Boursorama Banque, the least expensive bank


Boursorama Banque, the least expensive bank
Boursorama Banque, the least expensive bank
Boulogne-Billancourt, 17 June 2015 - Boursorama Banque is unveiling a new multimedia campaign
(billboards, press, radio and web), reasserting its status as the "least expensive bank1" in France while
explaining all the benefits for the customers.
The purpose of this new campaign, devised by its communication agency BETC Paris, is to illustrate in
concrete terms the advantages of being a customer of Boursorama Banque, the least expensive bank
in France. By making substantial savings on their banking charges, the customers of Boursorama
Banque can, for example, buy an airline ticket, a camera, a bicycle, etc.
Pleasure purchases are showcased through natural and warm snapshots built around the symbolic
figure €0, which represents the array of free services offered by Boursorama Banque:
€0 for the bank cards VISA Classic and VISA Premier2
€0 for payments and withdrawals in euros in France and abroad
€0 for debits and transfers in euros and online
This campaign is presented across different media:
Across the press, radio and web since 10 June
On billboards from 17 to 23 June inclusive in urban networks, and then in Paris train stations
from 1 to 7 July inclusive
In the form of digital display with an original creation using the cinemagraph principle in the
Paris subway from the evening of 16 June to the evening of 18 June; and in the large Paris train
stations and outside Paris from 3 to 5 July.
“For the seventh year running, Boursorama Banque was named "the least expensive bank" in 2015 3.
Our customers pay on average of €14 in banking charges per year while the average in France is
around €200. Thanks to the substantial savings, customers have the possibility to use their money
otherwise, for example to enjoy themselves,” said Marie Cheval, Boursorama CEO.
Source: Le Monde, - January 2015
Issued subject to acceptance by Boursorama Banque. Free of charge subject to changes in the pricing policy in accordance with article 11
of Boursorama Banque’s General Terms and Conditions.
Ranked the least expensive bank for the profiles "Employed under-25 year olds", "Managers", "Senior managers" and a tie for the least
expensive bank for the profile "Employee" according to a survey carried out by Le Monde/ published on 12 January
A propos de Boursorama
Boursorama, filiale du groupe Société Générale, est un acteur majeur de la banque en ligne en Europe avec 763 203 clients, 1 263 696
comptes en direct (+22 % vs fin mars 2014) et 16,0 milliards d’euros d’actifs administrés à fin mars 2015.
En France, Boursorama est la banque en ligne de référence : 645 925 clients, à fin mars 2015, font confiance à son offre
bancaire innovante, simple, pas chère et sûre. Son portail,, est classé n°1 des sites nationaux d’information
financière et économique en ligne. En Espagne, le groupe Boursorama est présent sous la marque SelfBank et est, en Allemagne, un
acteur majeur dans l’activité de courtage et de la diffusion d’informations économiques et financières au travers de sa marque
OnVista. Retrouvez l’ensemble de l’actualité de Boursorama sur le site Internet :
Contacts presse :
Service presse
Tél. : 01 46 09 53 21
[email protected]
Charlotte Lévy-Frébault
T : +33 (0)1 5641 3842
[email protected]
Publicis Consultants
Stéphanie Tabouis
Tél : 06 03 84 05 03
[email protected]

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