Western Kentucky University


Western Kentucky University
Western Kentucky University: Department of Modern Languages
German II: Social Communication (German 102)
MWF 8:00 – 8:55a.m. (section 001), 9:10 – 10:05a.m. (section 002), 12:40 – 1:35p.m. (section 003) 3 credit hours
Instructor: Tim Straubel
Phone: 745-8897
Office: Ivan Wilson FAC 233
E-mail: [email protected]
Office hours: Tuesday & Thursday 8:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m.,
11:00a.m. – 12:00p.m and by appointment
Prerequisites: German 102 is for students who have had German before. It is also the continuation of German 101.
The successful completion of German 102 serves as a prerequisite for 200-level German courses at WKU. If you
have gained sufficient German skills before coming to WKU you MUST take the placement exam. Please see me for
details. See departmental policy sheet on placement/credit for more information.
Program goals: Through course work, experience abroad, and other cultural encounters, the Modern Languages
Program cultivates communicative skills and cultural awareness that prepare students at Western Kentucky
University to be more knowledgeable and sensitive citizens of the global community.
Goals: German 102 continues development of the four language skills (speaking, listening, reading, writing) in a
cultural context with a focus on spoken German. This course fulfills the following category AII Gen. Ed. Goals:
-- competence in a language other than the native language
-- an appreciation of the complexity and variety in the world’s cultures
You will also learn:
--- to communicate in spoken German about additional daily situations
--- to talk about past events, location of items, and give/understand directions
--- to read elementary texts in German about a variety of topics
--- to know more about the peoples and cultures of the German-speaking countries
Texts: Kontakte (6th ed), Terrell, McGraw-Hill Publishing and Kontakte Arbeitsbuch 6th edition (required)
Small to mid-size German-English / English-German dictionary (recommended)
blue booklets for journal entries (can be purchased at a WKU bookstore for 25 cents) at least 2.
***You will be issued 2 CDs with listening exercises from the Arbeitsbuch. You are welcome to use these discs, but
please return them by the end of the semester. A $5 replacement fee will be charged if you are not able to return the
CDs. I will not issue your final grade until the CDs are returned.
Class format: Class time is spent in oral activities such as discussion, exercises (groups, pairs, all-class). Therefore,
be prepared to speak and participate in all class activities. Effort and performance both play a role. Therefore, if you
are unprepared for class or are not using as much German as possible, your participation grade will go down. If you
are late to class or you fall asleep during class, your participation grade will go down. There will also be the
explanation of “new” or practice of the “old” grammar structures. Preparation and active participation in class are
important components of this course because they will help you improve the four skills and prepare you to do well on
tests. Regular assignments in the textbook and workbook help you practice the material we are learning. Write out
all assigned exercises. DO NOT hand in only true/false answers or empty blanks. WRITE out complete sentences!
Make time to study your German every day.
Grading scale:
15 %
15 %
45 %
10 %
10 %
98% - 100% = A+
88% - 89% = B+
70% - 79% = C+
60% - 69% = D
93% - 97% = A 90% - 92% = A83% - 87% = B 80% - 82% = B73% - 77% = C 70% - 72% = CBelow 60% = F
Tutoring: Tutoring is available through the Modern Languages Dept. or The Learning Center (TLC) (located DUCA330) and is FREE. Don’t forget that you can also come and see me for extra help as well.
Course policies: University-established policies on attendance and on academic integrity apply: (1) registration
obligates the student to regular, punctual attendance and (2) students shall not represent work taken from another
source as their own (pp. 28 and 256 of the 1999-2001 University Bulletin). Cheating is UNACCEPTABLE and you
will receive an F. Frequent absences will reflect in your daily grade and are likely to reduce your chances of
performing well on tests. Attendance is mandatory. You are expected to attend every class, more than FOUR
absences (EXCUSED OR UNEXCUSED) WILL result in the drop in your grade as follows:
five (total) absences = drop half letter grade
six (total) absences = drop letter grade
seven (total) absences = drop 1.5 letter grades
eight (total) absences = drop 2 letter grades, etc.
This policy will be strictly enforced!
Vacation accommodations will NOT be made (AND for the FINAL EXAM!), therefore plan your time wisely.
Exams and Quizzes may not be made up, and the student will receive a ZERO. Assignments must be handed in
during the class meeting, if you expect to receive full credit. Workbook assignments (Arbeitsbuch) must be handed
in the day of the exam and will not be accepted late. Regular assignments will be accepted late, BUT the assignment
value will decrease by 20% for each day the assignment is late. All students are expected to help maintain a
courteous learning environment. PLEASE DO NOT EAT OR DRINK in class, since it is disruptive to the class
and will impact your ability to participate properly, and they are not allowed in the carpeted classrooms in FAC.
