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Commission scolaire English-Montréal ~ English Montreal School Board
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volume 12 | number 2 | Spring 2010
See / voir page 2
EMSB raises $108,000
for Haiti relief 2
À la Commission scolaire
Le Français
fait toute
la différence!
La Commission scolaire
English-Montréal (CSEM)
a lancé une nouvelle vidéo
qui pourra mettre en évi dence l’excellent niveau de
l’enseignement du français
offert dans nos écoles
primaires et secondaires.
Nous sommes très fiers de la
qualité de l’enseignement du
français. La vidéo, qui est
complètement en français, a été
produite par Productions Oracle
et met en vedette des élèves, du
personnel et des parents de la
CSEM qui représentent les
diverses écoles primaires et
secondaires. Elle sera disponible
sur le site Web de la CSEM à
www.emsb.qc.ca. Des copies
seront aussi données à nos écoles.
Je pense bien que notre vidéo
lance un message aux parents de
réfléchir sur le choix d’école pour
leurs enfants pour l’année scolaire
2010-2011 et au-delà.
Selon les dossiers de la
CSEM, 1 775 élèves, sur un
total de 22 299 aux niveaux
primaire et secondaire, identifient
le français comme leur langue
maternelle. Selon la Charte de
la langue française, un certificat
Suite à la page 2 – voir ‘MANCINI’
Schools and centres from the
English Montreal School Board
have set a new mark for generosity.
An extraordinary $108,000 has
thus far been raised for Haiti relief.
In 2004, the EMSB brought in
more than $50,000 for victims of
the South East Asian tsunami.
“I am so proud of the staff,
students and parents of our
board,” said EMSB Chairman
Angela Mancini. “Immediately
after the earthquake in Haiti we
asked our schools and centres to
do what they could to sensitize our
students to this disaster and raise
funds for one of the organizations
providing relief. They have
exceeded our expectations.”
Pictured above are: (1)
LaurenHill Academy Senior
Campus in St. Laurent presents
a cheque to NHL veteran
Georges Laraque for World
Vision; (2) Michelangelo
Elementary School in RDP held
a Druma-a-thon “Haiti took a
beating and we are beating for
Haiti,” was the slogan adopted
by the school and music teacher
Ian Hanchet; (3) Students of
Haitian background at John F.
Kennedy High School in St.
Michel collected funds from their
peers;(4) The class of Carmela
Macri at St. Brendan Elementary
School in Rosemount celebrates
its fundraising efforts.
Funds are being directed to
numerous charities, including the
Canadian Red Cross Society,
World Vision, UNICEF, Canada
Care, New Missions, Oxfam and
the CECI (Centre D’études et
de Cooperation International).
For complete details about the
activities schools and centres
undertook for this cause,
please go to www.emsb.qc.ca
(Press Room/Press Releases).
see page 4
EMSB EXPRESS | vol. 12 | N o 2 | Spring 2010
Introducing EMSB TV
The EMSB has launched an Internet video channel where it will
post videos from school board events and television newscast reports.
This new EMSB TV website showcases videos dating back several
years. It is accessible by logging on to www.emsb.qc.ca. The EMSB
also has its own YouTube channel at www.youtube.com/emsbtv,
featuring much of the same coverage.
It is with great pride that
I address you officially for the first
time as the Director General of
the English Montreal School
Board. I had held the position on
an interim basis for seven months
until my formal appointment in
January. I now look forward to
continuing my work with our
EMSB team in developing and
implementing measures that will
support the goals of our Strategic
Plan. Together, we will attain our
objectives and move our school
board toward an even greater level
of success.
I believe that strong leadership
is vital to the development of an
organization. Authentic leadership that is an inspiration to others
is essential for our growth and
improvement. At the heart of
leadership must be the values
of relationships, respect and
responsibility. I also believe
that the truly inspirational leader
is one who understands the worth
of servant leadership – to be of
service to others so that they may
thrive and in turn themselves build
a community of leaders.
A successful leader nurtures
relationships. To be a mentor so
that we facilitate the professional
and personal growth of others, to
be a learner so that the knowledge
of others expands our own vision
and horizons, to value the ideas
of others, to listen and respond to
the needs of our community –
these are all evidence of relation-
EMSB on Facebook
The EMSB has launched its own Facebook page. Students, staff
and parents are urged to sign up as fans to be plugged into the latest
EMSB headlines. Just go to www.facebook.com/emsb1 .
You can then click the box that welcomes you to “become a fan.”
Facebook is a social networking website. Users can add friends and
send them messages, and update their personal profiles to notify
friends about themselves. The website's name stems from the
colloquial name of books given at the start of the academic year by
university administrations with the intention of helping students to
get to know each other better.
Claude Lemieux, ancienne étoile de la LNH, s’est adressé aux élèves
de l’école secondaire John F. Kennedy de Saint-Michel. Lemieux
est actuellement le directeur général pour l’Amérique du Nord de
MOOV Frozen Foods Inc. qui emballe, distribue et fait la promotion
de fruits surgelés sous l’étiquette MOOV(TM). En sus de parler aux
élèves sur une alimentation saine, de sa carrière auprès de la LNH
et, plus récemment, sa présence au programme de télévision Battle
of the Blades, il a rencontré les responsables de la division des
services alimentaires de la CSEM afin de recommander que les
produits MOOV soient disponibles dans les cafétérias des écoles.
The EMSB has had its own twitter page for several months now
and more and more people are signing up as followers. The EMSB
www.twitter.com/emsb109 site is being used for snowstorm alerts,
other important bulletins and basic updates. It was very helpful to
parents during the H1N1 crisis in the fall. The “tweets” can also
be seen on the right hand corner of the EMSB website.
ships that foster a sense of
belonging and worth among our
students, our teachers and all our
employees. It is within this culture
that we will achieve our greatest
The most important relationship in the educational process is
that between educator and learner.
The responsibility of everyone in
our organization, through their
work, is to support and nurture
this vital relationship in our schools
and centres. Each and every day
our educators have the opportunity
to touch the heart and soul of our
students, enabling each one of
them to succeed. The educatorlearner relationship can only
flourish if our services are provided
to schools and centres in a timely
and professional manner. It is our
obligation to ensure that we do so.
I am looking forward to exploring
further avenues in continuing to
improve the quality services we offer.
Over the next five years, the
EMSB will face numerous
challenges, among them: increasing
our graduation rates, improving our
students’ mastery in literacy and
numeracy, providing sufficient
resources to our students at risk
despite their increasing numbers and
our diminishing financial resources,
addressing the needs of an
increasing number of students under
the age of 20 in our vocational
training programs and ensuring that
all are learning and working in
healthy and safe environments
Editor’s Note: For Mr. Tirelli’s
complete address go to
www.emsb.qc.ca (Governance,
Director General’s Message)
The Kid Scoop
the all in one reference
for kids activities
is a proud sponsor of
EMSB Volunteer
Appreciation Evening
Log on to www.emsb.qc.ca
and go the Press Room
MANCINI – suite de la page 1
Produced by the Communications and Marketing
Services Division of the
English Montreal School Board
6000 Fielding Avenue, Montreal (Quebec) H3X 1T4
Web site:
(514) 483-7200, ext. 7245
(514) 483-7213
[email protected]
Michael J. Cohen
Communications & Marketing Specialist, EMSB
Copy Editor:
Stuart Nulman
Aline Zerounian
Layout & design: Ponctuation Grafix Inc.
Legal Deposit:
Bibliothèque Nationale du Québec
National Library of Canada
ISSN 1488-416X
d’admissibilité est généralement
accordé aux enfants qui ont fait la
majorité de leurs études au primaire
ou au secondaire en anglais au
Canada; dont la mère ou le père
a fait la majorité de ses études
primaires en anglais au Canada ou
dont le frère ou la sœur a fait la
majorité de ses études primaires ou
secondaires en anglais au Canada.
Il y a près de 14 000 élèves à
travers le Québec qui ont au moins
un parent qui a fait ses études en
français et un autre qui a fait la
majorité de ses études en anglais
et qui serait éligible de fréquenter
nos écoles mais qui choisissent le
réseau francophone.
Ils le font parce qu’ils pensent
que leurs enfants termineront leurs
études avec un niveau de français
supérieur. Et voici pourquoi
une vidéo promotionnelle est si
nécessaire. Car, en fréquentant un
programme d’immersion française
de la CSEM, nous vous assurons
que votre enfant terminera ses
études en étant parfaitement
bilingue avec un niveau de français
très élevé. La vidéo nous aidera à
démontrer ce fait.
