Grade 8 - Rome International School


Grade 8 - Rome International School
Les Français célèbres
In town
To read biographies of French famous people. To pick up vocabulary necessary to give details about oneself and re-­‐adapt the language to their own presentation/ presentation of a person of their choice. Learning how to use the relative pronouns ‘qui’, ‘que’, ‘où’ and ‘dont’. To revise how to ask questions and the interrogative words. To play the game ‘qui est qui’ and guess which famous person is being talked about. •
The linguistic features and conventions to write an interview with a French
well-known person for a magazine.
To review common places in town and town activities.
To review the use of prepositions (à, à la, au, à l’)
To learn how to use ‘y’ in sentences.
To learn how to use the past tense, passé composé (regular) le
weekend dernier, j’ai mangé au restaurant, j’ai retrouvé mes amis au
cinéma, j’ai acheté une nouvelle jupe au centre ville....)
To learn to describe what I did last weekend in my area in a short
Simple connectives of chronology (tout d’abord, ensuite, puis, en outre, enfin)
Learner profile attribute: open-­‐minded, communicator Cross curricula links: English (present and past tenses and connectives)
French CLASS: Grade 8 ASSESSMENT Reading practice and comprehension questions.
True/false statements.
Grammar practice onv erbs in the present tense.
C. A: to review adjectives of personality and to
describe appearance.
AHA: Pupils research details of life of a French
famous person l (eg via internet, partner school,
types of text:
To write simple interview .
To write a short account of a story on the
previous weekend, using simple connectives. Le shopping
To name clothes, accessories, patterns and fabrics. To state preferences about clothes using adjectives and comparisons. To learn how to use the demonstrative adjectives (ce, ces, cette cet) To use intensifiers words (trop petit, très cher, un peu trop long) To learn how to shop for clothes and food in France, using quantities, prices and key phrases for shopping. • To ask questions using question words (Que voulez-­‐vous?, combien ça coûte? Où sont les cabines d’essayage? Comment ça me va?) •
C.A. to review language from gr 7 on numbers and
gender of words.
AHA: to prepare a presentation for the class, dong a
défilé de mode.
To perform role-play shopping in a French shop.
Fêtes et traditions/
Going out
To learn key phrases and idioms to invite someone to go out and make the appropriate arrangements, review time and preposition of places) To use modal verbs like pouvoir, devoir, vouloir to either accept/decline or give an excuse after being invited to do something. To perform role-­‐play on the above. To read about events and festivals in France To create own leaflet for invitation or organisation of an event. Linguistic features and conventions to write a leaflet. To read about Christmas traditions. Cross curricula links: English language Learner profile attribute: thinker
Grammar work on modal verbs in full in the present
Learn common idiomatic expressions used to express
enthusiasm or regret (bonne idée! Zut alors!
Chouette! Ect)
AHA: to read more and more independently using a
variety of resources eg via internet, magazine,
types of text:
To write a leaflet..
March- April
UNIT SUMMARY French CLASS: Grade 8 ASSESSMENT To learn about other countries, including those in which French is spoken:
• en/au + country
• countries and their capitals
• languages and nationalities
• French-speaking countries and areas
• weather and seasons
• reviewing infinitives and on + present tense (on mange, on boit, on écoute
la musique, on visite…) Au Canada on parle anglais mais au Québec on parle
français. Aux Seychelles on cultive la vanille
• The linguistic features and conventions to deliver an oral presentation and
a touristy brochure
• Connectives (simple ones) (tout d’abord, ensuite, puis, par exemple, enfin, en
Cross-curricular links: Geography, History
Learner profile attribute: knowledgeable, Open-minded
Grammatical tasks with present tense
Grammatical tasks with the preposition en/au/aux +
Vocabulary test on country, nationalities
This unit enables pupils to consolidate their knowledge of ‘likes and dislikes’,
focusing in particular on use of the definite article with food. They learn about
quantities and plan recipes. The unit also provides a brief presentation of the
imperative tense.
Vocabulary tests on food and drink items
• partitive article (du, de la, des, de l’)
• size, quantity and measures, to know how to ask for food, buying food and drink (role-plays).
Pupils plan and shop for a meal (write a menu, then a shopping list, then role play buying the
items in a street market). To understand and choose quantities and use appropriate language to
buy these, eg Je voudrais 200 g de fromage râpé, s’il vous plait. Encourage pupils to use their
dictionary skills to find the French for the food/drink vocabulary items which they wish to include
• following and devising recipes, using the imperative commands.
• To describe foods which they like and dislike, and politely accept and decline food;
read and try out French recipes. Role plays or semi-scripted dialogues involving expressing
politeness and consideration. To take part in conversations requiring social conventions, eg Je
suis désolé, mais je n’aime pas le melon. Opportunity to revise the polite form of pouvoir, eg
Pouvez-vous me passer le sel.
