Nodet Book Reviews - École biblique et archéologique française de


Nodet Book Reviews - École biblique et archéologique française de
(* = recension)
1978 (1)
*Geninasca Jacques, Groupe d’Entreverne, Sémiotique et textes évangéliques, Paris, Seuil, 1977. — RB 1978, 300-306.
1980 (9)
*Giroud J.-C. et L. Panier, Analyse sémiotique des textes, Lyon, Presses
Universitaires, 1979. — RB 1980, 286-293.
3) *Greimas A.-J. et J. Courtès, Dictionnaire raisonné de la théorie du
langage, Paris, Hachette, 1979. — RB 1980, 286-293.
4) Amiran Ruth, Early Arad. The Chalcolithic Settlement and Early Bronze,
Jerusalem, Israel Exploration Society, 1978. — RB 1980, 436-439.
5) Boraas R. S. & S. H. Horn, Heshbon 1968, 1971, 1973, Berrien Springs,
Andrews University Press, 1969, 1973, 1975. — RB 1980, 442.
6) Kempinski Aharon, The Rise of An Urban Culture. The Urbanization of
Palestine in the Early Bronze Age, Jerusalem, The Israel Ethnographic
Society, 1978. — RB 1980, 436-439.
7) Meyers Eric M., A. Thomas Kraabel & James Strange, Ancient Synagogue
Excavations at Khirbet Shema’, Upper Galilee, Israel 1970-72. Durham,
Duke University Press, 1976. — RB 1980, 442-444.
8) Stern Ephraim, Excavations at Tel Mevorakh (1973-76). Part I : From the
Iron Age to the Roman Period (Qedem 9), Jerusalem, Hebrew University,
1978. — RB 1980, 440-441.
9) Waldbaum Jane, From Bronze to Iron, Göteborg, Paul Åströms Forlag,
1978. — RB 1980, 439-440.
10) Williams D. Price, The Tombs of the MB II Period from the “500”
Cemetery at Tell Fara (South), London, Institute of Archaeology, 1977. —
RB 1980, 441-442.
1981 (13)
11) *Patte, Daniel & Aline, Pour une exégèse structurale, Paris, Seuil, 1978.
— RB 1981, 136-139.
12) *Almeida Yvan, L’opérativité sémantique des récits-paraboles.
Sémiotique narrative et textuelle ; herméneutique du discours religieux,
Paris, Cerf / Leuven, Peeters, 1978. — RB 1981, 131-134.
13) Bar-Adon Pessah, The Cave of The Treasure. The Finds from the Caves in
Nahal Mishmar, Jerusalem, Israel Exploration Society, 1980. —
RB 1981, 457-458.
14) Detweiler Robert, Story, Sign and Self. Phenomenology and Structuralism
as Literary-Critical Methods, Philadelphia, Fortress Press, 1978. —
RB 1981, 136.
15) Dever William, H. Darell Lance (ed.), A Manual of Field Excavations.
Handbook for Field Archaeologists, Cincinnati, Hebrew Union College,
1978. — RB 1981, 451.
16) Dever William, H. Darell Lance, G. Ernest Wright, Gezer I. Preliminary
Report of the 1964-66 Seasons, Jerusalem, Hebrew Union College, 1970.
— RB 1981, 449-451.
17) Dever William, H. Darell Lance, G. Reuben G. Bullard, Dan P. Cole, Joe
D. Seger, Gezer II. Preliminary Report of the 1967-70 Seasons in Fields I
and II, Jerusalem, Hebrew Union College, 1974. — RB 1981, 449-451.
18) Karageorgis Vassos, Two Cypriote Sanctuaries of the End of the CyproArchaic Period, Roma, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, 1977. — RB
1981, 455-456.
19) Merrillees R. S., Introduction to the Bronze Age Archaeology of Cyprus,
Göteborg, Paul Åströms Forlag, 1978. — RB 1981, 453-454.
20) Polzin Robert M., Biblical Structuralism. Method and Subjectivity in the
Study of Ancient Texts, Philadelphia, Fortress Press, 1977. — RB 1981,
21) Shiloh Yigal, The Proto-Aeolic Capital and Israelite Ashlar Masonry
(Qedem 11), Jerusalem, Hebrew Un iversity, 1979. — RB 1981, 455.
22) Thompson T. L., The Settlement of Palestine in the Bronze Age,
Wiesbaden, L. Reichert Vlg, 1979. — RB 1981, 456-457.
23) Zori Nehemiah, The Land of Issachar. Archaeological Survey, Jerusalem,
Israel Exploration Society, 1977. — RB 1981, 452-453.
1982 (39)
24) Åström Paul and Sven A. Erikson, Fingerprints and Archaeology,
Göteborg, Paul Åströms Forlag, 1980. — RB 1982, 285.
25) Åström Paul, D. M. Bailey and Vassos Karageorgis, Hala Sultan Tekke I :
Excavations 1897-1971, Göteborg, Paul Åströms Forlag, 1976. —
RB 1982, 454-455.
26) Åström Paul, Gunnel Hult and Margareta Strandberg Olofsson, Hala
Sultan Tekke III : Excavations 1972, Göteborg, Paul Åströms Forlag,
1977. — RB 1982, 455-456.
27) Åström Paul, The Cuirass Tomb and Other Finds at Dendra. Part I : The
Chamber Tombs, Göteborg, Paul Åströms Forlag, 1977 — RB 1982, 458.
28) Ben-David Arye, Talmudische Ökonomie. Die Wirtschaft des jüdischen
PalÄstina zur Zeit der Mischna und des Talmud, Heidesheim, Georg Olms
Vlg, 1974. — RB 1982, 462-463.
29) Betancourt Philip P. & al., Vasilike Ware, An Early Bronze Age Pottery
Style in Crete, Göteborg, Paul Åströms Forlag, 1979 — RB 1982, 286.
30) Braude William G. and Israel J. Kapstein, Tanna d’be Eliyyahu. The Lore
of The School of Elijah, Philadelphia, Jewish Publication Societyy or
America, 1981. — RB 1982, 467-468.
31) Cazelles Henri, A la recherche de Moïse, Paris, Cerf, 1979. —
RB 1982, 157-158.
32) Del Valle, La Misná, Madrid, Editora Nacional, 1981. — RB 1982, 463464.
33) Dickinson O. P. T. K., The Origin of Mycenaean Civilisation, Göteborg,
Paul Åströms Forlag, 1977. — RB 1982, 456-457.
34) Dothan Trude, Excavations at the Cemetery of Deir el Balaå (Qedem 10),
Jerusalem, Hebrew University, 1979. — RB 1982, 453.
35) Engvig Olaf T. and Paul Åström, Hala Sultan Tekke II : The Cape Kili
Survey. An Underwater Archaeological Survey, Göteborg, Paul Åströms
Forlag, 1976. — RB 1982, 455.
36) Feldman Emanuel, Biblical and Post-biblical Defilement and Mourning :
Law as Theology, New Tork, Yeshiva University Press, 1977. —
RB 1982, 464-465.
37) Fischer Peter M., Applications of Technical Davices in Archaeology.
Göteborg, Paul Åströms Forlag, 1980. — RB 1982, 287-288.
38) Green William Scott, Persons and Institutions in Early Rabbinic Judaism,
Missoula, Scholars Press, 1977. — RB 1982, 465-466.
39) Haas Peter J., A History of the Mishnaic Law of Agriculture. Tractate
Maaser Sheni, Chico, Scholars Press, 1980. — RB 1982, 466-467.
40) Hellbing Lennart, Alasia Problems, Göteborg, Paul Åströms Forlag, 1979.
— RB 1982, 456.
41) Helms S. W., Jawa, Lost City of the Black Desert, London, Methuen,
1981. — RB 1982, 452-453.
42) Hermary Antoine, Amathonte II. Testimonia, deuxime partie : les
sculptures découvertes avant 1975, Paris, Éd. A. D. P. F., École française
d’Athènes, 1981. — RB 1982, 283-284.
43) Hirsch Ethel S., Painted Decoration on the Floors of Bronze Age Structures in Crete and the Greek Mainland, Göteborg, Paul Åströms Forlag,
1977. — RB 1982, 285-286.
44) Hope Simpson R. and O. T. P. K. Dickinson, A Gazetter of Aegean Civilisation in the Bronze Age, Göteborg, Paul Åströms Forlag, 1979. —
RB 1982, 457.
45) Hult Gunnel and Dan McCaslin, Hala Sultan Tekke IV : Excavations in
Area 8 in 1974 and 1976. The 1977 Underwater Report, Göteborg, Paul
Åströms Forlag, 1978 — RB 1982, 455-456.
46) Hult Gunnel, Hala Sultan Tekke VII. Excavations in Area 8 in 1977, Göteborg, Paul Åströms Forlag, 1981 — RB 1982, 455-456.
47) Johnson Jane, Maroni de Chypre, Göteborg, Paul Åströms Forlag, 1979.
— RB 1982, 286.
48) Kanta A., The Late Minoan III Period in Crete : A Survey of Sites, Pottery
and Their Distribution, Göteborg, Paul Åströms Forlag, 1980. —
RB 1982, 457.
49) Kaplan Maureen F., The Origin and Distribution of Tell el-Yahudiyeh
Ware, Göteborg, Paul Åströms Forlag, 1980. — RB 1982, 458-459.
