Christian HENRIOT - L`Institut d`Asie Orientale


Christian HENRIOT - L`Institut d`Asie Orientale
Christian HENRIOT
List des Publications
Shanghai 1927-1937. Elites locales et modernisation en Chine nationaliste, Paris,
Editions de l'Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, 1991, 342 p.
Shanghai 1927-1937. Municipal Power, Locality, and Modernization, Berkeley, The
University of California Press, 1993, 288 p.
La réforme des entreprises en Chine. Les industries shanghaiennes entre Etat et marché,
(avec Shi Lu), Paris, L'Harmattan, 1996, 270 p.
Belles de Shanghai. Prostitution et sexualité en Chine aux XIXe-XXe siècles, Paris,
Editions du CNRS, 1997, 512 p.
Le Shanghai des années 30 (avec A. Roux), Paris, Editions Autrement, 1998, 190 p.
Glossaire français-chinois de l’urbanisme, de l’aménagement et de la gestion urbaine,
(with Shi Lu), Lyon, Institut d’Asie Orientale, 1998, 40 p.
Atlas de Shanghai. Espace et représentations de 1849 à nos jours (avec Zheng Zu'an),
Paris, CNRS-Editions, 1999, 189 p.
Prostitution in Shanghai. A Social History, Cambridge/New York, Cambridge University
Press, 2001.
上海妓女:19〜20世纪中国的卖淫业与性 (Chinese translation of Prostitution in
Shanghai), Shanghai, Guji chubanshe, 2004.
1927-1937 年的上海 – 市政權 , 地方性和現代化 (Chinese translation of Shanghai
1927-1937), Shanghai, Guji chubanshe, 2004.
Directions d’ouvrage
La femme en Asie Orientale (ed.), Lyon, Université Lyon III, 1988, 150 p.
Shanghai dans les années 1980. Etudes urbaines (ed.), Lyon, Universite Lyon III (Coll.
Cahiers du GRECC 1), 1989, 181 p.
Les métropoles chinoises au XXe siècle (ed.), Paris, Editions Arguments, 1995, 265 p.
Chinese urban history workshop: A reader (with Catherine Yeh), Lyon, Institut d'Asie
Orientale, 1996, 312 p.
New Frontiers: Imperialism's new communities in East Asia, 1842-1952 (ed., avec Robert
Bickers), Manchester, Manchester University Press, 2000, 290 p.
Cities in the Pacific Rim. Sustainability and Diversity (ed., avec Geneviève DuboisTaine), Paris, PUCA, 2001.
In the Shadow of the Rising Sun. Shanghai under Japanese Occupation, (ed., avec Yeh
Wen-hsin), Cambridge/New York, Cambridge University Press, 2004.
Articles et chapitres d’ouvrage
“Le nouveau journalisme politique chinois, 1895-1911”, CHINE, Cahiers d'Etudes
Chinoises, Paris, INALCO, 1980, pp. 5-80 [PDF]
(avec M.-C. Bergère et al.), “Essai de prosopographie des élites shanghaiennes à l'époque
républicaine, 1911-1949”, Annales. Economies - Sociétés - Civilisations, n°4 (JulyAugust 1985), pp. 901-930. [PDF]
“Municipal Power and Local Elites”, Republican China (United States), Vol. XI, n°2
(April 1986), pp. 1-21. [PDF]
“La rupture GMD-PCC en 1927: suicide ou assassinat ?”, Cahiers d'Etudes Chinoises,
Paris , INALCO, 1986, pp. 45-99
“Les études républicaines [chinoises] en R.F.A”, note de recherche, Etudes Chinoises,
vol. VI, n°1 (Spring 1987), pp. 125-144
“L'ouverture de la Chine: une perspective historique”, Asie-Recherches, n°4 (December
“Prostitution et "police des mœurs" à Shanghai aux XIXe-XXe siècles”, in La Femme en
Asie Orientale, Lyon, CREOC-Lyon III, 1988, pp. 64-93. [PDF]
“Municipal Reform in Guomindang China (1927-1937): A First Appraisal”, Republican
China (United States), vol. XV, n°1, 1989, pp. 19-37. [PDF]
“L'échec de la seconde modernisation, 1911-1949”, in L'Etat de la Chine, Paris, Editions
La Découverte, 1989, pp. 103-109.
“La Région économique de Shanghai. Un état des lieux”, in Christian Henriot (ed.),
Shanghai dans les années 1980. Etudes urbaines (ed.), Lyon, Université Lyon III (Coll.