Pupils might learn a wider range of polite expressions, eg c’est gentil, mais
malheureusement, je ... ; excuse-moi mais ...
• Pupils taste unfamiliar foods and give comments in French. understand and
C. A: to revise the present tense
AHA: do some research to find basic information on a
French-speaking country.
MYP types of text: producing a touristy brochure
about a country of their choice, using the infinitive.
Delivering an oral presentation on a country of their
Grammar tasks on the partitive articles, on the
imperative tense.
Role – plays around the table.
C.A. understand the gist and main points of simple
spoken or printed texts about food or drink, with
prompts or other support; express likes and dislikes;
take part in simple dialogues, using rehearsed
language including polite expressions, to buy things
such as food; understand a few examples of the
perfect tense
AHA: . use a growing range of structures and idioms,
giving more details, adding opinions and using polite
expressions; use reference materials to understand
increasingly complex spoken or written texts, as an aid
use statements about food characteristics, eg Les bananes sont très sucrées
Opportunity to revise descriptions and modifying words (très, assez) in this
to show precise understanding of spoken or written texts, eg recipes, and
respond to them : authentic recipes from France and French-speaking regions
(from cook books, magazines, newspapers, recipe cards), authentic menus in French from snack bars/restaurants; tourist guides (for information on regional dishes); video clips of food/drink programmes, eg TV5 cookery programmes; FR2 Télématin .
The linguistic features and conventions to write and advert/ guide.
The connectives (simple ones)
Visit to a local French café in town (N’importe quoi! Ghetto area) to prepare
conversation questions for the staff there to express themselves in French.
Cross-curricular links: English literacy (social conventions, the use of the
imperative tense), IT
Learner profile attribute: Inquirer, Risk-Taker, Communicator
to speaking and writing appropriately; begin to cope
with some unexpected elements in conversations;
show mastery of a few familiar verbs in the imperative
MYP Type of Text:
Pupils write an extract for a Francophone guide to
their local/regional dishes.
SUBJECT: UNIT SUMMARY To name kinds of TV programmes, and explain when and where they are
To expression opinions on various TV programmes and make comparisons,
using the comparatives and superlative forms.
To start to learn reading strategies to cope with slightly longer texts, talking
about French TV habits. (cognates, near-cognates, use the context to deduce
meaning, use a dictionary to look up new words in the text or questions.)
To talk about your favourite film, using the present tense (regular and irregular
To research about French famous actors and Film Festivals in France.
To talk about your hobbies and talk about sports in general. To learn
vocabulary around them.
To say which music you like listening to, what is your favorite group, who is
your favorite actor etc. stating opinions and making comparisons.
To review the use of the prepositions ‘de’ vs ‘à’. Faire du patinage vs. jouer au
The direct object pronouns: le/la/les. Strategies to improve the writing avoiding
To give details about a sport you practice (where, adverbs of frequency, using
the structure depuis + time. Je pratique le football depuis l’age de 10 ans,je
m’entraine au stade municipal, et j’y vais trois fois par semaine. J’adore ce
sport parce que je le trouve amusant)
To revisit ways to invite someone out for an event (concert for example), using
the modal verbs pouvoir, devoir, vouloir in the present tense. To perform roleplays, inviting out, refusing/declining the invitations and making an excuse for
it / or accepting it using colloquial expressions (chouette! bonne idée! Etc):
Veux-tu sortir au cinema ce soir? Non, mais tu plaisantes! Désolée, mais je
ne peux pas ce soir, je dois faire mes devoirs.
Type of text: an email to your French penfriend, talking about your past times
and TV viewing habits. Stating what your plans are going to be, using the
close futre tense (aller + infinitif)
Cross-curricular links: English literacy (the present tense, the close future
tense, adjectives, comparatives, superlatives)
Learner profile attribute: open-minded, communicator, reflective.
French CLASS: Grade 8 ASSESSMENT Vocabulary quizzes on items covered in this
Grammar practice on the present tense
Grammar practice on making comparisons,
using superlatives and stating preferences.
C. A: to revise the present tense and verb ‘aller’
in the present tense.
AHA: Pupils write an e-mail, outlining what they
do during their past-times and what are their TV
viewing habits, and what their plans for the
upcoming weekend are.
To make independent research on French film
festivals and French famous actors.
Revision and Endof-Year Tests.
End of Year Tests.
End of Year Project
Peer and self-assessment. Targets for next year.
Revision and feedback sessions on the topics covered over the year.
Tests in 3 language skills (reading, writing and speaking): Pupils
consolidate their knowledge, skills and understanding of French grammar
developed in previous units.
End-of-year Learning Project:
Group work, pupils select ONE topic covered over the year and prepare a
Presentation on it.
Learner profile attribute: ALL
End-of –Year tests:
Reading test with comprehension questions.
Writing test
Speaking test (role play and visual
End of Year Project presentation.