paper reading list


paper reading list
Fr 11 Reading List
Introductory material
Burgwinkle, William, Nicholas Hammond, and Emma Wilson (eds), The
Cambridge History of French Literature (Cambridge: Cambridge University
Press, 2011), pp.441-548. Chapters 49–60.
Denis Hollier (ed.), A New History of French Literature (Harvard University
Press, 1989). See pp.566-830, which cover the period 1789-1898, and offer a
series of short articles on key moments in the cultural history of the century.
Sarah Kay, Terence Cave & Malcolm Bowie, A Short History of French
Literature (Oxford University Press, 2003/2006). See Part III (by Malcolm
Bowie) on The Modern Period 1789-2000. In addition to Bowie’s ‘Overview of
the Period’, you should focus on pp. 208-53 of his account of ‘The Period in
Alison Finch, French Literature: A Cultural History (Polity, 2010).
Considerable material on the 19th century.
Journal articles
Of the many journals with relevant material, we should mention three which
focus specifically on nineteenth-century French material:
Dix-Neuf – available electronically from the UL’s collection of e-journals at
Nineteenth-Century French Studies – available in paper in the UL P735.b.11 [&
pigeonhole: W.569 in the West Room] and electronically from 01.10.1972 to
31.10.2010 in JSTOR Arts & Sciences XIIIfrom 2001 to present in Project
MUSE - Standard Collection.
Romantisme – available in paper format in the UL P900:2.c.56 [p/hole: W.168].
Critical material
Although essays for supervisions will usually focus on a particular text, lectures
will cover more than this, and will help you develop a wider knowledge with a
view to answering Sections A and C. Any standard modern paperback edition
will normally suffice, though some have particularly good notes e.g. GF
Flammarion or Folio. The four units to be taught this year are:
 Romantic Identities
Primary Texts
Benjamin Constant, Adolphe
George Sand, Indiana
Secondary Texts: General
Blanning, Tim, The Romantic Revolution (Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 2010).
Ferber, Michael, Romanticism: A Very Short Introduction (Oxford: OUP,
Hamilton, Paul (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of European Romanticism
(Oxford: OUP, 2016).
Moi, Toril, ‘Idealism’, in The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy and
Literature (Oxford: OUP, 2009).
Constant’s Adolphe
Landy, Joshua, ‘The Abyss of Freedom: Legitimacy, Unity, and Irony in
Constant's Adolphe’, Nineteenth-Century French Studies, 2009; 37 (3-4),
pp. 193-214.
Matlock, Jann, ‘Novels of Testimony and the Invention of the Modern
French Novel’, in The Cambridge Companion to the French Novel, ed. Tim
Unwin (Cambridge: CUP, 1997).
Delbouille, Paul, Genèse, structure et destin d’Adolphe (Paris: Les
Belles Lettres, 1971).
Todorov, Tzvetan, ‘La Parole selon Constant’, in Poétique de la prose
(Paris, 1971).
Dennis Wood, Constant: Adolphe (Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1988).
George Sand’s Indiana
Crecelius, Kathryn, Family Romances: George Sand's Early Novels
(Bloomington: Indiana UP, 1987).
Haig, Stirling, ‘The Circular Room of George Sand’s Indiana’, in The
Madame Bovary Blues (Baton Rouge: Louisiana State UP, 1987).
Harkness, Nigel, Men of their Words: The Poetics of Masculinity in
George Sand's Fiction (Leeds: Legenda, 2007).
Kadish, Doris, ‘Representing Race in Indiana’, George Sand Studies 11,
1-2 (1992), 22-30.
Massardier-Kenney, Françoise, Gender in the Fiction of George Sand
(Rodopi, 2001).
Petrey, Sandy, ‘George and Georgina Sand: Realist Gender in Indiana’, in
Textuality and Sexuality: Reading Theories and Practices, ed. by Judith
Still and Michael Worton (Manchester UP, 1993).
Powell, David A. and Prasad, Pratima (eds), Approaches to Teaching
Sand's Indiana (Modern Language Association of America, 2015).
Rabine, Leslie, ‘George Sand and the Myth of Femininity’, Women and
Literature, 4(2), (1976), 2-17.
Schor, Naomi, George Sand and Idealism (Columbia UP, 1993).
Vareille, Kristina, Socialité, sexualité et les impasses de l’histoire:
révolution de la thématique sandienne d’lndiana (1832) à Mauprat (1837)
(Uppsala, 1987).
 Class and Social Power
Primary texts
Edmond and Jules de Goncourt, Germinie Lacerteux
Emile Zola, Germinal
Secondary texts
David Baguley, Naturalist Fiction: The Entropic Vision (Cambridge University
Press, 1990)
Nicholas White, ‘Naturalism’, in The Cambridge History of French Literature
(Cambridge: CUP, 2011), ed. by B. Burgwinkle, N. Hammond and E.
Wilson, pp. 522-30
On the Goncourts:
Cabanès, Jean-Louis (ed.), Les frères Goncourt : art et écriture, Presses
universitaires de Bordeaux, 1997, in particular essays by H. Mitterand and C.
