Sydney, le 27 Octobre 2105 Avis de convocation à


Sydney, le 27 Octobre 2105 Avis de convocation à
Sydney, le 27 Octobre 2105
Avis de convocation à l’Assemblée Générale Annuelle
Le Comité de gestion invite tous les membres du Lycée Condorcet – The
International French School of Sydney Limited (ACN 003 977 160)
Qui se tiendra :
Jeudi 19 novembre 2015
18h – 20h30
Théâtre de l’Ecole
758 Anzac Parade, Maroubra NSW 2035
Patrice Ribault
Président, Comité de gestion
Selon la réglementation du NSW toute la documentation officielle doit être produite en anglais et
l’assemblée générale se déroulera en anglais. Néanmoins, une assistance de traduction sera
proposée en cas de besoin.
Le Lycée Condorcet est une société à responsabilité limitée. Tout parent d’élève est membre de la
société, si les frais sont acquittés. Chaque membre de la société est invité à participer et à voter à
l’assemblée générale soit en personne, soit par procuration. Il est dans l’intérêt du lycée et de
chacun des membres, qu’autant de parents que possible participent aux activités de la société.
Veuillez lire attentivement la documentation qui accompagne le formulaire pour la nomination aux
élections du Comité de gestion.
Si vous nommez quelqu’un pour vous représenter, votre représentant doit remettre la procuration
à la réception au plus tard à 16h le mardi 17 novembre 2015 (remise en personne ou document
pdf par envoi électronique à [email protected] ) pour que votre procuration soit enregistrée.
Inclus: l’instrument de procuration, le formulaire pour nomination aux élections du Comité de
gestion qui doit être reçu à la réception avant 16h le mercredi 4 novembre 2015 (remise en
personne ou envoi électronique à l’adresse [email protected]) et la documentation
afférente, Minutes de l’Assemblée Générale 2014. Les comptes audités 2014-2015 et le Rapport
des Directeurs seront envoyés ultérieurement.
Ordre du jour
Sous la présidence de Patrice RIBAULT
1) Bienvenue et début de l’élection des membres du Comité de Gestion
2) Adoption des minutes de la dernière Assemblée Générale
3) Rapport du Président
4) Rapport du Chef d’Etablissement
5) Rapport du Comité Immobilier
6) Rapport du Trésorier
7) Questions au Proviseur et aux membres du Comité de gestion
8) Résolutions à adopter (s’il y en a)
9) Approbation des comptes 2014-15 audités
10) Approbation des rapports présentés
11) Fin du vote, election du Comité de gestion
12) Présentation (Amis du Lycée Condorcet)
13) Clôture
Lycée Condorcet - The International French School of Sydney
Établissement homologué par le ministère français de l’Éducation nationale
758 Anzac Parade - Maroubra NSW 2035 – Australia
Tel : 9344 8692 – Fax : 9349 2626
AG 19 novembre 2015 / AGM 19 November 2015
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27 October 2015
Notice of Annual General Meeting
The School Board is inviting all members of
Lycee Condorcet – The International French School of Sydney Limited
(ACN 003 977 160)
to the
to be held:
Venue :
Thursday, 19 November 2015
6.00 pm - 8.30 pm
School Hall
758 Anzac Parade, Maroubra NSW 2035
Patrice Ribault
President, School Board
Due to NSW regulations, all official documents must be presented in English, and the AGM will be
conducted in English.
The school is a company limited by guarantee. Each parent or guardian of a student is a member
of the company, if the student’s fees are up to date. Each member of the company is invited to
attend and vote at the general meeting either in person or by proxy. It is in the interest of the
school and of each member that as many members as possible participate in the activities of the
company. Please carefully read all the documents that will be attached with the Nomination Form.
If you cannot attend the meeting and wish to appoint a proxy, then your proxy must hand in the
instrument of proxy to the school reception at the latest by 4.00 pm on Tuesday 17 November
2015 (either by hand or pdf document emailed to: [email protected]) for your proxy to be
Attached: the Instrument of Proxy, the form for nomination to the School Board that must be
received at the reception at latest by 4.00 pm on Wednesday 4 November 2015 (either remitted
by hand or sent electronically to: [email protected]) and accompanying documents, Minutes
of the 2014 AGM. The 2014-2015 Audited accounts & Directors Report will be sent subsequently.
Agenda of Meeting
Chaired by Patrice RIBAULT
1) Welcome & Start of the ongoing election of the School Board
2) Adoption of the minutes of the last Annual General Meeting
3) Chairperson’s Report
4) Principal’s Report
5) Building Committee Report
6) Treasurer’s Report
7) Questions to Principal and Directors
8) Proposed resolutions (if any)
9) Acceptance of financial statements
10) Acceptance of annual report (this is acceptance of all the reports presented)
11) Election of directors
12) Presentations (Friends of the Lycee Condorcet)
13) Meeting close
Lycée Condorcet - The International French School of Sydney
Établissement homologué par le ministère français de l’Éducation nationale
758 Anzac Parade - Maroubra NSW 2035 – Australia
Tel : 9344 8692 – Fax : 9349 2626
AG 19 novembre 2015 / AGM 19 November 2015
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Lycee Condorcet - The International French School of Sydney Ltd
Instrument de procuration pour l’Assemblée Générale annuelle
19 novembre 2015
Je soussigné(e), (nom) ___________________________________________________________
Domicilé à (adresse)______________________________________________________________
Suis membre du Lycée Condorcet - The International French School of Sydney (ACN 003 977
160). Je nomme:
(Nom du mandataire)_____________________________________________________________
Domicilé à (adresse)_____________________________________________________________
comme mandataire autorisé à voter en mon nom à l’assemblée générale annuelle du Lycée
Condorcet-The International French School of Sydney Ltd, qui aura lieu le 19 novembre 2015.