50) Kenna V. E. G., Corpus of Cypriote Antiquities, 3 : Catalogue of Cypriote
Seals of the Bronze Age in the British Museum, Göteborg, Paul Åströms
Forlag, 1971. — RB 1982, 284-285.
51) Kenyon Kathleen & al., Excavations at Jericho. III – The Architecture and
Stratigraphy of the Tell, London, British School of Archaeology in Jerusalem, 1981. — RB 1982, 280-283.
52) Maredsous, Centre Informatique et Bible, Brepols, 1981 — RB 1982, 277278.
53) McCaslin Dan E., Stone Anchor in Antiquity : Coastal Settlements and
Maritime Trade-Route in the Eastern Mediterranean ca. 1600-1050 B.C.,
Göteborg, Paul Åströms Forlag, 1980. — RB 1982, 453-454.
54) Öbrink Ulla, Hala Sultan Tekke V : Excavations in Area 22, 1971-73 and
1975-78, Göteborg, Paul Åströms Forlag, 1979. — RB 1982, 455-456.
55) Öbrink Ulla, Hala Sultan Tekke VI : A Sherd Deposit in Area 22,
Göteborg, Paul Åströms Forlag, 1979. — RB 1982, 455-456.
56) Papadopoulos Thanasis J., Mycenaean Achaea. Part I : Text & Part 2 :
Figures, Göteborg, Paul Åströms Forlag, 1979. — RB 1982, 457.
57) Poswick R.-Ferdinand et al., Concordance de la Bible de Jérusalem. Paris,
Éd. du Cerf & Turnhout, Brepols, 1982. — RB 1982, 277-278.
58) Pritchard James B., The Cemetery at Tell es-Sa’idiyeh, Jordan,
Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania, 1980. — RB 1982, 453.
59) Rosenthal Renate & Renee Sivan, Ancient Lamps in the Schloessinger
Collection (Qedem 8), Jerusalem, Hebrew University, 1978. —
RB 1982, 461-462.
60) Stanley Price, Early Prehistoric Settlement in Cyprus. A Review and
Gazetteer of Sites, c. 6500-3000 BC, Oxford, B. A. R., 1979. —
RB 1982, 284.
61) Todd Jan A., The Prehistory of Central Anatolia. I : The Neolithic
Period, Göteborg, Paul Åströms Forlag, 1980. — RB 1982, 286-287.
62) Zahavi Tzvee, The Traditions of Eleazar Ben Azariah, Missoula, Scholars
Press, 1977. — RB 1982, 465.
1984 (1)
63) Davies William David, The Territorial Dimension of Judaism. Berkeley,
University of California Press, 1982. — RB 1984, 151-153.
1985 (16)
64) *Leiman Sid Z., The Canonization of Hebrew Scripture : The Talmudic
and Midrashic Evidence, Hamden, Archon Books, 1976. — RB 1985, 589596.
65) *Neusner Jacob, A History of the Mishnaic Law of Appointed Times,
Leiden, Brill, 1981. — RB 1985, 466-472.
66) *Neusner Jacob, A History of the Mishnaic Law of Purities, Leiden, Brill,
1977. — RB 1985, 466-472.
67) *Neusner Jacob, A History of the Mishnaic Law of Women, Leiden, Brill,
1980. — RB 1985, 466-472.
68) *Neusner Jacob, From-Analysis and Exegesis : A Fresh Approach to the
interpretation of Mishna, with Special Reference to Mishna-Tractate
Makhshirin, Minneapolis, University of Minnesota. — RB 1985, 466-472.
69) *Neusner Jacob, The Tosefta, Translated from the Hebrew, New York,
Ktav, 1977. — RB 1985, 466-472.
70) *Rengstorf Karl Heinrich (ed.), A Complete Concordance to Flavius
Josephus, Vol. IV, Leiden, Brill, 1983. — RB 1985, 581-589.
71) Brooks Roger, Support for the Poor in the Mishnaic Law of Agriculture :
Tractate Peah, Chico, Scholars Press, 1983. — RB 1985, 472-473.
72) Calloud Jean et François Genuyt, La première épître de Pierre. Analyse
Sémiotique, Paris, Cerf, 1982. — RB 1985, 611-612.
73) Feldman Louis H., Josephus and Modern Scholarship (1937-1980), Berlin
– New York, W. De Gruyter, 1984. — RB 1985, 473-476.
74) Jaffee Martin S., Mishnah’s Theology of Tithing : A Study of Tractate
Maaserot, Chico, Scholars Press, 1981. — RB 1985, 472.
75) Mandelbaum Irving, A History of the Mishnaic Law of Agriculture :
Kilayim, Translation and Exegesis, Chico, Scholars Press, 1982. —
RB 1985, 472.
76) Neusner Jacob, A History of the Mishnaic Law of Purity. Part XXI : The
Redaction and Formulation of the Ordre of Purities in the Mishna and
Tosefta (Studies in Judaism in Late Antiquity, VI/XXI). Leiden, Brill,
1977. — RB 1985, 467.
77) Neusner Jacob, The Academic Study of Judaism. Essays and Reflexions,
Chico, Scholars Press, 1982. — RB 1985, 466.
78) Newman Louis E., The Sanctity of the Seventh Year : A Study of Mishnah
Tractate Shebiit, Chico, Scholars Press, 1983. — RB 1985, 473.
79) Peck Alan J., The Priestly Gift in Mishna : A Study of Tractate Terumot,
Chico, Scholars Press, 1981. — RB 1985, 472.
1986 (27)
80) Chavanne Marie-José, Vases de Bronze du Musée de Chypre (9e-4e s. av.
J.-C.), Paris, de Boccard, 1982. — RB 1986, 460.
81) Clarke E. G. & al., Targum Pseudo-Jonathan on the Pentateuch. Text and
Concordance, Hoboken, Ktav, 1984. — RB 1986, 605-608.
82) Gueuret Agnès, L’engendrement d’un récit. L’évangile de l’enfance selon
saint Luc, Paris, Cerf, 1983. — RB 1986, 613.
83) Hengel Martin, Rabbinische Legende und Frühpharisaische Geschichte ;
Schimeon ben Schetach und die achtzig Hexen von Askalon, Heidelberg,
Carl Winter, 1984. — RB 1986, 619.
84) Kamil Turhan, Yortan Cemetery in the Early Bronze Age of Western
Anatolia, Oxford, B. A. R., 1982. — RB 1986, 460-461.
85) Kromholz, The Bronze Age Necropolis at Ayia Paraskevi (Nicosia) ;
Unpublished Tombs of the Cyprus Museum, Göteborg, Paul Åströms
Forlag, 1982. — RB 1986, 460.
86) Levinson Pnina Navè, einführung in die rabbinische Theologie, Darmstadt,
Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1982. — RB 1986, 620-621.
87) Manns Frédéric, La prière d’Israël à l’heure de Jésus (SBF Analecta, 22).
Jérusalem, 1986. — RB 1986, 618.
88) Manns Frédéric, Pour Lire la Mishna (SBF Analecta, 21). Jérusalem,
1984. — RB 1986, 617.
89) Matt Daniel Hanan, Rabbi David ben Yehuda he-Hasid : The Book of
Mirrors (Sefer Mar’ot haZove’ot, Chico, Scholars Press, 1982. —
RB 1986, 624.
90) Netzer Ehud, Greater Herodium, Jerusalem, Hebrew University
(I2004, nstitute of Archaeology), 1981. — RB 1986, 461.
91) Neudecker Reinhard, Frührabbinisches Ehescheidungsrecht. Der ToseftaTraktat Gittin, Rome, Biblical Institute Press, 1982. — RB 1986 ; 622.
92) Neusner Jacob (ed.), In the Margins of the Yerushalmi : Glosses on the
English Translation, Chico, Scholars Press, 1983. — RB 1986, 622-623.
93) Neusner Jacob, Formative Judaism. Religious, Historical and Literary
Studies, Chico, Scholars Press, 1982. — RB 1986, 617-618.
94) Neusner Jacob, Formative Judaism. Religious, Historical and Literary
Studies. Fourth Series : Problems of Classification and Composition,
Chico, Scholars Press, 1984. — RB 1986, 617-618.
95) Neusner Jacob, Major Trends in Formative Judaism. I : Society and
Symbol in Political Crisis, Chico, Scholars Press, 1983. — RB 1986, 619.
96) Neusner Jacob, The Talmud of Babylonia : An American Translation.
XVII : Sotah, Chico, Scholars Press, 1984. — RB 1986, 623.
97) Panier Louis, Récit et commentaires de la tentation de Jésus au désert.
Approche sémiotique du discours interprétatif, Paris, Cerf, 1984. —
RB 1986, 613-614.
98) Peltenburg E. J., Recent Developments in the Later Prehistory of Chyprus,
Göteborg, Paul Åströms Forlag, 1982. — RB 1986, 459-460.
99) Pérez Fernandez Miguel, Los Capitulos de Rabbi Eliezer, Valencia,
Biblioteca Midrásica – San Jerónimo, 1984. — RB 1986, 623-624.
100) Raday Yehuda T. and Haim Shore & al., Genesis. An Authorship Study in
Computer-Assisted Statistical Lingjistics, Rome, Biblical Institute Press,
1985. — RB 1986, 615-616.
