

Texte 1 adapted from
'Soul Surfer' Highlights One-Armed Athlete's Inspirational Story - April 11, 2011, Alan
In 2003, Bethany Hamilton, 13, lost her left arm to a shark attack while surfing off Kauai,
Hawaii. A new film dramatizes the story of how she overcame that to achieve her dream
of becoming a professional athlete.
"Big snap off the top! Bethany Hamilton is holding nothing back with potentially one of
the highest scoring rides of the day as this final comes to a close here at Turtle Bay."
Growing up on the "garden isle" of Kauai, Bethany Hamilton spent every minute she
could riding the waves. She was on the verge of becoming a top competitor in pro
surfing. But while she was practicing at an isolated cove, a four-meter long tiger shark
ripped off her left arm. A frantic ride to the nearest hospital and quick work by doctors
saved her life, but nobody, not even Bethany, could imagine she would ever get back on
a surfboard again.
"I don't understand. What happened to 'I can do all things?' Why did this happen? Why
did I have to lose everything?"
"You didn't lose everything, Bethany not even close."
In a true test of her faith and by sheer will power, Bethany did get back up on a
surfboard only a month after the attack. Six months later, she was competing again. It's
a story told in her autobiography, which is the basis for the film that stars teenager
AnnaSophia Robb.
"I knew this young surfer's tragic story, of course, but I thought 'what an incredible role',
explains Robb. " I was so fascinated by all of the challenges. What would it be like to
have your arm taken and what would go through your head and how would your faith be
challenged? "
To play the role, Robb had to learn how to surf well enough to play a champion. The
young actress admits she never got to that level, but, tutored by Hamilton, she did pick
up the basics.
"Bethany taught me a ton and really helped me figuring out where the 'channel' is and
how to look for waves and what to do and just about knowledge of the sea and being
comfortable in it for sure," Robb says.
Pour rappel : la construction du groupe nominal anglais
I Texte 1 (8/30) Questions 1 à 8 : entourez la lettre correspondant à votre choix
1) Dans le groupe " her (1) dream of (2) becoming a (3) professional (4) athlete "
indiquez la hiérarchie du sens en commençant par le mot/groupe le plus important.
A - (1) (2) (4) (3)
B - (2) (3) (4) (1)
C - (1) (2) (3) (4)
D - (4) (3) (2) (1)
2) Même question pour le groupe " the (1) highest (2) scoring (3) rides of the (4) day "
A - (1) (2) (3) (4)
B - (2) (3) (4) (1)
C - (3) (2) (1) (4)
D - (4) (3) (2) (1)
3) Même question pour le groupe "a (1) top (2) competitor in (3) pro (4) surfing "
A - (1) (2) (4) (3)
B - (2) (1) (4) (3)
C - (1) (2) (3) (4)
D - (4) (3) (1) (2)
4) Même question pour le groupe " A (1) frantic (2) ride to the (3) nearest (4) hospital "
A - (1) (4) (3) (2).
B - (1) (2) (3)..(4)
C - (3) (4) (2) (1)..
D - (4) (1) (2) (3)
E - (4) (3) (2) (1)
F - (2) (1) (4) (3)
5) Quel est le mot essentiel (le noyau) dans le groupe suivant.
" a four-meter long tiger shark "
A - four
B - meter
C - long
D - tiger
E - shark
6) Même question :
" In a true test of her faith "
A - In
B - true
C - test
D - her
E - faith
7) Même question :
" the basis for the film that stars teenager AnnaSophia Robb "
A - basis
B - film
C - stars
D - teenager
E - AnnaSophia
F - Robb
8) Même question :
" this young surfer's tragic story "
A - young
B - surfer
C - tragic
D - story
9) Donnez la traduction (2/30):
L'application de la méthode
traduction correcte.
proposée vous permet d'arriver de façon certaine à une
Il y a plus d'un mois qu'il n'a pas plu.
It hasn't rained for over (=more than) a (=one) month.
Un requin l'a attaquée il y a neuf ans.
A shark attacked her nine years ago.
10) Ecrivez les groupes verbaux (5/30):
1- (BLOW + reproche de ne pas avoir fait + insistance sur le déroulement)
= He should have been blowing.
2- (BRING + Forte probabilité + action subie dans un contexte passé)
= He must have been brought.
3- (CATCH + forte probabilité future + insistance sur le déroulement)
= He should be catching.
4- (DRAW + Mise en rapport de 2 moments différents dans le temps. Le 2è moment =
passé + action subie)
= He had been drawn.
5- (DRIVE + Refus dans un contexte passé)
= He wouldn't drive.