(Veuillez noter que ce document, qui permet de voter par procuration, doit être remis au bureau
d’accueil de l’école au plus tard le mardi 17 novembre 2015 à 16h afin d’être pris en
Je soussigné(e) (nom du mandataire)________________________________________________
Domicilé à (adresse)______________________________________________________________
Accepte de voter à la place de (nom du membre)_______________________________________
Signature _________________________________
1- Chaque parent ou tuteur/tutrice d’un élève est membre de la société, à la condition que les
frais de cet étudiant soient à jour.
2- Un membre qui se trouve dans l’impossibilité d’assister à l’assemblée générale peut demander
à une autre personne également membre de la société d’assister et de voter à sa place. Il
s’agit d’un vote par procuration. Vous pouvez nommer la personne de votre choix en tant que
mandataire, y compris votre époux/épouse.
3- La personne mandataire doit remettre ce formulaire “instrument de procuration”, au bureau
d’accueil de l’école au plus tard le mardi 17 novembre 2015 à 16h (remise en personne ou
document pdf par envoi électronique à: [email protected]. Veuillez noter que ce
formulaire ne peut pas contenir de corrections. Si vous faites une erreur, veuillez remplir un
autre formulaire.
4- Un membre peut voter uniquement par procuration si cet instrument de procuration est rempli
correctement. Des formulaires sont disponibles à l’accueil de l’école. Une photocopie de ce
document est acceptée.
5- Une personne peut être mandataire pour un maximum de trois (3) personnes.
A noter: Des photocopies sont disponibles au bureau d’accueil de l’école.
Lycée Condorcet - The International French School of Sydney
Établissement homologué par le ministère français de l’Éducation nationale
758 Anzac Parade - Maroubra NSW 2035 – Australia
Tel : 9344 8692 – Fax : 9349 2626
AG 19 novembre 2015 / AGM 19 November 2015
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Lycee Condorcet – The International French School of Sydney Ltd
Instrument of Proxy for Annual General Meeting
19 November 2015
I, (name) _______________________________________________________________________
Of (address) ____________________________________________________________________
Am a member of Lycee Condorcet – The International French School of Sydney (ACN 003 977
I appoint:
(Name of Proxy) _________________________________________________________________
Of (address) ____________________________________________________________________
as my proxy to vote on my behalf at the General Meeting of the Lycee Condorcet – The
International French School of Sydney Ltd, to be held on 19 November 2015. (Please note that
this proxy must be returned to the school reception at latest by 4 pm on Tuesday 17 November
2015 for it to be registered).
Signed _____________________________________
Date ___________________________
I, (name of proxy) ________________________________________________________________
Of (address) ____________________________________________________________________
Agree to vote on behalf of (name of member) __________________________________________
Signed _____________________________________
Date _____________________
1- Each legal guardian of a student is a member of the company, if the fees of each student of
that legal guardian are up to date.
2- A member who does not attend the meeting may ask another member to attend and vote on
that member’s behalf, this is called attending by proxy. You may appoint anyone to act as your
proxy, including your spouse.
3- The person acting as a member’s proxy must give this form, called an instrument of proxy, to
the school reception at latest by 4 pm Tuesday 17 November 2015 (in person or pdf
document emailed to: [email protected]). Please note that this form must not be
crossed or corrective liquid used. If you make a mistake, please fill in another form.
4- A member can only vote by proxy if this instrument of proxy is completed correctly. Extra
copies of this form are available at the School reception. A photocopy of this instrument is
5- A person may act as proxy for up to three (3) members.
Note: More copies are available from the Reception.
Lycée Condorcet - The International French School of Sydney
Établissement homologué par le ministère français de l’Éducation nationale
758 Anzac Parade - Maroubra NSW 2035 – Australia
Tel : 9344 8692 – Fax : 9349 2626
AG 19 novembre 2015 / AGM 19 November 2015
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Je soussigné (nom et prénom) _____________________________________________________
(adresse) ______________________________________________________________________
Membre du lycée Condorcet-The International French School of Sydney Ltd (ACN 003 977 160) accepte
ma nomination en tant que candidat pour les élections du Comité de Gestion qui se tiendra le 19
Novembre 2015.
Signature____________________________________ Date: _____________________________
Candidature Proposée par (nom et prénom)___________________________________________
Signature___________________________________ Date_______________________________
Personne proposant la candidature
Soutenue par (nom et prénom)_____________________________________________________
Signature___________________________________ Date_______________________________
Personne appuyant la candidature
A) L’élection aura lieu pendant l’Assemblée Générale Annuelle qui aura lieu le 19 novembre 2015 à 18h
dans le Hall/Théâtre de l’école, 758 Anzac parade, Maroubra NSW 2035.