101) Raphaël Freddy, Judaïsme et Capitalisme. Essai sur la controverse entre
Max Weber et Werner Sombart, Paris, P. U. F., 1982. — RB 1986 ; 621.
102) Schäfer Peter, Studien zur Geschichte und Theologie des rabbinischen
Judentums, Leiden, Brill, 1982. — RB 1986, 617.
103) Séd Nicolas, La mystique cosmologique juive, Berlin – Paris – New York,
Mouton Éd., 1981. — RB 1986, 619-620.
104) Wewers Gerd A., Übersetzung des Talmud Yerushalmi : Bavot – Pforten,
Tübingen, Mohr-Siebeck, 1982. — RB 1986, 622.
105) Wewers Gerd A., Übersetzung des Talmud Yerushalmi : Makkot-Shevuot,
Tübingen, Mohr-Siebeck, 1983. — RB 1986 ; 622.
106) Wonneberger Reinhard, Syntax und Exegese. Eine Generative Therie der
griechischen Syntax und ihr Beitrag zur Auslegung des Neuen
Testamentes, (2. Korinther 5,2f und Römer 3,21-26), Frankfurt am Main,
Peter Lang, 1979. — RB 1986, 614-615.
1987 (9)
107) Falk Harvey, Jesus the Pharisee : A New Look at the Jewishness of Jesus,
New York, Paulist Press, 1985. — RB 1987, 301.
108) Kuhn Peter, Gottes Trauer und Klage in der rabbinischen Überlieferung
(Talmud und Midrash), Leiden, Brill, 1978. — RB 1987, 300.
109) Neusner Jacob (ed.), Take Judaism, for Example. Studies Toward the
Comparison of Religions, Chicago, University Press, 1983. — RB 1987,
110) Neusner Jacob, Formative Judaism : Religious, Historical and Literary
Studies. Fifth Series : Revisioning the Written Records of a Nascent
Religion, Chico, Scholars Press, 1985. — RB 1987, 297-298.
111) Neusner Jacob, Messiah in Contact : Israel’s History and Destiny in
Formative Judaism, Philadelphia, Fortress Press, 1984. — RB 1987, 299300.
112) Neusner Jacob, Midrash in Contact : Exegesis in Formative Judaism,
Philadelphia, Fortress Press, 1983. — RB 1987, 298-299.
113) Novak David, Halakhah in a Theological Dimension, Chico, Scholars,
Press, 1985. — RB 1987, 300-301.
114) Priest James E., Governmental and Judicial Ethics in the Bible and
Rabbinic Literature, New York, Ktav, 1980. — RB 1987, 300.
115) Schiffman Laurence H., Who was a Jew ? Rabbinic and Halakhic
Perpectives on The Jewish Christian Schism, Hoboken, Ktav, 1985. —
RB 1987, 301-302.
1988 (1)
116) *Egger Rita, Josephus Flavius und die Samaritaner, Eine terminologische
Untersuchung zur Identitätsklärung der Samaritaner (NT et Orbis Antiquus 4). Freiburg, Universitätsverlag, 1986. — RB 1988, 288-294.
1993 (39)
117) *Meynet Roland, L’analyse rhétorique. Une nouvelle méthode pour
comprendre la Bible (Coll. Initiations). Préface de Paul Beauchamp. Paris,
Éditions du Cerf, 1989. — RB 1993, 624-627.
118) *Meynet Roland, L’évangile selon Saint Luc. Analyse rhétorique. 1.
Planches ; 2. Commentaire. Paris, Éditions du Cerf, 1988. — RB 1993,
119) *Oppenheimer Aharon, Galilee in the Mishnaic Period. Jerusalem, The
Zalman Shazar Center for Jewish History, 1991. — RB 1993, 436-446.
120) *Sacchi Paolo, L’apocalittica giudaica e la sua storia (Biblioteca di Cultura Religiosa, 55). Brescia, Paideia Editrice, 1990. — RB 1993, 609-612.
121) Banitt Menahem, Rashi Interpreter of the Biblical Letter. The Chaim
Rosenberg School of Jewish Studies (Tel Aviv University), Tel Aviv,
1986. — RB 1993, 303-304.
122) Bar-Kochva Bezalel, Judas Maccabeus. The Jewish Struggle Against the
Seleucids. Cambridge University Press, 1989. (Permière version : 1980
héb.). — RB 1993, 617-618.
123) Benéitez Manuel, Esta salvación de Dios (Hech 28, 28). Análisis narrativo
estructuralistica de « Hechos ». Madrid, Universidad Pontificia Comillas,
1986. — RB 1993, 627-628.
124) De Regt L. J., A Parametric Model for Syntactic Studies of a Textual
Corpus, Demonstrated on the Hebrew of Deuteronomy 1-30 (Studia
Semitica Neerlandica, 24). Assen/Maastricht, Van Gorcum, 1988. —
RB 1993, 630.
125) Doron, Pinchas Interpretation of Difficult Passages in Rashi. Part I :
Genesis and Exodus. With Introduction : “Rashi’s Exegetical Methodology”. Ktav Publishing House, Hoboken (N. J.), 1985. — RB 1993, 304.
126) Enermalm-Ogawa Agneta, Un langage de prière juif en grec. Le
témoignage des deux premiers livres des Maccabées (Coniectanea Biblica,
NT Series, 17).Stockholm, Almqvist & Wiksell International, 1987. —
RB 1993, 615-616.
127) Hadas-Lebel Mireille, Flavius Josèphe ; le Juif de Rome. Fayard, Paris,
1989. — RB 1993, 617.
128) Hadas-Lebel Mireille, Jérusalem contre Rome (Patrimoines — Judaïsme).
Paris, Éditions du Cerf, 1990. — RB 1993, 465-466.
129) Kadushin Max, A Conceptual Commentary on Midrash Leviticus Rabba
(Brown Judaic Studies, 126). Atlanta, Scholars Press, 1987. —
RB 1993, 624.
130) Kampen John, The Hasideans and the Origin of Pharisaism. A Study in 1
and 2 Maccabees (SBL, Septuagint and Cognate Studies, 24). Atlanta,
Scholars Press, 1988. — RB 1993, 614-615.
131) Khan Geoffrey, Karaites Bible Manuscripts from the Cairo Genizah
(Cambridge University Library Genizah Series, 9). Cambridge University
Press, 1990. — RB 1993, 304-305.
132) Kjärgaard Mogens Stiller, Metaphor and Parable. Etc. (Acta Theologica
Danica, 20). Leiden,Brill, 1986. — RB 1993, 628-630.
133) Koester Craig R., The Dwelling of God. The Tabernacle in the Old Testament, Intertestamental Jewish Literature and the New Testament (CBQ
Monograph Series, 22). Washington DC, CBA, 1989. — RB 1993, 616.
134) Lenhardt Pierre et Matthieu Collin, La Torah orale des pharisiens. Textes
de la tradition d’Israël (Supplément au Cahier Évangile 73). Paris, Éditions du Cerf, 1990. — RB 1993, 623.
135) Lightstone Jack N., Society, the Sacred, and Scripture in Ancient Judaism.
A Sociology of Knowledge (Studies in Christianity and Judaism, 3). Waterloo (Ont.), Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 1988. — RB 1993, 612-614.
136) McKnight Edgar V., Postmodern Use of the Bible. The Emergence of
Reader-Oriented Criticism, Nashville (Tenn.), Abingdon Press, 1988. —
RB 1993, 630-631.
137) Neusner Jacob, Comparative Midrash. The Plan and Program of Genesis
and Leviticus Rabbah (Brown Judaic Studies, 111). Atlanta, Scholars
Press, 1987. — RB 1993, 622-623.
138) Neusner Jacob, Genesis and Judaism ; The Perspective of Genesis
Rabbah. An Analytical Anthology (Brown Judaic Studies, 108). Atlanta,
Scholars Press, 1987. — RB 1993, 621.
139) Neusner Jacob, Genesis Rabbah ; The Judaic Commentary to the Book of
Genesis6 (Brown Judaic Studies, 104-106). Atlanta, Scholars Press, 3 vol.,
1985. — RB 1993, 621.
140) Neusner Jacob, Le judaïsme à l’aube du christianisme (Coll. Lire la Bible,
71), traduit par Jean-Pierre Bagot. Paris, Cerf, 1986. (Original : Judaism in
the Beginning of Christianity, Philadelphia, Fortress Press, 1984). —
RB 1993, 618-619.
141) Neusner Jacob, Sifré to Deuteronomy ; An Analytical Translation (Brown
Judaic Studies, 98 & 101). Atlanta, Scholars Press, 2 vol., 1987. —
RB 1993, 620-621.
142) Neusner Jacob, Sifré to Deuteronomy ; An Introduction to the Rhetorical,
Logical and Topical Program. (Brown Judaic Studies, 124). Atlanta,
Scholars Press, 1987. — RB 1993, 620-621.
143) Neusner Jacob, The Memorized Torah ; The Mnemonic System of the
Mishnah (Brown Judaic Studies, 96). Atlanta, Scholars Press, 1987. —
RB 1993, 620.
144) Neusner Jacob, What Is Midrash ? (Guides to Biblical Scholarship).
Philadelphia, Fortress Press, 1987. — RB 1993, 622-623.
