Gagnant : Juliette Martin Deuxièmes : Phoebe


Gagnant : Juliette Martin Deuxièmes : Phoebe
Concours de poésie
Tous les élèves de 5ème et de 6ème ont participé au troisième concours de poésie, organisé par les
professeurs d'anglais. Comme l’année dernière, après une première récitation en classe, deux candidats
ont été sélectionnés de chaque groupe.
Les finalistes ont tous reçu un diplôme et petit cadeau; des bons d’achat Dymocks ont été décernés aux
gagnants et aux deuxièmes.
Nos félicitations à tous les participants pour la qualité des récitations et nos remerciements à Mme
Elisabeth Cotta, professeur d’anglais du British Council, et à M Cauet, qui ont consacré de leur temps
libre pour venir départager les participants et remettre les prix.
Gagnant : Juliette Martin
Gagnant : Bastian Fernandez-Debets
Deuxièmes : Phoebe Macdonald et Margaux Deuxièmes :
Axelle Martin et
Rendez-vous l'année prochaine !
Voir lien suivant pour les poèmes : [mettre les poésies sur le site en actualités]
Poetry competition
All 5ème and 6ème students participated in the third poetry competition organised by the English
teachers. Following an initial classroom recital, two candidates were selected from each group.
For this second edition, all finalists received a certificate and small prize; Dymocks tokens were awarded
to the winners and runners-up.
Congratulations to all for the particularly high standard of the recitals and thank you to Mrs. Elisabeth
Cotta, English language specialist, and Mr Cauet, who took time out from their busy schedules to act as
Winner : Juliette Martin
Winner : Bastian Fernandez-Debets
Runner-up : Phoebe Macdonald et Margaux Runner-up :
See you next year!
Click on the following link for the poems: mettre lien vers les poesies ci-dessous
Poèsies sélectionnées
You mustn't be fooled by their features.
Most days when I
They look sweet, and kind, and gentle,
Go off to school
Some would say quite ornamental,
I’m perfectly contented
But they're really scary creatures.
To follow the rule,
'Come here and have a great big hug'
She squeezes me 'til I can't speak,
Enjoy my history,
Then kisses me upon the cheek,
My music, my sums,
Saliva, lipstick, perfume ugh!
Feel a little sorry
It's Christmas time I really fear.
When home time comes.
It’s just the same year after year,
As I unwrap my worst nightmare,
But on blowabout mornings
A set of knitted underwear.
When clouds are wild
So this year I thought I'd treat her
And the weather in a tumult –
To a gift which she could treasure
I’m a rebel child.
And would give me equal pleasure.
I've bought a Spiny Aunteater.
I sit quite calmly
My face at rest,
by Patrick Winstanley
Seem quite peaceable,
Behave my best;
But deep inside me
I’m wild as a cloud,
Glad the sky is thrown about
Glad the storm’s loud!
And when school’s over
And I’m out at last,
I’ll laugh in the rain
Hold my face to the blast,
Be free as the weather,
Bellow and shout
As I run through all the puddles –
“School’s out! School’s out!”
By Leslie Norris

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