B) Les formulaires de proposition de candidature doivent être remises a la réception en personne ou
envoyées en version électronique à l’adresse [email protected]
C) Une proposition de candidature est valable uniquement :
si elle est reçue à l’administration avant 16h le 4 novembre 2015 (remise en personne ou envoi
électronique à l’adresse [email protected]) et
si elle est correctement complétée en utilisant ce formulaire ou une copie de ce formulaire.
Lycée Condorcet - The International French School of Sydney
Établissement homologué par le ministère français de l’Éducation nationale
758 Anzac Parade - Maroubra NSW 2035 – Australia
Tel : 9344 8692 – Fax : 9349 2626
AG 19 novembre 2015 / AGM 19 November 2015
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D) Chaque candidat, chaque personne proposant un candidat et chaque personne appuyant une
candidature, doit être membre du Lycée Condorcet The International French School of Sydney Ltd.
Chaque représentant légal d’un élève est membre de la société, si les frais de chaque enfant (élève)
de ce représentant légal sont à jour.
E) Il n’est pas possible d’être candidat au Comité de Gestion si l’on est par ailleurs déjà membre d’une
autre instance élue de l’école (Conseil d’Etablissement ou Comité d’Ecole notamment).
F) Chaque personne éligible qui pense pouvoir contribuer de manière positive au Comité de Gestion
est encouragée à se présenter.
G) La liste des candidats sera affichée dans l'établissement après la date de clôture du 4 novembre
2015 pour consultation par les électeurs.
H) Un candidat doit inclure une courte description de ses qualifications, expérience professionnelle,
lettre de motivation expliquant la raison pour laquelle elle se présente et comment il/elle est
susceptible de contribuer en tant que membre du Comité de Gestion. Veuillez compléter le profil de
candidature ci-dessous. Toute information communiquée sera disponible dans l'établissement à
partir du lundi 9 novembre 2015.
Profil du candidat à compléter. Veuillez décrire les grandes lignes de vos qualifications,
expérience professionnelle et la manière dont vous pouvez contribuer (environ 200 mots)
Lycée Condorcet - The International French School of Sydney
Établissement homologué par le ministère français de l’Éducation nationale
758 Anzac Parade - Maroubra NSW 2035 – Australia
Tel : 9344 8692 – Fax : 9349 2626
AG 19 novembre 2015 / AGM 19 November 2015
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I (Name) ______________________________________________________________________
Of (Address) ___________________________________________________________________
Being a member of Lycee Condorcet – The International French School of Sydney Limited (ACN 003
977 160) accept nomination as a candidate for the November 19, 2015 election to the School Board.
Date ___________________________
Proposed By (Name) _____________________________________________________________
Of (Address) ___________________________________________________________________
Date ___________________________
Seconded By (Name) ____________________________________________________________
Of (Address) ___________________________________________________________________
Date ___________________________
A) The election will take place at the Annual General Meeting held on 19 November 2015 at 6.00 pm in
the School Hall, 758 Anzac Parade, Maroubra NSW 2035.
B) A nomination is valid only, if it is:
Received at the school reception at latest by 4.00 pm on 04 November 2015 (either remitted by
hand or sent electronically to: [email protected] and
Correctly completed using this form or a copy of this form.
C) Each candidate, proposer and seconder must be a member of the Lycee Condorcet The
International French School of Sydney Ltd. Each legal guardian of a student is a member of the
company, if the fees of each student child of that legal guardian are up to date
Lycée Condorcet - The International French School of Sydney
Établissement homologué par le ministère français de l’Éducation nationale
758 Anzac Parade - Maroubra NSW 2035 – Australia
Tel : 9344 8692 – Fax : 9349 2626
AG 19 novembre 2015 / AGM 19 November 2015
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D) A member of the the Lycee Condorcet The International French School of Sydney Ltd cannot be a
candidate to the School Board if they are already members of other elected bodies within the school
(Conseil d’Etablissement or Conseil d’Ecole in particular).
E) Each eligible person who believes that he or she can contribute in a positive way to the School Board
is encouraged to seek nomination.
F) The list of candidates will be displayed at the school after the closing date of 4 November 2015, for
voters to inspect.
G) A candidate must enclose brief details of their qualifications, work experience, a note of motivation, which
states why that person seeks election and how he/she may contribute as a Board Committee member.
Please complete the candidate’s profile section below. Any information provided will be available at the
school as of 9 November 2015.
Candidate’s profile to be completed. Provide an outline of qualifications, work experience and
expertise and how you may contribute (about 200 words)
Lycée Condorcet - The International French School of Sydney
Établissement homologué par le ministère français de l’Éducation nationale
758 Anzac Parade - Maroubra NSW 2035 – Australia
Tel : 9344 8692 – Fax : 9349 2626
AG 19 novembre 2015 / AGM 19 November 2015
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Proposition de candidature pour l’élection au Comité de Gestion du Lycée
Condorcet -The International French School of Sydney Ltd
Votre candidature doit être accompagnée d’un profil de candidature de 200 mots environ qui décrit vos
compétences, votre expérience et la contribution que vous aimeriez faire dans la gestion de l’école. Ce
profil sera remis à tous les membres de la compagnie avant les élections qui auront lieu le 19 novembre
***Avant de poser votre candidature, nous vous prions de lire les points d’information ci-dessous
qui décrivent brièvement les devoirs et responsabilités d’un membre du Comité de Gestion.
