A boy who likes dancing ! EX


A boy who likes dancing ! EX
A boy who likes dancing !
Regarde l’image et dis tout ce que l’on peut supposer à partir de cette image.
2-Build up knowledge.
Step 1 :Focus on the context.
Concentre-toi sur le film, sans le son, et complète le tableau.
The …
The …
Step 2 :Understand the message.
People’s actions
1-Who is who ?
……………….’s ……………
2-Fill in the squares and find the places where you can see Billy in the video.
I can see Billy
In a …………
In the
At …………
On a
In a …………
On a
3-Choose the correct words and………………
put them in the
… grid to recap Billy’s actions.…
Be careful : you cannot use all the
… words.
plays the guitar
plays the drums
practises ballet
hugs grandma
writes a letter
jumps in the street
listens to music
Learns lessons
buys ice cream
dances on the roof
dances with teacher
jumps on bed
4-Understand the critics’ opinion about the film. Fill in the balloons using the words in the list below
to describe the film. Be careful : you cannot use all the words.
a must see – funny – moving – joyous – sensational – great – life-affirming – humorous – sad
artfully made – fantastic – deeply charming – interesting – wonderful – heartfelt - terrific
Step 3 : Focus on language.
Write a review of the film, use adjectives and expressions from the trailer and the activities before.
The film “Billy Elliot” is a ………………………………….. film for …………………. audiences. It is ………………………… ,
………………………………………… and …………………………… !
It is the story of a young …………………… called Billy. Billy ………………………….dancing ! And he goes to
a B……………… S…………………. But Billy’s father agrees / disagrees with him. (circle the correct answer)
This film is really ……………………………… and ………………………………… ! So you cannot …………………………….. it !
It is i……………………………….. !
Pour parler de liens de parenté, j’utilise le nom de la personne dont je parle suivi
de :……………..et
du parent qui lui est rattaché.
Exemples :
Le père de Billy = ………………………………………………………..
La grand-mère de Billy = ………………………………………………….
Les amis de Billy = ………………………………………………………………….
1- Pour parler d’actions habituelles, qui arrivent fréquemment :
Billy goes to a ballet school
2-Pour exprimer une opinion, un goût :
Billy disagrees with his father.
Billy likes ballet dancing.
j’utilise le P………………….. S………………
à la base verbale.
et à la 3ème personne du singulier, je ………………………………………… ……