145) Neusner Jacob, Writing with Scripture. The Authority and Uses of the
Hebrew Bible in the Torah of Formative Judaism. Minneapolis (Minn.),
Fortress Press, 1989. — RB 1993, 619-620.
146) Piñero Antonio (ed.), Origenes del cristianismo. Antecedentes y primeros
pasos. Cordoba, Ediciones el Almendro (Madrid, Universidad
Complutense), 1991. — RB 1993, 462-464.
147) Schwier Helmut, Tempel und Tempelzerstörung (Novum Testamentum
und Orbis Antiquus, 11). Freiburg (CH), Universitätsverlag, et Göttingen,
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1989. — RB 1993, 616-617.
148) Simon Uriel, Abraham Ibn Ezra’s Two Commentaries on the Minor
Prophets. An Annotated Critical Edition. Volume One : Hosea, Joel, Amos.
Université Bar-Ilan, Ramat Gan, 1989. — RB 1993, 304.
149) Stioui Roger, Le Calendrier hébraïque (yswd h’bwr). Paris, Éditions
Colbo, 1988. — RB 1993, 459-460.
150) Syrén Roger, The Blessings in the Targums. A Study on the Targumic
Interpretation of Genesis 49 and Deuteronomy 33 (Acta Academiae
Aboensis, Ser. A, Vol. 64 nr 1). Åbo, Institutionen för Exegetik (Åbo
Akademi), 1986. — RB 1993, 473-474.
151) Taradach Madeleine, Le Midrash. Introduction à la littérature midrashique. (Dr™ dans la Bible, les Targumim, les Midrashim) (Le Monde de
la Bible, 22). Genève, Labor et Fides, 1991. — RB 1993, 623.
152) Van’t Dack E., W. Clarysse, G. Cohen, J. Quaegebeur & J. K. Winnicki,
The Judean-Syrian-Egyptian Conflict of 103-101 B. C. (Collectanea
Hellenistica, 1). Brussel, Koninklijke Akademie van België (Klassieke
Studies), 1989. — RB 1993, 461-462.
153) Vasholz Robert I., The Old Testament Canon in the Old Testament
Church. The Internal Rationale for Old Testament Canonicity (Ancient
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296) *Robinson James M., Paul Hoffmann & John S. Kloppenborg, The Critical Edition of Q. Synopsis with English, German and French Translations
(HermeneiaSup). Minneapolis, Fortress Press, 2000. — RB 2003, 465-471.
297) Azcárraga Servert María Josefa de, La masora parva del Códice de Profetas de El Cairo. Índice analítico (Textos y Estudios “Cardinal Cisneros”
de la Biblia Poliglota Matritense, 61). Madrid, Instituto de Folologá del
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298) Bauckham Richard, James. Wisdom of James, Disciple of Jesus the Sage
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299) Blanchetière François, Enquête sur les racines juives du mouvement chrétien (30-135) (Coll. « Initiations »). Paris, Éd. du Cerf, 2001. —
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Peter Lang Vlg, 2000. — RB 2003, 633.
301) Bond Helen K., Pontius Pilate in History and Interpretation (SNTS, Mon.
Series, 100). Cambridge University Press, 1998. — RB 2003, 621-623.
302) Bottini Giovanni Claudio ofm, Giacomo e la sua lettera. Una introduzione
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303) Calloud Jean & François Genuyt, L’Évangile de Matthieu. Lecture sémio-
tique. Lyon, CADIR, 1996-1998. — RB 2003, 129-130.
304) Cousin Hugues, Jean-Pierre Lemonon, Jean Massonnet et al., Le monde où
vivait Jésus. Paris, Éd. du Cerf, 1998. — RB 2003, 619-621.
305) Deines Roland, Die Pharisäer. Ihr Verstandnis im Spiegel der christliche
und jüdischen Forschung seit Wellhausen und Graetz (WUNT, 101).
Tübingen, Mohr-Siebeck, 1997. — RB 2003, 303-305.
306) Douglas Mary, Leviticus as Literature. Oxford University Press, 1999. —
RB 2003, 130-133.
307) Edgar David Hutchinson, Has God Not Chosen the Poor ? The Social Setting of the Epistle of James (JSNT, Suppl. Ser., 206). Sheffield Academic
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308) Elliott Mark Adam, The Survivors of Israel. A Reconsideration of the
Theology of pre-Christian Judaism. Grand Rapids, Eerdmans Publishing
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309) Giniac Alain, Juifs et chrétiens à l’école de Paul de Tarse. Enjeux identitaires et éthiques d’une lecture de Romains 9-11 (Coll. « Sciences bibliques », 9). Montréal, Médiaspaul, 1999. — RB 2003, 307-308.
310) Grunewald Jacquot, Chalom, Jésus. Lettre d’un rabbin d’aujourd’hui au
rabbi de Nazareth (Coll. « Spiritualités »). Paris, Albin Michel, 2000. —
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311) Horbury William, Jew and Christians in Contact and Controversy. Edinburgh, T&T Clark , 1998. — RB 2003, 306-307.
312) Idel Moshe, La Cabale. Nouvelles perspectives (Coll. « Patrimoine, judaïsme »). Paris, Éd. du Cerf, 1998. (Original : Kabbalah : New Perspectives.
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313) Klauck Hans Josef, Magic and Paganism in Early Christianity. The World
of the Acts of the Apostles. Edinburgh, T&T Clark, 2000. — RB 2003, 623.
314) Marguerat Daniel & Yvan Bourquin, Pour lire les récits bibliques.
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315) Marguerat Daniel et al., Introduction au Nouveau Testament. Son histoire,
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Fides, 2001. — RB 2003, 471-472.
316) Mimouni Simon Claude, Le judéo-christianisme ancien. Essais historiques
(Coll. « Patrimoines »). Paris, Éd. du Cerf, 1998. — RB 2003, 463-465.
317) Neusner Jacob, Recovering Judaism. The Universal Dimension of Judaism.
Minneapolis, Fortress Press, 2001. — RB 2003, 633-634.
318) Painter John, Just James. The Brother of Jesus in History and Tradition.
Edinburgh, T&T Clark, 1999. — RB 2003, 624-629.
319) Remaud Michel, À cause des Pères. Le “Mérite des Pères” dans la tradition juive (Coll. REJ, 22). Paris-Leuven, Peeters, 1997. — RB 2003, 617618.
320) Romano Antonella, La Contre-Réforme mathématique. Constitution et
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321) Rooke Deborah W., Zadok’s Heirs. The Role and Development of the High
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322) Schwemer Anna Maria, Studien zu den Frühjüdischen Prophetenlegenden
Vitae Prophetarum. Übersetzung und Kommentar (TSAJ, 49 & 50). Tübingen, Mohr-Siebeck, 2 vol. 1995 & 1996. — RB 2003, 127.
323) Tromp Johannes, The Assumption of Moses. A Critical Edition with Commentary (Studia in V. T. Pseudepigrapha, 10). Leiden, Brill, 1993. — RB
2003, 126-127.
324) Wachob Wesley Hiram, The Voice of Jesus in the Social Rhetoric of James
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RB 2003, 630.
325) Waubke Hans-Günther, Die Pharisäer in der protestantischen Bibelwissenschaft des 19. Jahrhunderts (Beiträge zur historischen Theologie,
107). Tübingen, Mohr-Siebeck, 1998. — RB 2003, 305-306.
326) Wénin André, Isaac ou l’épreuve d’Abraham. Approche narrative de Genèse 22 (Livre et Rouleau, 8). Bruxelles, Lessius, 1999. — RB 2003, 129.
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328) *Collins Nina L., The Library in Alexandria & the Bible in Greek (VT
Suppl., 82). Leiden-Boston-Köln, Brill, 2000. — RB 2004, 618-622.
329) *Leeming Henry & Kate, Josephus’ Jewish War and Its Slavonic Version.
A Synoptic Comparison (Arbeiten zur Geschichte des Antiken Judentums
und des Urchistentums, XLVI). Leiden-Boston, Brill, 2003. — RB 2004,
330) Abegg Martin Jr, Peter Flint & Eugen Ulrich, The Dead Sea Scrolls Bible,
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331) Arthus Olivier, La naissance du judaïsme (Coll. « La Bible tout simplement »). Paris, Éd. de l’Atelier, 1999. — RB 2004, 135-136.
332) Becker Hans-Jürgen, Die großen rabbinischen Sammelwerke Palästinas.
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333) Begg Christopher T., Josephus’ History of the Later Monarchy. Leuven,
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334) Bohak Gideon, Joseph and Asenath and the Jewish Temple in Heliopolis
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335) Cazeaux Jacques, La guerre sainte n’aura pas lieu (Lectio divina, 185).
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336) Cazeaux Jacques, Le refus de la guerre sainte. Josué, Juges, Ruth (Lectio
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337) Collins John J., Jewish Wisdom in the Hellenistic Age (The Old Testament
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338) Cook Johann, The Sptuagint of Proverbs. Jewish and/or Hellenistic Proverbs ? Concerning the Hellenistic Colouring of LXX Proverbs, Leiden,
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339) Dahan Gilbert, L’exégèse chrétienne de la Bible en Occident médiéval,
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340) De Troyer Kristin, The End of the Alpha Text of Esther. Translation and
Narrative Technique in MT 8:1-17, LXX 8:1-17, and AT 7:14-41 (Septuagint and Cognate Studies Series, 48). Atlanta, Society of Biblical Literature, 2000. — RB 2004, 623-625.
