January 1931 - Concordia University


January 1931 - Concordia University
1886- \Vm . C urri e, Limited, is an &n sr itution; Dad yes rerday - Son ro-day - Gra ndso n to- morrow - 1930
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A. ]. GILLETT, Pres.
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[ page one ]
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[ page two ]
The Official Publication of the Loyola Alumni Association
• • •
• •
Vol. I. No. 4 .
For five years, from 1925 to 1930, Rev. Erle G . Bartlett, S.J., was
Honorary President of the Alumni. During those years Father Bartlett
won his way into the heart of every member of the Association, just as
he has done with the hundreds of boys who have known him as teacher and
Generously and willingly, Father Bartlett gave of his valuabl e time to
the Loyola Alumni and the members are not unmindful of the many
enjoyable events brought about for their benefit through hi s instrumentality. One has but to recall the banquets, the meetings and, above all,
the Communion breakfasts which were acknowledged by all to be of the
greatest benefit in strengt heni ng that bond of uni on between all Loyola's
While we regret the removal of Father Bartlett from Loyola, we take
consolation in the fact that others will profit by his wise cou nsel and guidance
as have those he has but recently left, and so we wish him all possible success in hi s new appointment.
While we bid farewell to R ev. Fat her Bartlett, we welcome the arrival
of R ev. T. J. McMahon, S.J., amo ngst us.
W hen the Loyola of today existed only in the minds of those who later
brought about its existe nce, Father McMahon was a pupil in the English
co urse at St. Mary's. For five years preceding his ordina ti on he was professor at Loyola, and from 1912 to 1917 Loyola knew him as R ector.
Knowing the great ac hi evements of which Father McMahon is capabl e;
one does not hesitate to predict great things for the Alumni. In welcoming
R ev. Father McMahon as t he new Honorary President, t here but remains
to say that whatever he shal l undertake for the advancement of Loyola,
he can depend upon t he wholehearted co-operation of t he Alumn i. -F.M.
[ p nge tl,ree
It is with unfeig ned pleasure tha t I welcome thi s new number of " THE
L ovoLA ALUMNU ." Alm a Ma ter, whose humbl e spokes man I a m here,
fol lows wit h kee nest inte res t ever y o ne of her Al umni- she re joices when
t hey rej oice ; wh en t hey weep, he weeps wit h th em-s he exal ts when th ey
succeed, she sorrows wh en t hey fail. A nd, just as s he does no t forge t t hem,
she loves to think t hat t hey have· not forgo tten her. She treasures the
least 'token of rememb ra nce or of fi lial a ffec ti on coming fro m th em. T his
new venture of theirs s he welcomes with ope n arm s a nd gives it her
m a ternal bl essi ng. Vivat ! Floreat! Crescat!
by Right Rev. Gerald C. Murray, C.S.S.R. , D.D., Bishop af Victoria
Father RAYMO ND CLORA N, of the Society of Jesus, met death heroically
on June 22nd, 1930. The tributes paid to hi s characte r and cou rage were well
Man y of those who bowed in prayer at t he fun eral Mass, and in silent
reverence followed hi s coffin knew him o nl y as Father Cloran-the earnest
and saintly priest. But th ere were
some in that sad cortege, whose
thoughts went back to college days.
They whispered one to the other:
" He was true to himself to th e last. "
Raymond Cloran was always ful l
of energy, he went at things with hi s
head down. No one was ever known to
"s top" him.
As a comparatively small boy, he
engaged in single combat with a
fellow student of Montreal College.
His antagonist was of the same mettle.
They struggled through the evenin g
recreations, each defending, to hi s ow n
way· of thinking, a righteous cause.
When the bell rang for night prayers,
the youthful gladiators, bearing unmistakable evidence of their encounter, hurried to the Chapel and, evading th e watchful eye of th e Prefec t, breathed an atmosphere of peace.
Loyola offered few er occasion s for radical d ifferences of opinion, but
Raymond's persistent earnestness had wide scope in other fi elds.
As a student, he "plugged" at hi s boo ks, when necessary. When there
was no immediate call for intensive study, he drove the energy of hi s being
in to other channels.
In Football, he played on t he lin e. In view of hi s lack of weight and
height, you might be inclined to think th a t he co uld not be formidable at
rugby. Bu t he was. The essential elements of a n athlete were in him.
"gri t" and "sa nd" may be closel y al lied, but he had plenty of each. When
you were looking for weak spots in Loyola's· de fensive wall, you naturally
turned your eyes away from him. Offensively, he was a wiry body propelled
a nd sometimes ca tapu lted by an indomitabl e sp irit.
[ page five )
He earned a place on the Hockey team that counted such stars as
"Chubby" PowER and the late "Quigg" BAXTER. He played left wing.
Not a brilliant stick-handler, not a particularly fast skater, he scored few
goals. But defensivel y he was a tower of strength. His checking was close
and fair, but it was persistent. He wore down an opponent and robbed
many a star of brilliancy . He would not be skated off. And he was tireless. In those days of seven-man hockey there were no su bsti tu tes. You
played through the entire game. I can still see him along the boards in the
old Victoria Rink on Drummond Street urging his legs to carry a weary body,
repeatedl y saving his defence from menacing thrusts by the opposing forwards.
He carried the same qualities into his social life. As a friend he was
devoted and absolutely true. Distance of time and place meant nothing to
him. If he was for you-and I sincerely believe he never had an enemythen you had one of the world's greatest gifts; the unselfish and unswerving
loyalty of a generous heart.
Headlong, he cast himself into the service of Our Lord. He became a
whole-souled religious. Not an inch of his being was withheld or withdrawn
from the unreserved sacrifice he made of himself. He was a holy priesta zealous and sympathetic hospital chaplain, an enlightened and kindly
director of souls, a wise leader of boys and young men.
Then came a quiet Sunday afternoon in June. A cry for help broke its
stillness. Father Ray mond Cloran heard it. Heedless of danger, carried
away by his impetuous, uncalculating devotedness, he plunged to his
death. He had always gone at things with every ounce of energy he possessed, with his head down. That is why his old College-mates whispered,
"He was true to himself to the end."
May we not fondl y believe that when he sank exhausted into the waves,
his head found a resting place on the Heart of Christ or rather that his
heroic soul sped headlong, in characteristic fashion, into the waiting arms
of Our Saviour.
A great honour has been conferred upon the
"Alumnus" in that its first contributor should be
the Right Reverend Gerald C. Murray, C.SS.R.,
D.D., Bishop of Victoria, B.C., the first member
of the Loyola Alumni to be raised to the episcopal
rank. Bishop Murray writes of one whose untimely death brought sadness to the hearts of all
Loyola's sons, the late Raymond Cloran, S.J.
Bishop Murray is a graduate of the Class of '05.
Father Cloran a graduate of '06.
[ page six
It is indeed with pleasure that I join my fellow members in congratulating the editors of this booklet. They have worked hard and they
have succeeded in giving us a splendid "first is me ." They are deserving
of our thanks and these we give unreservedly.
It is our hope that the "Alumnus" will carry to every member a
message of good cheer, that it will revive old friendships and recall those
numerottS pleasant days of college life. May the "Alumnus" serve to
unite old comrades and bring tts together again in the happy bonds of
To the ''Alumnus'', we extend our very best wishes and, as we see
it launched to the seven seas , we cry: "Long Life- Bon Voyage."
D. KING , President,
Loyola Alumni Association.
[ page sevm]
At the back of this booklet will be found a list of the Alumni, their
occupa~ions and their addresses. · Would that we could say a 'complete'
list. Out of over 1,700 members whose names are -on the official list we
have information concerning less than 25 per cent.
There are a few things that those who read these pages might well
and seriously think over. In the first place, one man, two men or even five
men cannot find out and tabulate the required information about 1,700
members. The task is a physical impossibility. Is there any way by which
we can obtain the required data? Yes! How? Simply by having every
member of the Alumni who reads this Magazine write down whatever he
knows about an y other member and forwarding this information to the
Editor of "THE AL UMN US."
No man can say what lies just around the corner in the future. Events
may be in the making which will mean everything to our Alma Mater.
One thing is certain, that whatever the future holds for Loyola will come to
her only if those who have profited by her guidance will unite and work
shoulder to shoulder for the achievement of the desired end.
Nothing comes without labour, and in the grasp of destiny may lie
hidden that of which Loyola stands most in need.
We cannot consider ourselves united unless we can call upon each and
every member of the association . We cannot call upon every member
unless we know where he is and what he is doing. \Ve can obtain this only
through you, gentle reader. With you lies the ultimate well-being of the
Loyola Alumni. Sit down! Write what you know about the various members; send it in. If each of the members listed in the index would · only
account for two other members, we would be a long way on the road towards a complete directory.
l think the case has been stated clearly enough. The need is evident.
The remedy lies with the reader.
[ page eight
Rev . FATHER KENNY, class of '03, who is stationed in Denver, Colo.,
was a visitor to the College during the year. CARL SUTTON, class of '21,
has been appointed to St. Michael's Hospital, Toronto. J. DooLEY, class
of '30, is British Consul at San Domingo.
"The Alumnus" extends sincere sympathy to R Ev. E uG ENE AUDET,
S.J., on the death of his mother. To MoRRJ S DAv1s, '24, and CLARENCE
DAv1s, class of '25, we extend our sympathy at the loss they have suffered
in the death of their father.
Congratulations are extended to REv. WILLJAM SAVOIE, S.J., and REv.
ARTHUR COTTER, S.J., on their ordination to the priesthood, which took
place at the Martyrs' Shrine, Midlands, Ont., on July 6th. Also to REv.
EUGENE CHA~OT, S.J., whose ordination took place in England during the
same month .
GEORGE PIGEON, '29, and JEAN SAVARD, '29, were members of this
year's M.A.A.A. Senior Rugby team. The former was picked by "Bill"
Hughes, foremost ranking Canadian rugby coach, as a member of the
second all-Canadian rugb y team. Congratulations are in order to O'BRJEN
AMos, class of '18, on the occasion of his marriage to Miss Pauline Delfausse.
We are pleased to hear that Lo urs PERIGO, class of '26, is making rapid
progress towards recovery, following a serious automobile accident.
Loyola was well represented in the play-off for the Intermediate Provincial Rugby Championship between C.N.R. and Quebec Swimming Club.
EDDIE CANNON, '27, GAVIN PowER, '29, and LORNE PowER, class of '32,
were found on the line-up for the latter club, while MAURICE McALE AR,
class of '32, played for the Canadian National.
Congratulations are extended to JAMES McAsEY, '25, on his marriage
to Miss Sarah Mclnnes.
To DR. J. C. WICKHAM, '09, PAUL W1cKHAM, '21, sincere sympathy is
extended in the death of their mother, who passed away December 13th,
at the age of 74.
Besides those already mentioned as ~ntering the ranks of the benedicts,
"The Alumnus'1 extends congratulations and best wishes to WILLIAM E.
CARRICK, class of '29, to Miss Bernice Mack, of Montreal West. DARRAGH
PHELAN, class of '30, to Miss Marjorie Pike; EDGAR GAHAN, class of '25,
to Miss Joy Dunning; Rov DILLON, '18, to Miss Emily Grey Duffus; PAUL
HENAULT, class of '29, to Miss Ameere Margaret O'Neil.
To PEDRO SuINAGA, '26, and J osE SuINAGA, '27, we extend sincere
sympathy in the death of their father.
[ page nine ]
"The Alumnus " j oins in extending congratulations to R Ev. JA PER
STANFORD, class of '13, o n hi s appointment rece ntl y as Chairman of the
Catholi c Teachers' Association .
We 't ake pleasure in ann oun cin g the birth of a so n to JOSEPH R YAN,
class of ' 18, a nd of a daughter t o KENNETH McARDLE, '27. Congratulations.
We are pleased to take this oppor tunity of co ngratulating MAJOR
EoGAR R EYNOLDS on hi s elec ti o n to the position of President of the Dominion Commerci al Travellers' Association.
Two members of the Alumni ha ve this yea r made their debut in
pro fessio nal hockey. The first was P AUL HAYNE S, '30, last year with
Loyola and M.A.A.A., winners of the Allen Cup, a nd now with Montreal Maroons. The seco nd is D 'ARCY CA ULSON, class of '29 who until rece ntl y with Ottawa Amateurs, has j oined the Phil adelphi a Quakers.
[ page ten
The Directory
CALDER, R. L., K.C ., se nior member o f firm of Calder Penv er ne & Duckett, Advocates,
159 Craig St. W . ; res ide nc e 210 The Boul evard , Westmou nt, Que. CONROY, CLA UD E,
M.D., 3015 Sherbrooke St. W., Montreal, Que. D UNN, MICHAEL, residence 444 O xford
Ave., N . D.G., Montreal, Qu e. H EAGE RTY, JOH N J ., M.D., Dept. of P e nsions and National
Health, Ottawa, Ont. HI NGSTON, DO NALD, M . D ., president of St. Mary's Hospital,
Montrea l, Qu e.; residence 1000 Sherbrooke St. W., Montreal , Qu e. MA SON, J. L. D .,
M .D., 3456 P ark Ave., Montreal, Qu e. ROGERS, J AMES T. , M.D ., 1539 Sherbrooke St.
W., Montreal, Que. SINGLETON, R Ev. FRAN CIS, St. Agnes Church, St. D enis Street, Montreal, Que. STYLES, W. A. L., M. D ., edito r of "Knightnews," official organ of Montreal
Council, Knig hts of Columbu s; residence 245 Prin ce Arthur St. W., Montreal, Que. TOLA N,
MAURICE, residence 4076 Tupper St., Montreal, Que. TRIHEY, HEN RY, J ., K.C ., senior
member of the firm of Tri hey, Coone y & Plimsoll , 210 St. Jam es Street, Montreal, Qu e. ;
resi dence 667 Belm ont St., West mo unt, Que. WINFREY, WM., M.D., 825 Bienvill e St.,
Montreal, Que .
CLASS- 1903-'04
Roslyn Ave., Westmount, Que. CLARKE, J AMES C ., M.D., Nelson, B.C. CONROY, BERNARD.
M.D., 775 Wellington St., Montreal, Qu e. CORBETT, REv. THOMA S, Alex a ndria, Ont,
Co UGHLIN, CORNELI US . DESCARRIE S, J OSEPH A., 400 St. Josep h Bl vd. W ., Montreal, Que.
DIC KENSON, JOHN, Man age r o f O'Brien Min es, Cobalt, Ont. Do wNES, S.J ., REV. FRANCIS,
S.J. , Professor :)t Lo yola College , Montreal, Qu e. GRANT, J AMES, Manager of BoulterRedmond Fur Co. ; residence 11 22 St. Viateur Stree t, Montreal, Que. G uY, HAMEL, Dr.
A., 5164 Park Ave., Montrea l, Qu e. H ART, R. J ., with Canada Life Assurance Co., St.
