Questions pour mon film français


Questions pour mon film français
Exposé de film—2/2H Summer 2012
(14 questions)
Bonjour ! Your summer assignment is to watch un film français the weekend before school starts, and
answer the questions below. Les films sont disponibles (available) à Netflix, la bibliothèque municipale,
et Le Video—9th ave & Irving, etc. If you watch a movie with a friend, just be sure you write your
answers individually. Answer as many questions as possible en français to get you back in practice—for
this first exposé, there will be no penalty if most are in English, but try your best with Français (don’t
hit the translation button, whatever you do). Please download the Liste des films suggérés. For this
first exposé of Fr 2/2H, you MUST choose your film from this list. Make your film has subtitles—a
dubbed film will not count for this assignment, and you won’t understand a film without subtitles.
This cannot be a film you’ve already seen. Choose your film yourself! The film must be on the list. You
MUST get your film several days before the night before the exposé is due; in case you make a bad
choice, you will still have time to rectify it! If you are in doubt about any aspect of this assignment,
please email-moi immediately, even if I don’t already know you. [email protected]
LA PLANETE : Nobody should hand in more than one sheet of paper!!! You don’t need to print these
questions, but if you do, please type/write your answers on the same sheet of paper. If you type your
answers on this form, you must use a different font and color, any color but red, pink or orange. Don’t
use pencil. Grade will be lowered if you do not respect these rules and la planète  Merci!
1. Titre
2. Cinéaste/metteur en scène (director)
3. Genre du film (comique, dramatique, action, policier, historique, sci fi)
4. Date où on a fait le film: Date the film was made, NOT the date you saw it! “On a fait le film
en (2004) (1958)” is the only way to say this. Don’t give the month and day.
5. Vedettes & les noms de leurs personnages + 2 adjectifs pour chaque personage. This means
the stars, the names of their characters + 2 adjectives to describe each one.
6. When & where the film takes place. Où et quand le film a lieu : (e.g. Le film a lieu à Paris en
7. Where you got the film : Où vous avez trouvé le film : (e.g. Je l’ai trouvé à…)
8. Where you saw the film : Date et endroit (place) où vous avez vu le film : (e.g. Je l’ai vu…)
9. What you ate and/or drank during the film : Ce que vous avez mangé/bu pendant le film
10. Pourquoi vous avez choisi ce film (e.g. Je l’ai choisi parce que…)
11. One cultural différence you noticed in the film—this means you need to write something you
observed in the film that does not happen aux Etats-unis. or doesn’t look that way aux Etats-unis.
1 différence culturelle que vous avez remarquée—grande ou petite—quelque chose que vous avez
appris sur la culture française.
12. Your personal rating: how many stars you give the film: Etoiles (5 maximum *****)
13. My favorite character & why : Mon personnage préféré et pourquoi.
14. Vocabulaire : This is a listening exercise. This means that you have to listen to the dialogue!
2 vieux mots: You will hear words that you recognize: when you do, stop the film and write them
down—two different words.
1 nouveau mot: when you hear a word you don’t recognize, but that you like (either the sound or
the meaning from the subtitle), stop the film, replay, and write it down as best as you can. Use
the subtitle to help you later look it up to get the correct spelling.
Last, write an original sentence for each of your 3 words. See the examples below.
(VM= vieux mot/NM=nouveau mot)
VM : nager = to swim: Le garçon nage dans le lac.
VM : maison = house: J’habite dans une petite maison.
NM : le chevalet = easel: L’artiste a travaillé à son chevalet.
  
Parlez français pendant les vacances !!!