Age Gender - Get Online Week


Age Gender - Get Online Week
 General Report – Get Online Week 2012 in Germany – Stiftung Digitale Chancen The European Get Online Week 2012 in Germany was organized and coordinated by the Stiftung Digitale Chancen as the national GOW partner for Germany in cooperation with the mobile network provider E-­‐Plus, the National Libraries Association and several other partners, e.g. Senior Computer Clubs and telecentres -­‐ a list of all partners involved is submitted together with this report. A major success was the placement of the GOW Button on one of the top city websites in Germany during the Get Online Week. This caused a very high rate of clicks, although not all users subsequently filled in the questionnaire they all got familiar with the event and idea of GoW. Overall 4.417 online participants in Get Online Week 2012 filling in the online survey were counted for Germany. Another several hundred people took part lot in other online and offline activities like our Geh' online with Cleo Clever Quiz, an online debate regards life long learning in the Information Age and a subsequent Roundtable discussion. With a relatively high Internet penetration of 74,7 percent of the population aged 14 years and older1 the potential for new people going online during the event Get Online Week is lower than in other countries with a lower Internet penetration at all. Therefore we focused on two major tasks during the Get Online Week 2012: -­‐
evaluate if new products can successfully tear down technical skepticism, especially among older people. discuss whether the concept of Lifelong learning has changed in the information society, which role e-­‐skills are playing for employability and see which efforts public libraries can take to qualify their employees for taking an active role in facilitating internet usage. Age 16% 3% 2% 18% 15% Gender Under 16 48% 16-­‐18 Female 19-­‐24 27% 19% 25-­‐40 52% 41-­‐54 Male 1
Initiative D21. (N)ONLINER Atlas 2011, p. 10, www.nonliner-­‐ Employment Status 20% 11% Online Status 9% 14% Student Never Employed User Unemployed 18% Supporter Refred 51% 77% The Get Online Week was called Geh´ Online Woche in Germany, so it was possible to use the native language and stay very close to the notion of the original slogan. One of our major goals in this years´ Get Online Week was to focus on e-­‐skills, employability and Life Long Learning. One general challenge is to reach people, that are not using the Internet as much as they probably could use and could need to use it. The concept of Lifelong Learning has to be rethought in the modern information society and public libraries as knowledge storage rooms can play a vital role in that challenge. Our activities included seminars about e-­‐services as well as conferences, hands-­‐on trainings with Tablet PCs & demonstrations and workshops & introductions to the internet. Activities during the Get Online Week 2012 in Germany -­‐
Contest for Telecentres regards the highest number of clicks on the GOW Button placed on their own website. A tool was developed to count from which site the clicks came, the winner was awarded an Android tablet PC sponsored by our industry partner E-­‐Plus. -­‐
We launched a new project with Android Tablet PCs for senior citizens. 70 Android tablet devices (with telephone function) and free mobile access are given for one year to individual seniors and to senior organizations. The aim is to evaluate if a Tablet PC can stimulate the use of Internet and useful apps among groups that are not online. While most seniors are not familiar with PC and keyboard, they face problems with eye-­‐hand-­‐coordination when using the mouse. Therefore we assume that a touch screen device can help to overcome these problems and motivate to use the tablet PC to access the Internet. SDC organized an online debate via a web interface and an iOS-­‐App around the questions: “Are computer skills a pre-­‐condition for employability? What role can computer skills play in the concept of Life Long Learning?” . A screenshot of the online debate can be seen below. The results of the online discussion can be found at -­‐
Following the online debate SDC organized a roundtable discussion with about 50 experts about “life long learning in the information society". The discussion and the results are to be found at -­‐
Dissemination -­‐ Information about Get Online Week to 7.847 Telecentres in Germany -­‐ Special invitation to place the GOW Button on their own website to 1.000 Telecentres -­‐ 160 telecentres took part in the contest of 'most clicks to the GOW Button -­‐ press release "Ahoj Internet! Buna Internet! Ciao Internet! Hallo Internet! Start der europaweiten Geh´ Online Woche 2012 vom 26.-­‐30.März" sent out to 440 news agencys and 10.030 personal press contacts -­‐ quoted statement to international press release for GOW -­‐
Cooperation with the official website of the city Hamburg (the button was placed on, most frequently visited city website in Germany -­‐
