Pistes pédagogiques Canopé Lyon


Pistes pédagogiques Canopé Lyon
Réalisation : Louis Malle
Scénario : Louis Malle
Distribution : Gaspard Manesse, Raphaël Fetjö
Musique : Schuman, Saint-Saëns
Montage : Emmanuelle Castro
Documentation sur le film
site officiel de Collège au Cinéma (fiche pédagogique, piste de travail)
site du cinéma Le France de Saint-Etienne (fiche sur le film)
http://www.suntimes.com/ebert/ebert_reviews/1988/03/284661.html (un article)
http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/AuRevoirLesEnfants (critiques)
Cassettes et DVD
Le film existe dans les deux formats
* le Négus, moricaud, sarrazins, Richard Cœur de Lion et les croisades, Bayard
sans peur et sans reproche
* La vie sous l’Occupation (pétainiste, verts de gris, front russe, collabo, la Milice
(collabo) réfractaire, réformé,
* La vie quotidienne sous l’occupation :
* L’éducation des enfants autrefois (les lits en portefeuille)
* Les enjeux de la guerre de 39-45, débarquement de 44, Léon Blum
* Ecole d’hier et école d’aujourd’hui
* Les religions révélées (judaïsme, christianisme, islam) Bergson, la foi
* Le catholicisme (prières, communions, sacrements) et le protestantisme
(parpaillot, huguenot)
* youpin, youtre, l’étoile jaune, antisémitisme, la Shoah, Auschwitz, Mattahausen
* La découverte de l’autre (la sexualité)
* Les Trois Mousquetaires, les Mille et Une Nuits, Le Parfum de la Dame en Noir,
Souvenirs de Sherlock Holmes, l’Homme à l’Oreille Cassée, la Comédie Française, Peguy
* le cinéma, Chaplin, Charlot émigrant, le son au cinéma
* vocabulaire : énurésie, circoncision, ovaires, babasse
* Schuman et Saint-Saëns
Collège au Cinéma1
E-mail : [email protected]
Axe(s) de lecture du film
* Les couleurs du film
* La vie privée l’indiscrétion
* les différents âges des élèves
* la conscience du temps de la mort de la foi
* solitude, peur
* images de la femme
* la musique et le silence
* Les jeux
Thème(s) de réflexion et prolongements
* L’ennemi
* La grande illusion ?
* L’éducation, c’est apprendre à faire bon usage de sa liberté
* l’argent corrompt
* injustice
* la culpabilité
Textes complémentaires
"Avant même de commencer à écrire le scénario, je savais que la réussite du film reposerait sur le
casting. Il fallait que je trouve deux enfants exceptionnels...Gaspard avait quelque chose de spécial :
c'était du vif-argent, il était plein de vie, malin et insolent. Arrogant et timide à la fois...Quand j'ai vu
Raphaël sur grand écran, j'ai su que c'était gagné...Il était un peu comme Pierre Blaise, de Lacombe
Aujourd'hui que le film est fini, je m'aperçois que ce que je raconte ne ressemble pas tellement à ce
qui s'est passé réellement. Je m'en suis tenu à ce que je crois être mon souvenir, sachant que c'est
un peu réinventé. Disons, pour simplifier, que dans le film c'est un peu comme j'aurais voulu que ça se
passe. Ma relation avec Bonnet dans le film est plus compliquée et plus intéressante que dans la
réalité, puisque ce qui nous a manqué, c'est le temps, et je suppose qu'une des composantes de mon
souvenir, c'est une culpabilité que j'ai gardée et qui a certainement influencé ma vie.
Louis Malle, Positif, octobre 1987
Le héros du film, Julien Quentin, qui est le témoin plus que le porte-parole de l'auteur, est un enfant
sans exemplarité ni pittoresque. Ce n'est pas une représentation, plutôt une délégation. (...) Voilà ce
que Malle avait donc sur le cœur depuis si longtemps et n'avait pas encore su prendre de front. Qu'il
fasse ce film maintenant, au sommet de son expression, lui permet de frapper avec une absolue
sûreté sans tomber dans la démonstration d'école ou le choix politique trop affirmé : il se situe à un
niveau de maîtrise épanouie qui le rend inattaquable et confondant.