341) Del Valle Rodríguez Carlos & Gunther Stemberger, Saadia Ibn Danán : El
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342) Doering Lutz, Schabbat. Sabbathalacha und -praxis im antiken Judentum
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343) Egger Peter, Verdienste vor Gott ? Der Begriff zekhut im rabbinischen Genesiskommentar Bereschit Rabba (NTOA, 43). Fribourg (CH) & Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2000. — RB 2004, 634-635.
344) Feldman Louis H. and Meyer Reinhold (Eds.), Jewish Life and Thought
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345) Feldman Louis H., Studies in Josephus’ Rewritten Bible (JSJ Suppl. Series,
58). Leiden, Brill, 1998. — RB 2004, 626-628.
346) Fernández Lago José, El Espíritu Santo en el mundo de la Biblia. Santiago
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347) Geoltrain Pierre (éd.), Aux origines du christianisme (Coll. « Folio/Histoire », 98). Paris, Gallimard, 2000. — RB 2004, 304-305.
348) Gera Dov, Judaea and Mediterranean Politics, 219 to 161 B. C. E. (Brill’s
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349) Grelot Pierre, Corps et sang du Christ en gloire (Lectio Divina, 182).
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351) Hamonville David-Marc d’, avec la coll. de Sr Épiphane Dumouchet, Les
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353) Harlé Paul, avec la coll. de Thérèse Roqueplo, Les Juges (La Bible
d’Alexandrie, 7). Paris, Éd. du Cerf, 1999. — RB 2004, 622.
354) Hezser Catherine, The Social Structure of the Rabbinic Movement in Roman Palestine (TSAJ, 66). Tübingen, Mohr-Siebeck, 1998. — RB 2004,
355) Jarosh Karl, Jesus von Nazareth. Geschichte und Deutung. Mainz a/Rhein,
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356) Lamour Denis, Flavius Josèphe (Figures du savoir, 21). Paris, Les Belles
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357) Laplanche François, Bible, sciences et pouvoirs au xviie siècle (Scuola di
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358) Lubac Henri de, Medieval Exegesis. The Four Senses of Scripture (Coll.
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359) Meissner William W., The Cultic Origins of Christianity. The Dynamics of
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360) Mordillat Gérard et Jérôme Prieur, Jésus contre Jésus. Paris, Éd. du Seuil,
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361) Müller Ulrich B., Die Entstehung des Glaubens an die Auferstehung Jesu.
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362) Neusner Jacob & William Scott Green (eds.), Dictionary of Judaism in the
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363) Neusner Jacob, Alan J. Avery-Peck & William Scott Green (eds.), The
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364) Parisot Jean-Paul et Françoise Suagher, Calendriers et chronologies (Coll.
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366) Riesner Reiner, Essener und Urgemeinde in Jerusalem. Neue Funde und
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369) Schiffman Lawrence H., Texts and Traditions. A Source Reader for the
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370) Schweizer Albert, The Quest of the Historical Jésus, avec les préfaces de
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372) VanderKam James C., An Introduction to Early Judaism. Grand Rapids,
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373) Wénin André, Pas seulement de pain… Violence et alliance dans la Bible
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Early Christian World. Minneapolis, Fortress Press, 2002. — RB 2005,
376) *Stökl Ben Ezra Daniel, The Impact of Yom Kippur on Early Christianity.
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377) Aune David Edward, The Westminster Dictionary of New Testament and
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378) Bockmuehl Marcus, Jewish Law in Gentile Church. Halakha and the
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383) Rengstorf Karl Heinrich (ed.), A Complete Concordance to Flavius
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389) Bar-Asher Moshe & Devorah Dimant (eds), Meghillot 3. Studies in the
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390) Bar-Asher Moshe & Devorah Dimant (eds), Meghillot 4. Studies in the
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391) Bodi Daniel & Brigitte Donnet-Bruet, The Michal Affair. From Zimri-Lim
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392) Boyer Chrystian, Jésus contre Temple ? Analyse historico-critique des
textes (Coll. Héritage et Projet, 68). Montréal, Éd. Fides, 2005. —
RB 2008, 310-311.
393) Brutti Maria, The Development of the High Priesthood during the preHasmonean Period. History, Ideology, Theology (JSJ Suppl. 108). LeidenBoston, Brill, 2006. — RB 2008, 148-149.
394) Elitzur Yoel, Ancient Place Names in the Holy Land. Preservation and
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RB 2008, 474-475.
395) Jaffé Dan, Le judaïsme et l’avènement du christianisme. Orthodoxie et
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396) Jonquière Tesselle M., Prayer in Josephus (AJEC-AGAJU, 70). LeidenBoston, Brill, 2007. — RB 2008, 309-310.
397) Lémonon Jean-Pierre, Ponce Pilate, préface de Maurice Sartre. Paris, Éd.
de l’Atelier, 2007. — RB 2008, 465-466.
398) Sturcke Henry, Encountering the Rest of God. How Jesus Came to Personify the Sabbath. Zürich, Theologischer Verlag, 2005. — RB 2008, 475.
399) Van Seters John, The Edited Bible. The Curious History of the “Editor” in
Biblical Criticism. Winona Lake, Eisenbrauns, 2006. — RB 2008, 620621.
400) Ziadé Raphaëlle, Les martyrs Maccabées : de l’histoire juive au culte
chrétien. Les homélies de Grégoire de Naziance et de Jean Chrysostome
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402) *Kavanagh Preston, The Exilic Code. Ciphers, Word Links, and Datings in
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403) *Lichert Claude et Dany Nocquet (éd.), Le roi Salomon, un héritage en
question. Hommage à Jacques Vermeylen, (Coll. Le livre et le rouleau,
33). Bruxelles, Lessius, 2008. — RB 2009, 612-622.
404) Baslez Marie-Françoise, Les persécutions dans l’Antiquité. Victimes, héros, martyrs. Paris, Fayard, 2007. — RB 2009, 632-633 & 2010, 310-311 !
405) Böttrich Chrisfried & Jens Herzer (Hgb.), Josephus und das Neue
Testament. Wechselseitige Wahrnehmungen. II. Symposium zum Corpus
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406) Deconick April D., Paradise Now. Essays on Early Jewish and Christian
Mysticism (SBL Symposium Series). Atlanta, 2006. — RB 2009, 625-626.
407) Doré Daniel, Comment la Bible saisit-elle l’histoire ? XXIe congrès de
l’Association catholique française pour l’étude de la Bible (ACFEB 2005)
(Lectio divina, 215). Paris, Éd. du Cerf, 2007. — RB 2009, 143-144.
408) Dushek Jan, Les manuscrits araméens du Wadi Daliyeh et la Samarie vers
450-332 av. J.-C. (Culture and History of the Ancient Near East, 20).
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409) Kalimi Isaac, An Ancient Israelite Historian. Studies in the Chronicler, His
Time, Place and Writing (Studia Semitica Neerlandica, 46). Aasen (NL),
Van Gorcum, 2005. — RB 2009, 145-147.
410) Kruger Michael J. , The Gospel of the Savior. An Analysis of P. Oxy. 840
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411) Lemaire André et Simon C. Mimouni (dir.), Qoumrân et le judaïsme au
tournant de notre ère. Table Ronde, Collège de France, 16/11/2004 (Coll.
REJ, 40). Paris – Louvain, Peeters, 2006. — RB 2009, 142-143.
412) Rico Christophe, avec la collaboration d’Emmanuel Vicart, Pau Morales et
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45 | Studia Theologica Holmiensia, 18). Winona Lake, Eisenbrauns, 2010.
— RB 2012, 466.
544) Kazen Thomas, Jesus and Purity Halakha. Was Jesus Indifferent to
Impurity ? (Coniectanea biblica, NT 38). Winona Lake, Eisenbrauns,
2010. — RB 2012, 465-466.
545) Kelle Brad E., Frank Ritchel Ames & Jacob L. Wright, Interpreting Exile.
Displacement and Deportation in Biblical and Modern Context (Ancient
Israel and its Literature, 10). Atlanta (Ga.), Society of Biblical Literature,
2011. — RB 2012, 452-453.
546) Kugler Robert & Hartin Patrick, An introduction to the Bible. Grand
Rapids (Mich.); Cambridge: William B. Eerdmans Publishing, 2009. —
RB 2012, 477.
547) Kvanvig Helge S., Primeval History : Babylonian, Biblical, and Enochic.
An Intertextual Reading (Suppl. to the Journal for the Study of Judaism,
149). Leiden – Boston, Brill, 2011. — RB 2012, 450.
548) Larroque Laurent, La parabole du serviteur impitoyable en son contexte
(Analecta Biblica, 187). Rome, Gregorian Biblical Press, 2010. —
RB 2012, 467-468.
549) Lassave Pierre, L’appel du texte. Sociologie du savoir bibliste (Coll.
« Sciences des religions », 9). Rennes, Presses Universitaires, 2011. —
RB 2012, 475-477.
550) Leuchter Mark A. & Jeremy M. Hutton (eds), Levites and Priests in
Biblical History and Tradition (Ancient Israel and its Literature, 9).
Atlanta (Ga.), Society of Biblical Literature, 2011. — RB 2012, 453-454.
