thousands of Medicare Part B
Providers Abuse the Federal Tax System.
Beth Osborne Daponte, Evaluation Essentials: Methods For Conducting Sound
Research: Methods for Conducting Sound Research (2008, Jossey Bass , Research
Methods for the Social Sciences series, isbn 10: 0787984396, 325 pp.) introduces
students and practitioners to all necessary concepts and tools used to evaluate
programs and policies. It focuses on issues that arise when evaluating programs,
using those offered by non-profit and governmental organizations serving different
sectors (social services, health, education, social work) as case studies. The author
gives the reader a solid background in the core concepts, theories, and methods of
program evaluation. Readers will learn to form evaluation questions, describe
programs using program theory and program logic models, understand causation as
it relates to evaluation, and perform quasi-experimental design, grant writing,
outcome measures, survey design, and sampling.
Norman K. Denzin, Yvonna S. Lincoln and Linda Tuhiwai Smith (editors),
Handbook of Critical and Indigenous Methodologies (2008, Sage Publications, isbn
1412918030, 1,134 pp.) is built on the foundation of the editors’ landmark
Handbook of Qualitative Research. It extends beyond the investigation of
qualitative inquiry itself to explore the indigenous and non-indigenous voices that
inform research, policy, politics, and social justice. The Handbook of Critical
Methodologies covers everything from the history of critical and indigenous theory
and how it came to inform and impact qualitative research and indigenous peoples
to the critical constructs themselves, including race/diversity, gender representation
(queer theory, feminism), culture, and politics to the meaning of &dquo;critical&dquo; concepts
within specific disciplines (critical psychology, critical communication / mass
communication, media studies, cultural studies, political economy, education,
sociology, anthropology, history,
research and explore what critical
social justice.
etc. - all in an effort to define emancipatory
qualitative research can do for social change and
James Alan Fox, Jack Levin and David R. Forde, Social Statistics: A
Introduction (2008, Allyn & Bacon , isbn 0205484824, 544 pp.).
Michael Borenstein, Introduction to MetaAnalysis (2008, John Wiley & Sons, isbn
0470057246, 352 pp.) was bom from the teachings of a popular meta-analysis
course. This text provides a concise and clearly presented discussion of all the
elements in a meta-analysis. Starting with the explanation of basic concepts this
book presents a concise, clear discussion of all elements in meta-analysis. Many
points are explained visually by using screenshots from Excel spreadsheets and
computer programs such as Comprehensive Meta-Analysis (CMA) or Stata.
Readers will also be encouraged to work through examples on their own using these
programs, instructional versions of which will be provided by the book’s Web site.
Consequently this introductory text, written in a clear style, would be useful both
for courses on meta-analysis, and for readers wanting to learn about it on their own.
Peter Ester, Michael Braun and Peter Mohler (editors), Globalization, Value
Change and Generations. A Cross-National and Intergenerational Perspective
(2006, Brill Academic Publishers, European Value Studies series, isbn 90 04
128107, 286 pp.). The three cores issues that guide the various chapters in this book
are the following: do basic values in European countries converge or diverge? Do
we observe a marked decline in traditional values in European societies? Is it the
youngest generation in Europe that embraces new values?