James Street W.; residence 72 St. Germ ain Street, St. Laurent, Que. KAI NE, W1LLIAM, JR.,
M .D ., 68 Main St., B at tl e boro, Vermont, U.S.A. KIELY, D ANIEL, President of Daniel Kiely
& Co., Custom Brokers, 125 St. P ete r Street; resid ence 2129 Kimberl ey St., Montreal, Que.
MEAGHER, Jo sEP H, 53Y, Wind so r St., H alifa x, N.S. MO NK, FREDERICK A., offi ce 438 St.
Fran cis Xavier Stree t; reside nce 1321 Sherbrooke St. W., Montreal, Que. MuRPHY, Jo s EPH,
3589 Jeanne Mance St., Montrea l, Que. TAN SEY, MICHAEL, 6070 Sherbrooke St. W. , Monteal, Que. T YRELL, JAME S 0., 6769 St. D eni s Street, Montreal, Qu e. VANIER, A NATOLE,
partner in the firm o f Vanier & Vanier, Advocates, 57 St. J ames Street W.; residence 3670
St. Famille Street, M o ntrea l, Qu e. WHITTON, CORBETT, 712 Pi go tt Building, Hamilton,
CLASS- 1905
BERMINGHAM, T. CHA S., 1172 St. Matthew Street, Montrea l, Que.
PIERRE, 1460 Chambl y St., Montreal, Qu e. DAVI S, WILLIAM, 110 Vendome Ave., Westmount, Que. DIL LON, RA PHAEL, 4379 Western Ave., Westmount, Que. EMERY, EMILE,
231 Clarke Ave., Westmount, Qu e. FARRELL, ROBT. B., 6720 Henri Julien St., Montreal,
Que. KELLY, ERNEST, 193 H amp to n Ave., Montreal, Que. MAG UI RE, WALTER, 260 Wilson
Ave. , Montreal, Que. M URRAY, R 1GHT REv. G. C., C.SS.R. , Bishop of Victoria, Bishop's
Hou se, Victoria, B.C. O'KE EFE, FRANCIS, 266 Pine Ave. West. Montreal, Que. OKEEFE,
JAME S, 433 Durocher Ave., Outremont, Que. PHELAN, HENRY, 44 Castle Frank Rd.,
Toronto, Ont. RIBADE NEYR A, ANTONIO, c/o Bridgeport Screw Co., Bridgeport, Conn.,
U.S.A. STARNES, KE NN ETH, 126 Cedar Ave., Montre al, Que. WARREN ROBERT, 898 Wiseman Ave., Outremont, Que.
CLASS- 1906
ARCHAMBA ULT, GASPARD, Preside nt of G . Archambault Ltee., Contractors a nd Engineers, 1584 Clarke St; residence 1485 Fort St. Co uGHLIN, GERALD A., partner in the
firm of Cou ghlin & Coughlin, Barriste rs and Attorne ys, 215 St. James Street; residence
17 Renfrew Road , Montreal , Que. DE SC ARRIES, THEOPHIL US, 520 Rachel St. E., Montreal,
Bel. 3391J. HA CK ETT, J. T ., K.C., of th e leg al firm of Foster, Pla ce, Hackett, Mulven a,
[ page eleven ]
Tailored by
$30. and more
All Sizes and Fittings
Clothes Shop
974 St. Catherine Street W.
[ page twelve ]
Gmeral Manag(r
Hackett and Foster, 500 Place d'Armes; residence 697 Victoria Ave., Westmount, Que.
HICKS, M., President of Hicks Oriental Rugs, Mountain and St. Catherines Streets, Montreal, Que. McGOVERN, THos. T., 467 Lansdowne Ave., Westmount, Que. REGAN, CHE STER,
Jewel Tea Co., Chicago, Ill., U.S.A. REYNOLDS, Leo., 330 Wilson Ave., Montreal, Que.
VANIER, LT.-CoL .. GEO. P., is attending the Na val Conference in Geneva; his address
there is 41 Quai Wilson, Geneva, Switzerland. VANIER, GuY, Advocate, partner in the firm
of Vanier & Vanier, 57 St. James Street W.; residence 3626 Ste. Famille St., Montreal, Que.
BRUNELLE, ARMAND, 368 de l'Epee ave., Outremont. CASEY, JAMES, c/o W. J.
Casey (Druggist), 5674 Sherbrooke St. W. ; residence 5672 Sherbrooke St. W., Montreal,
Que. COUGHLIN, D . PATRICK, 305 Bartlett Building, Los Angeles, Cal, U.S.A. DICKENSON, ERNEST H ., 2355 Polk St., San Francisco, Cal., U.S.A. DRUMM, FREDERICK, 1179
Elmwood Place, Outremont; At!. 2358. GUERIN, THos., 1054 Edgehill Ave., Montreal,
Que. McKENNA, CoL. ERNEST, 1245 St. Mark Street, Montreal, Que. PAXTON, ALBERT,
1947 St. Luke Street, Montreal, Que.; Wil. 5285. POWER, CHARLES G.{ Member in House
of Parliament, Ottawa, for Dorchester South; office 111 Monkland Hi!, Quebec, Que.
B URKE, EDM UND, 120 Brock Ave. N ., Montreal West, Que. BURKE, MICHAEL T.,
Lawyer, 276 St. James Street, Montreal, Que. DALBEC, ALFRED, 520 Bloomfield Ave.,
Outremont, Que. DowNES, AUGUSTINE M., 3985 Laval Ave., Montreal, Que.; Har. 6647.
GERMAN, ANGUS, 59 Yonge St., Toronto, Ont. KENNEDY, FREDERICK, 138 Abbott Ave.,
Westmount, Que. KERRIN, HuGH F ., 5980 Park Ave., Outremont, Que.; At!. 5304. MERRILL, WALTER A. H., partner in firm of Duff & Merrill, Advocates & Attorneys, 240 St.
James Street W.; residence 529 Lansdowne Ave., Westmount; Wmt. 5203. MILLARD,
ALEXANDER, 3650 Ste. Famille Street, Montreal, Que. McCooL, MICHAEL. McELDERRY,
VINCENT J., Member of the firm of Peck, Kerr & McElderry, Barristers, Solicitors and
Notaries, 415 Water St., Peterborough; also Crown Prosecutor for County of Peterboro,
Ont. McMANUS, REv. WALTER, S.J., St. Andrew's Rectory, Port Arthur, Ont. McN1cHOLL, E uGENE, 1898 Lasalle Ave., Montreal, Que.; Clair. 7105. REDMOND, RENE, 812
Sherbrooke St. W., Montreal, Que.; Upt. 4635. ROLLAND, ST UART, Insurance Agent;
residence 542 Lansdowne Ave., Westmount; Wmt. 0899. Vuu, THEOPHILE, 254 St. Catherine Rd., Outremont, Que. WALSH, JOSEPH, C.B., Notary of the firm of Walsh & Mulcair,
360 St. James Street, Montreal, Que; residence 4390 Western Ave., Westmount, Que.
CLASS- 1909
BOURDON, JOHN, 103 St. Denis Street, Montreal, Que. MAG UIRE, DUNCAN, with
Dominion Bridge Co., Montreal; residence 384 Marlowe Ave., Montreal, Que.; Wal.
2387M; Office, Wal. 1400. MILLOY, JOHN is with R. N . Taylor, Opticians, 1122 St. Catherine Street W.; residence 3544 Hutchison St., Montreal, Que. MULLIGAN, Louis, Preerietor of Louis Mulligan, 2055 University St., Montreal, Que. ; Lane. 2034. PERODEAU,
J· ARTHUR, rotary; residence 1469 Drummond St., Montreal, Que. PIGOTT, R9 y, Building Contractor, Hamilton, Ont. SAVOIE, RENE, conducts private school at 1448 Sherbrooke
St. W., Montreal, Que.; Upt. 4985. TR UDEAU, J. CHARLES E., 577 Durocher St., Montreal,
Que. ; Cresc. 3816. WICKHAM, DR., JOHN C., Health Inspector, Catholic Schools of Westmount; residence 448~ Sherbrooke St. W., Westmount, Que.
GALLIGA N, DR. JOH N, practising in Egansville, Ont. GRIFFITH, DR. GERALD, 1396
St. Catherine Street W., Montreal, Que. MARSON, ARTH UR, 3410 Atwater Ave., Montreal,
Que.; West. 8371. MILLARD, FRANCIS, 3451 Park Ave. , Montreal, Que. PRATT, GEORGE,
754 Pratt Ave., Outremont, Que. PRATT, JOHN A.H., 17 Cambrai Ave. , Outremont, Que.;
At!. 2190. RocHE, HAROLD, 307 Edouard Charles St., Outremont, Que. SHA NAHAN, EDWARD, 16 Ballantyne Avenue South, Montreal West, Que. WALSH, DAVID R., 499 Elm Ave.,
Westmount, Que.
[ page tl,irteen ]
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[ page fo urteen
U .S
CLASS- 1911
BoECKH , CH AS. B AR RON, Preside nt Boeckh Co m pa n y, Ltd ., Brus hes a nd Broo ms, 455
Craig St. W ., M o ntre al, Qu e. D ONNE LLY, E RNE ST, 1470 Chomed y St., Montreal, Que. ;
Wil. 7830. F LO OD , RE v. JAME S, 5929 5 th A ve ., R ose mo unt, M o ntr eal , Qu e. FLYNN,
EUGE NE, Ri chmond, P .Q. GE ND RON , LIO NEL, 1597 Ma iso nn e u ve St., Montreal, Que.
Go urn , J . L. M ER CIE R, M e m be r o f t he fir m of Bea ul ie u, G ouin Merci er & T ellier, Barr isters a nd Soli cito rs, 5 11 Pl ace d' Arm es; also P rofessor, Fac ult y o f L aw, U niversit y of
Mon t re al ; res ide nce 4 19 Mo unt Stephen Ave., W es tm o u nt, Qu e. GR I FFIN, ALBE RT, 595
Harvard Ave., Mo ntreal , Qu e. HI CKS, L AW RE NC E, Presiden t H ic ks O r ient al Rugs, St.
athe rin e Street W.t.Mo n t real ; reside nce 263 H a mp to n Ave., Mo n trea l, Qu e. ; W al. 2708.
K ELLY, STEPHE N M ., wit h Wes ting house Co., L td., res ide nce 357 Beaco nsfield Ave.,
M on t rea l, Qu e. McCAL L, R Ev. J o HN, G love rsvi ll e, N. Y., U .S.A. T OBIN, J OHN M ., St.
J o hn 's, N Rd. WI LKI NS, R o nERT, Fa rnh a m, P .Q . W IL KI NS, \VALTER , Fa rnham, P .Q.
CLASS- 1912
B u RKE , W IL LIAM , Ma n age r, c/o C it y & Dis trict Sa vings B an k, 5059 Par k Ave. ;
r esi de nce 2 16 L a urier Ave. W., Montre al, Qu e. CORL EY, J OHN, 703 R osly n Ave., Westmo unt, Q ue. Co uGH LIN, J OH N V., 6 E d ge hill Av e., Westmoun t, Qu e. D AV IS, H AROLD , F.,
B. A. , Ch e m ical E ng in eer, G le ns Fall s, N .Y. , U.S.A. D AV IS, J AME S F., 64 Rose mount
Ave., Westm o unt , Qu e. D Es Y, J OH N B ., 26 1 O n t a r io St. E., Mo n t rea l, Qu e. GRIFFIN,
M 1c HA·EL, 186 Marcil Av e. , Mo n t real , Q ue. LAFR AM BOI SE, E . HENR I' , 3575 Ma nce S t.,
Apt. 5, Mo nt re al , Q ue. LEM IEUX, Lo uis, Ta riff E xpert, P ulp & P aper I nsti t u te; residence
7 19 R osly n Ave. , Wes tm o un t, Q u e.; W es tmt . 2749. ME RRY, C HAS., 2 180 D orc hes te r St.
W ., Mo n t r eal, Q ue. M c CAFFREY, R AYM OND, 554 R oc k land Ave., Outrem o nt, Qu e. McC ALL, WILLIAM, c/o R ev. J o hn McCa ll , Gl o ve rsv ill e,
.Y., U .S.A. M c D ONALD, H UGH,
2059 St. An to ine Stree t, fon t real, Que .
CLASS- 1913
AUBI N, AI. BERT, Ad voca te, S turgeon Fa ll s, Ont. A UD ETTE, J . DE G ASP E, Partn er in
firm of A ude tte & O ' Bri e n, Advoca tes a nd Attorne ys, 27 6 St. J ames Street, M on t real;
res ide nce 234 K e nsin g to n Ave., Wes tmou n t, Q ue. B ERARD, CHARLE S H ., Advoca te, 40
N otre D ame S t. E ., M o n treal, Q ue. Bo uC HER, WI LFRED, 73 S t. Zotiqu e St., Mo n t real,
Que. B RADY, R Ev. THOMA S, Ma y noo t h, Ont. CHARLTON, A LEXAN DER, B .A., Intern ationa l P u lp & P aper Co., 100 E ast 42nd St., Ne w York, l . Y. , U.S .A. Co u GH LIN, EDMUND, Lega l fi rm o f Co ug hl in & Cou g hlin , 215 St. J am es Stree t W. , Mon t real ; residen ce 6
Edge hill Ave., lVIontrea l, Q ue. C ussoN , PA UL, 3840 Pare L afonta ine, Mo n treal, Qu e.
D AVIS, HE NRY, is p ar t ne r in th e firm o f D a vis & L)'nc h, Coal M er cha n ts, She r brooke St.
W . ; reside n ce 3554 D rummon d St. , M o ntreal, Qu e. F ARRELL, R ALPH, is wit h T he Bridgep ort Screw Co. , B ridge po r t, Co nn ., U .S.A. FREELA ND, J AME S, 940 Ca lum e t S t. , Mo n t r ea l,
Q ue. HE NN ES EY, LE O., 224 St. Clair Blvd ., Hami lton, On t . H EN NESS EY, R ICHA RD, 336
H in gs to n Ave., M o ntrea l, Q ue. Ho o LAHA N, F RANCIS, 593 Cu v illi er Av e., M o ntreal, Que.
H URT UBISE, J o HN, 763 B loo mfi eld Av e., Outre mo n t, Que.; Atl. 4079. K AVAN AGH, H EN RY
H ., 4550 St. C a th e rin e St. W. , W es tm o un t, Que. KIRK, EDWARD, 6884 Chatea ubria nd Ave.,
Mo ntreal, Que. ; C al. 1039f. L AC HAI NE, HE NRY, St. Ma r tin , P .Q. L AU REN DE AU , DR.
