QueerMag 2014-07-09


QueerMag 2014-07-09
QueerMag: Newsletter for Young Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and QUEERS | Young Queer Alliance
1. Intro Queer
 Mot de la Présidente
 Editor’s Word – QueerMag: A
voice for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual,
Trans and Queers
2. Queer BUZZ
 17 May IDAHOT 2014: The
Homophobia and Transphobia –
Freedom of Expression
 MAURITIUS 9th Rainbow Parade
3. A-Q-TU
 Stories
 Halte au Bullying!
4. Santé-Q
5. Queer World
 IDAHOT 2014
 Demand Accountability South
6. Young Queer Alliance OUT
 Rainbow Parade 2014
 Support Don’t Punish Campaign
 Demand Accountability South
 June: Pride Month at the U.S.
Address: Young Queer Alliance, c/o Jürgen S.
Lasavanne, Impasse Marion, Rte. Geoffroy,
e-mail: [email protected]
Website : http://yqamauritius.wix.com/myqa
You want to write to us? You came across an
incident that you wish to share with our readers?
You have a story..YOUR story? A slam, a poem, a
song..? Or you want to make us discover your
pictures or paintings with a word? Or just simply an
advert for your business in our newsletter?
Send to: [email protected]
1st Issue, 9th July 2014
Intro queer>>>
Mot de la présidente
YQA : Un rêve à une réalité en construction
YQA, est une ONG qui a débuté le 1er Février dans
un petit Fastfood avec trois personnes, y compris
moi. Je me suis engagé à construire ce groupe, car
il est triste de dire qu’en 2014, il existe une minorité
de gens qui sont discriminé pour ceux qu’ils sont ou
pour aimer différemment de ce que la société a
établit comme normes. Il m'est important de redire
que l'homosexualité et la transsexualité ne sont pas
des CHOIX.
Editor’s Word
QueerMag: A voice for Lesbian, Gay,
Bisexual, Trans and Queers.
The Young Queer Alliance was created on the
1st February 2014, in the cosiness of a small
restaurant in Port Louis, with the support of
only three persons. Today, YQA assembles
more than forty young Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual,
Trans... or simply queers.
YQA has already come a long way in such a
short span of time. Indeed for its first few
months, the capacity to mobilise and federate
and organise of YQA has been remarkable,
with engaged and resourceful youths despite
the many a hurdles that a young Queer can
have in a society where discrimination and
stigmatisation persist!
YQA compte désormais une centaine de jeunes
soudés, confiants et près à offrir de leur temps
précieux pour aider à ce que l'amour, le respect et la
tolérance soient établit comme les seules normes. Il
est l'heure de changer la mentalité de ce monde, qui
trouve normale de persécuter les membres de la
communauté de manière barbare et de le faire au
nom de la religion. DIEU, dans toute religion
représente AMOUR.
From helping in the organisation of this year’s
Gay Pride with the Collectif Arc-en-Ciel,
supporting our African Queers in their action
#DemandAccountabilitySA, commemorating
the Pride Month at the residence of the Her
Excellency Shari Villarosa and the Embassy
team with “Prayers for Bobby”, and lastly, the
“Support Don’t Punish” campaign around drug
use for Collectif Urgence Toxida.
J'adresse un message aux jeunes mauriciens,
homosexuelles, transgenres : vous n'êtes pas seuls,
YQA vous attends, nous avons besoin de vous, et
nous lutterons pour vous. N'oubliez pas que vous
êtes magnifiques et importants à nos yeux. n'attends
que vous.
Carine Labonne
Being bestowed with the gargantuan
responsibility as the Editor of QueerMag, YQA
wishes to give a voice for Queers and LGBT
out there; to make our actions and visions
known, and to establish a better society for
Queers... Voice Out, join us!
Neerusha C.
17 May IDAHOT 2014
The International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia –
Freedom of Expression
May has been established as the most symbolic date for LGBT
people around the globe to call for mass mobilisation around issues
related to Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression in more
than 120 countries. This year, activists around the world chose
Freedom of Expression as a common and core message to mobilise
and call for action for IDAHOT 2014. This call is because it has been
revealed that majority of countries systematically violate the rights to
discuss around issues pertaining to Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity
and Gender Expression. Matter-of-factly, 70% of people around the
world, by law, are not allowed to discuss on same.
