The KING`S Medium Term Plan - FRENCH Y9 LC4 Programme


The KING`S Medium Term Plan - FRENCH Y9 LC4 Programme
The KING’S Medium Term Plan - FRENCH
Y9 LC4 Programme 2015 - 2016
This module covers Identity and Culture. Within this topic, pupils will learn to describe in greater detail their freetime activities covering aspects such as: music, cinema and TV, food and eating out and sport. Within this context,
pupils will revise and consolidate structures learnt in Year 7 and 8 whilst also being introduced to more complex
grammatical structures in the perfect and imperfect tense to describe events. Pupils will also learn to give opinions
across a variety of tenses about different free-time activities. To support their grammatical development, students
will continue to study the imperfect tense and perfect tense in greater detail to further build on their ability to move
confidently between the present, perfect and imperfect tense when discussing free-time activities. There will also
be a focus on consolidating the conjugation of key irregular verbs in the present tense including: sortir, prendre,
mettre, voir, vouloir.
All pupils will cover all key objectives are taken from the AQA 8658 GCSE Specification for the new curriculum.
Building on
prior learning
In LC1, pupils established their knowledge and understanding of holidays. In LC2, they learnt to describe self, family and
friends in greater detail. In LC3 pupils learnt to discuss their home, town and region and the different facets of their lives
surrounding this such as what there is to do and the extent to which they cater for their own interests. In this learning cycle,
pupils will learn to discuss different aspects of free-time activities discussing with confidence knowledge linked to music,
cinema and TV, food and eating out, and sport.
‘How do different time frames add to the work we produce’?
Lines of
Exam board
Week 1
3 hours of
lessons plus 1
hour of home
learning each
Week 1: To what extend does providing a balanced argument of what hobbies you want to do and don’t want to do improve
the quality of your work?
Week 2: To what extent does tense variety improve our spoken and written work?
Week 3: What type of linguistic variety can be included in our work to improve on detail and marks?
Week 4: Why does the ability to understand question formation better prepare your responses to spoken and written
Week 5: To what extent does the rapid changes in technology support the use of different tenses in our work?
Week 6/7: Revision and assessment followed by gap teaching – from assessment analysis.
Weeks’ 1-5: Topic 3 Free-time activities: (AQA 8658: 3.1.1 - Identity and Culture)
In this unit, pupils will learn to describe in greater detail and across three different tenses music, cinema and TV, food and
eating out and sport.
To reach the higher grade point echelons, pupils will justify their opinions, ideas and points of view; write in more detail with
more complex structures and a range of tenses and begin to deal with unpredictable elements in simple conversations.
They will then apply their knowledge and understanding to analyse a variety of listening and reading texts discussing this
topic. Future learning then requires the creation of their descriptions across three different time frames and enhances their
descriptions to develop a more complex written structure towards the end of the learning cycle.
Line of Enquiry - Week 1: To what extend does providing a balanced argument of what hobbies you want to do and
don’t want to do improve the quality of your work?
Learning intentions in order of delivery:
 Understand and provide information about content and contexts relating to general hobbies. Provide opinions and
details across a variety of tenses to express opinions on hobbies and different leisure times.
Students will learn to:
Identify key leisure related vocabulary
Produce sentences about different hobbies using opinion structures with reasons
Express what hobbies they currently do using the present tense of key verbs and what hobbies they want/would
like to do in the future
Examine and evaluate a series of written texts linked to hobbies and identify key information
Analyse and apply the same vocabulary across three different tenses and a variety of subject pronouns to provide
a description about different peoples hobbies
Translate a series of sentences into French applying the language features studied and practised
Weekly success criteria across 3 lessons:
GP 1/2 = Students will identify recall a series of vocabulary and phrases to describe different free-time hobbies
GP 2 = Students will apply opinion structures with reasons to describe what they like/ don’t like doing in their free time
GP 2/3 = Students will identify which sports/musical instruments are used with which verb and produce sentences using the
correct articles according to gender
GP 3 = Students will examine a series of sentences using time statements across different tenses and identify the tense and
information about the grammatical structures used
GP 3/4 = Students will analyse and evaluate reading texts to decipher key information about different peoples hobbies across
different tenses
GP4 = Students will produce a paragraph across a minimum of three tenses to describe past, present and future hobbies
GP5 (REACH): Students will incorporate an additional tense and language categories in their hobbies paragraph
GP6 (REACH): Students will translate a series of extended sentences across different tenses
Linguistic structures to consider:
jouer au/ à la/ à l’ + sport
jouer du/ de la/ de l’ + instrument
faire du/ de la/ de l’ + sport
Mon passe-temps préféré c’est…
OPINION TAGS : J’aime /J’aimerais + INFINITVE/Je voudrais + INFINITIVE and negative structures
IMPERFECT : Je détestais / j’aimais / j’adorais
REASONS : amusant/affreux/agréable/ barbant/ ça m’énerve/ ça me fait rire/ casse-pieds/ chouette/ drôle/
facile/intéressant/ nul/ pratique/ sensass/ fatigant/ monotone
à l’avenir/ en ce moment/ d’habitude/ normalement/ hier/ de temps en temps / quelquefois/ tous les jours/ souvent
le basket/ l’équitation/ l’escalade/ la natation/ le patinage à glace/ la pêche/ la planche à voile/ le skate/ le ski
nautique/ les sports d’hiver/ la voile/ le volley/ le violon/ la flûte/ la batterie/ le piano/ la guitare/ la danse/ la
musculation/ le judo/ le badminton/
Lesson Hypotheses:
Hypothesis 1 – There is only one way of expressing what hobbies you want to do.