Au primaire, la CSEM offre
trois modèles de français; français
de base, bilingue et immersion
totale. Après avoir terminé ses
études au primaire, incluant la
maternelle dans une école offrant
un programme de base, un élève
aura reçu 32 pour cent d’en seignement en français; les élèves
qui ont fréquenté des écoles avec
modèles bilingues et d’immersion,
auront reçu un total de 47 et
69 pour cent d’enseignement en
français respectivement.
Bill 104 Petition
We are urging parents, students, staff and the community at large
to support our online petition related to Bill 104, which the Supreme
Court of Canada declared unconstitutional last fall. This petition calls
upon the Quebec government to respect the ruling.
Bill 104 came into force in 2002 and closed a section in Bill 101,
the charter of the French language in Quebec, that made a child eligible
to attend English public school after as little as a year in a non-subsidized
private English school. This applied to siblings and, eventually, offspring
as well. The EMSB had more than 27,000 students in its youth sector
at the time. That number has since dropped to 22,000, due mainly to
Bill 104.
For the petition and a full press release, go to www.emsb.qc.ca.
EMSB EXPRESS | vol. 12 | N o 2 | Spring 2010
~ 2010 ~
World Health Day
7:30 p.m. – Tickets: $10 for adults
and $5 for students and seniors.
Info: 514-483-7200, ext. 7234
April 11
May 11
April 7
Remembrance Day
April 18 to 24
Appreciation Week
April 21
EMSB Volunteer
Appreciation Evening
Baron Royale, St. Leonard
National Denim Day
May 15
International Day
of Families
June 4
FACE School
35th anniversary concert
3449 University
Afternoon Concert (time TBA)
7:30 p.m. Show
Tickets: $5 for students
and $10 for adults
Info: 514-350-8899, ext. 8005
June 23
Last Day of Classes
June 30
EMSB Scholarship
Golf Tournament
St. Raphael
The husband and wife team of
Scott and Cindy Day have been
chosen as his year’s Volunteers
of Distinction by the EMSB.
They will be honoured at
Volunteer Appreciation Evening
on April 21. Scott currently
serves as the chairman of the
Central Parents’ Committee
(CPC) as well as the chairman
of the Parents’ Committee for
Region 3. Cindy is the chair of
the Westmount High School
Governing Board. For Stuart
Nulman’s profile on the Days,
please go to www.emsb.qc.ca
(Parent Info/Volunteer
Appreciation Night).
April 22
Earth Day
April 30
Administrative Assistants/Secretary’s Day
May 1
National Teachers Day
EMSB Chorale
30th Anniversary
Spring Gala Concert
Oscar Peterson Hall
(7141 Sherbrooke Street West)
Loyola Campus,
Concordia University
The EMSB council of commissioners meet in public once a
month. These sessions begin
at 7:30 p.m. and are held in the
Laurence Patterson Conference
Room of the administration
building at 6000 Fielding Avenue.
Everyone is welcome to attend.
Please note that occasionally
during the year special meetings are called. Parents are
urged to bookmark the EMSB
website (www.emsb.qc.ca) to
access Board meeting agendas
and to be advised about special
meetings. To register for question
period please call 514-483-7200,
ext. 7264. The remaining meetings
scheduled for this academic year
are as follows:
EMSB literacy initiative will
help further boost success rate
The EMSB is very proud to
boast one of the strongest success
rates of any public school board
in Quebec – 83 percent over the
last three years based on a seven
year cohort. The Ministr y of
Education, Leisure and Sports
(MELS) has developed targets
for all boards to achieve by the
year 2020. For the EMSB, the
number has been set at 88
percent. Director General Mario
Tirelli notes how, interestingly
enough that is when Cycle 1
students, who are now part of a
special EMSB literacy initiative
– aimed at boosting student
success – will be graduating.
A large-scale, balanced
literacy initiative began at the
EMSB last September. The
EMSB literacy initiative involves
a comprehensive, three-year plan
that represents a $1.2 million
investment by the board. This
budget will be used to support
a three-prong approach that
includes improving the material
resources in schools, fostering a
balanced approach to literacy
development, and ensuring
ongoing, sustainable professional
development for teachers.
To support this, each elementar y school has received a
comprehensive set of books
to support guided reading –
focused, small-group instruction
aimed at the individual needs
of each student. Additionally,
one teacher in each of our 39
elementar y schools has been
released on a part-time basis to
work as a literacy facilitator.
These facilitators are working in
collaboration with their colleagues
in the process of implementing a
balanced literacy approach to the
teaching of reading and writing.
“This initiative commenced
with all kindergarten and Cycle
1, year one classes in the fall,”
stated EMSB Chairman Angela
Mancini. “It will result in
students reading more, conversing
more, writing more, getting more
one-on-one individual instructional time, and achieving a
greater level of independence.”
Moreover, notes EMSB
Pedagogical Ser vices literacy
consultant Paul Kettner, it is
the intent to ensure that teachers,
too, are given more opportunity
to continue the ongoing development of their professional
expertise through regular
partnering with the in-house
literacy facilitators. “The facilitators themselves are invited to
the board office on a monthly
basis to share their knowledge
with each other, and to participate
in professional development workshops,” he said. “The launch of
this initiative has begun to focus
collective attention on the common
goal of improving literacy, and
has resulted in a great deal of
enthusiasm amongst adminis trators and teachers alike.”
For a complete listing and photos of
EMSB commissioners please go to
www.emsb.qc.ca and click on governance.
Here you will also be able to review minutes
from previous council meetings, board bylaws and policies.
April 28
May 26
June 16
The monthly EMSB Council of
Commissioners meetings are
now being broadcast live via
www.emsb.qc.ca. Viewers need
only click on the page one link.
The site also includes archival
coverage of previous meetings.
EMSB EXPRESS | vol. 12 | N o 2 | Spring 2010
Facebook Express Quiz
(30 minutes from downtown montreal),
Quebec’s largest water park and a favorite
spot for end of year school outings.
Go to www.cineplex.com
to find the location closest
to your neighbourhood.
Go to www.superaquaclub.com to learn about the
more than 40 slides, a giant wave pool, lazy river,
large sandy beach and large children’s areas.
EMSB Express Quiz
Learn more about Cineplex Theatres,
watch movie trailers, book parties
and much more.
The answers to these questions can be easily found by: becoming a fan of the EMSB Facebook page (go to www.facebook.com/EMSB1
and then click on the Photo Album called Celebrities). Students who are not old enough to register for Facebook can access the
site if their parents are members and do the quiz with them. You can also get clues in this newspaper and at www.emsb.qc.ca
1. At John F. Kennedy High School: He is a former player for the
Montreal Canadiens who participated in CBC’s Battle of the Blades.
6. At Nesbitt: He is the weekend co-anchor on CTV News Montreal
who attended Nesbitt School.
2. At LaurenHill Academy: He played for the Montreal Canadiens and
is regarded as one of the NHL’s toughest players.
7. At St. John Bosco: She is a former winner of Canadian Idol.
3. At FACE: He is a judge on So You Think You Can Dance Canada.
4. With students from John Grant High School: She is the Governor
General of Canada.
5. At St. Monica Elementary School: He is the former captain of the
Montreal Impact.
Please cut out this form and bring it to the office of your school and ask
that it be sent to Room 109 of the EMSB Head Office at 6000 Fielding via
the internal mail system. The deadline is Wed. April 21.
The Evangelista Sports World Cup of Soccer – QUIZ
The EMSB is pleased to welcome Evangelista Sports
as the official sponsor for all things soccer in 2010.
Evangelistasports.com is the online soccer store supplying teams, players and fans from around the world. The company offers
the largest selection of international replicas in North America and is a great source for all soccer equipment, such as team
uniforms, soccer shoes, balls, shorts, warm ups, goalkeeper equipment, coaching supplies, referee equipment. For the fans
there are posters, pins, flags, trading cards and videos.
Enter our Evangelista Sports World Cup Quiz and you will be eligible
to win some $25 gift certificates.
Clue: The answers to these questions can all be found at www.evangelistasports.com
1. In the World Cup 2010 category, which country listed is hosting this summer’s competition?
2. In the Sports Fashion category, in the jackets section, name two models available for women.
3. In the Jerseys category, list five club teams ending with the letter “a.”
4. In the Soccer Balls category, name the model with the name of a city in Italy.
5. In the Training category, how many times do you see the name “David Beckham?”
Loft Uniforms is a proud sponsor of
EMSB Volunteer Appreciation Evening
BONUS QUESTION: Who is David Beckham married to? ________________________________
Please cut out this form and bring it to the office of your school and ask that it be sent to Room 109 of
the EMSB Head Office at 6000 Fielding via the internal mail system. The deadline is Wed. April 21.