Get Online Quiz with Cleo Clever GOW Button Dissemination – Telecentres with own website (selected screenshots see pdf) Senec@fe ALTERAktiv Siegen e.V. Senioren Computer Club Berlin-­‐Mitte Stadtbücherei Würzburg Computerschule Geiger Stadtbibliothek Geithain Netzcafe Neustadttreff / Caritasverband Mainz e.V./Interkulturelles Haus der Begegnung. Theodor Springmann Stiftung Stadtbibliothek Duisburg Bibliothek Markt Höchberg Kinder-­‐ und Jugendclub Bumerang Förderverein Pfadfinder Bollendorf e.V Reutlinger Computer Oldies e.V. MedienNetzwerk SaarLorLux Mark Twain Bibliothek Internettreff des Uckermärkischen Jugendwerkes e.V. Diakonie – Beratungsstelle für Menschen mit Behinderung Frauencomputerschule -­‐ Institut für technologieorientierte Frauenbildung e. V. AWO Soziale Dienste gGmbH Westmecklenburg Stadtteilbücherei Gaarden (Stadtbücherei Kiel) Maßarbeit e.V. – Soziale Agentur für Arbeit – Arbeitslosenzentrum computer entdecken im Mehrgenerationenhaus Bielefeld Mausklick-­‐Gemeinschaft Wolfschlugen e.V Stadtbibliothek Halle (Saale) Haus der Jugend -­‐ Bad Säckingen Stadtbibliothek Oschersleben Stadtbücherei Erkrath Stattwerke e.V. Jugend-­‐ und Familienzentrum JeverNeun Senioren Internet Cafe Satteldorf Stadtbibliothek Celle Deutsches Historisches Museum Computer Club Ostfriesland e.V. Stadt– und Kreisbibliothek Haldensleben Jugendtreff Trio Stadtbücherei Hilchenbach Berufsinformationszentru
m (BIZ) c@fe bogen Stadtbibliothek Deggendorf Hessencampus Main-­‐
Taunus Barrierefrei kommunizieren! Stadtbücherei Witzenhausen Stadtbibliothek Colditz Internetcafé in der Rottal Terme Computertreff/Doppelklic
k in der Alten-­‐ und Begegnungsstätte Mehr Generationen Haus Wittlich Stadtbibliothek Nürnberg Stadtbücherei Obertshausen Kinder– und Jugendspielhof Longerich Jugendtreff Illmensee EDV-­‐ -­‐ Online Lounge Stadtbibliothek Wolfsburg SeniorenNet Kiel DreamNet Jugendtreff Zuckerfabrik Kornhaus e.V. Internetcafé Café Gut Drauf Stadtbücherei Bochum Bücherei Langendreer Internet–Cafe für Senioren im Kaiserlichen Postamt Stadtbücherei Wilhelmshaven Stadtbibliothek Usingen arsmedia die Computerschule Mediathek der Stadt Wehr Internetcafé Bürgerverein Kinder-­‐ und Jugendtreff St. Katharina Stadtbibliothek Bruchköbel Stadtbibliothek Werther Bibliothekszentrum Sachsenhausen Offene Tür Quäker Nachbarschaftsheim Kiek in' e.V. Berlin – ANLAUF Agentur für Arbeit Anklam Stadtteilbibliothek Wanheimerort Gemeindebücherei Langerwehe Ortsbücherei Gingen Jugendhaus Exil Mehrgenerationenhaus OMNIBUS Jugendschmiede Suhl Offenes Kinder-­‐ und Jugendhaus & Stadtteiltreff LABYRINTH Mütter-­‐ und Familienzentrum Klara e.V. Internetcafé des Refugees Emancipation e.V. Kurt–Tucholsky–Bibliothek AWO Ortsverein Siegburg e.V. IT-­‐Agency Internetcafé Kinderfreizeiteinrichtu
ng Kinderbude Ev. Kirchengemeinde Süchteln, Altenstube Internetcafé des Refugees Emancipation e.V. Jugendhaus Wiefelstede Der PC Stammtisch Eichenau Café Netzwerk Stadtbibliothek Ludwigsburg Computerclub Diedorf e.V. Stadtbücherei Hückelhoven Anhaltische Landesbücherei Dessau Stadt–und Kreisbibliothek (Arnstadt) Stadtteilbibliothek Niederrad Humanitas-­‐Müritz e.V. Mehrgenerationenhaus und Bürgerzentrum Weimar–West DRK-­‐Kreisverband Rostock e.V. Haus der Bürger Stadtbücherei Enger Gemeindebücherei Waldbüttelbrunn StadtBibliothek Köln, Stadtteilbibliothek Porz JC Loddin Stadtbibliothek Bremerhaven Stadtbibliothek Kyritz Stadtbücherei Pinneberg Bürgernetzverein Weißenburg und Umgebung e.V. Panorama Computer Club Senioren Hilfe beim Computer Iserlohn e.V. Gemeindebücherei Vörstetten Jugendzentrum Wipperfürth Computer Club Nürnberg 50plus Senioren-­‐Aktiv-­‐Club Landkreis Deggendorf e.V Evangelischer Kinder– u. Jugendtreff Holzwurm Stadtbibliothek Kelkheim Kath. Öffentliche Bücherei Erbach Jugend-­‐ und Kulturzentrum Wutzkyallee Stadtbibliothek Leverkusen – Hauptstelle PallasT -­‐ Jugend-­‐ und Kulturhaus Stadtbibliothek der FVG Riesa mbH IGT Interessen Gemeinschaft der Telekommunikationsberat
er e.V. Senioren-­‐Internet-­‐Café im Seniorenclub Dümpten e.V. Medienwerkstatt Leipzig Regionalbibliothek Neubrandenburg Stadtbücherei Münster Fouqué-­‐Bibliothek Brandenburg Gemeindebücherei Elsdorf Mediothek Krefeld Jugendinformations-­‐ und -­‐bildungszentrum (Jib) hier: Internetprojekt Jugend-­‐online Unser NETZ e.V. Stadtbücherei Rösrath Jugendhaus Kempten Stiftung Eilbecker Gemeindehaus Café Netzwerk Mehrgenerationenhau
s Courage PCafé Norderstedt – Computer und Internet Landesmedienzentrum Baden-­‐Württemberg Stadtbücherei Übach-­‐
Palenberg Stadtbibliothek Erlangen Café Breakout Stadtbibliothek Lößnitz Stadtbibliothek Neustrelitz Bücherei im Bahnhof Internetcafé Traffic Stadtbücherei Bergisch Gladbach Internetcafé im Bewohnertreff Pfingstweide Stadtbücherei Werne SINN-­‐Treff Internetcafé des Arbeiterkultur-­‐ und Bildungsverein e.V. Stadtbibliothek Bremen–
Vegesack JIZ Jugendinformationszentru
m München Treffpunkt Aktive Bürger JUZ Traunreut Jugendtreff Heumaden Evangelische Kirchengemeinde Kath. Kirchengemeinde St. Joseph und St. Judas Thaddäus, Königswinter Gemeindebücherei Hiddenhausen Internetcafe für Jugendliche Senioreninternetcafé Oeding Ortsbücherei Neckarwestheim Stadtbibliothek Offenbach 

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