Hypothesis 2 – Providing a balance of opinions on hobbies will improve the quality of your work.
Hypothesis 3 – Time statements act as another tense reference in your work.
Home Learning:
For the first home learning tasks, pupils will write a paragraph describing their hobbies and those of others incorporating at
least two tenses and the structures learnt in the lesson. Pupils will also be set a vocabulary test on sports related vocabulary
for the following week.
Line of Enquiry - Week 2: To what extent does tense variety improve our spoken and written work?
Week 2
3 hours of
lessons plus 1
hour of home
learning each
Learning intentions in order of delivery:
 Understand key vocabulary linked to film/ TV programmes
 Produce a past tense description of a film/ TV programme watched
 Include present and future tense structures to develop descriptions linked to TV/film
Students will learn to:
Recall how to form the past perfect with AVOIR and ÊTRE
Recognise a variety of vocabulary to reference different genres of films/TV programmes
Recognise a variety of different adjectives that can be used to describe films/TV programmes
Analyse reading texts including different time statements/ tenses and deduce key information and language
Break down sentences in order to translate them from English to French across different time frames
Write a description of films/TV programmes they watch across different tenses with a variety of higher-level
language categories
Weekly success criteria across 3 lessons:
GP 1/2 = Students will identify the meaning of a series of different genres of films/TV programme
GP 2 = Students will recall the rules for forming the perfect tense with AVOIR and ÊTRE
GP 2/3 = Students will apply understanding of TV/ film vocabulary to create extended sentences with adjectives and opinion
phrases across two tenses.
GP 4 = Students will examine a series of time statements across different tenses and create their own extended sentences
GP4/5 (REACH): Students will analyse and apply conditional language structures to express what they would prefer to watch
including time statements.
GP5/6 (REACH): Students will produce a paragraph using three tenses to give information about TV programmes/ films
across a minimum of three tenses.
Linguistic structures to consider:
Present tense time statements: Aujourd’hui / En ce moment / maintenant
tout le temps/ tous les soirs/ une/deux fois par semaine/ le week-end/ toutes les semaines/ souvent/ de temps en
Perfect and imperfect tense time statements: Le week-end dernier/ La semaine dernière/ il y a deux jours
CLAUSES: Ce que j’ai fait hier soir / le weekend dernier
CLAUSES introduced by quand/lorsque and si eg. QUAND JE SORS / SI JE VOIS / SI JE VEUX….
Future tense time statements: Le week-end prochain/ La semaine prochaine
le film de guerre/ le film policier/ le feuilleton/ le jeu télévisé/ la télé réalité/ le dessin animé/ une comédie/ un
western/ un dessin animé/ une histoire d’amour/ un film d’horreur/ un film d’action/ les sériés
affreux/ émouvant/ ennuyeux/ intéressant/ marrant/ nul/ pas mal/ passionnant/ (peu) original/ plein d’action/
(c’est un film qui m’a fait aucun effet/ c’est un film qui m’a touché)
(J’aime les films qui me fait rire/pleurer/peur).
The past tense with AVOIR and ÊTRE (j’ai regardé/vu) (This should be done as the last lesson of the week).
Lesson Hypotheses:
Hypothesis 1 – Good opinions and good reason structures enhance your work.
Hypothesis 2 – Time statements across different tenses are just as important as the different tenses themselves.
Hypothesis 3 – You don’t need to apply three tenses to your work to achieve your French GCSE.