A LDER IC, Sr. G a br iel de Br a ndo n, P.Q. L AU RIER, R OBERT, Ba nqu e
ati o na le Bl dg. ,
Otta wa, O nt. LEO, STEPH EN, c/o J am es L eo Box Co., J ersey Cit y,
.Y., U .S .A. M ACMAHON, EDM UN D, 10817 L a ve rdu re St. , M o ntrea l, Qu e. M ARTI N, Rt CHAR D, Mac kay &
C urrie Ltd., Mo n treal ; residence 248 Gre y Ave., Westmount, Qu e .. O'GALLAG HER DERMOT, 11 2 S t . Au g us ti n St. , Qu e bec, P.Q. PH AN EUF, ]. EMERY, of Ph a ne uf & Po up a rt, 10
St. J ames S t ree t, Montrea l, Qu e.; H ar. 2505 ; reside nce 554 Bloom fi eld Ave., O utremont,
Que. R AI NVILLE , G usTAVE, Stockbro ker, 6 1 St. J a mes Street, M o ntrea l, Q ue. REILL Y,
EDM UN D, H ., T.P., 2 10 St. J ames St reet, M o n trea l ; H a r. 3666 ; reside nce 4035 P a pin eau
Ave., Mo n treal, Q ue. R IBADENEYRA, A NTO NIO, c/ o B ridgepo rt Sc rew Co., Bridgepor t ,
Conn,. U. S.A . STANFORD, R Ev. J ASPER, is In specto r of C at holic Sc hools o f Montreal;
reside nce S t . Patrick 's Presbytery , D orc hes te r St. W ., Mo n treal, Qu e. SU LLIVAN , H EN RY,
is with "Mo n treal Sta r"; res ide nce 44 Magda le n S t., Mo ntreal, Qu e. ; Yo rk, 1063.
CLASS- 1914
BRE SLIN, R Ev. FR ANCIS , S. J . Campio n Coll ege, R egi n a, Sas k . B UREAU , E DW ARD, St.
Lawrence Co aling Col. , Three Ri ve rs, P .Q . B UR NS, R EV. LEo, S. J ., Modera tor, Loyol a
[ page fifteen ]
Our Service
Is at your disposal
We maintain a Service Department
staffed with qualified engineers, to
co-operate with you in all lines of
construction work for which concrete
is adapted. Our library is comprehensive and is at y our disposal at all
times, without charge.
Write us
Canada Cement Company Limited
Canada Cement Company Building
Phillips Square
Sales Offices at:
[ page sixteen ]
A LUM N ·u S •
Alumni, Loyola College, Montreal, Que. CARLIN, REv. J AMES, S.J., Campion College,
R egina, Sask. CA SEY, LEO., 312 Kingston Ave., Montreal, Que. CAvEN, JOH N, 1 Rosemount Ave., Westmount, Que. CAvEN, WALLACE, 1 Rosemount Av e., Wes tmount, Que.
CosGROVE, JAME S, 923 Ernscliff Ave., Montreal, Que. FITZGERALD, J. J., President of
Property Corporation of Canada, Ltd., Tooke Bldg., cor. St. Catherine and Peel Streets,
Montreal; residence Chatea u Apts., Montreal, Que.; Upt. 1681, Lane. 7264. O'LEARY,
HENRY, Ri chibucto, . B. PHELAN, GERALD, 62n Course! St., Montreal, Que. ToDDINGS,
SEWARD, is Editor and Owner of "The Mid-Ocean," Berm ud a, B.'N.I. W1LKTNS, L10NEL,
Farnham, P.Q. McDoNA LD, DA wsoN A., Apt. 12, 3660 Hutchi son St., Montrea l, Que.;
Har. 8680.
CLASS- 1915
AMO S, PIERRE, 1500 Chomedy St., Montreal, Que.; Upt. 5834. BA GNALL, LEWIS
1999 New York Ave., Brooklyn, N . Y., U.S.A. CRAMER, RAYMOND, M.D., practising
Medicine at Guelph, Ont. C URRAN, FRANCIS, 4235 Christophe Colomb, Montreal, Que.
DAVIS, \V1LLIAM T. P., 110 Vendome Ave., Montreal, Que.; Wal. 5719. DESRARATS,
EDWARD, W., 1941 Tupper St., Montreal, Que. D1LLON, THOMA S, 1524 St. Matthew Street,
Western Ave., Wes tmount, Qu e. ; West. 4051. GALLERY, PATRI CK, REv . C.SS.R., Basin
Street, Montrea l, Que. J oRJN, G ERALD, c/o Godin, Jobin & Smith, 276 St. J ames Street;
reside nc e 3610 Duroc her St., Apt. 9, Montreal, Que. LEBLA NC , LAWLOR, 4373 Montrose
Ave., Westmounc, Qu e. LoG uE, CHARLE S, Maniw a ki, P.Q. MERRILL, GEOFFREY, 313 Elm
Ave., \\lesc mount; West. 5724. M ULDOON, R Ev. JoHN, 250 Grand e Allee, Qu ebec, P.Q.
McKENZIE, FRANCI S, 741 Champagn eur Ave., Outremont, Qu e.
Capital Life Insurance Co., London, Ont. O'HAGAN, R Ev. Jo s EPH J ., St. G a briel's Church,
135 Centre Sc., Montreal, Que. O'REILLY, CHARLE S, C.SS.R., Regina, Sask. PowER,
FRANC! , Melrose Ave., Montreal , Que.; Wal. 6599; PRATT, EDWARD J., 640 Belmo nt Ave.,
\\lestmount, Que. Q UAI N, R EDMOND, 11 Selkirk Ave., Montrea l, Qu e. SAGER, HERRERT,
6724 Sherbrooke St. W., Montreal, Qu e. WADE, WALTER, M e mber of firm of Wade Bros.
& Co., Stockbrok ers, New York, U.S.A. W ALSH, VI CTO R, 1520 St. Mark tree t, Montreal,
BAHE N, GERALD, is with ort hern Electric Co.; resid e nce 710 5th Ave., Verd un, Que.
BARTLEY, REv. H., C.S.S.R., R ector St. Ann' s Parish, B asin St., Montrea l, Que. BROW N,
CHAS., Ship's Chandler, Board of Trad e Bldg., 300 St. Sacrament St., Montreal, Que.
CHABOT, REv. E., S.J., H eyt hrop College, Chipping orton, Oxon, Eng. CLEMENT, ADRIAN,
Manager Lachine Branch, Royal Bank of Canada; Residence 3557 Lafontaine St., Montreal, Que. COADY, M., c/o City & District Savings Bank, St. Catherine Street W., at McGill College Ave. ; residence 1850 Prefontaine St., Montrea l, Que. CouGHLIN, J. M ., with
Canadian Street Car Advertising Co., 1080 Bea ver Hall Hill; residence 406 Harvard Ave.,
Montreal, Que. Dow Ns, JAME S, 905 Tupper St., Montre a l, Que. DOYLE, L., 2329 St. Luke
Street, Montreal, Que. D u NN, A., 320 Centre St., Montreal, Que. FEE, REv. G., C.SS.R.,
St. Ann 's Church, Basin St., Montreal, Qu e. H UG HES, S., is with Bank of Montreal, cor.
Mansfield and St. Catherine Streets, Montreal, Que. KEARNEY, J . D., is of the legal firm
of Mitchell, Kearney & Duquet, 276 St. J ames Street; residence 499 E lm Ave. , Westmount,
, Que.; West. 1149. KING, J . D., is a Combustion Engineer with Ril ey Engineeri ng & Supply
Co., New Birks Bldg., C a thcart St., Montreal, Que.; resid ence, 615 Belmont Ave., Westrnount, Que.; West. 0615. LEMIEUX, M., 1469 Drummond Street, Montreal, Que. MuLLALLY, T. REv., S.J., St. Stanislaus Novitiate, Guelph, Ont. McDONALD, S., is an Insulation Board Expert; residence 4277 V\lestern Ave., Westmount, Que., Apt. "A." McGUIRE,
REV. P., C.SS. R., St. Ann's Church, Basin St., Montreal, Que. McKENNA, PHILIP, is
Sec.-Treas. of the firm of McKenna Limited, Florists, 1600 St. Catherine Street W.; residence 352 St. Joseph Blvd. , Montreal, Que. POIRIER, CHAS. E., is a Lawyer in Springfield,
Mass., U.S.A. SExSM ITH, REv. L., C.SS.R., St. Ann's Church, Basin St., Montreal, Que.
SMITH{ REv. F. C., S.J. is stationed at Loretto Abbe y, Toronto, Ont. WILKINS, W., is
Overa I Manufacturer at Farnham, Que.
CLASS- 1917
AUDET, REV. EuG., S.J ., Immaculate Conception, R achel St., Montreal, Que. BENNI,
EMERY, 1099 Amherst St., Montreal, Que. BORBRIDGE, JOHN, 4821 St. Catherine Street,
Montreal, Que. BRA CKEN, REv. THo s., St. Patrick's Rector y, D oc hester St. W ., Montreal,
r page seuenleen l
Compliments of
WALN UT 7336
( omplimeuts of
[ page eighteen
Que. B uss1ERE, FRANCIS, Apt . 3, 51 Moncton Ave., Quebec City, Que. B uss lERE, HARRY
M.D., office 1446 Crescent St., Montreal, Que.; residence 855 Wilson Ave., Montreal, Que.
CAMPEAU, CHARLE S, 2 Laurier Ave. W ., Montreal, Que. CARLI N, GORDON, c/o Mrs. F . H.
Carlin, 376 Redfern Ave., Westmount, Qu e.; West. 4552. CARMODY, CHA S., 320 Clairemont
Ave ., Montreal, Que. CHOPI N, LEPOLD, M.D., practisin g in Verner, Ont. CONNORS,
FRANCIS , 805 Somerset St., Ott a wa, Ont. COUGHLIN, J. D ., 4212 Western Ave ., Montreal,
Que. COUR CHES NE, EDWARD, Clerk, Recorder 's Court; residence 6229 St. Denis Street,
Montreal, Que. DEARDON, GEORGE, Coteau Station, Que. DooNER, R1 c HARD J.,1065 Van
Horne Ave. , Outremont, Que. DowLING , WILLIAM, 495 Elm Ave., Westmount, Que .
DOYLE, HAROLD, West Frampton, Que. D ucKETT, J. E ., c/o Adjusters & Appraisers Ltd.,
17 St. John Stree t, Montreal, Qu e. FACELLA, PA UL, 3838 Be rri Street, Montreal, Que.
FO RD, J . D ., is with In ternat ional H arvester Co. o f Canada Lt d., 5615 St. Lawrence Blvd.;
reside nce 102 Du q uette Ave., N. D. G., M o ntreal, Que. GAI.LERY, J OHN O 'NE IL, is Preside n t o f Atlas Press Ltd. , 956 Ottawa, St., Montreal, Qu e.; residence 1455 Drummon d St.,
Mo ntreal, Que. HAMELI N, ANTOINE B., Advocate , 132 Sr. Jam es Street W., Montrea l,
Que. HOLLAND, J OHN, 4441 Oxford Ave., N. D .G., Montreal, Que. MACAROW, PHILIP,
R oxbo rough Apts., Ott awa , Ont. MAHER , H ENRY, 1002 Cote des Neiges R d., Montreal,
Que. MAHER, WILLIAM, General Contractor, 1502 St. C a therin e S treet W ., Montreal; residence 1002 Cote des eiges Rd. , Montreal, Que. MASSO N, ADRIEN, 1221 St. James S t reet
W., Montrea l, Que. MILLARD, ELLIS, 3650 Ste. Fami lle Street, Mo ntrea l, Que. McGILLI S,
FRANCI S, 51 Grosve nor Ave., Montreal, Qu e. PoLAN, MICHAEi., 787A Querbes Ave., Ou.
tremont, Que. SENTENNE, PA UL E., 723 Earnscliffe Ave. , M onrrea l, Qu e. VERS AIL LES,
MA URICE , J7 St. Cat her ine R d., Outre mont, Que.
CLASS- 1918
AMo s, O ' BRIE N, 495 .Maplewood Ave., Oucremo n t, Que. BERNARD, ROD OLPHE , 59
St.James Street W., Montreal, Qu e. B ROWNE, ETHLEBERT, Real Estate Expe rt with H o use
of Browne, 610 St. J ames Street W., Mo ntrea l; residence 4297 Western Ave., Westmount,
Que. CARRIE R, Lo uis, r eside n ce 2140 Grey Ave., Westmount, Que. CHARLAND, WALTER,
3653 Wellingto n St., Montreal, Qu e.; York 3992. Co uGHL IN, ERROL, 526 Clarke Ave.,
Westmoun.r..,. Qu e. D EARDEN, D UDLEY, 14 13 Crescent St., M o ntrea l, Que.
GA STON, Windso r, Ont. DE SDARAT, D NCAN, 3501
niversity St., Montreal,Que.;
Plat. 5073. DILLON, Ro Y, 301 Metcalfe t. , Ottawa, Ont. FOLEY, FRANCI S, 5497 Esplanade Ave ., Montreal, Que '. ; Cres. 9554. GA I. LAGHER, ALPH., Income Tax ., Montreal ; residence 560 5 Hu tchiso n St. HEAR N, J oHN , 4 Grande A ll ee, Quebe c City, Q ue. HE NNEGAN ,
LEONARD, 261 Melrose Ave., Montrea l, Que. H1NCHEY, REv. JAM ES A., St. Ann 's Church,
Basin S t., Montrea l, Qu e. H DON, FRED., C hevro let Motors Co., 4730 Wellin g ton St.,
Verdun , Que. H URLEY, RE v. ALBERT, C.S.S. R. St. A nn's Church, Basin St., Montreal,
Que. K AV ANAG H, WALTER, Pin e Ave. Apes., Montreal, Qu e. LAFONTAINE, JoHN, 90 St.
James S treet, Mo nt real, Que . LAMONTAGNE, HE NRY, 'The Acadia', Sherbrooke St. W.,
Montre al, Que. LEITCH, C., partner of the fi rm of Cook & Leitch, General C o ntr actors,
1440 St. Catherine St. W.; res iden ce 602 Belm o n t Ave ., Westmo u nt, Qu e. MADDEN, HE~MAN, c/o Madden Coal Co., Quebec City, Que. MARKS, WILLIAM, 59 Clandaboye Ave.,
Montreal, Qu e. M URP HY, PIERCE, Sales Manager, Catelli Maca roni Products Corp., 305,
B ell echasse St.; residence 1 Weredale Park, Wes tmount, Qu e. Mc KE NNA, CLARENCE E .
Partner in firm o f O'Brien & Williams, Stockbrokers, 132 S t. Jam es Street, Montrea l;
residence 292 Regent Ave., .D.G., Montrea l, Que. O'KANE, WILFR ID, REv., St. Gabriel 's
Parish, 124 Convent St., Montrea l, Que. PERODEA U, H ORACE, Stockbroke r; residence 122
Marlowe Ave., Montreal, Qu e. PHELAN, ARTH UR, 146 Indian R d., Toronto, Ont. PRIDHAM,
ALEXANDER, 1420 Bernard Ave., Apt. 1. O utre m ont, Que., R YAN, J OSEPH, 733 Laporte
Ave., Westmount, Que. SuTCLIFFE, STANLEY, National Trust Co.; reside nce 859 Duroch er
St., M o ntre a l, Que. TERRO UX, ARTH UR, 266 St. J ames Street W., Montreal. TIMMI NS,
MICHAEL , 1500 Stanle y St., Montreal, Que . WAL SH, T ERENCE, Bowe n Ave., Sherbrooke,
Que .