The global call to leaders of the world this year signed by 1.5 million
people and supported by more than 170 organisations is to:
 Ensure free expression for all under international laws since
freedom of expression, online and offline, is a fundamental
right that cannot be denied on the basis of a person’s sexual
orientation or gender identity.
 Stop violence and intimidation since everyday across the
world, LGBT people and others speaking out to defend equality
are attacked just for expressing their identities and views, for
talking about sexual orientation or gender identity, proudly
marching in the streets to defend their rights.
 Repeal discriminatory laws since a majority of the world’s
population live in countries with laws that criminalise LGBT
identities or ban sharing information and ideas about sexual
orientation or gender identity.
Read More…
IDAHOT Website: http://dayagainsthomophobia.org/
IDAHOT Annual Report: http://dayagainsthomophobia.org/buzzworthy/idahot-2014-annual-reports-now-live/
Mauritius Report: http://dayagainsthomophobia.org/what-is-happeningin-your-country/mauritius/idahot-report-2014-mauritius/
MAURITIUS: 9TH RAINBOW PARADE: The queers to renew
the struggle for gay rights! (LE MAURICIEN | 27 JUIN, 2014)
Since nine years now, Plaza has been accustomed, tolerant
and respectful towards the carnivalesque procession of
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans (LGBT) people and allies in the
roads of Rose-Hill.
This year, numerous organisations joined the Pride: Collectif
Arc-en-Ciel, PILS, CUT, LEAD, Chrysalide; the presence of
people from the U.S. Embassy and H.E. the U.S. Ambassador
Shari Villarosa; and two newly formed organisations VISAG(for trans people) and the Young Queer Alliance (for young
LGBT and Queers); grouped together, brandishing with pride
their rainbow-colourful balloons, banners and flags, slogans, a
float of vans and motor-cars, the sizzling music of mobilisation
and celebration, party masks and boas, the exciting and daring
show of trans-people in all their beauty... an unprecedented
show blazing in all six colours: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green,
Blue and Violet of the Queer Rainbow having for theme:
Express Your-self (Exprim twa)!
With YQA presence as a youth organisation, visibly, the
massive influx of queers at this 9th Edition of the Rainbow
Parade amassed the whole procession numerically and in
terms of creativity and leadership. Novelties were: Pompom,
hand printing themed: “La toile de la tolérance”, and
predominantly the slogan: Zordi nu marsé, dimé nu voté, all
summed-up to an explosive cocktail of celebrations, claims and
renewal. M. M. Etienne of the Collectif Arc-en-Ciel rightly
stated: “Maraine p vin vié, mé mo fier truv rélev prézan”.
The Queers to renew the Gay Rights with two stepping stones:
a) Recognition of Gender and b) Protection from Hate Crimes
due to Sexual Orientation and Gender; a dream coming reality
in years to come.
History: Queer? Weirdo? Deviant? Bizarre?
Queer used to be a derogative term for effeminate gays in the
late 19th century. Late 1980s and beginning 1990s, the LGBT
people reappropriated ‘Queer’ from its pejorative use, today
being an umbrella term for sexual and gender identities. An
example is the creation of Queer Nation an LGBT organisation.
Ah, do we really have to use that word? It’s trouble. Every gay
person has his or her own take on it. For some it means
strange and eccentric and kind of mysterious... And for others
“queer” conjures up those awful memories of adolescent
suffering... Well, yes, “gay” is great. It has its place. But when a
lot of lesbians and gay men wake up in the morning we feel
angry and disgusted, not gay. So we’ve chosen to call
ourselves queer. Using “queer” is a way of reminding us how
we are perceived by the rest of the world. (QUEER NATION.
New York Gay Pride Parade: Queer Read This. June, 1990)
Link to article: http://www.lemauricien.com/article/9th-rainbowparade-queers-renew-struggle-gay-rights
A-Q-TU                                
A gay youth victim of homophobia at
Le Bullying aussi connu comme l’intimidation ; par exemples
moqueries, harcèlements et brimades ; sont l'utilisation d'une force
d'une majorité de personne à l'égard d'une personne ou une
minorité en position de faiblesse et souvent récurrente. Les enfants
et les adolescents sont plus souvent la cible des moqueries et
des violences physiques et verbales quand ils sont livrés à euxmêmes lors de la récré ou après les heures d’école, démunis de
surveillance des adultes et professeurs. Le bullying sur les
réseaux sociaux est plus catastrophique avec 87% des rapports
de cyber-bullying provenant uniquement de Facebook comme
prouvé par une étude menée par Opinium Research en 2013.