Home Learning:
Students are required to produce a spoken description describing about what programmes/films they watch in their free time.
Students should extend their description incorporating additional language patterns in their work such as time statements to
provide a more detailed description across the tenses. Students should provide opinions with reasons to complete their
description. A small part should include reference to at least one other tense.
Students are also required to learn vocabulary linked to film/TV programme genres for a vocabulary test next week.
Week 3
Line of Enquiry - Week 3: What type of linguistic variety can be included in our work to improve on detail and marks?
of Learning intentions in order of delivery:
 Understand key vocabulary and grammatical structures linked to food/ drink and key opinions on dining out
lessons plus 1
 Provide an extended description across different tenses linked to experiences eating out
hour of home
learning each Students will learn to:
Recall different food and drink vocabulary
Understand how and when to apply different articles when talking about food and drink and how these are linked
to gender
Analyse information given in a series of reading texts about eating out
Evaluate key structures and language categories in order to translate from English to French across different
Produce a description of an experience eating out including the different language categories covered during the
Weekly success criteria across 3 lessons:
GP 1/2 = Recall key food and drink vocabulary
GP 2 = Demonstrate grammatical understanding of different articles and when they should be used to talk about food and
GP 2/3 = Analyse information given in reading texts linked to people eating out and their opinions
GP 3 = Evaluate the meaning and use of key sentence starters, connectives and other language categories that extend and
develop the sophistication of writing
GP 4 = Apply understanding of topic vocabulary and language categories to translate a series of extended sentences from
English to French
GP 4/5/6 = Produce a description about eating out including tenses and language categories relevant to individuals grade
Linguistic structures to consider:
Partitive articles (du/de la/de l’ /des) used with food items
Definite articles (le/la/les) used with food items
Indefinite articles (un/une/des) used with food items
Je mange/bois/ prends - je ne mange/bois pas de
Conjugation of the three infinitives : PRENDRE / MANGER / BOIRE
Opinion + Infinitive eg. j’aime manger ... car c’est...
CLAUSES: Ce que j’ai fait le weekend dernier / hier soir…
Past tense time statements : Hier / Le weekend dernier/ La semaine dernière
je suis allé(e) à + place
Higher opinion structures: Quant à moi (c’est/ c’était...) / selon moi (c’est/ c’était...) / j’ai trouvé que (c’était...) / je l’ai
Le service est/était + adjectives
Le repas est/était + adjectives
Le chef est/était + adjectives
Le vin est/était + adjectives
Les boissons sont/étaient + adjectives
Negative sentence structures using : ne...pas / ne.....jamais /
Je ne mange pas de
 Je n’ai pas mangé de
 Je ne mange jamais de
 Je n’ai jamais mangé de
Lesson Hypotheses:
Hypothesis 1 – Partitive articles and definite articles are key when discussing food and eating out.
Hypothesis 2 – The more language categories in your work the higher your grade point.
Hypothesis 3 – (Mid-term assessment) The use of writing frames helps to support creation of an extended piece of
Home Learning:
Students are required to translate 10 different sentences from English into French between three different tenses. These will
be peer marked by students in the following lesson as their DO NOW task. Students are required to learn vocabulary linked
to food and drink for a vocabulary test the following week.
Week 4
3 hours of
lessons plus 1
hour of home
learning each
Line of Enquiry - Week 4: Why does the ability to understand question formation better prepare your responses to
spoken and written questions?
Lesson 1: REACH time (Review, Evaluate, Attain, Challenge, Hone)
Pupils will use this lesson to engage with their mid-term results and feedback and respond to work marked and done in their
books. They will read through teacher comments and respond by following a given set of criteria. This will allow them to
make improvements on their work, carry out corrections, seek help and make further progress before moving to the next unit
of work. To consolidate their existing knowledge and understanding throughout the learning cycle so far, pupils will be
required to explore mistakes and areas of misunderstanding and research the correct answer using a variety of criteria from
marking in books, work done in exercise books to dictionary use. Pupils will be given examination style questions that
complement the GCSE specification at and above their targeted grade point to stretch their comprehension as and when
necessary. Linguascope and GCSE iPod will also be used as REACH activities and can be personalised in the level of
difficulty. Prior learning will be ascertained in this lesson on the use of tenses learnt in conjunction with the content taught in
weeks 1-3.