EMSB EXPRESS | vol. 12 | N o 2 | Spring 2010
English Montreal School Board
Seventh Annual Scholarship Fund
Golf Tournament
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
All proceeds go to the EMSB Scholarship Fund
44 Scholarships
Awarded Last Year!
Join us for a great day of golf
in support of an excellent cause!
1111 de l’Église, Île Bizard, Qc
Register at
For more information
please contact us at:
Tel: 514-483-7200, ext: GOLF (4653)
or email: [email protected]
Regional Vice-President,
Commercial Financial
Services, Western Quebec
and Place Ville-Marie
RBC Royal Bank
Shotgun Start
Vegas style (best ball)
08:00 - 09:30
08:30 - 10:30
11:00 - 17:00
17:30 - 18:30
18:30 - 21:00
$210 golf & dinner
($75 tax receipt)
$75 dinner only
($25 tax receipt)
EMSB EXPRESS | vol. 12 | N o 2 | Spring 2010
EMSB hands out 44 cash sch
Samantha Montuori, Vincent Massey
Photos by HOWARD KAY
The English Montreal School Board (EMSB)
distributed 44 cash scholarships of $500 each to
students from the graduating class of 2009 at a
ceremony that was held on November 3 at the St.
Pius X Facility in Ahuntsic.
These scholarships were funded from the proceeds
of the fifth EMSB Scholarship Golf Tournament, held
in June 2008. Beneficiaries from the tournament,
which took place this past June, will be chosen at
the end of the current academic year. Scholarships
were awarded to high school students who are
continuing their studies in a post-secondary
educational program.
The scholarships were divided into two categories:
Category I scholarships were presented to students
who have demonstrated a high academic achievement as well as involvement in school life activities
such as leadership, volunteerism, student council,
school sports, representing the school in different
events. Category II scholarships were awarded
to students who have persevered in the face of
overwhelming odds and personal difficulties.
Here is a look at
the winners:
Alessio Valentini – Lester B. Pearson
High School, Montreal North: As a
student at Lester B. Pearson High School,
Alessio was known as a well rounded
individual. He was chairperson of the social
committee, co-chair of the Coffee House Club,
and represented the school in math
competitions, science fairs and public speaking tournaments.
He even participated in a leadership training retreat at Camp
Kinkora, and served as a volunteer peer tutor. Alessio is now
a student at Vanier College’s Health Sciences program, and
hopes to pursue a career either as a medical biologist or
a chemist.
Alyssa Marie Cannavino, Lester B.
Pearson High School, Montreal North:
Alyssa was not only dedicated towards her
studies, but a family-oriented and communityminded person as well. She co-chaired the
school’s Coffee House Club, was involved in
the variety show and Green Club, was a
member of the Greater Montreal Athletic Association track
and field team, and represented Lester B. Pearson High School
in math and public speaking competitions. Alyssa also got herself
involved in the community with the Big Brother, Big Sister
program, a local animal shelter and even volunteered as a peer
tutor. She now attends Marianopolis College in the Health
Sciences program, and hopes to become a veterinarian.
Celine Krystal Coletta, Laurier
Macdonald High School, St. Leonard:
Celine excelled during her three years as a
student at Laurier Macdonald. She got
herself involved with many aspects of student
life both in and outside the school, such as
volunteering a great deal of hours of her time
to community work. She also distinguished herself as an
International Baccalaureate (IB) student. These days, she
attends Marianopolis College in the Health Sciences program.
Jordan Marques, Laurier Macdonald
High School, St. Leonard: Jordan was
an International Baccalaureate (IB) student
while at Laurier Macdonald, and was involved
with many activities in and outside of the
school, such as the main organizer of the
Seniors’ Night. Jordan currently attends
Champlain College, where he enrolled in its Pure and Applied
Science program. He hopes to pursue a career as an actuary
or a mathematician.
Collegiate, Rosemount: During her years
as a student at Vincent Massey Collegiate,
Samantha really symbolized what school spirit
is all about. She was involved in three school
extra-curricular activities organizing committees
(prom yearbook and Battle of the Bands), and
was a member of the VMC Juvenile Girls basketball team.
When she was a student in Secondar y IV, Samantha
volunteered about 25 hours of her time aiding educators at the
Centre de la Petite Enfance G.B. Scalabrini. She presently
attends Marianopolis College in the Health Sciences program,
and hopes to become a pediatrician.
Maya Patel, Rosemount High School:
Maya was consistently an honour student at
Rosemount High School while she was in
Secondary IV and V. A dedicated peer tutor
for three years, she received the Peer Tutoring
Award last year. She also participated in the
Hospital Opportunity Program (HOPS), a
very competitive work study program. As well, Maya volunteered
her time in several soup kitchen programs that were put together
by the school’s spiritual community animator.
Heide Leger-Gallegos, Rosemount
High School: Heide had a very diverse,
fulfilling time as a student at Rosemount High
School. She served as a peer tutor, especially
to two students from Mexico, and helped them
with their English and French work. She was
also involved with Encounters with Canada,
the school’s yearbook committee and attended the Breast Cancer
Breakfast. Heide was also involved with the cadets, and marched
in last year’s Black Watch Parade. For her outstanding academic
achievements, Heide received a Rosemount High School
bursary, and EMSB awards for economics, French 544, World
History and History 44. Heide currently attends Marianopolis
College, and hopes to pursue a career in the legal profession.
Antonino Gentile, LaurenHill
Academy, St. Laurent: As a student at
LaurenHill, Antonino was known for the
positive influence he had on his fellow students.
He helped out with a variety of school activities
that were planned by the student council, as
well as the activities that were related to the
2009 graduation (including pre-prom and prom). He also
participated in many of the school’s fund raisers throughout
the year.
Julia Ferreira, LaurenHill Academy,
St. Laurent: Julia was regarded as a student
with a great deal of energy and a terrific
personality. She got herself involved in all
activities that were organized by the Student
Council, not to mention all of the school’s fund
raising activities. Her leadership abilities made
Julia an inspiration to her fellow Secondary V students during
her final year at LaurenHill. She is now studying business
administration and marketing at Vanier College, and one day
hopes to open up her own business.
Gianna Di Censo, MIND High School,
the Plateau: Gianna will always be
remembered as an enthusiastic and
conscientious student at MIND. She helped
put together last year’s student yearbook
and was among the organizers of the school’s
prom. She also ser ved as a peer tutor, in
which she helped her fellow students with their science and
math studies.
Jessica Di Lazzaro, John F. Kennedy
High School, St. Michel: Jessica’s years
at John F. Kennedy High School can also be
described as an exercise in leadership
development. She ser ved a term as the
president of the Student Council, was a
member of the Governing Board, participated
in several leadership training activities, and was recognized by
the City of Montreal as a potential future leader. She was
also involved with the school’s annual Christmas fund
raiser, and volunteered her time helping out at a local senior
citizens’ residence.
Mateo Doutreligne-Solkin, FACE High
School, Downtown Montreal: Mateo is
a dynamic, outgoing individual, and those
traits allowed him to shine while he was a
student at FACE. He served as a section
leader in the Senior Band, was a member of
the FACE Jazz Band and Boys’ Choir, was
involved in the Secondary V theatrical production, competed
in the Waterloo Math Competition, and won academic prizes
in math and English. As well, Mateo served as president of
the School Student Council, was a student member of the
Governing Board, and was always available to tutor any of his
fellow students when the need arose. Mateo is now a student
at CEGEP de Vieux-Montreal in the social sciences program,
and is involved with an organization called “Opti Monde,”
which will give him the opportunity to travel to South America
early in 2010.
Natalie Richards, FACE High School,
Downtown Montreal: Natalie’s years at
FACE successfully combined arts, academics
and an outlook towards her future. She was
involved in the FACE Symphony Orchestra
and numerous FACE ensembles, participated
in the Secondary V theatrical production,
competed in the Waterloo Math Competition and received
academic prizes for chemistry. She also successfully completed
the HOPS work study program, which she hopes will lead to
a career as a pharmacist. Right now, Natalie is attending
Dawson College as a student in the Health Sciences program.
Eden Loren Abramowitz, Royal West
Academy, Montreal West: Eden’s
boundless energy and enthusiasm made her
an invaluable member of the Student Life
Association at Royal West. She helped
organize many school events, such as the
Winter Carnival, April Madness, charity
fundraisers and school dances, and was always seen actively
encouraging students to participate in these events. Eden was
also selected to serve as a prefect, which involved assisting
teachers and administrators during assemblies, shows and plays,
as well as performing a great deal of volunteer work. She was
also an executive for the school’s Dance Show. Eden is currently
studying Pure and Applied Sciences at Dawson College, and
hopes to become an architect.
