Dark Lords of the Sith(Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi #5) by Tom Veitch


Dark Lords of the Sith(Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi #5) by Tom Veitch
Dark Lords of the Sith(Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi #5)
by Tom Veitch
4000 ans avant les événements de l'épisode IV, les temps étaient durs pour les Jedi. À cette époque, il perdirent
deux de leurs meilleurs jeunes Jedi au profit de la cause des Sith.
Le premier, c'est Exar Kun, un jeune Jedi très puissant. Le problème c'est qu'il est trop impatient, curieux et assoiffé
de pouvoir. Il se laisse donc séduire par l'esprit de Freedon Nadd, un ancien Sith. Celui-ci l'envoit à Korriban et le
place dans une situation de vie ou de mort. Sa seule façon de s'en sortir est d'utiliser les pouvoirs du côté obscur.
Le second, c'est Ulic Qel-Droma. Celui-ci a la très mauvaises idée d'infiltrer un groupe d'utilisateur de pouvoirs
obscur. Malheureusement pour lui, il est victime d'un poison Sith qui amplifie sa colère et l'amène à basculer du
mauvais côté de la Force.
Les deux Sith ont une ambition commune : prendre le contrôle de la Galaxie.
Cette bande dessinée est une des meilleures de la série Tales of the Jedi. le deux personnages principaux sont très
bien créés et leur chute est très plausible. J'ai une préférence pour Exar Kun. Ce que je n'ai pas aimé c'est encore
une fois les dessins qui sont très médiocre. Sinon la BD est en général très bien malgré une lecture un peu ardue
par moment.|Star Wars Legends Project #9
Background: Tales of the Jedi: Dark Lords of the Sith was released in six issues from October '94 to March '95, and
was released as a trade paperback in February of '96. It was co-written by Tom Veitch and Kevin J. Anderson and
mostly pencilled by Christian Gossett, with the final issue by Art Wetherell. Wetherell's only other Star Wars work
was on a series about Jabba the Hutt that appeared shortly after this. He has worked on various other comics,
including a Transformers series, but most of his work appears to be in various "Adult" comics, which (I presume
from their titles and the "Adults Only" label) are pornographic in nature. Didn't even know that was a thing.
including a Transformers series, but most of his work appears to be in various "Adult" comics, which (I presume
from their titles and the "Adults Only" label) are pornographic in nature. Didn't even know that was a thing.
Anyway . . .
Dark Lords of the Sith takes place about a year after The Freedon Nadd Uprising (my review here), about 3,997
years before the Battle of Yavin. All of the remaining Jedi from the previous series return here. This includes Jedi
Master Odan-Urr, who previously appeared in the first two Tales of the Jedi comics (set 5,000 BBY), and is now the
Jedi librarian on Ossus, and well over 1,000 years old, as well as the spirit of Dark Jedi Freedon Nadd. A few other
"new" arrivals are the Jedi Exar Kun, who is one of the major villains in Anderson's Jedi Academy Trilogy and his
later-referenced master Vodo-Siosk Baas. So, connections abound.
Summary: Flush with their victory on Onderon, the Jedi heroes of the Freedon Nadd Uprising find their triumph
short-lived. Nadd has extended his power to the Empress Teta system through two new Sith apprentices who have
murdered their ruling parents and begun a brutal regime of evil. The combined forces of the Jedi and the Republic
quickly dispatch a fleet to deal with the Tetans, led by Ulic Qel-Droma and Nomi Sunrider. Meanwhile, Jedi
Apprentice Exar Kun ignores the will of his master on a quest to delve into the ancient secrets of the Sith and the
dark side of the Force.
Review: So, after several hiccups and false starts, I finally, really feel like I'm in the middle of an awesome, epic
story . . . Which is mostly set-up for an even more awesome, epic story (if the next series can live up to this
promise). I spent most of this comic feeling a bit ambivalent about the switching back and forth between Exar
Kun's storyline and the actual main plot, but when it all finally came together at the end, I was completely satisfied.
