shrewsbury school


shrewsbury school
Time 40 minutes
Instructions to candidates:
• There are two sections, both for equal marks
• Answer on lined paper.
• You are advised to move onto the writing section after 20 minutes
Section A: Reading
Read what Anne has written below. Answer the questions on this in English.
J’adore ma ville parce que c’est très calme. J’habite dans la banlieue, donc je ne suis pas
près des magasins : c’est dommage ! Heureusement les transports sont excellents dans
ma ville et j’aime aller au marché le week-end. Il y a deux marchés par semaine. Mon
préféré c’est le samedi, entre huit et treize heures. Le jeudi c’est plus court. J’y vais
avec ma sœur, Marie-Eve, pour acheter les produits frais comme les légumes et le
poisson. Nous arrivons au marché avant huit heures et demie, pour pouvoir tout
trouver. D’habitude, nous rentrons à la maison où nous déjeunons ensemble. Mais la
semaine dernière, nous y sommes arrivées vers midi et le choix était très limité. Ma
sœur a horreur des marchés, mais moi, j’aime bien y aller car je rencontre mes
camarades de classe. Et aussi, ça me fait plaisir de penser que j’aide mes parents si je
fais les courses.
Questions :
1. Why does Anne like her town?
2. Where in the town does she live?
3. How often is there a market in her town?
4. How long does the Saturday market last?
5. Who does she go with?
6. What does she buy there?
7. What do they usually do when they have left the market?
8. What was the problem last week?
9. Why does she like the market?
Section B: Writing
Write an email in French to your French pen friend following the instructions fully.
Question 6 is optional, and simply scores bonus marks. See the advice at the bottom of the page.
You are sending an email to a French friend.
In your email you must:
1. Say where you go to school.
2. Say what your favourite subject is and why.
3. Mention an activity you like at school.
4. Mention something you don’t like at school and why.
5. Ask your friend a question about his/ her school.
The following point is optional:
6. White about what you did at school last week?
(bonus marks)
Advice: to score a high mark:
1. Follow all the instructions fully
2. Take care with verbs and tenses
3. Work quickly to finish. Don’t write too much!
4. The number of words is not important: just do all the tasks and do not write lots on just one or
two tasks.
End of exam