« Mon premier cas d'homophobie a
caudan. Js8 plus que degouT. Juste
akoz g fai calin ek un mec on nous
pousse. Madam la dir "nou p fr bne
gestes insignifiant. dan camera p
trouV". mone dir "akoz nou
homosexuel c sa?" pu fr madam la
"effectivement". Je suis degouT.”
~ Kevin, 22 ans
Lesbian teen coming out after
watching “Prayers for Bobby”
« après Une si belle journée, ke jai
grav adoré, J'ai fai mon coming out...
Yessss ♥ ♥ .. j'ai di à mon paps ..
sa c bien paC »
~ Chery, 17 ans.
Dublin Gay Pride – A Mauritian
shares his experience
« mo ti al fer n tour zordi Gay Pride
Dublin. Top ... forty to 50 thousands
spanish Italian irish brasil ti mari top I
have some gay friend tonight we are
going to a gay pub call the Dragon
kan mo guet tou sa Maurice ena
boku pou aprane here everybody is
like family. I have lots of friends mais
ban gay cest ban dimune pli prop et
mari top ban dimune ki ena
sentiment gay li pas concern religion
zordi mo trouve boku Algerian
Pakistan dan parade zot mari happy
zot libre tandis ki Dan zot pays zot
bizin subir »
Les raisons poussant aux bullying sont souvent liés aux différences de la personne par
rapport aux autres tel que l'ethnicité, l'apparence physique, la personnalité, la réputation,
l'orientation sexuelle, l’identité du genre, l’expression du genre ; pour ne citer que ceux là.
Les jeunes le plus à risque sont généralement ceux faisant partie de la communauté LGTB
(Lesbienne, gay, bisexuelle et transgenre). Bien que l'orientation sexuelle n'est pas un choix,
il est difficile pour ces jeunes de s'assumer en tant qu'homosexuel(l)es ou encore transidentitaire du fait qu’ils sont sujets d’intimidations !
Nombreuses études à travers le monde montrent que :
 Entre 80 – 90% des jeunes LGBT sont victimes du bullying (verbales comme
physiques) à l’école de par leur identité ;
 Près de 40% des jeunes LGBT furent harcelés physiquement ; et
 Environ 20% sujettes aux violences physiques.
Les adolescents qui sont en phase de crise d'adolescence où ils cherchent des repères et qui
sont victimes de moqueries du à leur différences font face à un processus de dévalorisation
d'eux-mêmes. Ce qui aura pour effet le décrochage scolaire, l'anxiété, la dépression et la
désocialisation pour finir en suicide.
Souvenons-nous de Nitish Teeluck, âgé de 17 ans à peine, qui s'est suicidé au début de
l'année pour avoir été victime de harcèlement due à une perception d’homosexualité et de
trans-identitaire ; comprise par son coté féminin qui ressortait et qui ont poussés ses amis à
se moquer de lui. Combien de Nitish devons nous avoir pour mettre en place des politiques à
l’école et un projet de loi contre toute intimidation basée sur l'orientation sexuelle, l’identité du
genre et l’expression du genre ?
IDAHOT 2014 ; une minute de silence à tous ceux et celles qui furent victimes d’homophobie
et de transphobie. IDAHOT 2014 ; prenons l’engagement ferme de dire : HALTE AU
~ Kamaal, V. R.
Jürgen S. Lasavanne
Young Queer Alliance
Send us your stories and articles at: [email protected]
Send us your stories and articles at: [email protected]
Getting to know HIV/AIDS
AIDS (Acquired immune deficiency syndrome or acquired
immunodeficiency syndrome) is a disease caused by a virus
called HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus). The illness alters
the immune system, making people much more vulnerable to
infections and diseases. This susceptibility worsens as the
disease progresses.
In Mauritius, HIV is a concentrated epidemic, affecting mainly
Injecting Drug users (IDUs), Commercial Sex Workers (CSW)
and also Men having Sex with Men (MSM). Stigmatisation of gay
men to HIV dates back to 1982 when HIV was known as the Gay
Related Immune Deficiency (GRID).