Cahiers du GRECC 1), 1989, pp. 1-54. [PDF]
“‘Einsame Insel’. Shanghai unter Japanischer Herrschaft, 1937-1945” in Hiller, Marlene,
Jäckel, Eberhard et Rohwer, Jürgen, Städte im 2. Weltkrieg. Ein internationaler
Vergleich, Essen, Klartext, 1991, pp. 28-46. [PDF]
“Réforme économique et décentralisation en Chine populaire: le cas de la région
économique de Shanghai”, Revue d’études comparatives Est-Ouest, vol. 22, n° 1, 1991,
pp. 57-92. [PDF]
“Medicine, V.D., and Prostitution in Pre-Revolutionary China”, Social History of
Medicine, Oxford University, vol. V, n° 1, 1992, pp. 95-120. [PDF]
“Fiscal Modernization and Popular Protest: A Study of Tax Reform and Tax Resistance
in Nationalist Shanghai, 1927-1937”, in Symposium on the Modernization in China,
1860-1949, Taipei, Academia Sinica, 1991, pp. 507-532. [PDF]
“The Evolution of Municipal Institutions in Nationalist China, 1927-1937” in
Proceedings of the Conference on the Eighty Year History of the Republic of China,
1912-1991, Taipei, Jindai zhongguo chuban, 1992, pp. 44-61.
“Villes et société urbaine en Chine aux XIXe-XXe siècle”, Historiens & Géographes,
n° 340, 1993, pp. 217-232. [PDF]
“Storia urbana e storia della città in Cina, XIX-XX secolo”, Storia Urbana, n° 64, juilletSeptember 1993, pp. 177-195.
“La réforme de l'emploi dans les entreprises industrielles de Shanghai” in Les métropoles
chinoises au XXe siècle (sous la direction de), Paris, Editions Arguments, 1995, pp. 105128. [PDF]
“Chinese courtesans in late Qing and Early republican Shanghai (1849-1925)”, East
Asian History, n° 8, December 1994, pp. 33-52. [PDF]
“Cortegiane, classe dirigente e spazzio urbano a Shanghai, 1849-1919”, Storia Urbana,
n° 70, January-March 1995, pp. 71-98. [PDF]
“Pour ne pas conclure”, Cahiers d'histoire, “Lyon et l'Extrême-Orient”, tome XL, n° 3-4,
1995, pp. 445-448
“"La Fermeture": The Abolition of Prostitution in Shanghai, 1949-1958”, The China
Quarterly, December 1995, pp. 148-167. [PDF]
“Cities and Urban Society in China in the Nineteenth and Twentieth centuries: A review
essay in Western Literature”, Newsletter for Modern Chinese History, Academia Sinica,
n° 21, March 1996, pp. 151-175. [PDF]
“From a Throne of Glory to a Seat of Ignominy: Shanghai Prostitution Revisited, 18491949”, Modern China, vol. 22, n° 2, April 1996, pp. 132-163. [PDF]
“Courtship, sex and money. The economics of courtesan houses in 19th and 20th-century
Shanghai”, Women’s History Review, vol. 8, n° 3, 1999, pp. 443-465. [PDF]
“上海的‘小東京’: 一個對外隔絕的社會 (1875-1945年)” (trans. of Shanghai's ‘Little
Tokyo’: An Insulated Community (1875-1945)”, 上海的研究論從 Shanghai yanjiu
luncong (Papers on Shanghai Studies), n° 12, 1999, pp. 350-382. [PDF]
“Little Japan in Shanghai: An insulated community, 1875-1945” in Robert Bickers et
Christian Henriot (eds.), New Frontiers: Imperialism's new communities in East Asia,
1842-1952, Manchester University Press, 2000, pp. 146-169. [PDF]
“Rice, Power and People: The Politics of Food Supply in Wartime Shanghai (19371945)”, Twentieth-Century China, vol. 26, No. 1 (November 2000) pp. 41-84. [PDF]
“權力與道德: 1920-1925年上海的廢娼運動” (Morality and prostitution: The Protestant
campaign against prostitution in Shanghai, 1920-1925 ), 城市研究 Chengshishi yanjiu
(Urban History), vol. 19-20, (2000). [PDF]
“Urbanisation et métropolisation en Chine. Le cas de Shanghai”, Techniques, territoires
et sociétés, "La refondation métropolitaine. Une nouvelle phase de l'histoire urbaine”,
Tome 1 L'Eurasie post-communiste: Moscou, Shanghai, Hongkong, n° 36, 2002, pp. 147160. [PDF]
“Les divisions de la ville à Shanghai (19e-20e siècles)” (avec Zheng Zu'an) in Christian
Topalov (ed.), Les Mots de la Ville: Divisions, Paris, CNRS-éditions, 2003, pp. 157-190.
“Prostitution et Vox literati à Shanghai avant la Première guerre mondiale”, Clio.
Histoire, Femmes et Société, n° 17, 2003, pp. 45-64. [PDF]
“公共衛生政策與殖民主義放任政策的對立 – 上海租界的性病與賣淫” (trans. of
‘Public Health Policy vs. Colonial Laissez-faire’) in Ma Changlin 馬昌林 (ed.),
租界里的上海 (Shanghai in Foreign Concessions), Shanghai, Shanghai shehui
kexueyuan, 2003, pp. 155-166. [PDF]
“Public health policy vs colonial laissez-faire: STDs and prostitution in republican
Shanghai” in Micollier, (ed.) Sexual Cultures in East Asia: The Social Construction of
Sexuality and Sexual Risk in a Time of AIDS, London, Curzon Press, 2004, pp. 159-182.