CLAS-'- 1919
AMos, EDWARD, M . D ., 11 McCullough Ave., Outremont, Que.; At. 5264. BAKER,
REv. CHAS. E., Cornwall, Ont. BA sSERMAN, FRED., 143 'West min ste r Ave., Montreal West,
Que. BLANCHARD, HERBERT, 374 Con cord Ave., Toro nto, Ont. Bo NNARD, D ANIE L, 26
Finchley Rd ., Montreal, Que. C ARMODY, ALLAN, 376 Du rocher St., Montreal, Que.
[ page nineteen ]
Smart urcade- to- urceasure Sui'ts $4 0.
Fine Indigo Blue Serge or desirable Scotch T weeds,
Specially designed and priced for the young business
and p rofessional man.
Mon /real
f444 SJ. Cmherine W .
Hicks Oriental Rugs
1300 St. Catherine St. W.
Phone MArquette 9161
Law1·ence D . Hicks
(o mpliments
[ page twenty ]
US .
CARPENTER, CECIL, President Cecil Carpenter & Co., General Contractors, 522 Montford
St. ; residence 62 Percival Ave., St. Laurent, Que. CLEMENT, I SRAEL, 10613 98th Ave.,
Edmonton, Alta. DE SJARDI NS, PA UL, American Drug Store, 1187 St. Catherine St., Montre al, Que. DOHERTY, MARCUS, Rev., S.J., Weston College, \i\les ton, Mass., U.S.A. DON NER,
W1LLIAM, 1065 Van Horne Ave., Outremont, Que. DRURY, JOHN, 18 Osborne St., Montreal,
Qu e. GALLERY, REv . FRANCIS, C.SS.R., St. Ann's Church, B as in St., Montreal, Que.
HoLLAND, R UPERT, with Oswald & Drinkwater, Stockbrokers, St. James Street, Montreal; residence 4441 Oxford Ave., Montreal, Que. LONERGAN, G. J., 111 Fraser Ave., Quebec
City, Que. MooRE, FRANCIS, 314 Belmore Ave., Montreal, Que. McDONNELL, RA YMON D
REv., St. Augustine's Seminary, Toronto, Ont. PETER ON, J. NORMAN, M.D., 5487 Hutc hison St., 1ontreal, Que. PHELA N, CHAS. C., Fort Garry Hotel, Winnipeg, Man. ROLLAND, JEAN, 3 Trafalgar Ave., Montreal, Que. SAVOIE, REv. W ., St. Louis University,
St. Louis, Mo., U.S.A. ScuLLY, VINCENT, o( the firm of Wm. Scully Ltd., 1202 University
St., Montreal, Que. SULLIVAN, REv. \iVM ., St. Patrick's R ectory, Dorchester and St.
Alexander Streets, Montreal, Que. WALSH, JOHN, Bowe n Ave., Sherbrooke, Que. WOLFE,
JOH N, Advocate, 92 Court St., Sherbrooke, Que.
CLASS- 1920
ANGLIN, RoB ERT, Attorney; residence 315 Lonsdale R d ., Toronto, Ont.
A., 1202 Bishop St., Montreal, Que. Bo uCHETTE, ROBT., 1525 St. Mark Street, Montreal,
Que. B u JERE, ALFRED, Apt. 6, 1432 Closse St., Montreal, Que. CLEME NT, BYR NE,
Lower Lachine Rd., Ville LaSalle, Que. CHABOT, ARTHUR, E lectrical E ngineer with Gatineau Power Co.; residence Gloncesser St., Ottawa, Ont. CONNELLY, FRANCIS, c/o J . J.
Connelly, St. Lambert, Que.; residence 51 Pine Ave., St. Lambert, Que. Co uGHLIN, CORNELI US, 6 Edgehill Ave., Montreal, Que. DEMPSEY, FRANCI S, 69 Prospect Ave., Westmount, Que. DIONNE, PAu1., 413 Mt. Stephen Ave., Westmount, Que. DoDD, WILLIAM,
5729 Park Ave., Montreal, Que. D u P 1s, FRANCIS, 957 St. Denis Street, Montreal, Que.
MAHER, HENRY, c/o Senneville Development Co., 371 Cote des eiges Rd., Montreal, Que.
MALONE, M. P., Toll Chief, Bell Telephone Co., Montreal; residence 3707 Mentana St.,
Montreal,Que.; Front. 4422. MALONE , MAURICE P., Laviolette Ave., Three Rivers, Que.
MASSE, 10RMAN, JR., M.D., 9 St. Louis Sq., Montreal, Que. MOORE, ARTHUR, 314 Belmore Ave., Montreal, Que. MoussEA U, GERALD, 1876 Beaubien St. E., Montreal,
Que. McCARTHY, EDWARD, 411 Clarke Ave., Montreal, Que. McCULLOUGH, CHARLES,
c/o Rev. A. J. PRIMEA , Port Arthur, Ont. McDONALD; COLEMAN, Granby, Que.
PACAUD, PHILIPPE, 555 Rosl yn Ave., Montreal, Que. PEARSON, EDWARD, 3432
Wellington St., Montreal, Que. Qu1NLAN, JAMES, 1321 Sherbrooke St. W., Montreal, Qu e.
SENECAL, J ACQ UES, is with the firm of McGibbon, Mitchell & Stairs, Advocates a nd B arristers, 132 St. James Street W., Montreal, Que. WEITEKAMP, REv . AMBROSE, Dixon, Illinois, U.S .A. BEA UDOIN, ROGER, 1615 St. Hubert Street, Montreal, Que.
CLASS- 1921
AuTHIER , ERNE ST, 1202 Bishop t., Montreal, Que. AuTHIER, MAURICE, 1202 Bishop
St., Montreal, Que. BEA UDOIN, LEO, District R epresentative, Canada Steamship Lines,
Dim e Bank Bldg., D etroit, U.S.A. BENARD, LEO., 320 King's Way, Winnipeg, Man.
BI NDA, ALPHONSE, 240 St. Zotique St. E., Montreal, Que. BROW NE, BASHFORD, Real
Estate expert with House of Browne, 610 St. James Street W., Montreal, Que.; residence
4322 Beacons fi eld Ave., 1 .D.G., Montreal, Que. CARLIN, FRANCIS, 376 R edfe rn Ave.,
Westmount, Que. CAR ON, RAE, Dentist, 879 Wellington St., Montreal, Que. CHISHOLM,
KENNETH, 47 Devonshire Rd., Walkerville, Ont. CLEME NT, E GENE, 9285 LaSall e Rd.,
Ville LaSalle, Que. DECARY, GERALD, with Title Trust & Guarantee Corp. of Can ada,
132 St. Jam es Street, Montrea l ; residence 1 Martin, Dorval, Que. DE sY, PAUL, Lawyer,
660 St. Catherine Street W.; residence 426 Wood Ave., Westmount, Que. DINEE N, D UDLEY,
K enogami; residence 3762 St. Andre St., Montreal, Que. DoLA N, J .E., 126 Selby St., Wes.tmount, Que. Do YLE, REv. GILBERT, C.S.S.R. St. Ann's Rectory, Basi n St., Montreal,
Que. GALLAGHER, REv . ANT., C.S.S.R. St. Ann's Rectory, B asin St., Montreal, Que.
GREEN, GEORGE, 1610 Sherbrooke St. W., Montreal, Que. HAYES, MURRAY, 663 Old
Orchard Ave., N.D.G., Mont real , Que. HOLLAND, DANIEL, 565 Old Orchard Ave., N.D.G.,
Montreal, Que. I NNES, B ARNARD, 3655 Park Ave., Montreal, Que. LEITCH, H uGH, 92 Notre
Dame de Grace Ave., N.D.G., Montreal, Que. LYONS, Ron T., 366 Duroch er St. , Apt. 2,
Montreal, Que. MAHER, WILLIAM, 390 Cote des Teiges Rd ., Montreal, Que. MASSE, PAUL,
[ page twenty-one
of the
National Breweries Ltd.
solicit your
COAL and FUEL OIL order
Telephone WAlnut 7550
[ page twenty-two ]
9 St. Louis Sq ., Montreal, Que. M URPHY, VINCENT, 18 Weredale Park, Montreal, Que.
McGEE, WILLIAM, 36 Souvenir Ave., Montreal, Que. McKEN NA, WILLIAM , United Cigar
Stores, 10006 Jasper Ave., Edmonton, Alta. McKEOWN, LEO., 261 St. Joseph Blvd. W.,
Montreal, Que. McMARTIN, JOHN B., 7 Redpath Crescent, Montreal, Que. ROLLAND,
FRANCIS, 3 Trafalgar Ave., Montreal, Que. SCANLAN, EVERETT, 688 Charlevoix St.,
Montreal, Que. SHIBLEY, T., is with Crane Limited, 1170 Beaver Hall Sq.; residence 526
Clarke Ave., Westmount, Que. SMEATON, S.J., REv. HENRY, Professor at Lo yola College,
Montrea~ Que. S UTTON, CARL, 5576 Jeanne Mance St., Montreal, Que. TELLIER, ANTOINE,
.358 Redtern Ave. , Montreal, Que. TERROUX, FERNAND, 1519 Crescent St., Montreal,
Que. TIMMINS, NoAH, JR., 475 Roslyn Ave., Westmount, Que. ; West. 9776. ToPP,
WILLIAM, c/o F. J. Topp, 281 Coolbrook Ave., Montreal, Que. WICKHAM, PAUL, Notary,
210 St. James Street W ., Montreal; residence 394 Victoria Ave., St. Lambert, Que.
CLASS- 1922
BASSERMAN, WILLIA M, 143 Wes tminster Av e. , Montrea l Wes t, Que. BAILL ARGEO N,
PAUL, B.A., 266 St. James Street, Montreal, Que. BLAC K, REv . BROTHER D AVID, Catholic
High School, 3501 Durocher St., Montreal, Que. BRAY, GERAJ. D C. , Not ar y, 266 St. James
Street, Montreal, Que. C uss EN, MA URICE, with Furness With y & Co., Ltd., Steamship
Agents, 315 St. Sacrament St., Montreal, Que. DELORME, RA OU L, 4249 Christopher
Columbus St., Montreal , Que. E NRIGHT, MICHAEL REv., St. Monica 's Pari sh, 133 Westmount Ave., Toronto, Ont. FEENEY, NEIL, Professor of Biolog y, Lo yola Coll ege, Montreal,
Que. HADDLESEY, EARL, 403 Grand Trunk St., Montreal, Qu e. HEAR N, J AME S, 80 Grand
Allee, Quebec City, Que. HEBERT, JACQUE S, 19 McGregor St., Montreal, Qu e. KANNON,
J ., 192 Vers aille~ St., Montreal, Que. LEVE SQUE, ADELSTAN, 1253 Pare Lafontaine, Monttreal, Que. LYO NS, CLARENCE, 3668 Durocher St., Apt. '2, Montreal, Qu e. MAHONEY,
GERALD, 1442 Stanle y St., Montrea l, Qu e. MARTIN, ALEXA NDER, 913 Windsor St., Montreal, Que. MARTIN, ALFRED, 913 Windsor St., Montreal , Que. M u LDOO N, B ERNARD, 130
Forfar St., Montre al, Que. McCALL UM, HAROLD, 88 Monkland Ave., M ontreal, Que.
McCARTHY, REv. C. F., 2115 Caroline St., Utic a,
Teaching St. Dominic's School, 4635 Delorimier Ave., Montreal, Que. McGARR, How ARD,
4195 Sherbrooke St., Montreal, Que. McVEY , WILLIAM , McVe y Coal Co., 1708 Notre
Dame St. W., Montreal; residence 11 2 Brodeur Ave., Mon t real , Que. O ' BRIEN, MICHAEL
J., Barryvale, Renfrew, Ont. PENFOLD, REv. JOHN, S.J., Immaculate Con ception, Rachel
St., Montreal, Que. PERRAS, LovoLA, M.D., 1182 Dorchester St. W ., Montreal, Que.
Qu1NLAN, GERALD, 4168 Sherbrooke St. W. , Montreal, Qu e. Q u1NN, WILFRID, C.P. R .
Ticket Office, Mile End Station, Montreal, Que. RoY Ro u ER, with R.C.N. , Esquimault,
B.C. SMITH, KENNETH, Apt. 23, 445 Cote d es Neiges Rd ., Montreal, Que. SUTTON, S.J,,
REv. R., Immaculate Conception, Rachel St. E., Montreal, Qu e. SYLVESTRE, CHARLES,
Lawyer, 4004 Delorimier Ave., Montreal, Que. TIMMIN S, LEO., 49 Forden Ave., Westmount, Que. TRIHEY, CLEMENT, Westcourt Soda Shop, M o nkland Ave., N.D.G. , Montreal; residence 115 Belgrave Ave., Montreal , Que. TYRRELL, KEN NETH, 3643 Park Ave.,
Montreal, Que.
CLASS- 1923
ANGLIN, GERALD F ., St. Basil's Scholas tic a te, 68 St.
ichol as St. , Toronto, Ont.
ALTIMA S, JAMES, with Montreal Light, Heat & Power Co. ; residence 5358 Waverly St.,
Montreal, Que. BARKER, ALBERT, Sherwin Williams Co., Centre St., Montreal; residence
148 Willibrod Ave., Verdun, Que. BAs SERMAN, WILLIAM, Bank of Montreal, 64 Wall St.,
New York City, N.Y., U.S.A. BOYLE, REv. FRANCIS, S.J., Professor at Loyola College,
Montreal, Que. CARLIN, FRANK H., residence 376 Redfern Ave., Apt. 14, Westmount,
Que. CASGRAIN, JEAN, Lawyer, with firm of Calder, Peverne & Duckett; Secretary
Catholic School Commission; residence 378 Metcalfe Ave., Westmount, Que. COLLINS,
MICHAEL, residence 5665 Mance St., Montreal, Que. ; Cr. 5251, Mar. 1978. CouGHLIN,
ERROL, 526 Clarke Ave., Westmount, Que. DAY, THos. J., Advocate; residence 62 Elm Ave.,
Toronto, Ont. DECARY, HECTOR, Director Title Guarantee and Trust Corp. of Canada,
St.James Street, Montreal; residence 1321 Sherbrooke St., Montreal, Que. DESLAURIERS,
ANTHONY, S.J., Milltown Park, Dublin, Ireland. DuFFY, PETER, Lewis Brothers, Montreal,
Que. GANNON, GERALD, Cornwall, Ont. GIRARD, MARC., Sun Life Assurance Co.; residence Apt. 1,620 De l'Epee Ave., Outremont, Que. GIROUX, CHAS. E ., Mansfield Division,
Sun Life Assurance Co., Dominion Sq ., . Montreal, Que. GLEE SON, GERALD, Canadian
[ page twenty -three ]
B .A. , B .C.L.
of an
St. J ames Street W.