Ross Gearey, James Lyng High School,
St. Henri: Ross distinguished himself at
James Lyng as a member of the Leadership
Team. In this capacity he performed a number
of duties, such as fundraising, being a role
model to the school’s younger students, acting
as a host when the school held several
conferences in which people from the outside attended,
participating one morning a week in the team’s breakfast
program, and during Parents’ Nights, he sold baked goods and
helped guide parents to find the appropriate classroom. As a
result of his enormous contributions to the Leadership Team,
Ross represented the school as a delegate to a student leadership
conference in P.E.I. Ross also tutored at Westmount Park
elementary school, where he read to students and helped them
with their literacy skills.
Erika Di Michele, James Lyng High
School, St. Henri: Erika spent her student
life at James Lyng High School as a member
of the “Green Team,” which met at least twice
a week to learn about environment-related
issues and develop a worm composting
program, and the Graduation Prom
Committee, in which she helped choose a site for the prom and
lent a hand in the planning of the event. Erika also did her share
of community work, especially as a member of the spiritual
animator’s team of students who worked with the charitable
organization Share the Warmth, where she made sandwiches
and did a variety of office-related duties.
Xuan Hu, Marymount Academy, N.D.G.: Xuan came
to Marymount from his native China. Although he spoke very
little English and no French, Xuan quickly integrated into
student life. Not only did he later excel in his English and French
classes, he also became a source of help and guidance to his
fellow Chinese students at Marymount, especially when it came
to integrating into the school culture. Xuan also participated
EMSB EXPRESS | vol. 12 | N o 2 | Spring 2010
holarships from Golf Tournament
in every single cultural event at Marymount,
in which he demonstrated his Chinese culture
and heritage through song, dance and music.
He participated in a competition, in which
students were asked to make a toy for children
in developing countries, and his innovative
creation earned him a berth at the finals. Xuan
also displayed a passion for music; he represented the school
in several music events, participated in the music program with
the jazz band, and as a result of taking the initiative of learning
how to play percussion instruments on his own, earned a spot
as a percussionist with the concert band.
a dedicated, hard-working student and it paid
off. She achieved high marks in her subjects,
excelling in Math 536, all the while holding
down a part-time job. She is currently taking
a year-long accounting course at the Shadd
Business Centre. Following this, ZanielleMarie intends on pursuing her post-secondary
studies, this time in the health sciences field, towards a possible
career in microbiology.
Christopher Aitkens, Options II
Alternative High School, Ville Émard:
Christopher distinguished himself as a model
student while he attended Options II. Besides
his school work, Christopher busied himself
as a peer tutor and as a member of the school’s
drama club. He has managed to transcend his
love of the stage at the CEGEP level, mainly as a student in
Dawson College’s Professional Theatre Program.
Annie Hickey, Shadd Business Centre,
N.D.G.: Annie excelled as a full- time
student at the Shadd Business Centre, but she
also made sure that her classmates excelled in
their studies. Known to be an active, dedicated
student in class, Annie always applied
whatever knowledge she absorbed to help
others. In school, she created an interactive website that allowed
her fellow students and teachers to share the latest news and
information, as well as files, and collected and compiled the
resumes of the entire clas so that it would assist them for their
internship placements. She has also applied her knowledge of
accounting in her volunteer work at her church by helping her
fellow members to effectively manage their money. This was
all accomplished as a single mother and while holding down
a full time job. Annie hopes to go to college in the near future
so that she can study accounting.
Nina Rebecca Omerovic-Beccalli,
Westmount High School: Nina came
from her native Chile to spend her Secondary
V year as a student at Westmount High
School. However, during that short time, she
managed to make an impact with her teachers
and fellow students. Although she came to
Westmount High School with limited proficiency in English
and very little knowledge of French, Nina excelled academically.
She graduated as the school’s top student with marks in the
90s and offered to tutor her classmates who were struggling
with certain subjects. She also demonstrated her strong sense
of leadership, perseverance and athleticism as a member of the
GMAA Girls Senior Volleyball Team, and led them to their
very first gold medal championship. As a result of her efforts
with the team, Nina was unanimously selected as the team’s
Most Valuable Player. Right now, Nina is enrolled at
Marianopolis College in its Pure and Applied Science program,
and wants to pursue a career in engineering.
Shane (Max) Kalinowicz, Royal Vale
High School, N.D.G.: Shane – who is also
known as “Max” – was a huge presence
throughout Royal Vale High School, who
used his creative talents for the benefit of the
school, whether they be filming hockey games,
shooting photos for the yearbook, or organizing
school dances. He was also a peer tutor and did a great deal
of community work. Currently enrolled in the Communications
program at Dawson College – specializing in cinema – Max
wants to be a film director, or as he puts it, “the next Spielberg.”
Olubukola Odutayo-Balogun, Shadd
Business Centre, N.D.G.: Olubukola has
been regarded as a role model to her fellow
students – both young and old – at Shadd
Business Centre, and is always there to help
when needed. And she managed to maintain
her high academic standards while helping to
take care of her younger brother and holding down a part-time
job at the same time. And her caring nature also extends to the
community. Every year at Christmas, she takes care of up to
three children from kindergarten to grade two, and spends time
and does activities with them. She also volunteers her time to
help the elderly at her church. Olubukola hopes to pursue a
career as a lawyer in the future.
Kimberley Soo, Shadd Business
Centre, N.D.G.: Kimberley is a student
who was not only eager to learn, but also eager
to teach. Not only did she earn excellent
grades, but was always willing to assist other
students with their class work. In fact,
Kimberley’s own school work was often cited
in examples on how to enhance class learning and the teaching
process. She was also an eager participant in all class activities
and extra-curricular activities. She hopes to continue her studies
at the university level, which would lead her to a career in
teaching, especially in adult education centres.
Zanielle-Marie Nava, St. Laurent Adult Centre:
Zanielle-Marie spent her time at St. Laurent Adult Centre as
Hong Ding, Shadd Business Centre,
N.D.G.: Hong was regarded by her teachers
and classmates at the Shadd Business Centre
as a very intelligent, self-motivated and hard
working student. She was a frequent peer tutor,
served as her class representative for the Breast
Cancer Research Fund Drive, and was the
main organizer for her class Christmas luncheon. Outside of
the classroom, Hong volunteered her time at several activities
at her son’s school, as well as working as a librarian (also on a
voluntary basis) at the École Internationale de Montreal. Hong
managed to accomplish of all this while raising two young
children and working five to 10 hours a week in a part-time job.
Hong is now studying accounting at McGill University.
Rebekka Hoth, Galileo Adult Centre,
Montreal North: Rebekka had to juggle
parenthood with being a student at Galileo
Adult Centre. While concentrating on her
studies, she had to take care of her four-yearold daughter (which included feeding, dressing
and dropping off to – and picking her up from
– a daycare centre every day). Nonetheless, Rebekka succeeded
in both tasks. She studied hard and obtained high marks in
math (416 through 436), physical science, computers, English
and history. Right now, Rebekka is in the midst of applying to
get her acceptance into two CEGEP programs: learning how
to be an x-ray technician at Dawson College and Special Care
Counselling at Vanier College.
Jonathan Veiga-Perez, James Lyng
High School, St. Henri: Jonathan is the
type of person who won’t let a personal
challenge become an obstacle towards
achieving personal and academic success.
Despite having a language challenge, in which
specialized help services were not available at
the high school level, Jonathan was determined to see himself
through this. He attended, on a regular basis, the after school
tutorial sessions that the school offered. He also found time to
get himself involved with several extra-curricular activities,
serving as the president of the Business Club, and spearheading
the establishment of a school store. He also personally designed
and produced business cards for the members of his executive
team and volunteered his time with Share the Warmth. In
addition, he was always available to help out in the school with
various tasks whenever he was needed. Jonathan is now attending
Rosemount Technology Centre, where he is studying industrial
drafting. He hopes to eventually study graphic design at
Dawson College.
Harrison Fyfe, James Lyng High School, St. Henri:
Harrison came to James Lyng High School from John Grant
High School while he was in Secondary IV. Although he had
to deal with struggles academically and at
home with his family, Harrison worked
extremely hard in order to achieve success with
his schoolwork. He attended every after school
tutorial that was offered to him and pushed
himself to the limit. And yet, Harrison found
time to get involved in some extracurricular
activities. He was vice-president of the school’s lunchtime Green
Team, where he ran a worm composting program. He also did
some volunteer work with Share the Warmth, and last summer
he volunteered his time at the McGill University Medical Centre
through a partnership with the school, Youth Fusion and the
MUHC. Harrison impressed his supervisors at the centre with
his dedication and hard work. He even put in more hours at
the centre than was required.