Robert Benayoun, Positif, octobre 1987
Which of us cannot remember a moment when we did or said precisely the wrong thing, irretrievably,
irreparably? The instant the action was completed or the words were spoken we burned with shame
and regret, but what we had done never could be repaired. Such moments are rare, and they occur
most often in childhood, before we have been trained to think before we act. "Au Revoir les Enfants"
("Goodbye, Children") is a film about such a moment, about a quick, unthinking glance that may have
cost four people their lives.
Collège au Cinéma2
E-mail : [email protected]
The film was written and directed by Louis Malle, who based it on a childhood memory. Judging by the
tears I saw streaming down his face on the night the film was shown at the Telluride Film Festival, the
memory has caused him pain for many years. His story takes place in 1944, in a Catholic boarding
school in Nazi-occupied France. At the start of a new semester, three new students are enrolled, and
we realize immediately that they are Jews, disguised with new names and identities in an attempt to
hide them from the Nazis.
To Julien Quentin (Gaspard Manesse), however, this is not at all obvious. Julien, who is intended to be
Malle's autobiographical double, does not quite understand all of the distinctions involving Jews and
gentiles in a country run by Nazis. All he knows is that he likes one of the new boys, Jean Bonnet
(Raphael Fejto), and they become friends. Jean is not popular with the other students, who follow the
age-old schoolboy practice of closing ranks against newcomers. But then, Julien is not very popular,
either. The two boys are a little dreamy and thoughtful, absorbed in themselves and their imaginations,
as bright adolescents should be.
Malle's film is not filled with a lot of dramatic incidents. Unlike such roughly comparable Hollywood
films as "The Lords of Discipline," it feels no need for strong plotting and lots of dramatic incidents
leading up to the big finale. Instead, we enter the daily lives of these boys. We see the classroom
routine, the air-raid drills, the way each teacher has his own way of dealing with problems of discipline.
More than anything else, we get a feeling for the rhythm of the school. Malle has said that when, years
later, he visited the site of the boarding school he attended, he found the building had disappeared
and the school forgotten. But to a student enrolled in such a school, the rules and rituals seem
timeless, handed down by innumerable generations and destined to survive forever. A schoolboy
cannot be expected to understand how swiftly violence and evil can strike out and change everything.
Julien and Jean play together, study together, look at dirty postcards together. One day - one of those
cold, early spring days when the shadows seem ominous and there is an unsettling wind in the trees they go exploring in a nearby forest and darkness falls. They get lost, or almost lost, and they weather
this adventure and become even closer friends. One day, Julien accidentally discovers that Jean
Bonnet is not his friend's real name. A few days later, when Julien's mother comes to visit, he invites
Jean to join them at lunch in a local restaurant, and they witness an anti-Semitic incident as a longtime
local customer is singled out because he is Jewish.
That is about all the input that Julien receives, and it is hard to say exactly what he knows, or
suspects, about Jean. But when Nazis visit the school, Julien performs in one tragic second an action
that will haunt him for the rest of his days. Malle has said the incident in "Au Revoir les Enfants" does
not exactly parallel what happened in real life, but the point must be the same: In an unthinking
moment, action is taken that never can be retrieved.
Is the film only about guilt? Not at all. It is constructed very subtly to show that Julien only half realized
the nature of the situation, anyway. It isn't as if Julien knew absolutely that Jean was Jewish. It's more
as if Julien possessed a lot of information that he had never quite put together, and when the Nazis
came looking for hidden Jews, Julien suddenly realized what his information meant. The moment in
which he makes his tragic mistake is also, perhaps, the moment when he comprehends for the first
time the shocking fact of racism
Roger Ebert (18/03/1988)
Collège au Cinéma3
E-mail : [email protected]

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