551) Mascilongo Paolo, “Ma voi, chi dite che io sia?”: analisi narrativa
dell’identità di Gesù e del cammino dei discepoli nel Vangelo secondo
Marco, alla luce della “Confessione di Pietro” (Mc 8,27-30) (Analecta
Biblica, 192). Rome, Gregorian & Biblical Press, 2011. — RB 2012, 469.
552) Moll Sebastian, The arch-heretic Marcion (WUNT, 250). Tübingen, Mohr
Siebeck, 2010. — RB 2012, 629.
553) Morgenstern Matthias, Ketubbot, Eheverträge (Übersetzung des Talmud
Yerushalmi, III/3). Tübingen, Mohr-Siebeck, 2009. — RB 2012, 135-138.
554) Person Raymond F. Jr., The Deuteronomic History and the Book of
Chronicles. Scribal Work in an Oral World (Ancient Israel and its
Literature, 6). Atlanta, Society of Biblical Literature, 2011. — RB 2012,
555) Petitfils Jean-Christian, Jésus. Paris, Fayard, 2011. — RB 2012, 464-465.
556) Prato Gian Luigi, Identità e memoria nell’Israele antico: storiografia e
confronto culturale negli scritti biblici e giudaici (Biblioteca di storia e
storiografia dei tempi biblici, 16). Brescia: Paideia Editrice, 2010. —
RB 2012, 626-627.
557) Reventlow Henning Graf, History of Biblical Interpretation. Vol. I : From
the Old Testament to Origen. — Vol. II : From Late Antiquity to the End of
the Middle Ages. Vol. III : Renaissance, Reformation, Humanism. Vol. IV :
From the Enlightenment to the Twentieth Century (Resources for Biblical
Study, 50, 61, 62, 63). Atlanta, Society of Biblical Literature, 2009-2010
(original all. 1990-2001). — RB 2012, 627-628.
558) Rollston Christopher A., Writing and Literacy in the World of Ancient
Israel: Epigraphic Evidence from the Iron Age (Archaeology and Biblical
Studies, 11). Atlanta, SBL, 2010. — RB 2012, 627-628.
559) Ronning John. The Jewish Targums and John’s logos theology. Peabody,
Hendrickson Publishers, 2010. — RB 2012, 629.
560) Rosenfeld Ben-Zion, Torah Centers and Rabbinic Activity in Palestine 70-
400 CE: History and Geographic Distribution. Traduit de l’hébreu par
Chava Cassel (Suppl. to the Journal for the Study of Judaism, 138). Leiden
– Boston, Brill, 2010. — RB 2012, 461-462.
561) Schmidt Goering Greg, Wisdom’s Root Revealed. Ben Sira et the Election
of Israel (Suppl. to the Journal for the Study of Judaism, 139). Leiden –
Boston, Brill, 2009. — RB 2012, 460.
562) Siggelkow-Berner Birke, Die jüdischen Feste im Bellum Judaicum des
Flavius Josephus (WUNT, 2/306). Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2011. —
RB 2012, 152.
563) Stemberger Günter, Einleitung in Talmud und Midrash. München, C. H.
Beck (Studium), 92011 (81992). — RB 2012, 461.
564) Triplet-Hitoto Valérie, Mystères et connaissances cachées à Qumrân. Dt
29,28 à la lumière des manuscrits de la mer Morte. Préface de Francis
SCHMIDT (Coll. L’Écriture de la Bible, 1). Paris, Éd. du Cerf, 2011. —
RB 2012, 310.
565) Voltaggio Francesco Giosuè, La oración de los Padres y las Madres de
Israel: investigación en el Targum del Pentateuco ; la antigua tradición
judía y los orígenes del cristianismo, traduit par Lola Herrera González.
(Biblioteca Midrásica, 33). Estella, Editorial Verbo Divino, 2010. — RB
2012, 462-463.
2013 (40)
566) *Mimouni Simon Claude, Le judaïsme ancien. Des prêtres aux rabbins.
Paris, PUF, 2012. — RB 2013, 277-291.
567) *Vermes Geza, Christian Beginnings. From Nazareth to Nicea, AD 30325. London, Allen Lane – Penguin Books, 2012. — RB 2013, 296-303.
568) Anderson Robert T. & Terry Giles, The Samaritan Pentateuch : An
Introduction to Its Origin, History, and Significance for Biblical Studies
(Resources for Biblical Study, 72). Atlanta, Society of Biblical Literature,
2012. — RB 2013, 619.
569) Birnbaum David, Summa Metaphysica : A Unified Theodicy-TheologyPhilosophy (The Quest for Potential∞ Theory). I – God and Evil ; II – God
and Good. New York, Harvard Matrix, 2 vol. 72012 (11986) & 2005. —
RB 2013, 617-618.
570) Broadhead Edwin K., Jewish Ways of Following Jesus. Redrawing the
Religious Map of Antiquity (WUNT, 266). Tübingen, Mohr-Siebeck, 2010.
— RB 2013, 151-154.
571) Chamberlain Gary A., The Greek of the Septuagint. A Supplemental
Lexicon. Peabody, Hendrickson, 2011. — RB 2013, 151.
572) Collins John J., The Scepter and the Star. Messianism in the Light of the
Dead Sea Scrolls. Grand Rapids / Cambridge, Eerdmans, 22010. — RB
2013, 151.
573) Cook L. Stephen, On the Question of the “Cessation of Prophecy” in
Ancient Judaism (Texts and Studies in Ancient Judaism, 145). Tübingen,
Mohr-Siebeck, 2011. — RB 2013, 624-626.
574) Dąbrowa Edward, The Hasmoneans and their state: a study in history,
ideology, and the institutions (Electrum, 16). Kraków, Jagiellonian
University Press, 2010. — RB 2013, 150-151.
575) Desclés Jean-Pierre et Gaëll Guibert, Le dialogue, fonction première du
langage. Analyse énonciative de textes. Paris, Honoré Champion, 2011. —
RB 2013, 473.
576) Duprée Sandgren Leo, Vines intertwined: A History of Jews and Christians
from the Babylonian Exile to the Advent of Islam. Peabody, Hendrickson
Publishers, 2010. — RB 2013, 627-628.
577) Edwards James R., The Hebrew Gospel and the development of the
Synoptic tradition. Grand Rapids – Cambridge, Eerdmans, 2009. —
RB 2013, 629-630.
578) Eshel Hanan, The Dead Sea scrolls and the Hasmonean state (Studies in
the Dead Sea Scrolls and Related Literature; Series of studies on the
ancient period). Grand Rapids, William B. Eerdmans / Jerusalem, Yad
Ben-Zvi Press., 2008. — RB 2013, 621-622.
579) Faust Avraham, Judah in the Neo-Babylonian Period : The Archaeology of
Desolation (Archaeology and Biblical Studies, 18). Society of Biblical
Literature, 2012. — RB 2013, 633-634.
580) Fischer Georg, Theologien des Alten Testaments (Neuer Stuttgarter
Kommentar. Altes Testament, 31). Stuttgart, Verlag Katholisches
Bibelwerk, 2012. — RB 2013, 621.
581) Foster Paul, The Gospel of Peter : Introduction, Critical Edition and
Commentary (Texts and Editions for NT Study, 4). Leiden – Boston, Brill,
2010. — RB 2013, 154.
582) Fraade Steven D., Legal Fictions. Studies of Law and Narrative in the
Discursive Worlds of Ancient Jewish Sectarians and Sages (JSJ Suppl.,
147). Leiden – Boston, Brill, 2011. — RB 2013, 155.
583) Fried Lisbeth S. (ed.), Was 1 Esdras First ? An Investigation Into the
Priority and Nature of 1 Esdras (Ancient Israel and its literature, 7).
Atlanta, Society of Biblical Literature, 2011. — RB 2013, 155-156.
584) Fritz Volkmar, The emergence of Israel in the twelfth and eleventh
centuries B.C.E. (Biblical Encyclopedia / Society of Biblical Literature, 2),
transl. by James W. Barker. Atlanta, Society of Biblical Literature, 2011
(original allemand 1996). — RB 2013, 628-629.
585) Garbini Giovanni, I Filistei : gli antagonisti di Israele (Studi biblici, 170).
Brescia, Paideia Editrice, 22012. — RB 2013, 628.
586) Gericke Jaco, The Hebrew Bible and Philosophy of Religion (Resources
for Biblical Study / Society of Biblical Literature, 70). Atlanta, Society of
Biblical Literature, 2012. — RB 2013, 617.
587) Hazony Yoram, The Philosophy of Hebrew Scripture. Cambridge – New
York, Cambridge University Press, 2012. — RB 2013, 634-635.
588) Hertog Cornelis Den, The Other Face of God : “I Am That I Am”
Reconsidered (Hebrew Bible Monographs, 32). Sheffield, Sheffield
Phoenix Press, 2012. — RB 2013, 619.
589) Ibn Ezra Abraham, Sefer Ha‘ibbur. A Treatise on the Calendar, edited,
translated and annotated by Mordechai S. Goodman. Jersey City (N.J.),
Ktav Publishing House, 2011.— RB 2013, 471-472.
590) Johnson Luke Timothy, Among the Gentiles: Greco-Roman religion and
Christianity (The Anchor Bible Reference Library). 15 x 25; X-461 p.