Tel. H Arb. 3666
Compliments of
Coal Merchants
315 Colborne Street
[ page twenty-four ]
US ,
Pacific Railway Ticket Office, Windsor Station; residence 718 Versailles St., Montreal, Que.
HANLON, Jo SEPH, 440 East 81st St., Chicago, Ill. , U.S.A. KEENA N, THOMAS, 6263 De Gaspe
Ave., Montreal, Que. KELLY, LORENZO, Timmins, Ont. LAPLAN TE, PA uL, M.D., 2280
011tario St. East, Montreal, Que. LAPOINTE, JosEPH, Adv. Mgr., Kraft Cheese, 1260
Bernard Ave., Montreal, Que. L AVIM ODIERE, E., 6924 St. Hubert Street, Montreal, Que.
LAVIMODIERE, G., 6924 St. Hubert Street, Montreal, Que. LEAMY, D 'A RCY, Le amy Cartage
Co., Prince Arthur St.; reside nce 119 Marlowe Ave., Montreal, Que. MALLOY, JOH N, 3659
Ste. Famille Street, Mon treal, Que. MAcDoNALD, REV. DAVID, Hol y Family Church, cor.
Faillon and Drolet Streets, Montreal, Que. McGARR, STEWART, 1371 Dorcheste r St. VV.,
Montreal, Que. McGARR, HowARD, 1371 Dorchester St. W., Montreal, Que. McMAHON,
DR. ROGER, 78 14th Ave., Lachine Que. NADEAU, REG INALD, Port Daniel, Gaspe, Que.
PRINCE, HECTOR, Box 166, Battleford, Sask. Q uIRK, W., Ca nadian National Railways,
Montreal, Que. Q uIRK, T., Purchasing Agt., Ro yal York Hotel, Toronto, Ont. ROLLAND,
JEAN, 3 Trafalgar Ave., Montreal, Que. SCOTT, MICHAEL, 324 Chapel St., Ottawa, Ont.
SHIE LD, LESTE R, Teaching in Belleville, Ont.; residence 49 Victori a Ave., Belleville, On t.
VANIER, ANTHONY P., Advocate, 437 St. J ames Street W., Montreal, Que.; residence 262
Hings ton Ave., N.D.G., Montreal, Que. WALL, GILBERT, Williamson Plow, Stockbrokers;
residence 159 Boulevard Decarie, Montreal, Que. WALSH, THOS. R Ev., S.J ., Imm aculate
Conception, Rachel St., Montreal, Que. WAYLAND, R AYMOND, Quebec Pulp and Paper
Corp., Chicoutimi, Que. ZIMMERMAN, CARL, 934 Sherbrooke St. E., Montreal, Que.
CLASS- 1924
ALLEN, HUGH, Box 104, Port Colborne, Ont. AuBuT, WILLIAM, is of the firm of
Hickey & Aubut, Plumbing Contractors, 821 Dom inion St.; residence 2290 St. Antoine
Street, Montreal, Que. BARTLETT, MARKHAM, Orillia, Ont. BASTIEN, ROMEO, 132 Manufacturers St., Montreal, Que. BR ANNEN, EDMOND, 250 Mountain St., Montreal, Que.
BRE NNAN, PAUL R Ev. , S.J., Professor a t Loyola College. CARROLL, RE v. GORDON, St.
Anthon y's Church, 1891 St. Antoine Street, Montreal, Que. CASE Y, PAUL, of the firm of
Atwater, Beauregard & Philmore, St. J a mes Street, Montreal, Que. ; reside nce 3432 Hutchison St., Montreal, Que. COTTER, RE v. ARTHUR J ., S.J., Immaculate Conception, Rachel
St., Montreal, Que. CuDDIHY, PA UL, of the firm of Legris & Cuddih y, Barristers & Solicitors, P.O. Box 567, Rou y n, Que. D AIGNEAU, ERNEST, 48 Church St., Verd un, Que. D AV IS
MORRIS, residence 119 Mariette Ave., N.D.G., Montreal, Que. D oMVILLE, HARRY, 445
Wood Ave., Westmount, Que. FORTIN, MAURICE, Three Ri ve rs, Que. GouRRE, E UGENE,
Dunlop Tire Co. ; residence 7809a St. D eni s Street, Montreal, Que. GRAHAM, R o BERT,
2012 City Councillors St., Montreal, Que. GRANT, ALEXANDER, St. Catharines, Ont.
HAMILTON, JoHN, 24 Woods tock Ave., Montreal, Que. HARTNEY, STAFF ORD, is at prese nt
in Peru; residence in Montreal 168 Hillside Ave., Westmount, Que. HAYES, L uKE, 133
Cresce nt R d., Toronto, Ont. LAHEY, G ERALD, R Ev., S.J ., Professor at Loyola College,
Montreal, Que. LAPLANTE, Jos., 2278 Ontario St. E., Montreal, Que. LAPOINTE, REv. E.,
St. Willibrord's Church, Willibrord Ave., Verdun, Que. LEVESQUE, PA UL, 532 Pare Lafontaine, Montreal, Que. MAHONEY, Ho wARD, 1442 Stanley St. Apt., Montreal, Que.
MALONE, D ENIS, 3711 Menta na St., Mo ntreal, Que. MALONEY, REv. JAME S, Eganville,
Ont. MEEGAN, REv. JAMES, 1107 Bellevue Ave., Syracuse, . Y., U.S.A. MURRAY, GERALD,
483 Harva rd Ave., Montreal, Que. MACDONALD, LEO., reside nce Vi lle LaSalle, Que.
McGOVERN, ALEX., residence 610 Champagneur St., Montreal, Que. NEVILLE, WILLIAM,
resid ence 2 Overdale Ave., Mo ntreal, Que. O' CO NNE LL, D ANIEL, residence 1505 Mountain
St., Montreal, Que. PHELAN, BERTRAM, residence 413 Marcil Ave., Montreal, Que. SAVAGE,
]., residence 783 St. Ferdinand Street, Montreal, Que. SCOTT, ALLAN , residence 754 Sherbrooke St. W., Montreal, Que. ScoTT, R EV. WILFRID, S.J., St. Gabriel 's Sanatori um ,
. Y., U.S.A. SKELLY, LEO., Bell Te lep hon e Compan y, T hree Rivers, Que. TAYLOR,
HosMER, Quebec Liquor Commission, Montreal, Que. TIERNEY, Wm., 6711 Papineau Ave.,
Montreal, Que. T IMMINS, GERALD, 99 Gordon Crescent, Montreal, Que. GouG H, ARTH UR ,
92 Crescent R d., Toronto, Ont. VILLELLA, F . R ., 510 Oxford Ave., Montreal, Que.
CLASS- 1925
ALTIMAS, GERALD, M.D., 5338 Waverl y St., Montreal, Que. ANGL I N, EDWARD; 10
R a nge Rd. , Ottawa, Ont. BARRY, GERALD, is representative of a Rubber Co. in Java,
he can be reached c/o Ar m y and Navy Club, Boston, or Ameri ca n Consulate, Batavia,
J ava. BENLISA, EDWARD, reside nce 21 Dere St., Port of Spain, T rin idad. BENTLEY, R usSELL, reside nce 296 Hingston Ave., Montrea l, Que. BER: HIA UME, GILE S, .reside nce 197
[ page twenty-five ]
St. Catherine Rd ., Outre mont, Que. BoYER, R AY MO ND, residenc e· 3552 Mountain St.,
Mon treal, Que. BRE NNAN, W. P .A., residence 1321 Sherbrooke St., Montreal, Que. BR ONSETTER, LESLIE, residence 348 L a nsdowne Av e. , Westmount, Que. CADWALADER, RAYMOND REv., S.J ., Professor a t Lo yola College, Montreal, Que. COLLI NS, JOHN, Bell T elephone Compan y ; residence 446 Lan sdown e Ave., Westmount, Qu e. CO NNO R, GRAHAM ,
residence 145 Bedbrooke Ave., N , D .G. , Montreal, Que. CuDDIHY, BA SIL, M.D., Intern ,
Jeffery Hall Hospital, Qu ebe c City, Que. DAv1 s, CLARENCE, 1481 Mountain St., Montreal, Qu e. DECARY, GERALD, Title Trust & Guarantee Corp. of Can ada, St. J a mes Street
W., Montrea l, Qu e.; reside nce ' l321 Sherbrooke St. W ., Montreal, Qu e. DE CHE NE , RENAUD,
115 Claire-Fontaine, Quebe c, Que. DoNOH UE, HARRY, 762 Wilson Ave., N.D.G., M o ntre a l, Que. DROLET, REv . FRED., S.J., J es uit College, Edmonton, Alta. ETHIER, Jo s.,
JR., is a Chemical Engineer; residence 1073 Mt. R oya l West, Outre mo nt, Que. FL YNN,
REv. H ERMAN , is with the H oly Ghost Fat hers. GAHAN, EDGAR, residence 4250 Sherbrooke
St. W ., Westm o unt, Que. GRAY, HE NRY, 1446 Crescent St., Montreal, Qu e. HARWOO D,
CHA S., is with Bell Telephon e Co., Beaver H all Bldg., Montreal; resid ence 6889 Sherbrooke St. W., Montreal, Que. HE WITT, O ' R EILLY, st udying L aw a t McGill; residence 22
Brooks St., Sherbrooke, Qu e. H OLLA ND, LO NSDALE, 565 Oxford Ave., Montreal, Que.
K1ELY, MICHAEL, 4064 Tupper St., West mo unt, Qu e. LA NE, EDWARD, New Roch elle,
N. Y., U.S.A. LAVERTY, ARTH u R, Advocate, L ave rt y, Hal e & Laverty, St. James Stree t
W., Montreal; resid ence 461 Mt. Stephen Ave., Westmount, Qu e. LEPROHON, CHARLE S, 215
Prud'homm e Ave., Montreal, Qu e. LY NC H-STAUNTON, JOH N, Pin cher Creek, Alta. Miu,
GEORGE, En gineer, 160 Maple Ave., Qu ebec Cit y, Que. MooRE, JO SEPH, B arrie, Ont.
M u LVENA, MAR CUS, Can adian National R ailwa ys Freight Office, 42 St. Sacra ment Street,
M o ntreal, Que. MURRAY, DERMOTT, 483 H arvard Ave., N.D.G., Montrea l, Qu e. M cCAFFREY , EDM UN D, with M c D ouga ll & Cow ans , Stockbrokers, 200 St. J ames Street,
Mo n treal ; resid ence 554 R ockl a nd Ave., Outremo nt, Que. McA s EY, JAME S, Accountant
with Bell Telephone Co., Toronto; residence 16 Oakdene Crescent, Toronto, Ont. M cNAMEE, DE SMOND , Accountant with Price, W ater house & Co. , Ch artered Accountants,
Montrea l; residence 5611 Hutchi so n St., Montreal, Que. McNA UG HTON , CECIL, Advocate,
with Duguay & Macnaughton, 132 St. Jam es Street W., Montreal; residence 358 Melrose
Ave. , Montre al, Que. NIGHTINGALE, ALFRED, 401 Metcalfe Ave., Montreal, Qu e. O'CAIN ,
GERALD, c/o C ase, Haberd as hers, St. Catherine Street W. , a t Peel; residence 326 Addington Ave., Montreal , Que. O'GRADY, FRED., with Northern Electric Co., Ltd.; residenc e
87 Marlowe Ave., Apt. 8, Montreal, Qu e. PARKER, LoR NE, with hi s father, in the firm of
Hand & Parker, Contra ctors, Sherbrooke St. W . at Victoria; residen ce 623 Murray Hill,
Westmount, Que. P LUNKETT, BASIL, with th e Trueso n Steel Co ncrete Co., Toronto;
residence 1112 Federal Bldg ., Toronto, Ont. PATENA UD E, G ., reside nce 492 Sherbrooke S t.
E ., Montreal, Qu e. PHELA N, HORATIO RE v., S.J ., Professor of Philosophy, Lo yola Coll ege,
Montreal, Que. Q u1NLAN, JoH N, res idence 323 R edfe rn Ave., Westmount, Que. RoNCARELLI, FRAN CIS, 67 Osborn e St., ·Montreal, Que. RYAN, P ATR ICK, 335 Me lrose Ave.,
N.D.G., Montrea l, Que. SALABERRY, JE AN (DE), 1836 Sherbrooke St. W., Montreal, Que.
ScoTT, C UT HBERT, Barris ter, 383 Stewart St., Ottawa, Ont. S EMPLE, MuRRAY, Canadian
Airways, Ltd., 1440 St. Catherine St. W., Montreal; residence 458 Wood Ave., Westmount,
Que. SNETS INGER, JOHN, 11 85 Guy St., Montreal, Que. STEN SON, MICHAEL, Sherbrooke,
Que. TASCHEREAU, EDWARD, Otta wa, Ont. TELLIER, MA URICE, 358 Redfern Ave., Montreal, Que. TELLIER, WILLIAM, 358 Redfern Ave. , Montreal, Que. TERRY, 'WINTHROP,
Brooklyn, N. Y., U.S.A. TOBIN , ASHTON, Bromptonville, Que. TRI CKEY, M1vILLE, Lewis
Brothe-rs, Montreal, Que. WALSH, DESMOND, with Desbarats Advertising Co., Ltd.,
Beaver Hall Hill, Mo n treal ; residence 1536 St. Mark Street, Montreal, Que. WALSH,
GERALD, 754 Hartla nd Ave. , Outremo n t, Que. WHALEN, EDWARD, Port Arthur, Ont.