DO NOT turn your cellphone on during class. If you must have it on, please speak to me before class.
ABSOLUTELY DO NOT text message people during class. You will receive a 0 participation grade for that day.
ALL cellphones MUST be turned off during tests and quizzes, otherwise you will receive a ZERO for that work.
Tagebücher: You will write each Tagebuch (journal) in a blue book purchased from the bookstore. Each Tagebuch
has two parts. There is an original and a rewrite for every journal entry. You MUST do both parts to receive a grade
for the Tagebuch, otherwise the grade will be a ZERO! Once again, YOU MUST do the original and the rewrite for
each Tagebuch, otherwise it is incomplete. ALL Tagebücher must be handed in at the end of the semester. DO
NOT throw them away!
Skit Präsentation: At the end of the semester you will present a skit with 2 partners. More details to come.
Schleuderball!: If you are interested in playing or just experiencing this unique German sport, please see me for
more details. We generally play on Saturday afternoons during the semester.
Special Needs: Special Needs: Students with disabilities who require accommodations (academic adjustments
and/or auxiliary aids or services) for this course must contact the Student Success Center in DUC A200. The SSC
telephone number is (270) 745-5004 V/TDD. “Per university policy, please do NOT request accommodations
directly from the professor or instructor without a letter of accommodation from the Office for Student Disability
Please view me as a resource person for your interest in German. WKU offers a German major and minor, and
cooperates in the administration of the International Business Minor (21 hours), 12 hours of which may be taken in
foreign language. If you want to be on the German Club-mail list, send me an E-mail. I advise students about
summer study abroad through the Kentucky Institute for International Studies (Munich, Salzburg, Bregenz).
SEAT (Student Engagement Academic Transcript): All special events for this class or offered in the Modern
Languages Department give you the opportunity to create an activities resumé.
Online resources:
Modern Languages at WKU/Majoring: http://www.wku.edu/modernlanguages/
*** I WILL NOT be distributing individual copies of the entire syllabus.
During the semester, many items will be posted to Blackboard, be prepared to check it often.
Î Note! The syllabus and schedule are subject to change at the discretion of the instructor.
Frühling 2009 Deutsch 102 - MWF 8:00 – 8:55a.m. (section 001), 9:10 – 10:05a.m. (section 002),
12:40 – 1:35p.m. (section 003)
Please write the homework number on EVERY assignment. DANKE!! ALWAYS WRITE OUT EVERY
ASSIGNMENT!! Never just hand in fill-in the blank answers! WRITE OUT the whole assignment or
exercise as required. That includes matching and richtig/falsch exercises.
Lernen: Study this material.
Lesen: Read this material.
Hausaufgaben: Homework. Designated as --- 1/ Übung 1 S. 194 , 2/ Übung 9 S. 201
NUMBERED assignments are due the next class day!
--- AB = Arbeitsbuch (Workbook): the assignment is in the workbook.
Workbook assignments have specific due dates (They are DUE the day of the
chapter exam!)
--- aufschreiben = write out (in complete sentences!!)
--- S. = auf Seite: on page…
--- KLI (Kultur…Landeskunde…Information)
--- EX = Work can be done for extra credit. Must be handed in the next class day.
Wortschatz: Vocabulary
Tagebuch: journal = (T) Write a short essay (at least 75-100 words) on the given topic.
Write the essay in the purchased Blue Book (in Bookstore for 25 cents)
Datum: Mo (Montag – Monday), Mi (Mittwoch – Wednesday), Fr (Freitag – Friday)
Hint: You must read the syllabus from left to right!
Mo, den
26. 1
Mi, den
28. 1
Fr, den
30. 1
Mo, den
2. 2
What we are doing in class.
What to do to for the next class
Wer ist hier? Wann hast du Geburtstag?
Lernen: review any grammar
structures or vocabulary
from chapters 1-4.
Syllabus Frageblatt due TODAY!
VERBEN!!! Modals
Separable-prefix, Stem vowel changing Verbs!
PLEASE find, download & print syllabus!
Lernen: Work through introductory
QUIZ #1 heute!! Verben!!
MEHR VERBEN!!! Present perfect verbs
Tagebuch #1
Coordinating and subordinating clauses and
PLEASE find, download & print syllabus!