“Shanghai and the experience of war: The fate of refugees”, European Journal of East
Asian Studies, Vol. 5, no. 2 (2006), pp. 217-248
"Un veneno para el pueblo. Reflexiones sobre la sostenibilidad y la estrategia de
desarrollo en Shanghai" in Joquin Beltran (ed.), Perspectivas Chinas, Barcelona, Bella
Terra, 2006, pp. 179-203
“Flowers of bitterness: prostitution and violence in Shanghai (1872-1949) ”, invited
paper, Institute of East Asian Studies, University of California, Berkeley, 22 June 1995.
“Cities and urban society in China in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries: A review
essay”, invited talk, European seminar on “Chinese urban history” (European Association
of Chinese Studies), Lyon, Institut d'Asie Orientale, April 1995.
“Morality and prostitution: The Protestant campaign against prostitution in Shanghai,
1920-1925”, invited paper, Symposium on “Settlers and sojourners: Foreign communities
on the China coast”, Oxford University, 28 November 1995.
“Courtship, sex, and money. The economics of courtesan houses in 19th and 20th-century
Shanghai”, invited paper, Panel “Prostitution in East Asia: Historical perspectives,
Annual Meeting of the Association of Asian Studies, Honolulu, 11-14 April 1996.
“Public health policy vs. colonial laissez-faire: STDs and prostitution in republican
Shanghai”, invited paper, International conference on “Comparative perspectives on the
history of Sexually Transmitted Diseases”, University of London, Londres, 26-28 avril
“中國城市‘居民校區’的初步探討” (Preliminary examination of the notion of ‘district’
in Chinese cities), invited talk, Seminar on “City Words” (城市術語討論會), Shanghai,
Tongji University, 8 June 1996.
“Chinese entrepreneurs: An analysis of field work analysis”, conference paper, Biannual
congress of the European Association of Chinese Studies, Barcelona, September 1996.
“Little Japan in Shanghai: An insulated community, 1875-1945”, conference paper,
International conference on “Foreign Communities in East Asia (19th-20th century”,
Lyon, 20-21 March 1997.
“Shanghai industries under Japanese occupation: Bombs, Boom and Bust (1937-1945) ”,
conference paper, International conference “Shanghai sous l'Occupation/Wartime
Shanghai, 1937-1945”, 15-17 October 1997, Lyon.
“Productivity and labor management in Shanghai state-owned industrial enterprises”, in
Collection of papers, International conference on Business relations between China and
Europe: Shaping the future, Guangzhou (Canton), 29-31 October 1997, pp. 330-345.
“Les divisions de l’espace urbain en Chine”, invited paper, International seminar, “City
Words”, Paris - UNESCO, 4-6 December 1997.
“Prostitution and vox literati in Shanghai before W.W.I. ”, invited paper, conference on
“The formation of a multiethnic culture: The Shanghai concessions, 1850-1910”,
Heidelberg, 7-9 june 1998.
“War and Economics: The Control of Material Resources in the Lower Yangzi and the
Shanghai Area Between 1937 and 1945”, conference paper, International conference on
“The Role of the Republican Period in Twentieth Century China: Reflections and
Reconsiderations”, Venice, 30 June-3 July 1999.
“Rice, Power and People: The Politics of Food Supply in Wartime Shanghai (1937-1945),
invited paper, International conference on “Central and local governments in China”,
Taipei, National Archives (Guishiguan), 16-18 December 1999.
“Shanghai in Images: Sources and Representations”, invited paper, ECAI conference,
Hong Kong, 15-20 January 2001.
“The Lost Cause of Environmental Protection in Shanghai: Lessons from the Past”,
invited talk, “Forum on the economy and entreprises”, Shanghai, 28 May-1st June 2001.
“Imagine Shanghai: Virtual city and historical research”, invited paper, ECAI conference,
Guadalajara, 1st-4 December 2001.
“Public health policy vs. colonial laissez-faire: STDs and prostitution in Shanghai foreign
settlements”, Invited paper, International conference on «Foreign Settlements and
Modern Shanghai”, Shanghai, 18-19 December 2001.
“Regulation, competition, and corruption: The role of Japanese and Chinese puppet
economic agencies”, invited paper, Annual Meeting of the Association of Asian Studies,
Washington D.C., 4-7 April 2002.
“’Poisoning the People”. Reflections on Sustainability and Development Strategy in
Shanghai”, conference paper, International conference on “Reinterpreting the Chinese
City in the Twentieth Century”, Lyon, 12-14 December 2002.
“Shanghai and the experience of war: The refugee problem,” Paper presented at
Premier Congrès du Réseau Asie, Paris, 24-25 September 2003
“Death in Shanghai”, Workshop on “Visual documents and history in the study of East
Asia”, Tokyo, 17-18 September 2004.
“Invisible Deaths: ‘Bodies Without Masters’ in Republican Shanghai”, conference
paper, Intenational conference on “Urban Popular Culture and Social Change in Modern
China” (現代中國都是大衆文化與社會變遷國際研討會), Shanghai, 17-18 December
“Wartime Shanghai Refugees: Chaos, Exclusion, and Indignity: Do Images Make up for
the Absence of Memory?”, Workshop on “War and Wartime in Visual Representations”,
University of California, Berkeley, August 23-25, 2006

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