Responsabilités – Les membres du Comité de Gestion:
Ont des responsabilités juridiques sous la loi “Australia Company Law 2001”- “due diligence”.
Sont responsables (personnellement et financièrement) pour l’école et son fonctionnement et
doivent agir dans les meilleurs intérêts de l’établissement.
Ne peuvent se présenter comme représentant d’un groupe qui possède des intérêts particuliers.
Doivent assurer la viabilité financière de l’établissement ainsi que le respect des lois locales.
Doivent être élus à l’Assemblée Générale. La charge de travail peut être conséquente.
Doivent être engagés dans la philosophie de l’éducation, la mission et les valeurs de
Etre disposé à effectuer un mandat de deux ans tel que décrit à l’art.28 de la constitution en date
du 28 Février 2013.
NB : Il est préférable que les membres du Comité de Gestion aient de l’expérience et des
compétences spécialisées.
Afin de devenir membre du Comité de Gestion il faut aussi:
Passer le contrôle (« working with children check ») pour pouvoir travailler avec les enfants.
La vérification de votre casier judiciaire.
Ne pas être en situation de faillite ou le sujet d’autres procédures juridiques.
Ne pas être membre élu ou potentiellement élu d’un autre organe de l’école.
Le Président du Comité de Gestion doit être bilingue anglais/français.
Signer un code d’éthique.
Signer un accord de confidentialité.
Signer une déclaration de personne responsable
Lycée Condorcet - The International French School of Sydney
Établissement homologué par le ministère français de l’Éducation nationale
758 Anzac Parade - Maroubra NSW 2035 – Australia
Tel : 9344 8692 – Fax : 9349 2626
AG 19 novembre 2015 / AGM 19 November 2015
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Nomination for election to the School Board of Lycee Condorcet
The International French School of Sydney Ltd
Your nomination must be accompanied by a “candidate profile” of 200 words outlining the skills, experience
and contribution that you would make to the management of the school. This profile will be circulated to all
members of the company prior to elections being held on 19 November 2015.
***Before nominating please read carefully the following summary information which briefly outlines
the duties and responsibilities of a Board member.
Responsibilities - Board Members:
Have legal duties under Australian Company Law 2001 - “due diligence”.
Are ultimately responsible (personally and financially) for the whole of the school and its operations
and must act in the best interests of the whole school.
Cannot hold themselves out to be representative of any special interest group
Ensure financial viability and ensure the school meets local laws.
Are elected at the AGM – voluntary position, which may involve considerable work.
Be committed to the education philosophy, mission and values of the School
Be committed to a 2-year serving mandate as detailed in art. 28 of the constitution adopted Feb
28, 2013.
NB: It is desirable that Board members have experience and specialist skills.
To be a Board Member you must also:
Undergo a Working with Children Check.
Criminal record check.
Must not be bankrupt or subject to any other relevant legal proceedings.
Must not hold an elected or electable position in another school body.
The President of the School Board must be bilingual French/English.
Sign a code of ethics.
Enter a confidentiality agreement – to cover privacy matters.
Sign a Responsible Person declaration
Lycée Condorcet - The International French School of Sydney
Établissement homologué par le ministère français de l’Éducation nationale
758 Anzac Parade - Maroubra NSW 2035 – Australia
Tel : 9344 8692 – Fax : 9349 2626
AG 19 novembre 2015 / AGM 19 November 2015
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Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of members of the Lycee Condorcet
held on Saturday 29th November 2014 at 10 am.
The School hall of the Lycee Condorcet,
758 Anzac Parade, Maroubra
Were present:
Members as per attendance sheet annexed hereto.
Board Members:
Mr. Patrice Ribault (President/Chairperson)
Mr. Luc Marin-Curtoud (Vice-President/ Deputy Chairperson)
Mr. Christopher White (Secretary)
Mr. Rémy Coulouvrat (Treasurer)
Mr. Alan Trestour (Building Committee)
Ms. Mona Karam
Ms. Caroline Vallerie
Mr. Sebastien Vallerie
Ms. Suzanne McArthur
Mr. Frank Puligny
Mr. Pascal Guezello
School Administration:
Mr. Courjault (Principal)
Mr. Jean-Pierre Guguen (Financial and Administrative Manager)
Lycée Condorcet - The International French School of Sydney
Établissement homologué par le ministère français de l’Éducation nationale
758 Anzac Parade - Maroubra NSW 2035 – Australia
Tel : 9344 8692 – Fax : 9349 2626
AG 19 novembre 2015 / AGM 19 November 2015
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Mr Eric Berti (Consul-General of France)
Mr. John Mac Coll
Ms. Marie-Claire Guilbaud (conseiller consulaire)
Mr. Sebastien Vallerie (conseiller consulaire)
The President Mr. Patrice Ribault, introduced himself and welcomed members and guests to the Annual
General Meeting 2014 of the Lycée Condorcet.