Deniz Akcal, Royal Vale High School,
N.D.G.: After struggling through family and
academic problems, Deniz found a home for
himself – both academically and socially – when
he entered Royal Vale High School at the
Secondary III level, He had to leave his original
school to look after his mother when she became
ill and endured all of the stressful situations that went with it.
Afterwards, he entered St. Raphael School where he became a
model student. At Royal Vale, Deniz worked hard to maintain
his average, and he succeeded by making the honour roll. Deniz
is now in the Computer Science program at Vanier College.
Maxime Whaite, Royal West Academy,
Montreal West: Maxime was an exemplary
student at Royal West Academy, while having
to endure one of the most difficult situations
that can happen to a family. Throughout her
high school years, Maxime dealt with her
father’s battle with cancer. Though her class
time was punctuated with visits to the hospital, Maxime never
let her prior engagements – nor her school work – waver. She
managed to maintain her high grades and her involvement in
school life, which included being a member of the school’s
yearbook executive, the Student Life Association and the RWA
curling team. For her efforts, Maxime was honoured with the
Yearbook Editor Award, and bursaries for her involvement in
school activities and for her superior academic achievement. A
natural leader in school, other students turned to Maxime for
advice, friendship and help. She is now continuing her studies
at Marianopolis College.
Christopher Reid, Marymount
Academy, N.D.G.: Christopher is an
exemplary role model for any student who has
to deal with academic challenges. During his
years at Marymount, Christopher beat the
odds. He worked very hard at his studies, gave
it everything he had, and always stayed after
school to discuss with his teachers any questions or concerns he
had with his school work. He was also very involved with
Marymount’s STEP program, and was a strong advocate for
younger students who were experiencing academic and emotional
difficulties. As a peer tutor and mentor, Christopher was known
for his patient, gentle and genuine interest in helping younger
students get back on track, which made him an inspirational
role model to them. He was also involved with the Royal
Canadian Air Cadets’ after school program, and was promoted
to high rankings within the organization. Christopher is currently
enrolled in the Social Services program at Dawson College,
and would like to pursue a career as a social worker.
Chanel Nicoll-Ellis, Westmount High
School: Chanel exemplified what student
life was all about at Westmount High School
by spreading a lot of joy, support and goodwill
to others at the school. Although she went
through some ordeals academically and
personally, she managed to flourish as
a student. She was involved in practically every aspect of
school life, such as the Student Council, EMSB Leadership
Programs, theatrical productions, GMAA sports teams, and
as an animator at Kinkora and Mega Day events. Chanel also
enjoyed giving of herself to others, and was always the first to
volunteer when the school or the community at large needed
students to help out with its events and activities, such as the
Holiday Family Breakfast, as well as the charitable breakfasts
that were run by Generations Foundation and the Welcome
Hall Mission.
cont’d, see ‘scholarships’ on page 8
EMSB EXPRESS | vol. 12 | N o 2 | Spring 2010
Looking back at the
The EMSB held its sixth annual Scholarship Fund Golf Tournament
on June 29, 2009 at the Club de Golf St. Raphaël in Île Bizard.
Montreal businessman Phil Terriaca served as the honourary chairman.
Besides 18 holes of golf, there was a brunch, cocktails, dinner, proficiency
prizes and a raffle. A car from Civic Honda in Dollard des Ormeaux was
up for grabs for the first golfer to manage a hole-in-one at Hole Number
18. Several individuals did come close, but no winner was declared.
A number of profiency prizes were presented, including the best
foursome, best school foursome, most honest, the longest drive (male
and female) and closest to the pin (male and female). The team of
Pierre de Coubertin Elementary School Principal Nick Katalifos,
Assistant Director of Adult Education and Vocational Services Mario
Argiropoulos, computer technician Kosta Papoulias and Shadd Business
Centre Vocational Counsellor Chris Christodoulou won for the best
foursome while principals Eileen Kelly (Laurier Macdonald), Tina
Ottoni (St. Gabriel), Nancy Richer (Edward Murphy) and Chantal
Martin (Royal Vale) got the nod for most honest.
Raffle items included Montreal Impact tickets, a signed jersey and a
signed soccer ball; Montreal Alouettes tickets; a six month membership
at the Leonardo Da Vinci Sports Centre in St. Léonard; an IMAC
and Dell Mini Laptop; a weekend in Mont Tremblant; a golf bag from
Golf Town St. Léonard; a fur lined coat; and jewelry.
The organizing committee for the tournament was chaired by Mario
Tirelli, the EMSB’s Director General. Joey Saputo, the president of
the Montreal Impact soccer club and the tournament’s previous honourary
chairman, returned to the event and golfed a solid 18 holes.
EMSB Chairman Angela Mancini was delighted with the successful
day, which saw 160 golfers take part. The event began under steady rain,
but within hours the precipitation had stopped and conditions improved.
‘scholarships’ – cont’d from page 7
Dorothy Patel, LaurenHill Academy,
St. Laurent: Dorothy showed a great deal
of perseverance and courage while she was a
student at LaurenHill. This was in light of
the treatments she received for Aplastic
Anemia, a condition where bone marrow does
not produce sufficient new cells to replenish
blood cells She also endured complications from a bone marrow
transplant. Nonetheless, her hard work, determination and
desire to achieve academic success never wavered and she
managed to graduate from high school.
Celia Persechino, John F. Kennedy
High School, St. Michel: Celia overcame
a series of academic and social obstacles in
order to become a successful student at John
F. Kennedy High School. She was a member
of the school’s soccer team, was involved with
a wide range of student council activities, as
well as the annual Christmas fundraiser and Christmas baskets
drive. And through all of this, Celia has demonstrated plenty
of perseverance, conscientiousness and hard work into everything
that she did for the school.
Fionna Spence, LaurenHill Academy,
St. Laurent: Fionna was known during her
years at LaurenHill as a reliable, helpful
student who participated in various fundraising
activities, as well as the school’s Jazz Band
and volleyball team. She emerged from a very
difficult home situation and used that
experience in a positive manner, conducting a presentation to
a conference in Montreal about children living in foster care.
Fionna’s presentation created such an exceptional impact to
those who were in attendance, that she was asked to do so as
well at conferences in Florida and Ireland.
Alexa Nano, Laurier Macdonald High
School, St. Leonard: Alexa had to
overcome a serious illness as a young child,
but this did not stop her from learning to do
her best and achieving success as a student at
Laurier Macdonald High School. After
graduating from high school, her determination
to succeed has brought her to the next level. She is now studying
at Vanier College’s Early Childhood Education program and
would like to have a career as a daycare teacher.
Kevin Boisclair, Rosemount High
School: Kevin managed to see himself
through a personal disability and a family
tragedy, and yet had a well-rounded, successful
student life while he was at Rosemount High
School. He was a consistent honour roll
student, a peer tutor and a student
ambassador. In addition, he participated in many school events,
spiritual retreats and gave back to his community by helping
out at several soup kitchen outings. Kevin received a number
of academic honours including the EMSB Certificate of
Excellence for Math 514 and French 544, as well as the
Perseverance Award for his hard work and dedication.
Jenuja Thayaparan, Rosemount High
School: Jenuja overcame a devastating
tragedy within her family that occurred last
June, and distinguished herself as a successful
all-round student at Rosemount High School.
A talented artist, Jenuja was also a peer tutor,
helped out in several soup kitchen outings, got
herself involved in a wide range of community work, and as a
member of the Cadets, took part in the Black Watch Parade.
For her efforts, Jenuja was recognized with the Spiritual and
Community Award, the Visual Arts Bursary, the EMSB
Award of Excellence in Art and the EMSB Certificate of
Excellence in English 516.
Jasmyna Girgis, Laurier Macdonald
High School, St. Leonard: During her
time as a student at Laurier Macdonald High
School, Jasmyna managed to overcome many
personal obstacles on the road to graduating
from high school, and obtaining her diploma
with high marks. She is now studying at Vanier
College and hopes to become a pharmacist.
Emilie Lamarre, Lester B. Pearson
High School, Montreal North: Emilie
achieved student success at Lester B. Pearson
High School, despite undergoing a very difficult
year, which saw her move out to live on her own.
However, through hard work and perseverance,
she managed to maintain her good grades in
high school, graduate, and is now enrolled in the Graphic Design
program at Dawson College, specializing in photography.
