a-PARIS-tions II - menofmydreams.com


a-PARIS-tions II - menofmydreams.com
Press book
a-PARIS-tions II
80 x 40 cm
a-PARIS-tions II
[email protected]
tell his story and present his new images
a-PARIS-tions II
Christine and Catherine host him
in their Bookshop and Gallery Violette and Co
102 rue de Charonne 75011 PARIS
from 09 June 2010 to 31 July 2011
and from 19 August to 12 september 2010
a-PARIS-tions II
Que le spectacle commence !
70 x 70 cm
Press officer
+ 33 (0)1 71 20 24 97
+ 33 (0)6 60 25 29 45
[email protected]
Press releases
Des colonnes rongées pas le temps naissent les hommes de pierre
Des murs, des palissades, des rideaux de fer, de partout flottent les corps
Les marronniers majestueux, forts et puissants, abritent d'étranges créatures
Saviez-vous que les hommes-fleurs apparaissent dans les tulipes du Palais-Royal ?
La ville change de teinte, le soir tombe, les êtres de la nuit s'éveillent !
Pillars gnawed by time give birth to stonemen
Walls, fences, iron curtains, bodies float everywhere
Majestic chestnuts, strong and powerful, shelter strange creatures
Do you know that flowermen appear in the tulips of the Palais Royal ?
The city changes colour, night falls, night-beings awake !
Daniel Nassoy
a-PARIS-tions II
La Tour
80 x 50 cm
a-PARIS-tions I & II
Daniel started his artist work with basic tools - some lights, a black backdrop - creating a night
theatre where to explore the male body. In this fansasy game in which many models took part,
the camera lens played the part of the miror that would reflect the participants’ desires and
With – a-PARIS-tions I – bodies were set free from the studio cocoon to be exposed and merged
with the physical mater of the real world.
In a-PARIS-tions II, his latest body of work, Daniel uses both real iconic urban settings, or reinvented ones to create a fanstamagorical and poetical representation of the male body and the
dreamed city reach. In this work his photo-graphic craft shows at its best.
Biography of Daniel Nassoy
Born in 1958 in Metz (eastern France) Daniel who originally trained as an IT consultant, opened his eyes through photography.
In 1992, he signed up to a 2 years training course at EFET
(Paris), a professional photography school. Then he already
knew that the rigid world of IT was not meant to be his future.
In 1997, he abandoned his IT career, and trained himself in
multimedia technologies, and in particular he went on perfecting his skills in digital image manipulations for photography.
Since 2001, Daniel has been working as a freelance photographer and graphic artist.
His first body of work used black ad white film photography techniques. He then went on utilising scanned images, and digital image manipulation programs (Photoshop).
In 2004 Daniel gradually switched from film photography to digital photography which he
has since then been focusing on. Digital photography gives him the means to create personal
images, full of sensations, and reflecting his thoughts and feelings as an artist. Daniel also
creates colourful images, but the colours need then to be dazzling and striking.
a-PARIS-tions II
85 x 40 cm
Daniel Nassoy exhibits regularly in Paris and other cities in France, he also showed his work in
Brighton (UK) in 2006, during the Brighton Festival.
“Robert Doisneau and Edouard Boubat were the photographers who gave me the desire to
embrace photography in the first place. I then discovered Tony Catani, Joel Peter Witkin and
Sarah Moon to name just a few. I thank all the photographers who showed me the way.’ ...»
A great «Thank you» to all my models
Jeremy, Fred, Ben, Andy, Vincent, Jimmy, Julien, Christian, Jérome, Marc,
Maxime, Alexei, Greg, Mustapha, Alexandre, Viktor, David, Eli, Chris, Florent,
Franck, Dji, Raymond et Jean-Michel, Jeff, Rx, Elias, Seboss, Anthony, Médéric,
Benjamin, Davy, Emmanuel, Benoit , Sébastien, Félipe,
and Laurianne
and sorry for those I forgot ... hope I didn’t !
a-PARIS-tions II
Sarabande à la Bastille
90 x 50 cm
The pictures
a-PARIS-tions I
Jardins secrets - Puissances - Les Géants
a-PARIS-tions II
Lumière - L’attente - L’ennui ! - la Tour
Sarabande à la Bastille - La Tour Babel
Cac 40 - L’attaque des Géants
Que le spectacle commence ! - Zen
Le baiser de l’Hôtel de Ville
january 2010 : group exhibition “Saint-Sébastien forever” at Oberkampf Gallery, Paris
november 2007 to january 2008 : exhibition “ROUGE” at Les Mots à la Bouche, bookshop & gallery, Paris
june to september 2007 : exhibition “L’homme dans tous ses états” at Violette and Co, bookshop & gallery, Paris
august 2006 : 2 exhibitions in Brighton - England.
may 2006 : exposition pendant le festival “Open Houses” , Brighton - Angleterre.
october 2006 : exhibition with Illico at Rainbow Attitude Fair, Paris.
august to october 2002 : «C’est mon homme» group exhibition at Schwules Museum, Berlin with Passage à l’acte.
september to october 2000 : «Homme Objets» exhibition at les Mots à la Bouche, Paris.
september 1999 : «Un monde d’évasion» exhibition at Arc-en-Ciel, Paris.
a-PARIS-tions II
a-PARIS-tions II
L’ennui !
90 x 35 cm
100 x 60 cm
a-PARIS-tions I
Jardins secrets
60 x 40 cm
a-PARIS-tions I
Les géants
40 x 60 cm
40 x 60 cm
40 x 60 cm
85, 87, rue Saint-Maur
75011 PARIS
+33(0)1 71 20 24 97
+33(0)6 60 25 29 45
Mail : [email protected]
Exhibition from 9 june 2010 to 31 july 2010
and from 19 august 2010 to 12 september 2010
Violette and Co
102 rue de Charonne 75011 PARIS
from tuesday to saturday
sunday 14:00 - 19:00
11:00 - 20:30
+33(0)1 43 72 16 07
Métro : Charonne or Faidherbe-Chaligny