A special welcome was extended to the special guests: Mr. Eric Berti, Ms. Marie-Claire Guilbaud, Mr. John
Mc Coll and Mr. Sébastien Vallerie. He also welcomed people from the Trust (Ms. Zita Rohr) and members of
the “Conseil d’établissement”.
The President confirmed the presence of a quorum and called the meeting, which has been duly convened,
to order at 10:00 am. More than 30 members were present and/or represented.
The Secretary’s address/chair:
Mr Christopher White introduced himself as new board member who will act as the secretary of the
meeting. He gave a short explanation on the conduct and procedures of the Annual General Meeting before
opening the official proceedings of the 2014 AGM.
Resolution 1: Modification of Agenda
The Secretary proposed a motion that the agenda be amended because since a sufficient number of
candidates have presented themselves, there is no need for election. He moved that item 3 of the agenda of
the meeting – Start of the ongoing election of the School Board - be deleted and amended by adding item 11
- Acceptance of nominees to the School Board.
The motion was seconded by Mr. Patrice Ribault. No one opposed the motion. The resolution was carried
Resolution 2: Adoption of Agenda
The President moved that the rest of the agenda be adopted. The motion was seconded by Ms. Mona
Karam. No one opposed the motion. The resolution was carried unanimously.
“The new agenda of the Annual General Meeting as amended by Resolution 1 is confirmed
and adopted.”
Resolution 3: Adoption of Minutes of the last Annual General Meeting
Lycée Condorcet - The International French School of Sydney
Établissement homologué par le ministère français de l’Éducation nationale
758 Anzac Parade - Maroubra NSW 2035 – Australia
Tel : 9344 8692 – Fax : 9349 2626
AG 19 novembre 2015 / AGM 19 November 2015
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A copy of the minutes of the last Annual General Meeting held on 23 rd November 2013 was attached to the
Notice of Annual General Meeting 2014, which was sent to all members on 5 th November 2014. The
Secretary invited questions from the floor on the minutes; however, no questions were raised.
The President moved that the minutes of the 2013 Annual General Meeting be adopted. The motion was
seconded by Ms. Luc Marin-Curtoud. No one opposed the motion. The resolution was carried unanimously.
“The Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of the Lycée Condorcet held on 23rd November 2013 are
confirmed and adopted.”
The President’s Report was given by Mr. Patrice Ribault.
Discussions and conclusions:
The President reinstated the mission and the role of the School Board and reminded the assembly that the
board is legally and financially responsible for the school. Monitor compliance/legal obligations
Board directors are volunteers and they cannot be representative of any special interest group or body. As a
director of the School Board, one has to abide by the code of ethics and must sign a non-disclosure
agreement. He took the opportunity to thank past and present members of the Board for their hard work.
Complex environment of the school:
The President explained that the school operates in a complex environment; in the eye of the Australian law,
we are a non-profit organisation and as such, this brings a lot of regulations to follow. On the education part,
we have to follow educational guidelines from France due to the AEFE convention/contract. Good
governance is important for the school; meetings and work sessions are crucial for us to work together.
Enrolment progressions:
After quite a big increase in 2012, student enrolments have been steady for the last three years. In 2014, we
started the year with 730 students.
School funding:
The President explained how the school is funded: relying 75% on school fees (parents’ money), 18% by
Australian government grants and 7% by other means.
AEFE contribution to the school:
The President also explained the contribution of the AEFE to the school. Firstly, it is a quality label that
ensures the quality of education through homologation from France. AEFE homologation is a quality seal for
education; it ensures a quality level for every class and guarantees acceptance of our students in their class
level in the French education system, anywhere in the world or in France.
Secondly, 3 persons from the school management team are sent by the AEFE plus we have, 17 resident
teachers co-funded by school and the AEFE.
Objectives of the School Board:
Lycée Condorcet - The International French School of Sydney
Établissement homologué par le ministère français de l’Éducation nationale
758 Anzac Parade - Maroubra NSW 2035 – Australia
Tel : 9344 8692 – Fax : 9349 2626
AG 19 novembre 2015 / AGM 19 November 2015
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Building a better school is the main goal we have set for the school. We need to:
 Support and encourage educational excellence;
The Principal in his report will talk more about it.
 Build a sound financial foundation;
The President reminded the assembly that when he came to the Board, there was a strong need to
rebuild the financial security of the school. We were focussing too much on enrolments every year;
this was not a comfortable situation. Having rebuilt the financial situation of the school, we now
have cash in the bank and the peace of mind to plan ahead for a better school.
 Keep school fees increases as low as possible;
It is very important for the community to keep the school affordable for everyone. In 2011-2012, we
saw quite a big increase in school fees. We have started the budget progress with the idea of having
minimal increase for next year.
 Keep investing in assets and plan for the future.