Tania Contrucci, Lester B. Pearson
High School, Montreal North: Tania
has overcome a series of medical issues –
included a hospital stay – which made her
unable to attend classes for a period of time.
However, her resilience and determination
helped to not only overcome her medical
problems, but also to concentrate on her school work and
complete her studies in order to graduate and get accepted
into CEGEP.
Luigi Corrado, Vincent Massey
Collegiate, Rosemount: Luigi managed
to have a fulfilling student life at Vincent
Massey Collegiate through a very difficult time
in his life. In the fall of 2008, he was
diagnosed with a benign brain tumour and
had to have an extensive operation. When he
came back to school from surgery, Luigi worked very hard in
order to catch up with the class work that he missed, and
achieved an overall average of 87 percent. He also got himself
involved with a variety of school activities, such as the organizing
committees for the Battle of the Bands, the variety show and
the Amazing Race and he participated as a member of the
school’s ball hockey team. Luigi was also very helpful to the
school staff, especially when it came to setting up the sound
equipment for presentations. When he was a Grade 10 student,
Luigi helped students at Michelangelo Elementary School in
RDP with their homework and organized playtime activities at
their daycare service.
Evans Forson, Options II High School,
Ville Émard: Evans is an individual who
not only strived to excel academically, but also
had a strong desire for personal growth.
Although at the beginning he was reluctant to
socialize and open up to his classmates, thanks
to a great deal of counselling support, he
emerged as a confident and sociable person. He also took his
future very seriously, as he worked hard to obtain his Diploma
of Secondary Studies. In addition, he worked with his guidance
counsellor to explore different options available in the vocational
sector. One of the schools he visited required a three-hour bus
ride to and from home. Evans also contributed to school life as
an Outreach Career Day volunteer , and to the community as
a volunteer for Share the Warmth. Currently, Evans is enrolled
in the Carpentry program at Chateauguay Valley Career Centre
in Ormstown.
Jennifer Lahorra, St. Laurent Adult
Centre: Jennifer achieved high marks as a
student at St. Laurent Adult Centre, while
at the same time, was raising her three-yearold son on her own. She was active in the
school’s student council, and helped organize
several fundraisers in which the proceeds went
towards the costs of school graduation activities. Jennifer is
currently a nursing student at Vanier College, and is about to
commence her clinical stage at the Lindsay Rehabilitation facility
in Cote-des-Neiges.
EMSB EXPRESS | vol. 12 | N o 2 | Spring 2010
Le département de musique de
l’école FACE a demandé au
musicien renommé Louis Babin
de composer une œuvre avec les
élèves de 10 e et 11 e année, qui
sera présentée le 4 juin 2010, dans
le cadre des célébrations du 35e
The EMSB Pedagogical Services Department hosted the first ever Italian
Storytelling Festival at the Leonardo da Vinci Cultural Centre in St. Léonard
in February, with students in PELO or PICAI heritage language classes.
The goal of the festival was to celebrate the art of storytelling and to
encourage students to learn a third language.
All-sports radio THE TEAM 990 broadcast live from John F. Kennedy
High School in St. Michel in February, with both Tony Marinaro’s The
Montreal Forum and the Randy Tieman Show serving as a kickoff for
The Next Sports Radio Star contest.
Four EMSB students will soon
qualify for this program which will
see the winner invited to do live
sportscasts, cover a practice and
possibly a game of one of
Montreal’s professional sports
franchises. Prizes include a free
course at the Montreal Radio-TV
School, a tour of the CTV Montreal
studios with Tieman and a live
broadcast at their school by THE
TEAM 990.
Internationally renowned speaker
and acclaimed children’s rights
activist Kimmie Weeks, the founder
of Youth Action International (YAI),
spoke to a crowd of more than 200
students at Marymount Academy in
N.D.G. The McGill University
Chapter of YAI brought Mr. Weeks
to Montreal to share his story of
survival during the Liberian Civil War, as well as his present day work inspiring young people around the globe
to make changes for a better world. Students from Laurier Macdonald High School in St. Léonard and James
Lyng High School in Ville Émard, joined Secondary IV and V students from Marymount’s acclaimed International
Baccalaureate Middle Years Program (IBMYP).
Les élèves de 6e année de l’école
primaire St. Dorothy de SaintMichel ont formé un partenariat
avec le poste de police 30 du
quartier pour s’élever contre la
violence durant l’année scolaire
2009-2010. Les élèves rencon treront l’agent Terri Cocco tout
au long de l’année pour parler
des différents types de violence
et apprendre comment vivre ou
étudier dans un environnement
libre de violence. Ils ont reçu des
t-shirts qui les identifient comme
médiateurs durant les récréations
et ils devront remplir régulièrement
des coupons pour avoir la chance
de gagner des prix, chaque mois,
pour bonne conduite et pour
respect de leur engagement à
ne pas tolérer la violence. En
outre, ils seront des modèles
pour les élèves plus jeunes et
ils les inspireront par leurs
exemples positifs.
La Gouverneure générale du Canada, Son Excellence la très honorable,
Michaëlle Jean, a visité la Fondation « Partageons l’espoir », le 18 février
dernier où elle a rencontré plusieurs élèves de la CSEM de l’école
secondaire John Grant, de l’école secondaire Westmount et de l’école
primaire St. Gabriel. Créée en 1990, la Fondation « Partageons l’espoir
» offre plusieurs programmes aux jeunes et aux familles qui vivent audessous de la limite de pauvreté : programme de nutrition, fournitures
d’école, leçons de musique, tutorat, banque alimentaire, boutique de
seconde main, soutien à l’emploi et programme de bénévoles.
A group of 22 Secondary III art students from Vincent Massey Collegiate in Rosemount utilized their skills
and talents to create a special Valentine’s Day gift for 15 seniors who live at VISTA, a modern residence for
active seniors that’s located on Cote St. Luc Road. This
event was part of the VISTA Intergenerational Program
(VIP), in which its objective is to explore issues of interest
to seniors and youth with a view to increasing respect
and understanding between the two age groups. A
partnership between VISTA, the EMSB Spiritual
Community Animation Service and the Commission
scolaire de Montreal (CSDM), the VISTA Intergenerational
Program accomplishes these objectives through
educational and social events that brings students and
seniors together on a monthly basis.
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Le journal The Suburban a eu la chance d’exposer le prestigieux trophée
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des Alouettes de Montréal. Quelques élèves et enseignants des écoles
primaires Parkdale et Gardenview de Saint-Laurent ont été invités à
tenir la Coupe, prendre des photos et poser des questions au viceprésident du marketing des Alouettes, Claude Rochon.
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EMSB EXPRESS | vol. 12 | N o 2 | Spring 2010
Another successful EMSB
Public School Education Month
Un autre mois de l’instruction
publique couronné de succès
January once again marked Public School Education Month at the
English Montreal School Board (EMSB). The fourth annual program was
kicked off with a press conference at Dunrae Gardens Elementary School
in T.M.R. to promote the excellent level of French education offered at its
primary and secondary schools and launch a new video.
Public School Education Month encourages prominent graduates to
return to visit their neighbourhood schools to talk to students about the
role public school education played in leading them to their present-day
success. These individuals now serve as outstanding role models, as do
many other prominent Quebecers having or having had a link with area
public schools or vocational centres.
CTV News Montreal
researcher Peter Schiavi, 47,
spoke to students at the Philip
E. Layton School for the Blind,
located at the MAB-Mackay
Rehabilitation Centre. Mr.
Schiavi has Leber's Hereditary
Optic Neuropathy (LHON),
also known as Leber's Optic
Atrophy (LOA), Leber's Optic
Neuropathy (LON) or Leber's
Disease. It is often referred to
as just Leber's for short.
This is a rare condition which
Philip E. Layton students sport CTV caps
courtesy of Peter Schiavi (front)
can cause loss of central vision.
It usually affects men, most commonly in the late twenties or early thirties, but the symptoms
can happen at any age, to men or women. “I am able to continue to pursue my career
at CTV because of the Montreal Association for the Blind,” explained Mr. Schiavi, who
was 21 when he got the diagnosis. “They taught me how to cope with my condition.”
Peter Schiavi, 47 ans, recherchiste de CTV NEWS Montréal, s’est entretenu
avec les élèves de l’école Philip E. Layton pour les aveugles, située au Centre
de réadaptation HAB-Mackay. M. Schiavi souffre d’atrophie optique de Leber,
qui est souvent connue sous maladie de Leber.