Hausaufgaben! Syllabus Frageblatt
PLEASE find, download & print syllabus!
QUIZ am Freitag!!
T: Was hast du in den Sommerferien
2008 gemacht?
(Das erste Tagebuch)
Intro. packet DUE on Friday!
Mi, den
4. 2
Accusative Prepositions
Possessive Adjectives
Intro. packet DUE on Friday!
Lernen: Wortschatz Kap. 5
Fr, den
6. 2
5 Intro packet due today!
The DATIVE case
Lernen: Wortschatz Kap. 5
AB5: Geschenke (im Arbeitsbuch
Kapitel 5)
Mo, den
9. 2
5 Dative Case Wiederholung
Werden – Was willst du werden?
1/ aufschreiben Übung 1 S. 194
AB5: Berufe
QUIZ am Mittwoch!!
Mi, den
11. 2
5 QUIZ #2 heute – dative case
Assignment #1 due today
Ausbildung und Beruf
dative personal pronouns
Lernen: Wortschatz Kap. 5
AB5: Aussprache 1. & 2. Teil
Orthographie 1. & 2. Teil
Fr, den
13. 9
AB5: Arbeitsplätze
Mo, den
16. 2
5 Berufsabschluß in Deutschland
In der Küche
Dative Prepositions
Skit Information
Mi, den
18. 2
QUIZ heute!
Assignment #2 due today
Die Welt der Arbeit für die Jugend.
Vor dem Lesen S. 190
Text: “Schwitzen fürs…” S. 191-92
3/ aufschreiben Situation 8 S. 178
(mit GANZEN Sätzen!)
AB5: Kulturecke / Aufsatz-Training
Fr, den
20. 2
Assignment #3 due today
Die Welt der Arbeit für die Jugend.
AB5: Arbeitsbuch für Kapitel
5 DUE on Monday!!!
Lernen: Prüfung am Montag!
Mo, den
23. 2
Kapitel 5 Arbeitsbuch HEUTE!
Kapitel 5 & Wiederholung Prüfung
Lesen: Wortschatz Kapitel 6
Mi, den
25. 2
Lernen: Wortschatz Kapitel 6
AB6: Haus und Wohnung
Fr, den
27. 2
6 Kentucky Language Festival
Extra credit opportunity available
Location and the dative case.
Haus, Wohnung und Zimmer
Zweiteilige Präpositionen (2-Way Preps)
2/ aufschreiben Übung 9 S. 201
Lesen: “Schwitzen fürs…” S. 191-92
AB5: In der Küche
QUIZ am Mittwoch!
QUIZ am Montag!
4/ aufschreiben Situation 3 S. 207
(mit ganzen Sätzen!)
Mo, den
2. 3
Mi, den
4. 3
QUIZ heute (Wortschatz)
Das Zimmer
KLI S. 206-207
Mehr zweiteilige Präpositionen
6 Tagebuch #2
Dativ Verben
Fr, den
6. 3
Keine Klasse! Herbstpause!
Mo, den
16. 3
Auf Wohnungssuche
Wortstellung: TMP
Directions: in/auf zu/nach
T: Dein Zimmer – Beschreib dein
Zimmer mit Wechselpräpositionen!
Tagebuch #2 für Mittwoch!
AB6: Das Stadtviertel
5/ aufschreiben Übung 2 S. 226
AB6: Auf Wohnungssuche
mit und bei
Mi, den
18. 3
6 Die Hausarbeit
Zweiteilige Verben: Präsens und Perfekt
Separable Prefix Verbs
6/ aufschreiben Übung 9 S. 234
AB6: Hausarbeit/ Aussprache und
QUIZ am Freitag!!
Fr, den
20. 3
Quiz HEUTE!! Präpositionen
„Der Erlkönig“
Gedichteprojekt einführen
Mo, den
23. 3
AB6: Aufsatz-Training
Lesen: „Regionale Baustile“
EX/ aufschreiben ‚Arbeit mit dem
Text’ Teil A und B S. 211-212
AB6: Kulturecke
AB Kapitel 6 due Mittwoch!
Prüfung Kap. 6 am Mittwoch!
Mi, den
25. 3
Arbeitsbuch Kapitel 6 HEUTE!!!
