AP French Language and Culture 2016 and IB 5 French Language B


AP French Language and Culture 2016 and IB 5 French Language B
Summer Assignment for AP French Language and Culture 2016 and IB 5 French Language B
Professeur: Mme Rogers
[email protected]
I. Expression Écrite (written activity) :
In French, write an action plan of 350 words minimum (do not type) about what you will do this
upcoming year to survive AP or IB and be successful. You must not use a dictionary as you will not be
able to use one next year.
II. Activité orale (oral activity):
A. Prepare a poster, which will be displayed in our classroom during the first nine weeks, with
pictures, drawings, or photos that best illustrates who you are and what you like to do. Example:
Use flowers, technology pictures, books, photos or copies of photos, sports etc. (This will better
help both of us for the formal interview during the third grading period). Captions may only be
in French with only a one or two word description.
B. Prepare a 2 minute oral presentation of a description of yourself. It is an oral presentation
that you will not read from a paper. Practice and try different ways in order to improvise and
feel the language. You should not memorize the presentation just keep in mind and understand
what you are saying. We will start the second day of school.
1. Mandatory topics: You will use the following as a guide and a minimum of what you
will present. Afterwards, I will ask you two questions based on the information you
provide us.
a. Comment es-tu physiquement? Et ta personnalité ?
b. Les loisirs : Qu’est-ce que tu aimes faire comme loisir (après l’école, le weekend, en vacances, etc.)
c. La famille et les amis, sont-ils importants ? Explique.
d. La charité et le service humanitaire, comment existent-ils dans ta vie ?
e. Le futur : Comment envisages-tu ta vie dans deux ans, dans 5 ans, dans 20
ans, etc. Quelle carrière choisiras-tu ? Voudras-tu te marier, avoir des enfants,
habiter dans… ? À quel âge feras-tu la retraite ?
2. Other mandatory structures :
a. Hypothetical phrases (si j’étais… je serais)
b. Subjunctive phrases to express wishes, fears, desires, etc.
c. Imparfait/Passé Composé for storytelling
d. Transitional words like:
1. temps : avant que, en attendant que, jusqu’à, etc. + subjonctif
Après que, pendant que, etc. + indicatif
A + nom, avant + nom, avant de + infinitif, après + nom, après + infinitif
jusqu’à + nom, etc.
2. cause : soit que… soit que, ce n’est pas que… mais, etc. + subjonctif
Parce que, puisque, comme, etc. + indicatif
3. conséquence : assez… pour que, trop… pour que + subjonctif
Tant… que, si… que, tellement… que, de sorte… que, etc. + indicatif
III. Surfer sur Internet (surfing on the web):
It is important to start familiarizing yourself with authentic French websites before preparing for the
formal interview or speaking section. So, I would like for you to check out French music, movies, teen
interests, etc. on a French teen website http://www.ados.fr/ Please read and listen to all that interests
you. Try to do this twice a month. Keep a log of what you have done on the site.
Merci d’avance,
Mme Rogers