WHALEN, ]AMES, 3483 Peel St., Montreal, Que. WIMs , PATRICK, Haberdashe'ry business,
5307 J !anne Mance St. , Montreal, Que.
CLASS- 1926
ARCHAMBAULT, ARMAND, s tud ying Medicine a t Universit y o f Ve rmont; residence
9 Merchant St., Barre, Vermont, U.S.A. BEA UBIEN, JO SE PH, res id ence Apt. 15, 1485
Bernard Ave., Outremont, Que. BEA UD RY, ROLAND, studying Law a t U. of M., Montreal,
Que. BENLISA, LEo., residence 2c Dere St., Port of Spain, Trinidad. BERREA, REGINALD,
residence 347 Bourbonniere St., Montreal, Que. BES SERER, Q., c/o Mrs. J . N . Abbey, 192
Montclair Ave., .Montreal, Que. Bo ucHER, LEON , residen ce 4031 Rachel St. E., Mo ntreal,
Que. DEBoucHERVJLLE, CHARL E~ Advocate in the firm of D e Boucherville, Math ieu & DeBouchervi ll e; residence 351 Redfern Ave., Westmount, Que. Bo u RGEor s, WM., with Bell
[ page twenty -si~· ]
f0.lt1S MAJESTY Kn-tt. GEOftG8 ~
Recognized the
world over as
the finest of all
rye whiskies
[ pttge lwenty-seuen ]
Telephone Co. , Montreal; resid ence 624 Wilson Ave., Montreal, Que. BRAD Y, JOHN,
residence Bassin du Lievre, P.Q. BRISSET DES No s , YvEs, residence 1063 Mount Royal
W., Montreal, Que. BRODERICK, E ., residence 97 Union Av e., Saint John, . B. BURKE ,
EDWARD, residence 120 Brock Ave. ., Montreal West, Que. CARROLL, JAME S, residence
380 Charron Sc., Montreal, Que. CHRISTI N, R., c/o Christie & Cie, 20 Julie St., Montreal ,
Que. CHOQUETTE, ROBERT, is Editor of "La Revue Modern e," 320 Notre Dame St. E.,
Montreal; residence 111 St. Catherine Rd., Outremont, Que. CLIFFE, EDMUND, c/o McDougall & Cow.a ns; residence 1452 Bishop St., Montreal, Que. CLIFFE, THORNLEY, resi dence 788 Marcil Ave., N.D.G., Montreal, Que. DALY, GEORGE, in business with his father
in the firm of Daly & Morin, P.O. Box 690, Montreal; residence 61 Aberdeen Ave., Montreal, Que. DEPRES, THos., 50~ Couillard St., Quebec, Que. DEVER, ROBERT, Alexandria,
Ont. DELANEY, WM., 49 Ottaw a St., Montreal, Que. DO NOVAN, WM., 131 East 92nd St.,
New York City, N.Y., U.S.A. E scANDON, EuSTAQUIO, '(Vith the Bank of Montreal, 3a
Puente de Aliardo, Mexico City, Mexico. FAGAN, FRANCIS B., North Bend, B.C. FARMER,
Jos., Webb St., Clayton, N .Y., U.S.A. FLOOD, DONALD, 18101 Euclid Ave., Cleveland,
Ohio, U.S.A. FREGEA U, ALBERT, with th e Rock Island Overall Compan y , Rock Island,
P.Q. GABO URY, F., with General Motors Acceptance Corp., Confederation Bldg., Montreal; residence 1828 Verdun Ave., Verdun, Que. GoROZPE, PA UL, 3a Berlin 33, Mexico
City. GOBEIL, F., Royal Military College, Kingston, Ont. HANDFIELD, BEA UDOIN, Advocate, Handfield, Handfield & Benoit, 4 otre Dame St. E.; residence 156 St. Catherine Rd.,
Outremont, Que. HARQUAIL, JAMES M ., residence Campbellton, N.B. HE USNER, JoHN,
residence Belize, British Honduras, S.A. HE US NER, KARL, residence Belize, British Honduras, S.A. KEARNS, FRANK, residence 63 Bienville St., Montreal, Que. LEACY, WM.,
with Greenshields & Co., Brokers, Montreal, Qu e. LY NCH, JOHN G., Wabana, Newfoundland. MALLOY, CO NNELLY, studying Medicine at McGill Universit y, Montreal; residence
120 Sherbrooke St. W ., Montreal, Que. MALLOY, R uss ELL, res idence 120 Sherbrooke
St. W., Montreal, Que. MANLEY, FRED., residence 1898 Dorchester St. W., Montreal, Que.
MAYRAND, NAP. T., Advocate, at present doing post-graduate work in Europe; residence
119 St. Catherine Rd ., Outremont, Qu e. Miu, CHAS., residence 160 Maple Ave., Quebec
City, Que. MITCHELL, S.J., RE V. H UTCHI SON, residence Berchmankolleg, Pullach, Munich.
MONAGHAN, LEO., is with Whippe t Auto Sales, Quebec Cit y, Qu e. MuLVENA, DESMOND,
stud ying Law at Universit y of Montreal; residence 9 Forden Ave., Westmount, Que.
MooRE, LuKE, residence 5 Peronne St., Montreal, Que. MORI ARTY, J ., stud ying Medicine
at Universit y of Vermont, Verm ont, U.S.A. MAcDoNALD, ARCHIE ,' with United States
Fidelity & Guarantee Co., 360 St.Jam es Stree t; residence 6399 St. Valier Street, Montreal,
Que. M ACDONALD, BR UCE, res id ence Alexandria, Ont. MACDO NELL, ALE X., res id ence St.
Raphael's, Ont. McDo uGAL, J., resid ence 320 Besener Sc., Ottawa , Ont. M c ELROY,
H., residence 644 Lan sdown e Ave., Montreal, Que. McNALLY, FRANCI S, stud y ing Law at
McGill University; resid ence 722 Sherbrooke St. W., Montreal , Qu e. PINEAU, ARTHUR G.,
Manager for Johnson's Ltd., L eath er Mercha nts, St. C a therine Street W. a t P eel ; residence
6 Sussex Ave., Montreal, Que. ROBERTSON, GERALD, residence 480 Roslyn Ave., M optreal,
Que. ROBERT, PERCY, resid ence 111 W. 21s t St., New York, N .Y., U.S.A. SCANLAN, LEo.,
residence 779 Rockland Ave., Montreal, Que. SINGLETON, GEORGE, residence 382 Prud'homme Ave., N.D.G. Montreal. SMEATON, JOHN, residence 710 Northmount Ave., Montreal, Que. SMITH, FRANCIS, resid ence 365 Madi son Ave., Montreal , Qu e. S MITH, HERBERT,
residence 90 Glen Rd ., Toronto, Ont. STORY, REv. MARTIN, S.J ., St. Stanisla us Novitiate,
Guelph, Ont. S u1NAGA L UJAN , PEDRO, Barrister, residence Gante 4 D ep ac hos 203-209,
Mexico, D . F. SWEE NEY, F., res ide nce Knickerbocker Rd ., En glewood, N .J ., U.S.A.
SWEENEY, L., res iden ce 85a Chatham S t ., Mor,t real , Que. TELLIER, MA URICE, residence
358 Redfern Ave., Montreal, Qu e. THOM PS ON, FRED. , 16 Brook Ave., Montre al Wes t, Que
WALSH, NOEL, Northern El ec tri c Co., Ltd . ; ,residence 1536 St. Mark Street, Montreal , Que,
CLASS- 1927
ALCAZAR, RAMON, residence 3a l\:1arcella 45, Mexico City. ANGLIN, ADRIAN F. While
we have not heard from "Dick" this year, we take it for granted that he is s till s tudying
Medicine at Universit y of Toronto. Residence 70 Grosvenor Avenue, Toronto, Ont.
BAILEY, P. F ., residence Hastings, Ont. BANNON, MooRE. "The Alumnus" wishes to congratulate Moore on his success in First Year Law at University of Montreal. Moore led his
class and was the winner of several prizes. Residence 259 (old no.) Girouard Ave., N.D.G.,
Montreal, Que. BARTLEY, LAWRENCE, writes us that his address and occupation remain
unchanged. Lawrence sa ys: "I hope to take a trip back east to see as many of the gang as
are in the vicinity." There are quite a few around here, and they will be glad to see you
[ page lwenly-eighl
240 St. J ames St. W.
276 St. James Street
Transportation Building
Canadian Pacific Express Building
JOHN D. KING, B. Sc. '16
6o9_New Birks Bldg.
UPtown 1178
[ page twenty-nine )
when you dec id e to co me, Lawrence. By the way, are you bringing Mrs. Bartle y or are yo u
coming east to find her ? Busin ess add ress Sun Li fe Assuran ce Co. , 6 18 Skinner Bldg.,
Seattl e, W ash. R eside nce Th e orthcliffe Ap a rtm ent Hotel, Apt. 305, Seattle, Wash .,
U.S.A. BROSSEA , RE NE, resid ence 4 4 St. Denis Street, Montrea l, Qu e. B URNS , EDW ARD,
106a Stan ley St., Montrea l, Qu e. B URNS, F. J., 31 Le fe bvre Ave., Cartierville, Que. B u RNS ,
S.J., R Ev., F. A. , Weston College, Westo n, Mass., U.S.A. CA NNON , EDWARD, is Ass istant
Mana ge r of P it fi eld Scott & Co. , toc kbrokers, Que bec Cit y, Que. Edd ie st ill co ntinu es to
pla y ru gby for th e Que bec Swimming Club. Res ide nce 2 Ferland St. , Que bec, Qu e. CARROt.t., CAMPBELL, is on th e s taff of "The Gazette"; resid ence 454 Strathco na Ave., Westmounr, Que. CA SG RAJN, MAR C, stud ying dentis tr y a t Universit y of Montrea l; res idence
378 Metc a lfe Ave., Wes tmount, Qu e. CHARLE SBOI S, J OHN, with Th e London & L a ncashire Guarantee & Acci de nt Co., 465 St. J ohn Stree t, M o n trea l; reside nce 191 H a mpto n
Ave., N. D.G ., Mont re a l, Que. CHEVRI ER, J ACQUES, with t he Canadi a n In d ust ri al Alco hol
Co.; resi de nce 125 Ma yfair Ave., .D .G. , Montreal, Que. CHRI ST ISON, EDWARD, with
R eta il Cred it Co., In c., 276 St. Jam es Street, Montreal ; res id ence 17 Hil lc rest Ave. ,
Montreal West, Que. Ct.ORA N, S. J ., R Ev. BR EN DAN J ., St. Mic hae l's College, Hill yard,
Wa s h., U.S.A. Co u PLAND, FR A ER, is with th e Bell Teleph o ne Co., Beaver Hall Bldg.,
Mo n treal; residence 986 Et hel St., Verdun, Que. CouRTEMANCHE, EDWARD, is in hi s final
yea r-Th eo logy, Semi na r)' Dept., Niaga ra Unive rsity, . Y., U.S.A . Eddie will be th e first
me mber of th e class of '27 to be raised to the Priesthood . He will be Ordain ed in Jun e.
The " Alumnu s" cakes chis opportunity to ex tend its co ngra tul a tion s and wi s h him eve r y
s ucce ss. D Au ' , J AMES H., National Cit y Co., ew York, in th e Statistical Dep t. DA NVANJ NO , MI CHAEL, res ide nce 1292 St. Andre Street, Montrea l, Qu e. D EMERS, PAUL,
resid ence 4932 S herbroo ke St. W., Montreal, Que. DowD, EDM UN D, residen ce 16 Souvenir
Ave., Westmount, Que. E CAN DO N, MAN UE L, is studying Ch em ical Engin eering at M.I.T.
1anuel s ho ul d graduate in 1931 as a Ph.D. Address, M .l.T. D or mitori es, Cambridge,
Mass., U.S.A. H o me add ress, 3a Pu ento de Alvirado, Mexico Cit y. GAGNE, PA UL, 110
Adelaide St., Sorel, Que. GA1N, SARTO, res iden ce 223 Wilson Ave., N. D .G. , Montreal, Que.
GONZALEZ, R OBERT, 13 Duke St., Port of Spain, Trinidad . H ARP IN, R AYMOND. R ay is
one member of t he class who ca n always be depended upo n to answe r our lette r, moreove r
he is ge nera ll y the first. H e is st udying Med icin e at Bosto n Universit y. R ay is President of
the " Cercle des Etudia nts Franco-Americains de Boston, 1006 ru e Baco n, Broo klin e,
Mass. R eside nce, 25 Johnson St., L y nn, M ass., U.S.A. KIRB Y, H . J ., 182 Prospect Park
W., Brookl yn, N. Y., U.S.A. L ACROIX, S.J., REv. HAROLD, Mount St. Michael's College,
Hillyard, Wash., U.S.A. LAFLE UR, Rot.AND, stud ying Medicine a t Middlesex Medical
School, Boston, Mass., U.S.A. LAFLE UR, G uY, residence 84 Champlain St., St. Jean d'Iberville, Que. MAS SE, J ut.Es, studying Medicine at McGill Universit y, Montreal; residence
9 St. Louis Squ are, Montreal, Que. MITCHELL, GEORGE, conducting private sc hool at Westport, Conn., U.S.A. MOORE, FRANCIS, residence 5 Peronne St., Montreal, Que. M URPHY,
REv. JosEPH, St. Augustin's Seminary, Toronto, Ont. McARDLE, KE NNETH, Managing
Editor and Publication Manager, "Commerce of the Nation," 533 Boa rd of Trade Bldg.,
Montreal; residence 5981 Co te St. Antoine Rd., N.D.G., Montreal, Que. McCAFFRE Y,
S.J., REv. JOHN, writes that last year's "L27" was the berries. We are afraid that you will
never make a Jesuit using such langu age as that, Jack. At all eve nts, he took his first vo ws
las t September, and can now write S.J. a fter hi s name. Congra tulation s. J ack's lette r
brings back memories of our Fres hman year; he says th a t he is wading through "Demost henes" and Connell's "Theory of Poetry." As a final touch to hi s letter, he makes reference
to "Fi fteen minutes" for the personal reflection of the editor. Address, St. Sta nis la us
Novitiate, Gu elph, Ont. McCoNOMY, JOHN, is in the Public Works Dept., Cit y of Montreal,
Que. McCREA, JO SEPH, Tra ffic D ept., Bell Telep hone Co., Beaver Hall Bldg., Montreal;
resid ence 5881 Notre Dame de Grace Ave., N.D.G., Montreal, Que. MACDONALD, FRANK,
Assistant to the Managing Editor, "Ca nadia n Geographical Journal," 610 Lagauchetiere
St., Montreal; residence 2318 Marcil Ave., .D.G., Montreal, Que. McGO.VERN, JAME S,
Engineering Dept., Northern Elec tric Co., Ltd ., Montreal, Que. O'BRI EN, JOH N, is in
Philadelphia, P a., with the Hoover Co., of orth Canton, Ohio, in connection with their
Field Activity Control. He is doing ph ysical zoning and finds th e work very interesting.
John sends us information about quite a few of the fellows. Would that we had a couple of
hundred more like him. Address, c/o Mrs. T. M. Turpin, 4242 Chestnut St., Phil adelphi a,
Pa., U.S.A. PANGMAN, HARRY, is a Che mical En gineer. PARMA NTIE R, G usTAVE, Guatemala
City C.A. Ro ussY DE SALES, G., residence 21 St. Mark Street, Montreal, Que. Smet.AIR,
EDw~RD, 23 Calumet Ave., Montreal, Que. SMITH, NORMAN, with Dal y & Morin, Window
Shade Manufacturers; residence 291 P a trici a Ave., N.D.G., Montreal, Que. TALLEY,
At.FRED, resid ence 260 Riverside Drive, ew York, N.Y., U.S.A. TOBIN, JoH N, 185 Chat[ page thirty ]
ALU 1 1
us ·
ham St., Montreal, Que. VIAu, R. A., 254 St. Catherine Rd ., Outremont, Que. WALL
WALTE R, with Exide Battery Co., Ltd ., Inspector St., Montreal ; resi dence 348 Marcil
Ave., Mon trea l, Que. WALSH, J os., 255 Laval Ave., Montreal, Qu e.