There are a lot of old buildings and the maintenance costs are very high. We need to accommodate
for new needs of education. So, the President named a few examples of the investments made:
 The new canteen project which was financed completely by the AEFE;
 The Science labs which are financed by Australian grants, the school, the AEFE and donations
from the Trust;
 An IT plan to be deployed over 3 years (renew computers and new IT facilities)
The President explained that the School Board plans to achieve its goals by:
 Increasing the attraction of the “maternelle” (The preschool is the entry point for Australians and we
have worked on selling bilingualism);
 Increasing student retention;
 Sound and strict budget management; and
 Planning and prioritising investments and maintenance plans.
Plans for the future
The President will invite the Building Committee (master plan) and Treasurer (financial aspect) to talk about
the future plans of the School Board. Basically, what has been done is the inventory of the existing (creating
a map of the school and utilities maps). We had a lot of surprises and problems when building the new
gymnasium and the canteen.
2014-2015 is a very challenging year for the school as we have to renew the school’s NSW Board of Studies
Accreditation, otherwise we will lose grants. We also need to renegotiate our AEFE convention.
Questions from the floor:
 Parents’ question (Mr. Nicolas Santini): He questioned the President on the definition of “who can be a
board member” and asked to clarify the meaning of “representative of any special interest”.
Answer (Mr. Patrice Ribault): As a board member, you represent the whole school, be a
representative of all parents. We have a very strict policy of conflict of interest; meaning that if you
have a special interest, you should refrain yourself from participating in the debates and votes.
Lycée Condorcet - The International French School of Sydney
Établissement homologué par le ministère français de l’Éducation nationale
758 Anzac Parade - Maroubra NSW 2035 – Australia
Tel : 9344 8692 – Fax : 9349 2626
AG 19 novembre 2015 / AGM 19 November 2015
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Remark: A board member added that for example, if you are a builder/own a building company and
the school needs to make constructions, you cannot participate in the votes of choosing the building
company [“if you are going to tender”- added Mr. Christopher White].
Answer continued (Mr. Patrice Ribault): The conflict of interest can be perceived but it can also be
Parent’s remark (Mr. Nicolas Santini): You are telling me that that person cannot participate in debates
and votes but here [extract from constitution] it says that you cannot even be a member.
Answer (Mr. Patrice Ribault): What I understand is that when you become a board member, you are
representative of the whole school/all parents. Directors cannot be representatives of any specific
group. For example, if your child is in “maternelle”, you cannot only look after the “maternelle” to the
detriment of other parts of the school.
Parents’ question (Mr. Nicolas Santini): On a second part, cannot be “elected members of the school
bodies”. Why?
Answer (Mr. Patrice Ribault): Simply because you don’t vote for the same things. For example, if you
are in “comité d’établissement”, you are voting on educational decisions and on some decisions
presented by the Principal, you have to vote for the finance and vote for the decision at the same
Remark (Mr. Christopher White): It will bring a conflict to the Board already.
Parent remark: So you see a conflict between decisions on financial basis and decisions on
educational basis. I believe it is not a conflict.
Answer continued (Mr. Patrice Ribault): The President added that the definition of conflict is very
strict in Australian law. You cannot be part of both.
Remark (Ms. Zita Rohr): The reason why you cannot be “conseil d’établissement” because you are
lobbying for perhaps, an extra teacher or program and as a member of the board, you are looking at
the financial aspect of the decision. That can be perceived as conflict of interest.
Remark (Mr. Christopher White): We are looking at avoiding that conflict of interest.
Parents’ question/remark (Ms. Zita Rohr): She wanted to make a comment to the Assembly on fee
increases. In 2010-2011, the school had an issue with cost of services paid. It was then decided that a
fee increase was necessary. It was agreed afterwards to keep increases minimal; this brought issues like
low bank reserves. Preschool was not covering costs so fee increase was necessary. It is a politically
difficult decision to take.
Answer (Mr. Patrice Ribault): I totally understand that; it is hard to take those decisions as a parent.
Increasing fees is a very hard decision to take on behalf of the school.
Remark (Ms. Zita Rohr): From time to time, we can understand that a fee increase is necessary. It is a
very subjective area. This should be acknowledged.
Parents’ question (Mr. Alex Perpoil): He asked the President if there was a specific reason for the jump in
students’ numbers witnessed in 2012 (from 618 to 696). Was it due to a new company opening in Sydney
for example?
Lycée Condorcet - The International French School of Sydney
Établissement homologué par le ministère français de l’Éducation nationale
758 Anzac Parade - Maroubra NSW 2035 – Australia
Tel : 9344 8692 – Fax : 9349 2626
AG 19 novembre 2015 / AGM 19 November 2015
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Answer (Mr. Patrice Ribault): The number of kids coming from companies is going down every year.
Basically, the big jump was in primary school.
Remark (Mr. Alan Trestour): My recall was that the jump can be due to the opening of new class in
“maternelle” in 2012.
Parents’ question (Ms. Lina Souki-Schmidt): Is there any strategies for increasing enrolments/retaining
more students?
Answer (Mr. Patrice Ribault): For the moment, we can add new kids but at one point, we will have to
start thinking new buildings (vision 2020), creating new master plan to get to know our maximum
capacity of students. The school is naturally growing: we have around 46 student enrolments in Petite
Section every year and the “Terminale” is about 26 each year. The retention rate is very important;
keepings kids from “maternelle” to high school is our aim. Ideal size is 4 classes per primary level;
that’s the maximum the school can cope with. Our main strategy is student retention.
