From Paper to Computer Records: Ensuring Data Quality for the


From Paper to Computer Records: Ensuring Data Quality for the
From Paper to Computer Records:
Ensuring Data Quality for the Analysis
This course provides principles and practice of efficient,
quality-assured data capture. It uses the freely available
EpiData software for use in applied and field epidemiology.
The course is modular, step by step, utilising computer power
in data processing and analysis.
After having completed this course you will be:
familiar with the basics of EpiData Software
able to create a simple data entry mask allowing for quality
controlled data entry
able to computerise data
have an introduction to EpiData Analysis allowing to carry out
descriptive data analysis
This three-day course consists of two parts. The main part will
be devoted to issues of efficient, quality-assured data entry.
The second part will provide an introduction to the steps in
data preparation for data analysis.
To make the process of learning uniform and to serve as a
template for your own research, the course is based on a
simple example, progressing through a series of increasingly
sophisticated exercises.
We will work intensively with computers, using EpiData Software ( for data entry and handling data sets.
A main emphasis will be documenting the data set.
The following steps will be covered:
Creating a data entry mask for data entry
Data validation
Introducing EpiData Analysis, putting emphasis on programme
writing rather than interactive analysis
Appending and merging of data files
Essay at home
Preparation and postprocessing
No preparation, 6 hours postprocessing
1.5 ECTS Credits
Target audience
− Basic course in the MPH programme
− Persons who are familiar with basic concepts in epidemiology
and planning a project in which they will need to
− design a simple questionnaire
− gather and computerise the collected information
− plan and perform descriptive analyses
required are:
− «Bevölkerungsbezogene Daten und epidemiologische Studien
verstehen» (B101.20)
− «Konzepte, Methoden und Anwendungen der deskriptiven
und analytischen Epidemiologie» (B102.30)
− The course is most useful if taken before starting the MPH
Institut für Sozial- und Präventivmedizin der Universität Bern
Coordination of course
Prof. Dr. Marcel Zwahlen, Institut für Sozial- und Präventivmedizin der Universität Bern
Prof. Dr. Hans L. Rieder, Tuberculosis Consultant Services
IUATLD, Kirchlindach
Lecturers and tutors
Prof. Dr. Hans L. Rieder and Prof. Dr. Marcel Zwahlen
15 - 17 July 2015
Fr. 1350.- (course material included)
Registration deadline
15 May 2015
Additional information
− Language: German and English (written instructions, software
and software documentation)
− As this is a course in which you will do a large amount of
work on your own, under intense guided supervision, the
number of participants is limited to a maximum of 12
− You must bring your own laptop with either a Windows or
MAC operating system and a CD-ROM drive or a USB port;
you must be thoroughly familiar with file management (creating folders, copying, deleting, moving, etc)
− Participants are requested to provide a curriculum vitae before
course commencement