New Haven – London, Yale Uni-versity Press, 2009. — Rel. 25 £ (ISBN
978-0-300-14208-2). — RB 2013, 626-627.
591) Keener Craig S., The Historical Jesus of the Gospels. Grand Rapids
(Mich.); Cam-bridge: William B. Eerdmans Pub., 2009. — RB 2013, 630631.
592) Klauck Hans-Josef, L’environnement religieux gréco-romain du christianisme primitif, traduit de l’allemand par Joseph Hoffmann. Paris, Éd. du
Cerf, 2012. — RB 2013, 636-637.
593) Martin Gary D., Multiple Originals: New Approaches to Hebrew Bible
Textual Criticism (Text-Critical Studies, 7). Atlanta, Society of Biblical
Literature. 2010. — RB 2013, 623-624.
594) Mcdonald Lee Martin, Formation of the Bible : The Story of the Church’s
Canon. Peabody (Mass.), Hendrickson, 2012. — RB 2013, 631-632.
595) McKnight Scot, The Letter of James (New International Commentary on
the NT). Grand Rapids – Cambridge, Eerdmans, 2011. — RB 2013, 623.
596) McNamara Martin, Targum and New Testament. Collected Essays
(Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum N.T., 279). Tübingen, Mohr
Siebeck, 2011. — RB 2013, 149-150.
597) Mimouni Simon Claude, La circoncision dans le monde judéen aux
époques grecque et romaine : histoire d’un conflit interne au judaïsme
(Collection REJ, 42). Paris – Louvain, Peeters, 2007.— RB 2013, 473-475.
598) Popović Mladen (ed.), Authoritative Scriptures in Ancient Judaism (JSJ
Suppl., 141). Leiden – Boston, Brill, 2010. — RB 2013, 476-477.
599) Rapoport Sandra E., Biblical Seductions: Six Stories Retold Based on
Talmud and Midrash. Jersey City, Ktav Publishing House, 2011. —
RB 2013, 475.
600) Shoulson Mark (ed.), The Torah : Jewish and Samaritan Versions
Compared : A Side-by-Side Comparison of the Two Versions With the
Differences Highlighted, Cathair na Mart (Westport), Evertype, 22008. —
RB 2013, 619.
601) Sommer Benjamin D., The Bodies of God and the World of Ancient Israel.
Cambridge University Press, 2009. — RB 2013, 618.
602) Stökl Jonathan, Prophecy in the Ancient Near East: A Philological and
Sociological Comparison (Culture and History of the Ancient Near East,
56). Leiden – Boston (Mass.), Brill, 2012. — RB 2013, 632-633.
603) Sweeney Marvin A., Tanak : A Theological and Critical Introduction to
the Jewish Bible. Minneapolis, Fortress Press, 2012. — RB 2013, 635-636.
604) Tsedaka Benyamim & Sharon Sullivan, The Israelite Samaritan Version of
the Torah : First English Translation Compared with the Masoretic
Version. Grand Rapids – Cambridge, William B. Eerdmans, 2013. —
RB 2013, 619.
605) Wajdenbaum Philippe, Argonauts of the Desert : Structural Analysis of the
Hebrew Bible (Copenhagen International Seminar). Sheffield – Oakville,
Equinox, 2011. — RB 2013, 620-621.
2014 (75)
606) *Dunn James D. G., The Oral Gospel tradition. Grand Rapids –
Cambridge, Eerdmans, 2013. — RB 2014, 613-619.
607) *Klawans Jonathan, Josephus and the Theologies of Ancient Judaism.
Oxford University Press, 2012. — RB 2014,128-137.
608) *Römer Thomas, La Bible, quelles histoires !, entretien avec Estelle
Villeneuve. Paris, Bayard / Genève, Labor et Fides, 2014. — RB 2014, 443457.
609) Adamczewski Bartosz, Hypertextuality and Historicity in the Gospels
(European Studies in Theology, Philosophy and History of Religions, 3).
Frankfurt/Main, Peter Lang, 2013. — RB 2014, 155.
610) Atkinson William P., Baptism in the Spirit : Luke-Acts and the Dunn
Debate. Eugene, Pickwick Publications, 2011. — RB 2014, 310-311.
611) Aus Roger David, Simon Peter’s Denial and Jesus’ Commissioning Him
as His Successor in John 21.15-19: Studies in Their Judaic Background.
Lanham, University Press of America, 2013. — RB 2014, 153-154.
612) Babut Jean-Marc, La Bible : le texte en ses contextes. Traduire la Bible :
outils oubliés (Lire la Bible, 178). Paris, Éd. du Cerf, 2013. — RB 2014,
613) Balzaretti Claudio, The Syriac Version of Ezra-Nehemiah : Manuscripts
and Editions, Translation Technique and Its Use in Textual Criticism,
translated by Michael Tait (Biblica et Orientalia, 51). Roma, Pontifical
Biblical Institute – Gregorian & Biblical Press, 2013. — RB 2014, 465.
614) Beaubœuf Stéphane, La montée à Jérusalem : le dernier voyage de Jésus
selon Luc (9,51-19,48) (Lire la Bible, 161). Paris, Éditions du Cerf, 2010. —
RB 20014, 154-155.
615) Bertalotto Pierpaolo, Il Gesù storico: guida alla ricerca contemporanea
(Quality paperbacks, 299). Roma, Carocci ed., 2010. — RB 2014, 155.
616) Berthelot Katell, Michaël Langlois et Thierry Legrand (dir.), Torah :
Deutéronome, et Pentateuque dans son ensemble ; édition et traduction des
manuscrits hébreux, araméens et grecs (La Bibliothèque de Qumrân, 3a).
Paris, Éd. du Cerf, 2013. — RB 2014, 631.
617) Bible d’Alexandrie. 12 – Esther, traduction du texte grec de la Septante,
introduction et notes par Claudine Cavalier. Paris, Éditions du Cerf, 2012. —
RB 2014, 141-142.
618) Black C. Clifton, The Disciples According to Mark: Markan Redaction in
Current Debate. Grand Rapids – Cambridge, William B. Eerdmans,
2012. — RB 2014, 153.
619) Blázquez Martínez José María & Javier Cabrero Piquero, Israel y la Biblia
: recientes aportaciones de la arqueología y de la historiografía a la
historicidad de la Biblia (Historia. Serie menor). Madrid, Cátedra, 2011. —
RB 2014. p. 465-466.
620) Braun Heike, Geschichte des Gottesvolkes und christliche Identität : eine
kanonisch-intertextuelle Auslegung der Stephanusepisode Apg 6,1-8,3
(WUNT, II/279). Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2010. — RB 2014, 474-475.
621) Brooke George J., with the assistance of Nathalie LaCoste, Reading the
Dead Sea Scrolls : Essays in Method (Early Judaism and Its Literature, 39).
Atlanta, Society of Biblical Literature, 2013. — RB 2014, 631.
622) Bussino Severino, The Greek Additions in the Book of Ben Sira (Analecta
Biblica, 203). Roma, Gregorian & Biblical Press, 2013. — RB 2014, 464465.
623) Carrega Gian Luca, La Vetus Syra del vangelo di Luca : trasmissione e
ricezione del testo (Analecta biblica, 201). Roma, Gregorian & Biblical
Press, 2013. — RB 2014, 469.
624) Cohen-Matlofsky Claude, Josèphe. Les ambitions d’un homme. Paris,
L’Harmattan, 2012. — RB 2014, 475.
625) Cook Johann & Arie van der Kooij, Law, Prophets, and Wisdom : On the
Provenance of Translators and Their Books in the Septuagint Version
(Contributions to Biblical Exegesis and Theology, 68). Leuven – Paris –
Walpole, Peeters, 2012. — RB 2014, 629-630.
626) Davidovich Tal, Esther, Queen of the Jews. The Status and Position of
Esther in the Old Testament (Coniectanea Biblica. Old Testament Series,
59). Winona Lake (Ind.), Eisenbrauns, 2013. — RB 2014, 142.
627) Davies Philip R. & Thomas Römer (eds.), Writing the Bible : Scribes,
Scribalism and Script (Bible World). Durham – Bristol, Acumen, 2013. —
RB 2014, 628-629.
628) Dillon Richard J., The Hymns of Saint Luke : Lyricism and Narrative
Strategy in Luke 1 – 2 (CBQ Monogr., 50). Washington, The Catholic
Biblical Association of America, 2013. — RB 2014, 468-469.
629) Edelman Diana V., Philip R. Davies, Christophe Nihan and Thomas
Römer, Opening the Books of Moses. Sheffield – Bristol, Equinox, 2012. Tr.
française par Françoise Smyth et Corinne Lanoir, Clés pour le Pentateuque :
état de la recherche et thèmes fondamentaux (Le monde de la Bible, 65).
Genève, Labor et Fides, 2013. — RB 2014, 466-467.
630) Encel Stéphane, Temple et temples dans le judaïsme antique
(Bibliothèque d’études juives. Série Histoire, 48). ill., cartes, plans. Paris,
Honoré Champion, 2012. — RB 2014, 626-627.
631) Fabien Patrick, Philippe « l’évangéliste » au tournant de la mission dans
les Actes des Apôtres : Philippe, Simon le magicien et l’eunuque éthiopien,
préface de Daniel Marguerat (Lectio Divina, 232). Paris, Éd. du Cerf,
2010. — RB 2014, 310.