It helped that Kun's story was actually really well-done, and certainly his character arc was more compelling than
Ulic Qel-Droma's in this case. I was somewhat less than convinced by his trajectory, and particularly by his
reasoning and the failure of the thousands of other Jedi present to meaningfully intervene in what was obviously a
bad idea. But the inexplicable stupidity of the Jedi isn't so much a problem that is unique to this comic. It's
actually, frustratingly, quite common . . . and all the more annoying because the dumb stuff they often do is
usually all wrapped up inside a load of pseudo-philosophical horse manure that's supposed to sound wise and
Which is why, in this story, we hear the Jedi masters proclaim that it is any individual Jedi's choice to follow the
dark side if they wish, and other Jedi must not interfere. Nevermind that the only outcome of this choice is that
the Jedi in question goes mad with evil and power and kills a bunch of people and has to be hunted down and
destroyed by the other Jedi who stood aside and let them make that choice in the first place. So, yeah . . . "It's your
choice, and we won't forcibly stop you. But we are going to have to kill you for it later." Makes sense.
It's all part of this recurring theme of a Jedi Order that basically feels that its individual members and their lives
carry more value than those of the galaxy's non-Jedi, and which is essentially blind to whatever they're doing
wrong that keeps resulting in some of its best and brightest turning to the dark side. I wonder if this a theme that
I'll keep seeing throughout the Expanded Universe leading up to the time of the films, and I wonder how much it's
just bad writing and how much it's intentional. I'll also be interested to pay attention to how much the writing of
Luke's post-trilogy Jedi falls prey to these same issues, or not.
But now I've wandered a bit clear of reviewing this comic, and into other considerations. That's not because
there's nothing worth saying about it, though it is a bit because most of what's worth saying could be considered
spoiler-ish. So, I'll leave it at a definite recommendation for Dark Lords of the Sith, and I'm very excited to see
whether the next chapter delivers on the promise of this one.
B+|Another great addition to the Tales of the Jedi series. In the story the Jedi are sent to stop Satal Keto and his
cousin Aleema from spreading their Sith sorcery. In the meantime, a Jedi named Exar Kun sets off on a journey to
learn more about Sith artifacts with the spirit of Exar Kun.
I found the beginning to be a tad bit slow for my tastes, but the epic conclusion made up for it. In the story we
learn more about the Massassi Temples on Yavin 4, the Jedi during this time, and, most importantly, Ulic QelDroma and Exar Kun. I was interesting to see the first story of Exar Kun who also plays a role in the Jedi Academy
learn more about the Massassi Temples on Yavin 4, the Jedi during this time, and, most importantly, Ulic QelDroma and Exar Kun. I was interesting to see the first story of Exar Kun who also plays a role in the Jedi Academy
Trilogy. We also get to just how much of an effect Naga Sadow truly had on a Sith of the time as well as Freedon
Nadd who plays a critical role in the story.
An amazing story and one that I look forward to reading again in the future.
|Além de uma arte esforçada mas pouco conseguida, a primeira parte é de tal modo bacoca que puxa
irremediavelmente para baixo a classificação da trade.
A seu favor tem o facto de a segunda metade deixar expectativas de coisa melhor para o tomo seguinte.|** spoiler
alert **
La historia narra el astuto plan de los espíritus de los antiguos Lords de los Sith, caídos en guerras pasadas, para ir
tentando a diversos personajes, un par de hermanos que se apoderan de viejos amuletos Sith bajo la influencia de
espíritu de Freedon Nadd, con los cuales pretenden apoderarse del sistema estelar de la emperadora Tetta. Así
mismo, dos Jedi, Exar Kur y Ulic Quel Droma, cada uno por su cuenta en busca, uno de los conocimientos oscuros
de los Sith ocultos en diversos mundos, y el otro mediante un plan por destruir a los hermanos, cada uno va
cayendo en las garras del lado oscuro, hasta convertirse en los nuevos Lords Oscuros de los Sith.