Giraud, Barbara, L’Héroïne Goncourtienne: entre hystérie et dissidence (Peter
Lang, 2009)
Respaut, Michèle, ‘Regards d’hommes/corps des femmes: Germinie Lacerteux
des Frères Goncourt’, The French Review, 65 (1991), 46-54
Rogers, Nathalie Buchet, Fictions du scandale: corps féminin et réalisme
romanesque au dix-neuvième siècle (Purdue University Press, 1998)
Schor, Naomi, Breaking the Chain: Women, Theory, and French Realist Fiction
(Columbia University Press, 1985)
Weir, David, Decadence and the Making of Modernism (University of
Massachusetts Press, 1995), ch. 3 ‘Decadence and Naturalism: The
Goncourts’ Germinie Lacerteux’
On Zola:
Harrow, Susan, Zola, The Body Modern: Pressures and Prospects of
Representation (Legenda, 2010)
Kehrès, Jean-Marc, ‘Le Corps ouvrier dans Germinal’, in Corps/Décors:
Femmes, Orgie, Parodie, ed. by Catherine Nesci and others (Rodopi, 1999),
pp. 255-66
Mitterand, Henri, Le Discours du roman (Presses Universitaires de France,
Petrey, Sandy, Realism and Revolution: Balzac, Stendhal, Zola, and the
Performances of History (Cornell University Press, 1988), ch. 5
‘Performance and Class in the Month of Germinal’
Schor, Naomi, Zola’s Crowds (Johns Hopkins University Press, 1978)
White, Claire, Work and Leisure in Late Nineteenth-Century French Literature
and Visual Culture, 2014, esp. ch.1 on Les Rougon-Macquart
Wolf, Nelly, Le Peuple dans le roman français de Zola à Céline (Presses
Universitaires de France, 1990)
 The Novel of Adultery
Primary Texts
Gustave Flaubert, Madame Bovary
Emile Zola, Pot-Bouille
Secondary Reading
Chantal Gleyses, La Femme coupable, 1994
Diana Holmes, ‘Novels of Adultery: Paul Bourget, Daniel Lesueur and What
Women Read in the 1880s and 1890s’, in Sarah Capitanio, Lisa Downing,
Paul Rowe, Nicholas White (eds.), Currencies: Fiscal Fortunes and
Cultural Capital in Nineteenth-Century France (2005), pp.15-30.
Bill Overton, The Novel of Female Adultery, 1996
Michelle Perrot (ed.), Histoire de la vie privée : De la Révolution à la Grande
Guerre, vol 4 (Paris : Seuil, 1987) (wealth of historical detail on French
bourgeois family).
Naomi Segal, The Adulteress’s Child, 1992
Tony Tanner, Adultery in the Novel, 1979
Nicholas White and Naomi Segal (eds.), Scarlet Letters: Fictions of Adultery
from Antiquity to the 1990s, 1997.
On Flaubert’s novel:
Victor Brombert, The Novels of Flaubert: A Study of Themes and Techniques
Jonathan Culler, Flaubert: The Uses of Uncertainty, 1974
Alison Fairlie, Flaubert: Madame Bovary (1962)
---, Imagination and Language (1981)
Anne Green, Mary Orr and Timothy Unwin (eds.), Flaubert: Shifting
Perspectives, a special number of the online journal Dix-Neuf, 15 (2011)
Stephen Heath, Madame Bovary (1992)
Diana Knight, Flaubert’s Characters (1985)
Dominick LaCapra, Madame Bovary on Trial (1982)
Mary Orr, Flaubert: Writing the Masculine (2000)
Christopher Prendergast, The Order of Mimesis: Balzac, Stendhal, Nerval,
Flaubert, 1986. Chapter 6.
Naomi Schor and H.F. Majewski, eds., Flaubert and Postmodernism (1984)
On Zola’s novel:
Sharon Marcus, Apartment Stories, 1999
Brian Nelson (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Emile Zola, 2007
Nicholas White, The Family in Crisis in Late Nineteenth-Century French
Fiction, 1999. Esp. chs. 1 & 2.
Nicholas White, ‘The Lost Heroine of Zola’s Octave Mouret Novels’, Romanic
Review, Vol. 102.3-4 (May-Nov 2011), 369-90
 Serial Love and Divorce
Primary Texts
Guy de Maupassant, Bel-Ami
Anatole France, Le Lys Rouge
Secondary Reading
Masha Belenky and Rachel Mesch (eds.), The State of the Union: Marriage in
Nineteenth-Century France, a special number of the online journal DixNeuf, 11 (2008)
Claudie Bernard, Penser la famille au XIXe siècle, 2007
Karl Leydecker and Nicholas White (eds.), After Intimacy, 2007
Patricia Mainardi, Husbands, Wives, and Lovers, 2003
Roderick Phillips, Untying the Knot: A Short History of Divorce, 1991
Francis Ronsin, Les divorciaires: Affrontements politiques et conceptions du
mariage dans la France du XIXe siècle, 1992
Nicholas White, French Divorce Fiction from the Revolution to the First World
War, 2013 (esp. ch.3 ‘Jealousy Before Proust’, for your Anatole France
On France’s novel:
Elizabeth Emery, ‘Art as Passion in Anatole France’s Le Lys rouge’,
Nineteenth-Century French Studies, 35 (2007), 641-52
On Maupassant’s novel:
Edmund Birch, 'Maupassant and the Secrets of Actualité’, Modern Language
Review, 109 (2014), 996-1012
Andrew Counter, Inheritance in Nineteenth-Century French Culture, 2010. Esp.
ch. 4.
Mary Donaldson-Evans, A Woman’s Revenge, 1986
Christopher Lloyd, Maupassant: ‘Bel-Ami’, 1988
Gerald Prince, ‘Bel-Ami and Narrative as Antagonist’, French Forum, 11(1986),
Nicholas White, The Family in Crisis in Late Nineteenth-Century French
Fiction, 1999. Ch. 3.