CLASS- 1928
ANDER SON, M1cHAEL, 1722 St. D eni s Street, Montreal, Que. AUTOTTE, E. EsDRAS ,
is in Third Year Medicine at University of Montreal, Montreal, Que. BIRMI NG HAM ,
Cornwall, Ont. BROPHY, Jo s., 1608 St. Urbain Street, Montreal, Que. B UTLER , T. RE YNOLDS , studying Law at McGill University; residence 37 Barat Rd ., Westmount, Que.
CHERR Y, J . 0 ' ., 256 Clifton Ave., Montreal, Que. CuMMIN , JOH N, 1ineville Essex
Coun ty, N.Y., U.S.A. CUMMINS, THos., Mineville, Essex County, N.Y., U.S.A. D AGENAIS, JOH N CLOvI , is with ab le Voligny & Co., Stockbrokers, 445 St. Francis Xavier St.,
Montreal, Que. D ARCHE, MARCEL, with Or vis B ros . & Co. , Stockbrokers, New York, .Y.,
U.S.A. ; residence 1279 Miriam Place, Hillsid e,
. Y., U.S.A. DE VLI N, WILFRID, with
Montrea l Trus t Co., St. J a mes Street; residence 2448 St. Urbain Street, Montreal, Qu e.
Do LAN, WILFRID A. , studyi ng Law' a t Osgoode H all , Toronto; residence 167 Prince St.,
Renfrew Ont. DO NO HUE, ARTHUR, is study ing D e nti stry at McGill University; residence 85 Ste. Fami ll e Street, Montreal, Que. ENRIGHT, MA URICE, is with No rt hern Electric Co.; reside nce 193 de l'Epee St., Montreal, Que. FENNELL, WM., 10 Wall St., .Y.,
U.S.A. FREGEA , R AYMOND, is with Rock Island Overall Co., Rock I sla nd, Qu e. F uc H ,
ELMER, 255a L aSall e Rd ., Verdu n, Qu e. GAREA U, P AUL A., 5 Pot ter St., D a nielso n, Conn.,
U.S.A. GONZALEZ, LEO., with B a nk of Montre al. GoROZPE, Luis, la de Lucio 9 Julap a,
Eda de Ver, Mexico. GuAY, H ORACE, stud yi ng La w at Unive rsi t y o f Montreal; residence 391 Add ington Ave., Westmount, Que. H AL LE, MAURICE, "Fairfi eld," Cow a nsvi ll e, P.Q. 1-IoE SCHEN, JOH N, Box 644, Saskatoon, Sask. H owARD, JOHN C., New
Hastings, Ont. H u RSON, WILLIAM G., Bell Telephone Co., Toronto, J ALBERT, MARCIL,
Third Year Law, University of Montreal; residence 96 St. Catherine Rd ., Outremo nt, Qu e.
K ING, M. P ., Manager, Murra y's Sand wich S hop, 122 P erc ival Ave., Montreal West, Qu e.
LAFLE UR, R. J. , studying Law at University of Montrea l, 13 St. Laurent, Louiseville,
Que. LALOND E, ALCIDE, Box 96, Apple Hill, Ont. LA NTHIER, EDW IN, is with Sherwin
Williams Co., Ltd; residence 1179 Cote St. Antoine Rd., Mon~real, Que. LAT ULI PE, P .
E., JR., is in Third Year Law at McGill University, Montreal, Que. LEBLA NC, LEO., Third
Year Law, University of Montreal; residence Chambly Basin, Que. LoRRAI N, P. E., 3803
St. Hubert Street, Montreal, Que. Lo ucKs, HERBERT, Store Manager, P . T. Legare Co.,
Ltd., Qu e. LYNCH, FRANKLYN, 64 Bell St., Ottawa, Ont. MATANZO, R AYMOND, P.O. Box
uncos, Porto Rico. MATHYS, J EAN , stud yi ng Philosoph y, Benedictin e Monastery,
Brussels; residence 320 Kensington Ave., Westmount, Que. MoNTABONE, W., 332 Bleury
St., Montreal, Que. MOONEY, THo s., 1124 St. Denis Street, Montreal, Qu e. MORI N,
EusTACE, 107 Murrat Ave., Quebec Cit y, Que. M URPHY, Jo s., 112 Robinson St., Toronto, Ont. McCARREY, HAROLD, is with the Canada Steams hip Lines, Ltd., Montrea l,
Que. McCARTHY, HAROLD, 205 St. Paul Stree t, Three Rivers, Que. McCORMACK, M .,
2150 Park Ave., Apt. 3, Montreal, Que. McDONALD, LEo., 288 Mackay St., Montreal, Que.
McGUIRE, JOH N, is in Toronto General Post Office, Toronto, Ont. McMANAMY, EMMETT,
stud yi ng Law at University of Montreal; Montreal address, 3647 University St., Montreal
Qu e.; hom e address, 79 Queen St., Sherbrooke, Que. McNAMARA, JOH N, P embroke, Ont,
McG u1LLA N, RAYMOND, Engineer Staff, Cit y of Montreal ; residence 1221 Island St.,
Montre al, Que. O'CO NNELL, D'ARCY, Thos. O'Connell, Pumbin g & He a tin g, 383 Mountain
St., Montreal, Que. O' REILLY, FRANK, Third Year Law, McGill University; residence 74
Bruce Ave., Montreal, Qu e. OwEN, JOH N, Montreal Trust Co.; residence 5847 P ark Ave.,
Montreal, Que. ; Cr. 5836. PAQUIN, GEORGES, 4300 Garni er St., Montreal, Que. PH ELAN,
LEWI S J., is stud ying for hi s Ph.D. at H a rva rd; res iden ce 338 Kensi ngton Ave., Westmount, Que.\ PI CKERIN G, ARTHUR, last hea rd from U.S. Marines. PoPHA M, GuY, 151 Lock
St., Peterborou gh, Ont. POWER, ARTH UR, Montreal, Que. POWER, WILLIAM, Preside nt
St. Josep h Lumber Co., St. Joseph, Que., PURCELL, JOH N, Third Year Theology, Grand
Seminary, M ontreal; residence 1270 Bea udr y St., Montreal, Qu e. Q u1NN, H ARO LD, 308
Grosvenor Ave., Westmount, Qu e. R AYMOND, MAURICE, 667 R ock la nd Ave., Ou t remo nt,
Qu e. ROB ERTSON, D oN'ALD, 480 R oslyn Ave., \\lestmou nt, Qu e. ROBERTSON, GERALD,
480 Rosl yn Ave., Westmount, Que. ROL FE, CLAYTON, in Third Yea r Law at McGi ll University; residence St. Anicet, Quebec, Qu e. ST. GERMAIN, P ., Th ird Year Medicine,
University o f Monrreal; residence 767 Cote St. Antoine R d., Montreal, Que. SHERIDAN,
JoH N, Asst. Superintendent, Lacquer D ept., Sherwin Wi lli a ms Co., Ltd.; res iden ce 227
Elm Ave., Montreal, Qu e. STUART, CARROLL, 16 Ste. Famille Street, Montrea l, Que.
T OBIN, J oHN, is with Northe rn E le ctric Co. TREMBLAY, R ocH, Third Year Law, Universit y
[ page tl,i,·ty -one ]
of Montreal, Provincial Transport Co.; residence 4308 St. Hubert Street, Montreal, Que.
TYNAN, GILBERT, taking course in Business Administration, Harvard University; residence
26 The New Drummond Apts., Montreal, Que. WAIT, STANLEY, with Continental Guarantee Co., Ltd., Montreal, Que. WARD, JOHN, McDowell & Lincoln Shoe Supplies; residence 466 Old Orchard Ave., Montreal, Que . WAYLAND, GERALD, 1301 St. Viateur St.,
Montreal, Que.
CLASS- 1929
ALSOP , HE NRY, 125 Hamilton St., St. Johns, Nffd. ALTIMA S, JOHN, 5558 Waverly
St., Montreal, Que. As PE, Luis, 2a Versailles, 29, Mexico Cit y. Bo u RKE, D. J., 119 Jannette Ave., Windsor, Ont. BRADSHAW, FRANCIS, 37 Military Rd ., St. Johns, Nffd. BRITT,
REv. GERALD, Second Year Theology, Grand Seminary, Sherbrooke St. W., Montreal,
Que. BRITT, WILLIAM, 186 Bloomfield Ave., Outremont, Que. BRITTON, ED. F., is in
Second Year Medicine, McGill University; residence 3271 Adam St., Montreal, Que.
BRUNEAU, JOHN, 346 Kensington Ave., Westmount, Que. BRUNELLE, GERALD, 349 Prefontaine St., Montreal, Que. BURKE, THos., 117 Canning St., Montreal, Que. CARTER,
FRED., 96 Grand Trunk St., Montreal, Que. CmLLAs, ROBERT, 1 Charlotte St., Longueuil
Que. CHISHOLM, ROBERT, 519 King Edward Ave., Ottawa, Ont. CHOQUETTE, LEON, 385
Villeneuve Ave., Montreal, Que. CLEME NT, LUCIE N, 331 Belmore Ave., Montreal, Que.
CONNOR, REV. W., S.J., St. Stanislaus Novitiate, Guelph, Ont. CoRCORAM, CURTIS,
studying Medicine at McGill University ; Montreal residence 3660 Lorne Crescent, Apt.
18, Montreal, Que.; home residence, Waterloo, Que. CouLsoN, D'ARCY, 233 Metcalfe
St., Ottawa, Ont. CRAWFORD, GEORGE, St. Stephen, N.B. C uGGY, J. FRANCIS, 817 Berri
St., Montreal, Que. C URRIE, RONALD, 140 King St., Sorel, Que. DALY, CECIL, 1633 Park
Ave., Montreal, Que. DALY, EARL, 2185 Waverly St., Montreal, Que. DAUNT, FRED.,
392 John St., Sault Ste Marie, Ont. DEIG NAM, G. J., 317 Valois St., Montreal, Que. DEsBARATs, H., 315 Cote des Neiges Rd., Montreal, Que. DESROCHES, PAUL, 349 Berri St.,
Montreal, Que. DIAz, MIG UEL, 2a Buca feli 40, Mexico, D .E. DONALD, MERLIN, 286 Sherbrooke St. W., Montreal, Que. DooLJNG, JAMES , 26 Bonzall Ave. , Sharon Hill, Penn.,
U.S.A. DROUIN, L., 4303 St. Hubert Street, Montreal, Que. DuBuc, THos., 1825 St.
Dominique Street, Montreal, Que. DuFFY, CLEMENT, 2437 Valentine Ave., N. Y., U.S.A.
DuGG AN , FRANCIS, 1077 Lauri er Ave., Montre al, Que. DuP u1s, ALCIDE, Saint Raphael
West, Ont.; 3477a Hutchison St., Montreal, Que. D u Puts, ARMAND, studying Medicine at
University of Montreal; reside nce 3891 Lasalle Blvd., Verdun, Que. ELLIOTT, REv . FRED.
S.J., Immaculate Conception, Rachel St. E., Montreal, Qu e. FEE LEY, EDGAR, Second Year
Theolog y, Grand Seminary, Montreal; residence 3549 Lorne Ave. , Montreal, Que. FINN,
B. J., 66 Second Ave., Ottawa, Ont. FOLEY, GEORGE, Second Year Theology, Grand
Seminary, Montreal; residence 2297 Esplan ade Ave., Montreal, Que. GAGNE, ROLLAND,
110 Adelaide St., Sorel, Que. GAUTHIER, Jos., 113 de l'Ep ee, Outremont, Que. GLOUTNEY,
HERBER:t 394 Harvard Ave. , N.D.G., Montreal , Que. GOMEZ, AMAURY, 64 Ave. de! Pres
Gomez, Havana, Cuba. HART, JOYN, 175 Fulford St., Montreal, Que. HEALY, M. J. , in
Second Year Theology at Grand Seminary, Sherbrooke St. W ., Montreal, Que. HEMPEY,
ERNEST, 594 Centre St., Montreal, Que . HENA ULT, PA UL, 214 Bishop St., Montreal, Que.
JAILLET, ANDREW, 9 Lakeside Ave., Lakeside, Que. KEELY, GARRY, 717 Watchung Ave.,
Plainfield, N.J., U.S.A. KENNEDY, GORMAN, lla Sussex Ave. , Montreal, Que. KILKULLEN,
KENNETH, 246 W . 106th St., Apt. 3, New York Cit y, N . Y., U.S.A. LEBOUTILLIER, FRANCIS, 257 Bleury St., Montreal, Que. LIPPERT, ED., 42 College St., Kitchener, Ont. LONERGAN, REv. GREGORY, S.J., stud ying at the Immaculate Conception College, Rachel St. E.,
Montreal, Que. LONERGAN, MARK, study ing Science at McGill University; residence
Buckingham, Que. MALONEY, J. HAROLD, stud ying Law at University of Montreal; home
address Box 4, Ottawa, Ont. MARANDA, EMILIE N, 8 Avenue Parent, Quebec City, Que.
MATANZO, JOHN, P.O. Box 95, Juncos, Porto Rico . MASTERSON, JoH N REv., S.J. studying
at the Immaculate Conception College, Rachel St. E ., Montre al, Que. MATHEN, R UDOLPH,
Guatemala City, C.A. MEHLING, Jos., 1035 Tupper St., Montreal, Que.
ARTHUR, 133 Mansfield St., Montreal, Que. M ULLALLY, J., studying Medicine at McGill
Universit y, Montreal; residence 603 Union Av~ :.> Montreal, Que. MULLIGAN, GEO., is Day
Manager of the St. Regis Hotel, New York, N.Y., U.S.A. MUNICH, ADHEMAR, studying
Law at University of Montreal. MURPHY, ED., stud ying Law at University of Montreal;
residence 144 Broughton Ave., Montreal McAsEY, JOHN, 704 Clanranald Ave., Montreal,
Que. McCABE, ARTH UR, 2822 Dundas Sc., Toronto, Ont. McCoMBER, PHILIPPE, c/o
Theodor Thoror, Bruh! 70, Leipzig, German y. McDouGALL, HuGH, Birch Hill, Stellarton,
N.S. MAcGowAN , GORDON, 184 Connaughc Ave., Montreal, Que. MAcGowAN, WM., 184
[ page thirty -two ]
(omp!iments of
7 460
13oz. flask
33 81
26 oz. decante1·
[ page tliirty -tliree ]
$300 ~
Connau ght Ave., Montreal, Que. McGuINES S, STEPHEN, 378 Walkley Ave., Montreal,
Qu e. McMILLAN, JAMES, 1974 Barclay St., Vancouver, B.C. McRAE, GEORGE, Bainsville,
OLAN, PATRICK, is with Northern Electric Co.; resid ence 836 D avaa r Ave., OutreEWMAN, MAITLAND, is with The T. Eaton Co.; residence 250 Addington Ave.,
mo nt. Que.