632) Finkelstein Israel, The Forgotten Kingdom : The Archaeology and History
of Northern Israel (Ancient Near East Monographs, 5). Atlanta, Society of
Biblical Literature, 2013. — Édition française : Le royaume biblique oublié.
Paris, O. Jacob, 2013. — RB 2014, 462.
633) Flynn Shawn W., Yhwh Is King : The Development of Divine Kingship in
Ancient Israel (VTSup, 159). Leiden – Boston, Brill, 2014. — RB 2014,
634) García Bachmann Mercedes L., Women at Work in the Deuteronomistic
History (International Voices in Biblical Studies / Society of Biblical
Literature, 4). Atlanta (Ga.), Society of Biblical Literature, 2013. —
RB 2014, 146.
635) García Serrano Andrés, The Presentation in the Temple : The Narrative
Function of Lk 2,22-39 in Luke-Acts (Analecta Biblica, 197). Rome,
Gregorian & Biblical Press, 2012. — RB 2014, 309.
636) Hammele Matthias, Das Bild der Juden im Johannes-Kommentar des
Thomas von Aquin : ein Beitrag zu Bibelhermeneutik und Wissenschaftsgeschichte im 13. Jahrhundert (Stuttgarter biblische Beiträge, 71). Stuttgart,
Verlag Katholisches Bibelwerk, 2012. — RB 2014, 156-157.
637) Hanneken Todd R., The Subversion of the Apocalypses in the Book of
Jubilees (Early Judaism and its Literature, 34). Atlanta, Society of Biblical
Literature, 2012. — RB 2014, 148.
638) Heininger Bernhard, Die Inkulturation des Christentums : Aufsätze und
Studien zum Neuen Testament und seiner Umwelt (WUNT, 255). Tübingen,
Mohr Siebeck, 2010. — RB 2014, 635.
639) Hengel Martin, Die Zeloten : Untersuchungen zur jüdischen Freiheitsbewegung in der Zeit von Herodes I. bis 70 n. Chr. 3., durchgesehene und
ergänzte Auflage, herausgegeben von Roland Deines und Claus-Jürgen
Thornton (WUNT, 283). Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2011. — RB 2014, 146.
640) Jaffé Dan, Essai sur l’interprétation et la culture talmudiques : femmes et
familles dans la Talmud (Patrimoines. Judaïsme). Paris, Éd. du Cerf, 2013.
— RB 2014, 476.
641) Jipp Joshua W., Divine Visitations and Hospitality to Strangers in LukeActs : An Interpretation of the Malta Episode in Acts 28:1-10 (NovTSup,
153). 16 x 24 ; xiv-225 p. Leiden – Boston, Brill, 2013. — RB 2014, 638.
642) Kaswalder Pietro A., Galilea : terra della luce (Studium Biblicum Franciscanum : Collectio Minor, 45). Milano, Edizioni Terra Santa, 2012. —
RB 2014, 150-151.
643) Kaswalder Pietro A., La terra della promessa : elementi di geografia
biblica (Studium Biblicum Franciscanum : Collectio Minor, 44). Milano,
Edizioni Terra Santa, 2010. — RB 2014, 149-150.
644) Kuma Hermann V. A., The Centrality of αἷµα (Blood) in the Theology of
the Epistle to the Hebrews : An Exegetical and Philological Study, with a
foreword by Richard M. Davidson. Lewiston – Queenston, The Edwin
Mellen Press, 2012. — RB 2014, 632-633.
645) Langlois Michael, Le texte de Josué 10 : approche philologique, épigraphique et diachronique (OBO, 252). Fribourg – Göttingen, Vandenhoeck &
Ruprecht, 2011. — RB 2014, 139-140.
646) Langton Daniel R., The Apostle Paul in the Jewish Imagination: A Study in
Modern Jewish-Christian Relations. Cambridge – New York – Melbourne,
Cambridge University Press, 2010. — RB 2014, 312-313.
647) Lara Olmo Juan Carlos, Historia de los Judíos en Europa. Madrid,
Editorial Raíces, 2 vol. 2013. — RB 2014, 313.
648) Leander Hans, Discourses of Empire : the Gospel of Mark from a
Postcolonial Perspective (Semeia Studies, 71). Atlanta, Society of Biblical
Literature, 2013. — RB 2014, 468.
649) Levinson Bernard M., A More Perfect Torah : At the Intersection of
Philology and Hermeneutics in Deuteronomy and the Temple Scroll.
Winona Lake, Eisenbrauns, 2013. — RB 2014, 468.
650) Linforth Katherine C., The Beloved Disciple : Jacob the Brother of the
Lord. 15 x 23 ; xiii-273 p. Fremantle, Vivid Publishing, 2014. — RB 2014,
651) Lundbom Jack R., Deuteronomy : A Commentary. Grand Rapids –
Cambridge, Eerdmans, 2013. — RB 2014, 462-463.
652) Martone Corrado (ed.), Lettere di Bar Kokhba (Testi del Vicino Oriente
antico. 6, Letteratura ebraica e aramaica, 2). Brescia, Paideia, 2012. —
RB 2014, 147.
653) Mason Steve & Tom Robinson (eds.), Early Christian Reader. Atlanta,
Society of Biblical Literature, 2013. — RB 2014, 636.
654) Massonnet Jean, Aux sources du christianisme : la notion pharisienne de
révélation (Le livre et le rouleau, 42). Bruxelles, Lessius, 2013. — RB 2014,
655) Meynet Roland, L’Évangile de Luc, préface de Pierre Magnard (Rhétorique
sémitique, 8). Pendé, J. Gabalda et Cie, 2011. — RB 2014, 471-472.
656) Meynet Roland, La Pâque du Seigneur : passion et résurrection de Jésus
dans les évangiles synoptiques (Rhétorique sémitique, 14). Pendé, J. Gabalda
et Cie, 2013. — RB 2014, 471-472.
657) Morla Asensio Víctor, Los manuscritos hebreos de Ben Sira : traducción
y notas (Asociación Bíblica Española / Institución San Jerónimo, 59). Estella, Editorial Verbo Divino, 2012. — RB 2014, 140-141.
658) Novick Tzvi, What is Good, and What God Demands: Normative Structures in Tannaitic Literature (JSJ Suppl., 144). Leiden – Boston, Brill,
2010. — RB 2014, 312.
659) Olson Daniel C., A New Reading of the Animal Apocalypse of 1 Enoch :
“All Nations Shall Be Blessed” With a New Translation and Commentary
(Studia in Veteris Testamenti Pseudepigrapha, 24). Leiden –Boston, Brill,
2013. — RB 2014, 634-635.
660) Paget James Carleton, Jews, Christians, and Jewish Christians in
Antiquity (WUNT, 251). Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2010. — RB 2014, 633.
661) Parker Julie Faith, Valuable and Vulnerable : Children in the Hebrew
Bible, Especially the Elisha Cycle (Brown Judaic Studies. Providence,
Brown Judaic Studies, 2013. — RB 2014, 467-468.
662) Pérez Fernández Miguel & Olga Ruiz Morell, El beso de Dios. Midrás de
la Muerte de Moisés. Edición bilingüe hebreo-español y comentario
(Biblioteca midrásica, 35). Estella, Ed. Verbo Divino, 2013. — RB 2014,
663) Perrot Charles, Marie de Nazareth au regard des chrétiens du premier
siècle (Lectio Divina, 255). Paris, Éd. du Cerf, 2013. — RB 2014, 156.
664) Robbins Vernon K., Who Do People Say I Am ? Rewriting Gospel in
Emerging Christianity. Grand Rapids – Cambridge, Eerdmans, 2013. —
RB 2014, 470-471.
665) Römer Thomas, L’invention de Dieu. Paris, Seuil, 2014. — RB 2014, 467.
666) Schenker Adrian, Une Bible archétype ? Les parallèles de Samuel-Rois et
des Chroniques, recueil édité par Michaël Langlois (L’écriture de la Bible,
3). Paris, Éd. du Cerf, 2013. — RB 2014, 464.
667) Schlosser Jacques, Le groupe des Douze : les lueurs de l’histoire (Lire la
Bible, 184). 13,5 x 22 ; 116 p. Paris, Éd. du Cerf, 2014. — RB 2014, 638.
668) Schröter Jens, Von Jesus zum Neuen Testament : Studien zur urchristlichen Theologiegeschichte und zur Entstehung des neutestamentlichen
Kanons (WUNT, 204). Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2007. — Tr. anglaise :
From Jesus to the New Testament : Early Christian Theology and the Origin
of the New Testament Canon, transl. by Wayne Coppins. Waco –Tübingen,
Baylor University Press – Mohr Siebeck, 2013. — RB 2014, 473-474.
669) Schwentzel Christian-Georges, Rois et reines de Judée : IIe s. av. — Ier s.
apr. J.-C. (Illustoria : Histoire ancienne, 18). Clermont-Ferrand, Éd. Lemme,
2013. — RB 2014, 145.
670) Shamah Moshe, Recalling the Covenant : A Contemporary Commentary
on the Five Books of the Torah. Jersey City, KTAV, 2011. — RB 2014, 140.
671) Sheppard Beth M., The Craft of History and the Study of the New
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