Learning intentions in order of delivery:
 Understand key question tags
 Apply knowledge and understanding of question tags to discuss opinions on different hobbies and areas of interest
such as: sports, film, music
Students will learn to:
Understand and recognise a variety of important question words/structures
Apply understanding of the different question tags and use them to formulate the start of their responses to
questions across different subjects
Make comparisons between different hobbies they like/dislike
Weekly success criteria across 3 lessons:
GP 1/2 = Understand a series of key question tags
GP 2 = Apply understanding of the question tags and how they can be manipulated to start off responses to questions
GP 3/4 = Analyse a series of questions and manipulate the language to create new questions
GP 3 / 4 = Evaluate set example responses to key questions on hobbies and identify how they can be adapted to respond
about different hobbies/areas of interest.
GP 4/5/6 = Produce personal responses to a series of key questions linked to grade points
Linguistic structures to consider:
Combien?/ Comment?/ Quand?/ Pourquoi?
Est-ce que?/ Qu’est ce-que?/ Qu’est-ce qui?
Tu aimes________?
Tu aimes jouer_______ ?
Tu aimes faire_______ ?
As-tu une passion ? Ma passion c’est…
Tu es sportif/sportive ?
Tu aimes regarder la télé/ écouter de la musique ?
Qu’est-ce que tu aimes regarder à la télé/au cinéma?
Qu’est-ce que tu aimes comme musique ?
Qu’est-ce que tu as regardé hier ?
Je préfère le hip-hop/le jazz/ le R&B/ le rap/ le reggae/ le techno
Mon groupe préféré c’est…
Lesson Hypotheses:
Hypothesis 1 – (REACH time) Understanding question formations is not important for my GCSE.
Hypothesis 2 – Providing detailed opinions on your hobbies is key when responding to questions.
Hypothesis 3 – Expressing preference of one hobby over another will improve the quality of your work.
Home Learning:
Students are required to produce a spoken recording of three different questions relating to free time activities learnt in the
lesson and each question must have a spoken response. This is to be played the following lesson according to teacher
Week 5
3 hours of
lessons plus 1
hour of home
Line of Enquiry - Week 5: To what extent does the rapid changes in technology support the use of different tenses
in our work?
Learning intentions in order of delivery:
 Understand key language linked to technology and its use
 Provide explanations of the uses of different forms of technology
learning each
Analyse the advantages and disadvantages of the use of technology
Students will learn to:
Recognise key vocabulary linked to the use of mobile and other forms of communication technology
Recall and apply the use of direct object pronouns to when discussing the use of technology
Understand and apply structures that allow pupils to develop their sentences to explain why different forms of
technology are used (pour + infinitive)
Analyse what different forms of technology can be used for (pouvoir + infinitive)
Make comparisons between different forms of technology and express detailed opinions
Weekly success criteria across 3 lessons:
GP 2/3 = Students will recognise different key vocabulary linked to technology
GP 3/4/5 = Students will apply knowledge of technology vocabulary and evaluate the uses for these different types of
technology using different grammatical structures
GP 3 /4/5/6 = Students will analyse a series of texts giving opinions about forms of technology and evaluate how to improve
Linguistic structures to consider:
Comparative phrases e.g. plus cher que /moins cher que….
(compliqué, difficile, facile, intéressant, rapide, simple, utile, essentiel)
c’est mieux
Superlative phrases e.g. c’est le meilleur modèle.
Direct object pronouns
Opinion structures + reasons
Present, perfect and future tense time statements eg. quelquefois/ souvent/ de temps en temps/ une fois par semaine
The perfect tense (J’ai téléchargé une chanson, j’ai surfé sur Internet)
The near future tense (Je vais acheter….)
il y avait/ il n’y avait pas de/d’
il y a/ il n’y a pas de
il y aura/ il n’y aura pas de/d’
chercher/ le clavier/ cliquer/ envoyer/ le jeu/ le lecteur DVD/ le lecteur MP3/ en ligne/ mettre en ligne/ le mot de passé/
l’ordinateur portable/ le réseau social/ le site internet/ taper/ tchatcher/ télécharger/
Lesson Hypotheses:
Hypothesis 1 – Direct object pronouns prevent repetition and increase language complexity.
Hypothesis 2 – Providing detailed uses of different forms of technology is not important to developing my
Hypothesis 3 – Making comparisons between forms of technology allows for higher-level sentence extension.
Home Learning:
Students are required to produce a paragraph expressing their views on different forms of technology using the information
and grammatical structures covered during the week and revise for their LC assessments.
Extended Learning
Students can consolidate knowledge through the practice of REACH GCSE (or similar) past paper questions.
Students can further consolidate knowledge through accessing the:
Linguascope website: Intermediate version - Linguastars
GCSE BBC Bitesize