QL CRM Product Information


QL CRM Product Information
Aareon QL
Aareon QL CRM offers your staff a complete
3600 view of the customer at the touch of a
button. It is possible to see information
relating to the tenancy, the application, arrears
levels, outstanding repairs and current
complaints, as well as a comprehensive list of
all of the contacts that have occurred between
the organisation and the customer.
Aareon QL allows your entire business to adopt a
Customer Relationship Management philosophy, and to
place customers at the heart of your activities. Created
to facilitate the vision of a connected workplace, QL CRM
allows you to gear up to the increasing demands from
customer and business relationship.
Key benefits
• One screen view
• Drill down to rich detail
• On screen button for reports, rent statements
• Links to all part of the Aareon QL system
• Full contact recording and profiling
• The ability to define and trigger workflows from contacts
• Links to create new repairs, including graphical Locator tool
• Contacts from phone, in-person but also email and SMS
Tenant Contacts
A key design feature is the ability to search for tenants by
almost any criteria, giving you a set of ‘matches’ to choose
from to select the correct tenant.
Aareon QL CRM can also be connected directly to your TAPIenabled phone system for automatic caller recognition.
From the main Dashboard screen, staff can clearly see key
customer information; information relating to tenancies,
orders and complaints as well as a chronological history of
all contacts between the customer and your organisation.
With this this information at their fingerstips, Staff are
immediately ‘briefed’ for likely questions and enabling them
to play a more proactive Customer Service role by giving
them the ability to see information such as outstanding
balance, complaint made and any relevant warnings.
Aareon QL CRM has a comprehensive set of Warning &
Alerts to enable all staff members to be notified of any
safety, medical, religious or cultural information they should
be aware of before speaking to or visiting a tenant or
Tenant Participation & Events
The Aareon QL CRM module also has a marketing and
recruitment function allowing users to make ad-hoc
selections of customers or properties to generate bulk
contacts - this is ideal for recording Tenant Participation
Events as clients can be attached to agencies, resident
groups and board members.
Die Aareon AG, eine hundertprozentige Tochter der Aareal Bank AG, ist
Europas führendes Beratungs- und Systemhaus für die Immobilienwirtschaft. Sie bietet ihren Kunden wegweisende und sichere Lösungen in den
Bereichen Beratung, Software und Services zur Optimierung der IT-gestützten Geschäftsprozesse. Mit ihrer Mehrproduktstrategie in Deutschland
deckt Aareon die unterschiedlichen Anforderungen des Immobilienmarkts
flächendeckend ab: Wodis Sigma, SAP®-Lösungen und Blue Eagle sowie
GES. Die internationalen Tochtergesellschaften bieten auf die Marktbedürfnisse zugeschnittene ERP-Systeme an.
Aareon UK
Building 500 | Abbey Park | Stareton
Kenilworth | CV8 2LY
Tel.: +44 (0) 2476 323723
Fax: +44 (0) 2476 323724
21-0331 | November 2013 | Änderungen vorbehalten.
Produktbezeichnungen, Firmennamen und Logos sind zugunsten der jeweiligen
Hersteller bzw. Firmen als Marken oder eingetragene Marken geschützt.
Aareon QL CRM enables your to easily monitor
invitations to events and questionnairs can be available
against each event.