Montreal, Que.
OBLE, PA UL H., is partner in th e firm of Noble & Voligny, 445 St. Francis
Xavier St., Montreal, Qu e.; residence Regent Apts., Amesb ur y Ave., Montreal, Que.
O' CO NNO R, WM., 60 Castle Frank Rd., Toronto, Ont. O ' DO NNELL, WM. P., 2266 Mc. R oya l
Ave., Montrea l, Qu e. O'Ro u RK E, THo s., lll6 St. Urbain Street, Montreal, Qu e. PA QUETTE
ALEX., 30 Roselle St., Montreal, Qu e. PENFOLD, GEOFFREY, 1260 B ern ard Ave. W .,
Outremont, Que. PHELAN, MILTON, 264 Christopher Columbus St., Montrea l, Que.
P1 GEON, GEORGE, 90 Chateauguay St., Montreal, Que. PowE R, GAVAN, studyi ng Law at
Laval University, Que bec ; residence 102 Grande Allee, Qu ebec City, Qu e. Q uAIN, E.,
Rou sse's Point, N .Y., U.S.A. RI CHARD SON, JoHN, Box ll3, Pembroke, Ont. ROB ERT,
EuGENE, 119 Dal y Ave., Ottawa, Ont. ROGERS, HAROLD, 339 Hin gs ton Ave., Montreal,
Qu e. ROLLA ND, FRED., Northern Electric Co., L td.; residence 3 Trafalgar Ave. , Montreal,
Qu e. R YAN, J. P. , is with Canada Life Assurance Co., St.James Street, Montreal; residen ce
795 R ockl and Ave., Outremont, Que., A t. 3856. SAVARD, EuGENE, is with th e Royal B a nk
of Canada, Montreal; residence 6952 Sherb roo ke St. W., Montreal, Que. SAYLOR, LESTER,
B ox 103, Caughnawaga, Que. SAYLOR, 10RMAN, Box 103, C augh nawaga, Que. Sc u LLY,
ED., is with th e Canadian Pacific Ra ilw ay ; reside nce 3489 Atwater Ave., Montreal, Que.
SHAUGHNESSY, Q uA 1N, studying Law at H arvard University; home ad dress 131 Brock Ave.
S., Montreal West, Que.; present add ress 1683 Cambridge St., C ambridge, Mass., U.S.A.
SHEA, Jos. , Sunset Ave., Montreal, Qu e. SMITH, FRANCIS, 365 Madison Ave., Montreal,
Que. SMITH, REALTO, 163 Amherst St., Montreal, Qu e. S Now, ANGUS, Caughnawaga,
Que. STANFORD, ·LIONEL, stud yin g Law at Univ ersi t y of Montrea l; residence 319 R ed fern
Ave., Westmountl, Qu e. S ULLIVAN, PHILIP, 27 N. Westfield Ave ,Trenton, N.J., U.S.A.
TAL LEY, ANDREW, 260 Riverside Drive,
ew York Cit y,
.Y., U.S.A. TIMMINS, R uDO LPH, is at tendin g H arv ard School of Busi ness Ad min is tra tion, Cambridge, Mass., U.S.A. ;
resid ence 455 Rosl yn Ave., Westmount, Que. VANDERLAKE, looR, 246 St. Antoine Street,
L ac hin e, Que. WALL, FRANCIS, 927 Wellington St., Montreal, Que. WALSH, ]A s. E.,
stud ying Law at Universit y of Montreal; reside nce 3504 Duroc her St., Montreal. WESCOTT,
RALPH JOH N, 142 Metcalfe St., Montreal, Qu e. WHITELAW, JOHN C. , studying Law at
University of Montreal; res ide nce 2766 Hutchison St., Montreal, Qu e. WILKINSON,
Au sTIN, is Assistant Secretary, R obt. Mitchell Co., Ltd.; residence 5916 Park Ave., Montreal, Que. WOLFE, LEN, 92 Court S t., Sherbrooke, Que. WYATT, JOH N, Father Point,
Rimou ski, Que.
CLASS- 1930
BEA UB IE N, CLA UDE, stud yi ng at M ass. Institute of Technology; hom e address 423
St. Catherine Rd ., Outremont, Qu e. BEALE, JOH N, 2723 No tre D a me St. E., Montreal ,
Qu e. BE NZIGER, ALDERICK, Pin e Bluffs, Wyoming, U.S.A. B ENZIGE R, ADRIAN, Pine
Bluffs, Wyoming, U.S.A. BE NZIGER, PHILI P, Pine Bluffs, W yo ming, U.S.A. BRADSHAW,
ROBERT, 37 Milita r y Rd ., St. J o hn s, Ad . BR ADY, EuGENE, 2220 Clarke St., Montreal,
Que. BRAY, PA UL, 583 Dorcheste r St., Montreal, Qu e. BRE NNAN, ALFRED, is with Alexander Crai g Ltd ., Painters & D ecorato rs ; residence 458 Old Orch ard Ave., Montreal, Que.
BRODERI CK, JAME S, 68 Dr ape r Ave., Montreal, Que. BRO DEUR, L u c1EN, 1375 St. Viateur
Ave.; 350 LeMoyne St., Montreal, Qu e. B ROWN, WM., St. J osep h Street, Dorval, Que.
BUR NS, HARRY, 18 B all antyne Ave., Montreal West. B uRNS , VINCENT, 24 Columbus Ave.,
Far Rock away, N.Y., U.S.A. CAMP BELL, PATRICK, 2483 Mance St., Montreal, Que.
CARRICK, WM., 38 Aberdeen Ave., St. Lambert, Que. CAVA NAG H, GERALD, 1465 Berna rd
Ave., Apt. 5, Outremont, Que. CICERI, Jo s., 421 L a nsdown e Ave., Westmount, Que.
CLARKE, E DWARD, 923 St. Catherine Rd ., Outremont, Qu e. CLARK, HAROLD, 1237 Delorim ier Ave., Montreal, Qu e. CoNWAY, JOH N Jo s., 329 Main St., Warren, R.1., U.S.A.
CoRDE AU, ROG ER, 87 Du roc her St., Montrea l, Qu e. CORRIG AN, R AYM OND, 2034 Mt. Royal
Ave., Montreal, Qu e. Co u LSON, HARRY, 233 Metca lfe St., Ot tawa, Ont. DA YTON, \¥ 1LLAR D
GEo., E dmundsto n, N. B. DE EGAN, LEO., 1246 Messier St., Montreal, Qu e. D ELTORQUIO,
MICHAEL, 358 Mackay St., Montreal, Qu e. DOL AN, EMMETT, 705 Berry Sc., Montreal,
Qu e. DO NNELLY, E GENE, 26 Pointe Claire Ave., P ointe Claire, Qu e. DONNELLY, P ATRICK,
with D ominion Mo neta ry Corp., General Assura nce Bldg., Toronto, Ont. D u BOIS, JoH N
P., 153 D ecarie Bl vd., Montreal, Que. D UNN E, H UBERT P., 466 Gilmour St., Ottawa,
Ont. FALLON, E. H., Constable, N.Y., U.S.A. FARRELL, J OHN, 4 74 Westmount Ave.,
Montreal, Qu e. FEENEY, LESTE R, 41 Masson Sc., Montreal, Que. FITZSIMMONS, WM. A.,
1619 Lajoie Av e., Outre mo nt, Qu e. FLOOD, EDWARD, 241 Ballanty ne Ave. N., Montreal
[ page thirty-four
{. .1·
\ ......, •'
MONT lt.1!4L
Printing Craftsmen
Fully equipped to handle promptly and efficiently ~alt
kinds of commercial printing and other work fo r
which effective typography and expert
presswork are desired.
Phone: WEstmount 9535
[ page thirty-jive
~ est, Que. FORBES, EDWARD, 36 Me lrose St., Warran, Mass., U.S.A . FoY, GEORGE, 98
Farnham Ave., Toronto, Ont. GA LLE RY, J AMES, 221 Mc D o uga ll Ave., Montreal, Que.
GAUVREA U, ERNE ST, 449 D eca rie Bl vd., Montreal, Qu e. GLO UTNEV, D ouG LAS, 394 Harvard Ave., N. D .G., Montreal , Que. GOLDSMITH, WM ., 1411 D elorimier Av e., Montreal,
Que. GOMEZ, HowAR D, 308 Belmore Ave., Montreal, Qu e. G UILB OA RD, THos. , 367
Hampton Ave., Montreal, Que. HA NLEY, THos ., 251b Dro let St. , Montreal, Que. HAYES,
JAME S J ., 557 Duroc her St., Outremont, Qu e. H AYNES, BE NARD, 442 Mt. R oyal Ave .,
Montreal, Que. HA YNES, PA UL, pla yi ng Profess ional H ockey with Montreal Maroon s ; .
resid e nce 2490 Park Ave., Montreal, Que. HEARN, JOH N, 15 West 96 th St., New York
City, N.Y., U.S.A. H1LBO URN, ALFRED, 544 Sherbrooke St., Montreal, Que. INNES,
DON ALD, 19 Woodlawn Ave., Toronto, Ont. J ANIN, MA UR ICE, with R obe rtson & Janin ,
Contractors, 562 Clairemont Ave., Westmount, Qu e. KELLY, CHAS., 49 Mariette Ave., Montrea l, Que . KE NT, JOHN, 2128 Mance St., Montrea l, Que. KEYE S, F . P ., 460 Champl ai n
St., Montreal, Que. LACOMBE, EDGAR, 41 0a St. Antoine Street, Montreal, Qu e. LAPLANTE,
WILFRID , 2532 R ouen St., Montrea l, Qu e. LARKIN, GARRY, 185 Ste. Famille St., Mo ntrea l,
Que. LAT ULI PE, EMILE, 84 Arlington Ave., Montrea l, Que. LEMIE UX, P AUL, 1202 St.
Lawrence Bl vd., Mo ntreal, Que. LIEVAL, J OHN, Palisades, N.Y., U .S.A . LOPEZ, SEVERO,
Aparado 23 14, Mexico Cit y. MAHER, O 'C., 4051 Papineau Ave., Montreal, Que. MARTYN,
LEo., 5507 Western Ave., Westmount, Q ue. MooNEY, MARC US , 1124 St. D e nis Street,
Montreal, Que. MORRISSEY, J . P ., Newcastle, .B. M URP HY, PA UL, 18 Weredale Park,
Montreal, Que. McCARREY, Q OA IN, 9 12 Tupper St., Montreal, Que. McCRORY, J OHN,
157 Wm . Da vid St., Montreal, Que. McDoNAGH, JAMES, 18 Chateauguay St., Montreal,
Que. MACDONALD, R ONALD R. , Alex a ndria, Ont. McDo uG ALL, FRANCIS, st ud ying Law
at Osgood H all, Toronto, Ont.; home address Birc h Hill, Stellarton, N .S. McMAHON,
CONNELL, 78 14th Ave., Lachin e, Que. M c MAHO N, LA WRENCE, 78 14 th Ave., Lachinc,
Que. McMANAMY, GEORGE , 309 Alb a ny Ave., Broo kl yn, N . Y ., U.S.A . N ELSON, JoHN,
143 MacGregor Ave., Sault Ste . Marie, Ont. O'CON NELL, DA NIEL, 383 Mountain St.,
Montreal, Que. O'CoNNOR, J os., 23 Se y mour Ave., Montreal, Que. O ' CONNOR, JOH N
KE VI N, 23 Seymour Ave., Montreal, Que. O 'CONNO R, LYDON, 42 Foxbar Rd ., Toronto,
Ont. O'DONNELL, M . J., 2323 St. Lawrence Blvd ., Montreal, Que. O'KEEFE, JOHN
W1LF., 925 Barr ing to n R d., Grosse Point, Detroit, Mi c h., U .S.A. PARROT, CLA UDE,
Riviree d u Loup, Que. PELLETIER, Adelard, 1213 Cummin g St., Fort William, Ont.
PEREGO, FRED. L., is with The T . Eaton Co., Ltd., Montre al, 465 Old Orchard Ave.,
Montreal, Qu e. PETTERSON, LA WR ENCE, 1103 Carroll St., Brooklyn, N . Y ., U.S.A. PHELA N,
DARRAGH , 44 Castle Frank Rd ., Toronto, Ont. PLAMONDON, ARTHUR, is wit h The T . Eaton
Co., Ltd., Montreal; resid e nce 454 Old Orchard Ave., Montreal, Qu e. Q u1NLAN, HAR OLD,
323 R edfern Ave., Westmount, Que. RI NFRET, V111LLIAM, 776 H artland Ave. , Montreal, Qu e.
RoE, D ON AL D, 23 6 th Ave., Vi ll e St. Pierre, Que. Row£, FRANK, 3830 N ewmarch St.,
Verdun, Qu e. RYAN, JAME S P ., 270 West 144th St., New York, N.Y., U.S.A. RYA N,
ROBERT, J' hree Riv ers, Que. R YAN, LEO. ED., 15 Sunn ys id e Ave., Montreal, Que. SEARS,
FRANCIS, 563 Durocher Av e., Montreal, Qu e. S1NCLAIR, Do u GLA S, 23 C alum e t St., Mont·rcal, Qu e. SPEAR, D1x0 N, 72a 39th Ave., Lachine, Qu e. STONE, LEw1s, 607 Royal Bank
Bldg., Toronto, Ont. SToPEs, ARTH UR, 110 69th St. W ., ew York Cit y, N.Y., U .S.A .
STOPES, ALYMERR, 110 69th St. W ., New Yor k City, N.Y., U.S.A. S u 1.LIVAN, GERAL D,
150 Hutchi so n St., Montreal, Que. TAN SEY, HAR OLD, studying Law at University of
Montreal; residence 689 Marcil Ave.,
.D.G., ·Montreal, Que. TRACEY, MICHAEL, 1015
St. Antoine Street, Montreal, Que. TYRELL, HowARD, 15 Plateau St., Montreal, Que.
WALSH, MARK , 414 Marlowe Ave., . D .G., Montreal, Que. WARD, CHA S. R., 556a G a rnier
St., Montreal, Que. WARD, ED. M ., 543 Birc h St., Richm ond H ill , N.Y., U.S.A. WEIR,
DESMOND, 4343 Westmount Ave. , Westmount, Que. WILLIAM S, CHARLE S, 697 Cl a nr anald
Av e., Montreal, Qu e. \,V1L SON, JAME S, 228 Montclair Ave., Montreal, Que.
• • •
Information and practical support should be addressed to the Secretary
or Treasurer, Loyola A lumni Association, Loyola College, Montreal.
Yo_ur help is always sincerely appreciated.
Chairman, Publication Co111111it1ee.
[ page thirty -six ]
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