Parents’ question (Ms. Lina Souki-Schmidt): Capacity-wise, where are we at the moment?
Answer (Mr. Patrice Ribault): We are close to 80-85% occupation rate but the problem is not in the
classes. The real issue is more outside the classrooms (problems in playgrounds, movement of
students in "maternelle” with older students). The situation is not satisfactory.
Parents’ question (Mr. Nicolas Santini): When we would have reached 100% capacity, are we at risk to
see a big increase in school fees like in 2012 in order to finance the building or is it going to be smooth?
Answer (Mr. Patrice Ribault): We have building reserves for the master plan to come. Planning ahead
is important. We are working on grants from the NSW government (they can finance until 50% of the
project like the science labs). Another solution can be moving up the waiting lists in “maternelle” to
primary classes instead of opening new classes. The actual maximum number of students in the
primary classes is 25 (informal); we do not want to exceed this maximum. Secondary school is
Parents’ question (Mr. Alban Spella-Barberet): Can a teacher’s partner become a board member?
Answer (Mr. Patrice Ribault): In the constitution, it does not say he/she cannot but he fears a conflict
of interest. We never discussed that possibility before.
Remark: Is it like a member of administration cannot become a board member?
Answer (Mr. Patrice Ribault): There is nothing written on that. The constitution makes everyone equal
in being a board member but there could be perceived conflict of interest if you are a teacher’s
Remark (Mr. Nicolas Santini): It is just like we discussed before; you just do not vote when there is a
conflict of interest and still be a member.
Remarks: A few persons from the assembly replied that you would just never vote in that case.
Answer continued (Mr. Patrice Ribault): The idea of being a board member is being able to
participate to the maximum number of work sessions. We take decisions that involve change in the
school, e.g. opening of new classes, one less teacher per level: this can involve a conflict of interest.
Another problem is access to confidentiality.
Lycée Condorcet - The International French School of Sydney
Établissement homologué par le ministère français de l’Éducation nationale
758 Anzac Parade - Maroubra NSW 2035 – Australia
Tel : 9344 8692 – Fax : 9349 2626
AG 19 novembre 2015 / AGM 19 November 2015
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Resolution 4: Approval of President’s Report
The Secretary moved that the President’s Report be adopted. The motion was seconded by Mr. Luc MarinCurtoud. No one opposed. The motion was carried unanimously.
“The President’s Report is confirmed and adopted.”
The Principal’s Report was given by Mr. Philippe Courjault, Principal of the Lycee Condorcet.
Discussions and conclusions:
The Principal also talked about the specific environment of the school. He mentioned the growth in the
number of students in the AEFE network especially in Asia-Pacific region and the increase in the demand for
French education in Australia (school in Canberra, projects in Perth, Brisbane and Melbourne).
Important changes to the orientation of the school
There is an important strategic evolution of French schools around the world. The new strategic orientation
plan of the AEFE voted in June.
Our school must meet two registrations/homologations:
 Accreditation with the French government (most important); and
 Registration with the NSW Board of Studies. The latter is fundamental too: firstly, for financial
reasons (grants) and secondly, for recognition of our education by the Australian authorities,
meaning, we can enrol non-French students.
Enrolments have not staggered this year. More than 50 new students have been enrolled this year.
Bilingualism at school:
The Principal gave the reasoning behind the choice of the school’s direction towards bilingualism. The
consequences are:
 It is an opportunity to review the educational direction/strategic plan of the school ;
The 2013 changes in “maternelle” are very important and have consequences. The bilingualism
we want to implement relies heavily on English-French teaching parity in Petite and Moyenne
Section. « Le bilinguisme qu’on va développer repose sur la PS et la MS avec enseignement à
parité anglais-français. »
 It helps to mobilise human skills : « Mobiliser les compétences » ;
Our teachers are French trained and Australian trained; they do not teach in the same manner.
The school recruits teachers that are not only English teachers but we chose to recruit Australian
primary teachers, meaning that they can teach other subjects like maths, history, etc. It is
important that we teach English in the same manner that we teach French. For example: through
maths, geography.
 Developing the school from the bottom is an important element in the choice of bilingualism. “On
développe le lycée par le bas.”
Network of the school:
Lycée Condorcet - The International French School of Sydney
Établissement homologué par le ministère français de l’Éducation nationale
758 Anzac Parade - Maroubra NSW 2035 – Australia
Tel : 9344 8692 – Fax : 9349 2626
AG 19 novembre 2015 / AGM 19 November 2015
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The Principal states that the school has a strong network of contacts of very high quality. Principal reminded
everyone that the school maintains good relations with bodies like the French Embassy, the French
Consulate, FACCI, etc. As such, we are informed of events and special visits (A few examples: French Film
Festival, Nils Ferrand and Lionel Jospin’s visit, etc). The students benefit a lot from this. He also took the
opportunity to thank Mr. McColl for his contributions to the school
Main ambitions of the school:
 Secure and promote student’s achievements : « Valoriser le parcours des élèves » ;
Our students perform very well with great results and the school is very modest on those results.