Lieutenant Jonathan Lang of the
Canadian Navy returned to his former
elementar y school, Edinburgh in
Montreal West. Lang, 34, enrolled in
the Naval Reser ve at Her Majesty's
Canadian Ship (HMCS) Donnacona
in March 1994 as a Maritime Surface
Officer (MARS). He served on the
Minesweepers HMCS Chignecto
(1995) and Miramichi (1996), Destoyer
Huron (1996), Frigate Regina
Lt. Jonathan Lang reunites with his former teacher
(1996-97), Minesweeper Moresby Debby Hochstein and her present-day students.
(1997), Maritime Coastal Defence
Vessels Moncton (1998-99) and Shawinigan (2005). Lt. Lang taught basic maritime
navigation at the Naval Officer Training Centre in Esquimalt, BC and trained with TaskForce 2-06 as a tactical team leader in the Civilian and Military Cooperation (CIMIC)
platoon. In 2006-07 he was a United Nations military observer in Sudan. He recently
left his post at the Canadian Forces Recruiting Centre in Montreal and was transferred
to the Air Force as an aerospace control officer. He provided the students with a visible
presentation of his tour in Sudan, which prompted many questions.
Le Lieutenant de vaisseau Jonathan Lang de la Marine Canadienne est
retourné à son ancienne école primaire Edinburgh, de Montréal-Ouest. Lang,
34 ans, s’est enrôlé dans la Réserve navale du navire Canadien de Sa Majesté
(NCSM) Donnacona en mars 1994 à titre d’officier des opérations maritimes
(OOM). Il a servi à bord des dragueurs de mines Chignecto (1995) et
Miramichi (1996), du destroyer Huron (1996), de la frégate Regina (19961997), le dragueur de mines Moresby (1997), les navires de défense côtière
Encore une fois, le mois de janvier a marqué le mois de l’instruction
publique à la Commission scolaire English-Montréal (CSEM). Le
4e programme annuel a été lancé par une conférence de presse à l’école
primaire Dunrae Gardens de Ville Mont-Royal faisant la promotion de
l’excellent niveau d’enseignement du français, offert dans ses écoles
primaires et secondaires ainsi que la présentation d’une nouvelle vidéo.
Le mois de l’instruction publique encourage les diplômés éminents à
visiter leurs écoles de quartier afin de s’entretenir avec les élèves du rôle
que l’instruction publique a joué dans leurs vies pour les mener à leurs
succès actuels. Ces personnes servent maintenant de modèles de valeur,
ainsi que d’autres québécois éminents qui ont, ou ont eu, des liens avec les
écoles publiques ou les centres de formation professionnelle.
Moncton (1998-1999) et Shawinigan (2005). Le Lieutenant Lang a enseigné
la navigation maritime de base au Centre de formation des officiers de marine
à Esquimalt, C.B. et a suivi une formation avec la force opérationnelle 2-06 de
leader tactique d’équipe de peloton auprès de la Civilian & Military Cooperation
(CIMIC). En 2006-2007, il a tenu le rôle d’observateur militaire pour les Nations
Unies au Soudan. Il a récemment quitté son poste au Centre de recrutement
des Forces armées canadiennes de Montréal et a été transféré aux forces
aériennes en tant qu’officier de contrôle aérospatial.
Lawyer Jack Silverstone
returned to his former
elementary school, Sinclair
Laird in Park Extension,
and gave the students a
memorable look back to his
days in the same building.
“I got a good education
here and learned excellent
study habits,” he told the
students, noting this was
his first time back in the
facility in 46 years. “I still
Jack Silverstone is thanked by Principal Viola Vathilakis
remember what it was like
and some students.
to come here, the bell would
ring and we would all stand at attention before entering the building.”
Mr. Silverstone, who now works out of Ottawa, was the chief of staff to the federal
Minister of Citizenship and Immigration and before that held the same post at Human
Resources and Skills Development Canada. In previous government service he acted as
advisor to Canadian parliamentary committees and held diplomatic and consular posts
in the United States, Mexico and the Caribbean. For many years he was the executive
vice-president of the Canadian Jewish Congress. He is now in private practice and
affiliated with the Rothwell Group, a government and public affairs firm.
21st Century Food Services,
a gourmet food and catering
service that prepares and
delivers nutritional meals
to both home and office,
is a proud sponsor of
EMSB Volunteer
Appreciation Evening
EMSB EXPRESS | vol. 12 | N o 2 | Spring 2010
Jack Silverstone, avocat, a visité son ancienne école primaire, Sinclair Laird,
de Parc Extension et a donné aux élèves une rétrospective mémorable de son
séjour dans cette école.
« J’ai reçu ici une excellente éducation et j’ai acquis d’excellentes habitudes
d’étude » d’ajouter M. Silverstone et c’est la première fois, en 46 ans, que je
suis de retour ici. « Je me souviens encore de mon séjour à l’école; la cloche
sonnait et nous nous mettions tous en rang pour entrer dans le bâtiment. »
Web designer and motivational speaker Jameson Jones-Doyle returned to Willingdon
Elementary School in N.D.G. recently with a very interesting story to tell.
Mr. Jones-Doyle, 26, has a mild-to-medium case of Cerebral Palsy, which has affected
his speech, balance, left leg and right hand. He is currently completing his master of
science degree in Marketing Administration, specializing in new product development,
at Concordia’s John Molson School of Business. “I attended public school all of my life,
which I feel was of great benefit to the development of my social skills and my determination
to equal or surpass my fellow classmates,” he said. “I'm the proud father of a beautiful
five year old boy who just began kindergarten at Willingdon.”
Mr. Jones-Doyle spoke to two groups of Grade 6 students who listened attentively to
every word he said and asked a lot of questions. “Were you bullied because of your
disability?” one student asked. “Yes I was bullied, but not more than any other student,”
he responded. “I have
always had a lot of friends
and not because people feel
sorry for me. When I first
came to Willingdon at the
age of five I really could not
walk well. But being
around other students who
could motivated me to walk
and I did.”
Concepteur de sites
Web et confé rencier
spécialisé en motivation,
Jameson Jones-Doyle, a
Jameson Jones-Doyle, son Ben and Willingdon students.
récemment visité l’école
primaire Willingdon à NDG et a raconté une histoire très intéressante.
M. Doyle, 26 ans, souffre de paralysie cérébrale légère-moyenne qui a affecté
son élocution, son équilibre, sa jambe gauche et sa main droite. Actuellement,
il complète sa maîtrise en sciences de marketing et d’administration, avec
spécialité de développement de nouveaux produits à l’école Concordia John
Molson de l’Université Concordia. « Toute ma vie, j’ai fréquenté l’école publique
ce qui m’a beaucoup aidé pour le développement de mes habiletés sociales et
ma détermination d’égaler ou de surpasser mes camarades de classe. Je suis
fier d’être père d’un jeune garçon de 5 ans qui vient de commencer la
maternelle à Willingdon. »
Paul Karwatsky, journaliste de CTV et co-animateur des week-ends est
retourné à l’école primaire Nesbitt de Rosemont, pour s’adresser aux élèves.
« J’ai les plus beaux souvenirs de cette école et l’une de mes enseignantes
favorites est toujours ici, Mme (Luisa) Mercadante, une dame fantastique. »
M. Karwatsky a pris le micro pour interviewer quelques élèves sur le type
de carrière qu’ils avaient l’intention de poursuivre.
Investment and financial security
advisor Frederic Abaji and lawyer
Joseph Ionata returned to their old
school, Our Lady of Pompei in
Ahunstic. Mr. Abaji works for
Manulife Securities, where he
assists individuals to manage their
assets while creating savings and
goals for retirement as well as
children’s education. He is also the
public address announcer for the
Lac St. Louis Midget AAA
hockey Lions and works in the area
Principal Anna Pecora, Fred Abaji, Commissioner
of game show presentations for the
Joseph Petraglia, Joseph Ionata and students.
Montreal Juniors hockey team. At
the Bell Centre, he is an in-house announcer for special events. He last attended Our
Lady of Pompei in 1985. Mr. Ionata concluded his studies at Our Lady of Pompei in
1970. He has been practicing law since 1984 in the areas of civil and commercial
litigation, with a concentration in the areas of family, estate and property.
Frederic Abaji, Conseiller en investissement et sécurité financière, et l’avocat
Joseph Ionata, sont retournés à leur ancienne école, Our Lady of Pompei à
Ahuntsic. M. Abaji travaille pour Manulife Securities où ils aident les
personnes à gérer leurs actifs et à générer des économies et fixer des objectifs
de retraite ainsi que l’éducation de leurs enfants. Il est aussi l’annonceur
public pour la Ligue midget AAA de hockey Lions du Lac St. Louis et oeuvre
dans le domaine de présentations de jeux pour l’équipe de hockey junior de
Montréal. Au Centre Bell, il est l’annonceur maison d’évènements spéciaux.
