Northern Lights Hunt


Northern Lights Hunt
Northern Lights Hunt
Evening Super Jeep Tour Including Lava Caving, Lobster Dinner & Northern Lights Chase
Super-Jeep Caving
Combo Trip
Trip difficulty: Easy
1 2 3 4 5
Guaranteed departures:
1st Oct - 31st Mar
Everyday at 17:30-18:00
from Reykjavík.
Minimum 2 persons
28.990 ISK per person.
With minimum 4
persons you can skip
caving for 25.990 ISK
per person.
Add 1.000 ISK per item
to rent hiking shoes,
waterproof jacket or
Your pick up will arrive at your hotel in the shape of an enormous super-jeep with
an expert guide at the wheel. We start by exploring the hidden world in and under
the lava field located in the Blue Mountains. Walking down into the lava cave and
discovering the marvels that volcanic activity has created in the past is a trip that
everyone can undertake and enjoy. Next we head on to Rauða Húsið restaurant in
Eyrarbakki village on the south coast where a two course dinner (350 gr. lobster
and dessert) is waiting for us. Rauða Húsið is one of Iceland’s most renowned
seafood restaurants especially famous for its lobster dinner, located 60 km from
Reykjavík surrounded by the pitch-black Icelandic winter night. From there our
hunt continues.
The Auroras can only be seen far away from the city lights and from Eyrarbakki
we will not have to travel far until the mountains provide the shadows we need.
On cloudless and clear winter evenings, with luck on our side, we may be able to
spot this beautiful and elusive natural phenomenon. Vivid and bright, the dancing
Northern Lights in the Arctic skies are a sight to remember.
Included: Pick-up from Reykjavík, caving, caving gear, lobster dinner (no drinks
included) and a driver guided super jeep chase for the Northern Lights. Bring
with you: Warm outdoor clothing, headwear, gloves, waterproof jacket and pants.
Good hiking shoes are recommended. Duration of trip: 6-7 hours. Minimum age:
10 years.
Please note:
Seeing the Northern Lights is highly dependent on weather and sky conditions and
we reserve the right to cancel if the circumstances are not in your favor.
Une SuperJeep vous emmènera jusqu’au Montagnes Bleues.
Vous irez alors explorer une grotte de lave où vous découvrirez
des coulées de lave vieilles de 2 000. Notre SuperJeep vous
conduira ensuite dans un restaurant spécialisé dans la langouste,
pour un délicieux dîner. Puis vous partirez à la quête d’aurores
boréales. Selon les conditions météo, le spectacle est inoubliable.
Auf dieser Tour jagt ein Highlight das Nächste! Mit dem Super
Jeep fahren wir zunächst zu einer jahrtausendealten Lavahöhle,
die wir zu Fuss erkunden. Danach wärmen wir uns bei einem
leckeren Hummeressen in Südisland wieder auf und wenn es dann
richtig schön dunkel draußen ist, begeben wir uns mit unserem
erfahrenen Guide auf die Jagd nach den magischen Nordlichtern.