Kapitel 6 Prüfung
Fr, den
27. 3
7 Skit Präsentation Rough Draft
Die Lorelei
Relativsätze und Relativpronomen
7/ aufschreiben Übung 1 S. 257
AB7: Geografie
Mo, den
30. 3
7 Wie heißt die Hauptstadt von...?
Mehr Relativsätze
8/ Relativpronomenpaket
AB7: Transportmittel
Mi, den
1. 4
7 Zugfahren
Komparativ und Superlativ
- the comparative and superlative
9/ Übung 4 S. 261
QUIZ am Freitag!
Fr, den
3. 4
7 Quiz HEUTE!! Relativpronomen
Das Auto
MEHR Komparativ und Superlativ
AB: Das Auto
Lesen: Wortschatz Kapitel 7
Skit rough draft for FRIDAY!
Mo, den
6. 4
7 Österreich und Wien
Da & Wo Verbindungen (Compounds)
The Present Perfect Wiederholung
hatten & waren
10/ aufschreiben Übung 6 S. 263
EX/ aufschreiben Situation 11 S. 247
(mit ganzen Sätzen)
AB7: Reiseerlebnisse / Aussprache
und Orthographie
Mi, den
8. 4
7 Vor dem Lesen S. 244
„Die Motorradtour“
Da & Wo Verbindungen
AB7: Kulturecke/
KEIN Aufsatz-Training
Lesen: KLI „Führerschein“ S. 249
T: Dein Lieblingsurlaub als Kind
(Your favorite vacation as a child)
(You MUST use at least TWO relative
clauses in this entry!)
Fr, den
10. 4
Mo, den
13. 4
Kapitel 7 Prüfung
Arbeitsbuch Kapitel 7 heute!
Lernen: Wortschatz Kapitel 8
Mi, den
15. 4
8 Essen und Trinken
Lernen: Wortschatz Kapitel 8
17. 4
8 Mehr Essen und Trinken
Adjektiv Endungen
8 Gesunde Ernährung
Adjektiv Endungen
Lernen: Wortschatz Kapitel 8
Mi, den
22. 4
12/ aufschreiben Übung 4 S. 295
und Übung 7 S. 299
AB8: Einkaufen und Kochen/
Im Restaurant
QUIZ am Freitag!!
24. 4
8 Quiz HEUTE!! Adjektivendungen
Haushaltsgeräte und In der Küche
Destination vs. Location
13/ aufschreiben Situation 16 S. 288
mit ganzen Sätzen!
AB8: Haushaltsgeräte
Mo, den
27. 4
Eure Präsentationen (Your skits)
T: Mein Lieblingsessen (use at least
15 adjectival phrases – the good
food, a hot dinner, the green beans, a
large dessert , the dark chocolate, the
Austrian schnitzel: are English
examples of an adjectival phrase)
Mo, den
20. 4
Tagebuch #3
KLI „Führerschein“
Im Restaurant
KLI S. 287
Sesame Video
AB Kapitel 7 am Montag!
Lernen: Prüfung am Montag!!
11/ aufschreiben Situation 4 S. 275
AB8: Essen und Trinken
Lesen: KLI S. 287
Mi, den
29. 4
8 Tagebuch #4
Eure Präsentationen (Your skits)
AB8: Aussprache und Orthographie
Fr, den
1. 5
Filmerlebnis in der Klasse!
Mo, den
4. 5
Filmerlebnis in der Klasse!
14/ aufschreiben Übung 5 S. 297
EX/ aufschreiben Situation 11 S. 282
(mit ganzen Sätzen!)
AB8: Kulturecke
KEIN Aufsatz-Training
Bring ALL TAGEBÜCHER to class
on Wednesday!
AB Kapitel 8 für Freitag!!!
All Tagebücher are DUE by
Wednesday! If I do not receive them,
you will receive a ZERO.
Mi, den
6. 5
Fr, den
8. 5
8 Vor dem Lesen S. 277
The Future
In der Küche
ALLE Tagebücher!!
Arbeitsbuch Kapitel 8 HEUTE!!
8 Wiederholung
Lernen: Die Schlußprüfung!
Kapitel 8
Section 001 (8.00 – 8.55)
Dienstag den 12. Mai 2009
FAC 256
The date and time WILL NOT be changed. DO
NOT ask for special accommodations!
Section 002 (9.10 – 10.05)
Donnerstag den 14. Mai 2009
The date and time WILL NOT be changed. DO
NOT ask for special accommodations!
Section 003 (12:40 – 1:35)
Donnerstag, den 14. Mai 2009
The date and time WILL NOT be changed. DO
NOT ask for special accommodations!
Lernen: Die Schlußprüfung!
Kapitel 8
FAC 256
FAC 256
13.00-15.00 (1-3 p.m.)