 HIV is a virus while AIDS is a medical condition with
syndrome appearing at the advanced stages of HIV
 In Mauritius, roughly 1% of the population is living with
HIV, with the most at risk people being Injecting Drug
Users, Men having Sex with Men and Commercial Sex
 During a sexual encounter, the safest way to prevent
HIV transmission is by using a condom and water based
 Only 1 in 4 youngsters use a condom during a sexual
 In case of a condom breaking or an at risk behaviour, a
Post Exposure Prophylaxis earliest within the coming 72
hours is recommended to reduce risk of HIV
 Testing
 Sida-Info Hotline: 8999
Stigmatisation worsens HIV infection among Gay and Bi men
Despite knowing that HIV does not target a particular sex, age,
religion, caste, social status or sexual orientation, the
vulnerability of MSM to HIV is problematic, worsened by
stigmatisation and discrimination of LGBT in Mauritius. It has
been factually proven that homophobia was associated with
reduced accessibility to services (including healthcare) while
community engagement and comfort with health service
providers increased accessibility to services (Jack et. al, 2012).
84% of MSM have undergone verbal violence and harassment
and 7.4% victim of physical violence (IBBS 2012, 2012).
Projections and practices
1 in 5 MSM in Mauritius is HIV-positive and new models lead to
believe that HIV among MSM will undergo a rise of 35% in the
years to come. Low percentage of consistent condom use (30%
always use condom) and multiple sex-partners (55% have 2 or
more partners in 3 months) are factors leading to such a high
rate of infection among MSM. Furthermore, only 2.2% of MSM
who are living with HIV have been detected. The remaining
97.8% of MSM who are HIV positive are still not screened, and
these pose a risk to their partners (male and female) and other
MSM who will eventually be infected.
Young MSM
More than 50% of young MSM have had a sexual relationship at
the age of 16 and experienced same-sex sexual relationship at
17 years. With MSM being riskier, use of condom AND lube,
HIV-testing, being faithful and solo-sex are to be encouraged in
terms of sexual practices while policy and legal change make
their way.
SIDA-INFO HOTLINE - - - CALL - - - 8999
While Uganda and many other African leaders push forward the anti-gay agenda,
IDAHOT 2014 was marked with the participation of increasingly numerous African
countries calling for freedom of expression. To list: Algeria, Botswana, Burkina Faso,
Burundi, Cameroon, Democratic Republic of Congo, Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya,
Liberia, Madagascar, Mauritius, Morocco, Namibia, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal, Sierra
Leone, Somalia, South Africa, Sudan, Tunisia, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe.
In the Middle-East and Asian region as well, numerous countries have joined the mass
mobilisation: Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia,
Iran, Israel, Japan, Jordan, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon, Macau, Malaysia, Mongolia, Nepal,
Pakistan, Philippines, Russia, Singapore, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand,
United Arab Emirates and Vietnam.
From a prejudicially said “western-invention”, today, the fight against homophobia and
transphobia is GLOBAL and without boundaries.
The Young Queer Alliance supports #DemandAccountabilitySA: We call on South Africa to set the date for the Regional Seminar
on Ending Violence based on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity now! Click on the Image to sign the petition!
This Seminar is a key part of a global process to consult with all regions of the world on ending violence, other violations and
discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity and expression. Other regions held these Seminars between January
and April 2013, enabling states, civil society and National Human Rights Institutions to engage in focused dialogue on these issues.
The outcomes documents of each of these Regional Seminars are key in developing a shared global agenda to move forward the
process of addressing these violations and discrimination.
The African continent, a year later, has STILL not yet held its Regional Seminar. South Africa, on behalf of the Africa Region had
committed to hosting this Regional Seminar. As Civil Society Organisations in South Africa, we have repeatedly approached the
Directorate for International Relations and Cooperation (DIRCO) for requesting that they set a date and fulfil their commitment. Our
efforts have been met with silence and more empty promises. The time has come to stop requesting, and to start demanding
accountability from the South African government.
SIGN THIS PETITION to demand that our governments act accountable to commitments made to African women and men on
addressing violence based on sexual orientation and gender identity. Demand accountability!
Rainbow Parade 2014
June: Pride Month at the U.S. Embassy
Film viewing: Prayers for Bobby
Demand Accountability South Africa
Support Don’t Punish Campaign with CUT
QueerMag Team
Editor in Chief:
CHUTTOORGOON Neerusha | [email protected]
LABONNE Carine | [email protected]
POKEERBUX Bibi Tasnim | [email protected]

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