Exercices de même forme
Commencez par l'auto-formation
o Exercice
Quand vous êtes prêt(e) : terminez en auto-évaluant vos progrès
o Test
Pour rappel : cet exercice correspond à la dernière étape de l'étude complète du groupe
verbal. Mais certain ont commis des erreurs grossières et je leur conseille de consulter
avec beaucoup de soin l'étude complète du groupe verbal depuis le début.
L'ignorance des 78 verbes irréguliers de base peut vous faire perdre la moitié des points.
Liste des verbes irréguliers de base
Exercices :
Evaluez vos progrès
II (15/30 pts) : texte 2 (dans le manuel de référence) 4.1 " The origin of language"
Trouvez, dans les paragraphes 7 à 11, les mots correspondant le mieux aux définitions
suivantes (un mot par définition. EN ECRIRE PLUSIEURS SERA CONSIDERE COMME
UNE MAUVAISE REPONSE). Les définitions sont données dans l'ordre d'apparition des
mots dans le texte.
Pour chaque définition
1°) (5/30) Cochez la case correspondant à la nature du mot à trouver
(généralement=nature du noyau de la définition) : Verbe(V) / Substantif (S)/ Adjectif ou
participe jouant le rôle d'adjectif (Ad) / Autre (Au).
2°) (10/30) Ecrivez LE mot tel qu'il apparaît dans le texte (colonne de droite). En
écrire plusieurs sera équivalent à une réponse fausse.
7. Meaningful words appear toward the end of the first year or the beginning of the
second year of life. At first they constitute a very small proportion of the infant's
vocalization, but during the later part of the second year they become prominent. A word
usually passes through an interesting transformation. At first it is a crude approximation.
In nurseries the world over, the baby lies in a crib and babbles meaningless sounds such
as "mamama" or "adadada." Under the coaching of parents, these babblings are
abbreviated to "mama" and to "daddy." This is the way one child learned the word milk :
at first it was "meme," then " mik mik" and finally milk. Pillow is often pronounced "pido."
In the case of another child, the more difficult word please evolved from "be" through the
series "ble," "pez," pwez" to please. Sometimes the first words exhibit an onomatopoeic
character. Thus a watch is a "tick tick"; a dog a "bow wow"; and a cow a "moo moo."
8. There are no fundamental group differences in the inherent phonetic equipment of
human beings. In the first 10 days of life, boys and girls, white children and Negroes
make pretty much the same sounds. But by the time they begin to form word patterns,
some sex differences do appear. For instance, at a year and a half, girls exceed boys in
the ability to use consonants at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of a word.
The mean number of consonants used by girls in the initial position is 8.7 as against 7.7
for boys. For the medial position, the mean for girls is 7.9 and for boys 6.9. In the final
position, girls use 2.9 consonants while boys use 2.4.
9. The average eight-month-old child is unable to use words. At 10 months he probably
will have one word; at 12 months, about three words. At a year and a half, his
vocabulary may be 20 words. During the next three months it will jump to over 100, and
at two years it may contain as many as 250 words.
10. We can study the differences in speech development of infants in different home
environments. A comparison of the speech of babies of working-class families with those
whose fathers are doctors, lawyers, teachers or business owners is shown in the chart on
this page. These curves are based on the frequency criterion of speech development. By
this criterion the speech development of babies in homes of workers is considerably
below that of the professional group. One suggested explanation is that the experience of
the worker's child is more manual, while the environment in the professional household is
highly verbal.
11. We have found that low-grade feeble-minded children, that is, idiots and imbeciles, in
the fourth year of life possess the speech-sound status of year-old infants. When these
children were examined a year later, they had made no progress whatever. This degree
of speech retardation is practically hopeless.
1- Having a meaning or purpose.
2- To say a word or a letter in a particular
3- One of the speech sounds or letters of
the alphabet which is not a vowel.
4- Being of or at the beginning
AU Le mot
5- With considerable certainty; without
much doubt.
6- A language user's knowledge of words.
7- A line on a graph representing data.
8- A standard by which you judge, decide
about or deal with something.
9- The details or reasons that someone
gives to make something clear or easy to
10- Spoken rather than written.
- Page d'aide pour réussir les exercices de ce type :
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- Si le site est très complet, le revers de la médaille est qu'il vous est parfois difficile de
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interne au site. Les corrigés commentés devraient également vous être fort utiles. En
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- Si vous n'avez pas le temps de faire les exercices hebdomadaires avant la publication
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- Si vous éprouvez des difficultés et que les aides en ligne ne suffisent pas, contactezmoi.
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vouloir comparer, enseigner à distance me prive de contacts directs toujours très
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