Il a fréquenté l’école Our Lady of Pompei en 1985 tandis que M. Ionata a
terminé ses études en 1970. Depuis 1984, il pratique le droit dans les domaines
de litiges civils et commerciaux avec concentration dans le domaine propriétés
et successions familiales.
M. Abaji a expliqué aux élèves qu’à l’école Our Lady of Pompei il aimait
étudier les mathématiques qui l’ont éventuellement aidé dans sa carrière de
conseiller financier. M. Ionata a, à son tour, expliqué aux élèves la voie qu’il
avait choisi pour devenir avocat en soulignant qu’au début il penchait pour la
profession de notaire. Il a donné un aperçu intéressant des différents types de
droits que l’on peut pratiquer et il a même tenu le rôle d’enseignant pour
constater quels étaient les termes légaux familiers aux élèves.
reporter and weekend
Karwatsky returned
to speak at his former
elementar y school,
Rosemount. “I have
the greatest memories
from this school,” he
said. “One of my
favourite teachers
from those days is
here, Ms. (Luisa)
Mercadante. She
Paul Karwatsky sports his new Nesbitt hoodie.
was just fantastic.”
Mr. Karwatsky proceeded to take the microphone and interview some of the students
about type of careers they had in mind. “When I was at Nesbitt I wanted to be a police
officer,” he commented. “One day I was outside playing in the snow with my classmates
and a reporter named Howard Schwartz from CFCF, which is now called CTV, came
by to do a story on kids playing in the snow. He selected 12 students to film playing soccer
in the snow then he chose two to interview. I was one of them. Last year I came back here
myself to do a similar story. The role reversal brought all of those memories back.”
Accomplished 90 year old violinist Joseph Greenstone returned to his former elementary
school, Bancroft in the Plateau recently to talk to students and play some music. It was his
first time in the building in nearly 78 years and at one point when Principal Dorothy
Ostrowicz gave him a tour of some his old classrooms he became overwhelmed with emotion.
Accompanied by his wife of 57 years, Sylvia, Mr. Greenstone spoke to the entire
student body about his memories about Bancroft. He also gave a short, but greatly
appreciated, violin performance. As he selected some songs the students were familiar
with, they began to sing along. Alex Norris, Projet Montréal City Councillor for the
Mile End, was on hand to personally greet Mr. Greenstone to his old district.
Mr. Greenstone, who turns 91 in May, was a 10-year-old pupil at Bancroft when he
spotted a notice on the bulletin board advertising music instruction. His parents’ positive
response, his teacher’s support and his talent ultimately paved the way for his successful
career as a professional violinist.
Le violoniste accompli, Joseph Greenstone, 90 ans, a récemment visité son
ancienne école primaire Bancroft pour s’adresser aux élèves et jouer de la
musique. C’était la première fois qu’il retournait à cette école en près de 78
ans et, à un certain moment, lorsque la directrice Dorothy Ostrowicz lui a fait
faire un tour de ses anciennes salles de classe, il a été envahi d’émotions.
Accompagné par son épouse Sylvie à laquelle il est marié depuis 57 ans,
M. Greenstone s’est adressé à tout le corps étudiant et a parlé de ses souvenirs
à Bancroft. Il a aussi exécuté une courte, mais très appréciée, pièce de violon.
cont’d on page 12, see ‘Education Month’
Le Français fait toute la différence !
See our new French video at
our moi !.
pour mo
pour mo
oi !
p ou r
À la commission scolaire English-Montréal
et p ur n
EMSB EXPRESS | vol. 12 | N o 2 | Spring 2010
‘Education Month’ – cont’d from page 11
Alex Norris, conseiller municipal du Projet Montréal de
Mile End était présent pour accueillir personnellement
M. Greenstone dans son ancienne école.
Nick DeSantis holds a framed copy of his high school graduation photo, flanked by Impact, EMSB and JFK representatives.
Impact teams up with EMSB:
Official game is Wed. May 12 at Saputo Stadium
The Montreal Impact and
the English Montreal School
Board continued the successful stay-in-school program
called All the Way with
the Impact (Jusqu’au Bout
avec l’Impact), designed to
promote the importance of
persevering in school.
The official English launch
took place at John F. Kennedy
High School in St. Michel,
featuring the presence of all-star
defender Adam Braz. ambassador
and former star player Lloyd
Barker, team president Joey
Saputo and technical director Nick
DeSantis. This was a homecoming
of sorts for DeSantis, who also
played for and coached the Impact,
for he is a graduate of John F.
Kennedy. The All the Way with
the Impact tour was sponsored
by the National Bank and
has expanded to include other
Montreal area school boards.
“The Montreal Impact is
aware of the key role it can play
in encouraging children to
persevere and aim for excellence,
both in the classroom and on the
field,” said Montreal Impact
President Joey Saputo. “Both our
stay-in-school program and new
awareness project on the right
to play with UNICEF were
designed to allow students to meet
these objectives.”
EMSB Chair Angela Mancini
applauded the initiative. “Players
from the Impact ser ve as role
models for our students,” she
remarked. “Our experience over
the past four years has been
appreciated by everyone, from the
school visits to the exciting games
we attended.”
Over the period of several
weeks Barker visited several
EMSB elementary and secondary
schools to discuss with kids the
importance of staying in school and
striving for excellence. Emphasis
was also placed on the importance
of physical activity, as well as
the values of respect, initiativetaking and cooperation, which are
associated to play and sport. At
St. Monica Elementary School in
N.D.G. Barker was joined by
team legend Mauro Biello. He is
the franchise’s all-time leading
scorer who retired last fall and
now serves as an assistant coach.
St. Monica was his former school
(as was Marymount Academy).
As part of the partnership for
the stay-in-school program, the
annual EMSB Night at Saputo
Stadium will take place on
Wednesday, May 12 (8 p.m.)
when the Impact host Toronto
FC of the Major Soccer League
(MSL) in a special CONCACAF
(the Confederation of North,
Central American and Caribbean
Association Football) game.
The Impact will once again
hold a special ceremony before
the game, highlighting some of
the most outstanding students,
and bursaries will be awarded
to the top students. These
bursaries are named in honour
of the late Tony Licursi, the
longtime Impact statistician who
died four years ago. Mr. Licursi
was a member of the EMSB’s
James Lyng High School Alumni
The EMSB is pleased to
announce that Evangelista Sports
(www.evangelistasports.com) is
the official sponsor for all activities,
contests and promotions related
to soccer at the Board this year.
This includes a special quiz about
the World Cup of Soccer in
this newspaper.
Joseph Greenstone (third from the left) and his wife Sylvia
are welcomed by Montreal City Councillor Alex Norris,
Principal Dorothy Ostrowicz and students.
Mauro Biello, the Montreal Impact soccer team’s legendary and
long serving team captain, returned to his former elementary school,
St. Monica in N.D.G. and spoke to students along with Impact
ambassador and former star player Lloyd Barker.
Biello became assistant coach for the Impact last November
following a 19-year career span in professional soccer, including
16 seasons in the Montreal uniform. He concluded his career as the
points leader in the history of the USL First Division (known as the
A-League until 2004) with a total of 90 goals and 73 assists for
253 points in 429 career matches, including 344 as starter, for a total
of 31,513 minutes played (regular season, playoffs and cup matches).
In 389 matches and 28,076 career minutes played with Montreal,
Biello compiled 77 goals and 67 assists, for 221 points (regular
season, playoffs and cup matches).
Mauro Biello gets a warm welcome from St. Monica students.
is a proud sponsor of
EMSB Volunteer
Appreciation Evening
Mauro Biello a récemment visité son ancienne école
primaire Bancroft. Il est devenu entraîneur-adjoint de
l’Impact le 19 novembre 2009, après une carrière de
19 saisons à titre de joueur professionnel, dont 16 campagnes
dans l’uniforme du onze montréalais. Il termine sa carrière
en tête des pointeurs de l’histoire de la Première division de
la USL (appelée A-League jusqu’en 2004) avec un total de
90 buts et 73 mentions d’aide pour 253 points en 429 matchs
en carrière, dont 344 comme titulaire, pour un total de
31 513 minutes de jeu (saison régulière, séries et matchs de
coupe). En 389 matchs et 28 076 minutes de jeu en carrière
avec la formation montréalaise.
For a complete and detailed summary of
each visit please go to www.emsb.qc.ca
(Press Room/Press Releases)
EMSB EXPRESS | vol. 12 | N o 2 | Spring 2010

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