LES INSTANTS VIDEO 2010 Numériques et Poétiques International


LES INSTANTS VIDEO 2010 Numériques et Poétiques International
Numériques et Poétiques
International Videoart Festival
23th Edition, Marseille - France
27 October - 30 November 2010
Only on VisualcontainerTV
VisualcontainerTV is glad to host a selection from 23th Edition of Les Instants Vidéo, Numériques
et Poétiques, International videoart festival, Marseille - France.
We're honoured to welcome one of the most famous French videoart festivals, which has
nowadays reached its 23th edition!
The selection is presented on ExhibitContainer, a format that only shows International Videoart
festivals and curatorial projects from all over the world.
The on-line exhibition will be nearly simultaneous with the Festival's opening in Marseille, to
promote the best interaction between Italy and France on behalf of all videoart followers.
About 23th edition of Les Instants Video - Director of the Festival: Marc Mercier
The Instants Vidéo is the world’s record holder for its length (4 months), as well as for its width (3
continents, 8 countries, 15 cities and 30 places). This double athletic record has no more importance than
that of eggthrowing or that of the longest travelling in the history of cinema (300m in Godard’s Weekend). It
is there only to show our disinthralled passion for Dionysiac excessiveness.
Marseilles : our anchorage ground as well as our runway.
From 3rd September to 19th December, the Nomadic Instants Vidéo,
with the help of partner-organisations, organise the festival stopovers.
The reason why the Instants Vidéo have chosen to be at the same time here and elsewhere -Marseilles
being our anchorage ground as well as our runway- is the urge to feel in our flesh that we're not isolated,
that a cheerful and insubordinate constellation is being sketched in order to uphold the rallying cry of one of
the smaller Resistance networks during World War II : To emancipate and federate our humanities. Here is
an unreasonable network : Marseilles, Damascus, La Ciotat, Prague, Nice, Amsterdam, Alexandria, Aix-enProvence, Oran, Martigues, Port-de-Bouc, [.BOX] Videoart Project Space Milan curated by Visualcontainer,
Tlemcen, Kiev, Cairo, Florence.
VisualcontainerTV is a project by Visualcontainer in collaboration with TWWWRewwwolution HD Web TV
Numériques et Poétiques
International Videoart Festival
23th Edition, Marseille - France
From 27th October
To 30 th November 2010
Only on VisualContainerTV
Café con leche
de Thorsten Ecke
(Allemagne/Pologne, 2009) 1’38
Délicatesse (Delicacy)
de Triny Prada (France/Colombie, 2007) 2’33
Chicago Corner
de Bill Brown (USA, 2009) 4’35
de Kai Lossgott (Afrique du Sud, 2008) 2’24
La voûte
de Philippe Rouy (France, 2010) 7’10
Searching for Identity
de Medhat Mahmoud Mostafa Elsoudy
(Egypte, 2010) 5’39
Broken Windows
de Richard O’Sullivan
(Grande-Bretagne, 2009) 5’21
Malgré moi
de Marion Faure (France, 2008) 5’
de Mike Celona (USA, 2008) 2’11
de François Lejault (France, 2008) 6’24
The beast
de Jorge Garcia Velayos
(Espagne, 2009) 5’20
de Przemek Wegrzyn
(Pologne, 2007) 3’36
de José Man Lius (France, 2008) 3’03
de Bettina Mooshammer
(Autriche/Allemagne, 2010) 4’20
VisualContainerTv is the first Web Tv interely devoted to the International
A project by VisualContainer, the first videoart Italian distributor.
The channel is welcoming solo and group exhibitions and festivals under the
care of curators from all over the world.
For info about VisualcontainerTV contact:
[email protected]
VisualContainer - Via Volturno 41,20124 Milan, Italy www.visualcontainer.tv - www.visualcontainer.org