We need to communicate, promote and encourage the students more. Our courses are very
challenging. An application for a European section at the school is in progress.
 Develop the certifications;
Most of us are bilingual but there is no certification to prove it. Hence, we are working with
Cambridge University towards a Certificate of Advanced English for “Première” and “Terminale”
students; this corresponds more to the European framework.
 Develop artistic, cultural and sports activities;
 Work on harassment and bullying;
 Focus on career advising: « voir les politiques d’orientation »
 Information Technology :
The board has made a big investment on the network structure and the technology needs to get
into classes. We need to mobilise/reinforce the three following resources in order to lead this
 The pedagogy: We need to work on programs, our evaluation methods, etc;
 Improve communication; and
 Human resources: The Principal reminded that we cannot have success without proper
human resources.
Parents will be invited to participate in a survey soon to give their opinion on the project.
Special thanks:
The Principal finished his report by expressing how proud he was to be the principal of the Lycée Condorcet.
He thanked all the staff, teaching as well as non-teaching, for their commitment. He showed appreciation
towards the students for their smiles that give sense to our actions. Mr Courjault also thanked the parents
for their trust and the quality of work that they achieve together.
Questions from the floor:
 Parents’ question (Ms. Katia de Piccoli): She questioned the Principal on the equivalencies of the HSC and
the Baccalaureate. What is being done to equate those qualifications? Families that are here on long
term are concerned about this.
Answer (Mr. Philippe Courjault): There is absolutely no problem for our students to access Australian
universities whatever the diploma they obtain. There are 2 ways to access university throughout the
world: either you have worked very well in “Seconde, Première and Terminale” (you have a quality
application) or by the results that you obtain at the final exams. Depending on the results, you get
ranked and this rank allows students to access universities.
Lycée Condorcet - The International French School of Sydney
Établissement homologué par le ministère français de l’Éducation nationale
758 Anzac Parade - Maroubra NSW 2035 – Australia
Tel : 9344 8692 – Fax : 9349 2626
AG 19 novembre 2015 / AGM 19 November 2015
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Remark (Ms. Katia de Piccoli): I am not talking about access but more about equation/equivalency.
From my understanding, they are not equivalent; there is a problem of recognition. What are we
doing to match those levels?
Answer continued (Mr. Philippe Courjault): 40% of our students receive an ATAR of 99 or more. I don’t
understand where is the problem? They work hard and that lead them to universities. 55% get
“Mention Très Bien”. The problem is more for 2 types of students: those who are not in the 95% that
get awards. We need to support these fragile students. They are good in English so, if we build up on
items that will bring them more marks. It is more what we are doing for them and not the scale that
is at fault; we need to work on making our students competitive within that scale. We cannot lower
our exigencies by fighting the scale. When we were working on the Advanced English certificate,
some teachers argued that it was harder than the IELTS, so what?
 Parents’ question (Mr. Alban Spella-Barberet): Do you see benefit in pedagogical projects and
interactions with the school next door?
Answer (Mr. Philippe Courjault): That is something I didn’t talk about. We are in consultation often;
we are working together on the Chess project (mixed teams of both schools competing as one for the
chess competition in Sydney). That’s an example of one project we run together.
Parents’ question (Ms. Lina Souki-Schmidt): What is the school’s level compared to other schools? Do we
keep track?
Answer (Mr. Philippe Courjault): The only benchmark we have is the NAPLAN results. NAPLAN does
not assess everything plus not every school publishes their results. So we have to be careful what it
means. We have financial benchmark done by the AIS but we do not have official educational
Remark (Ms. Lina Souki-Schmidt): The cultural approach is different in Australian school. Other
schools market themselves very well. So what are the marketing strategies of the school?
Answer continued (Mr. Philippe Courjault): The only benchmark which we are sure of is the AEFE
classification. We know where we stand in the AEFE network and the Asia-Pacific region. For
marketing, I agree with you we do not do enough. It has not been a concern until now as the school is
part of history, has reputations. We are aware of the problem.
 Parents’ question (Mr. Nicolas Santini): When you talked about renewing our registration with the Board
of Studies, will that trigger grants for the Year 11 and 12? Is it linked completely to what we teach?
Answer (Mr. Philippe Courjault): Yes. Request to include Year 11 and 12 classes in the registration has
already been made to the Board of Studies. Until now, we only had registration for kindergarten to
Year 10. Provisional registration for “Premiere, Terminale” and IB classes has been obtained this year
and in March 2015, the renewal of the registration will be done for kindergarten to year 12. This is
very important because it gives us the right to enrol students who are not French.
 Parents’ question (Ms. Zita Rohr): She explained that her children have been studying at the school and
are now enrolled in good universities over the world. She asked the Principal whether the IB certificate
was still available.
Answer (Mr. Philippe Courjault): The Principal stressed on the fact that one should not confuse
between the IB certificate and the IB Diploma as the certificate is no longer available.
The IB certificate is not recognised by the European Language Framework; this is important as it
proves the level of English. The IB Diploma is recognised as a proof of level of English. Two years ago,
Lycée Condorcet - The International French School of Sydney
Établissement homologué par le ministère français de l’Éducation nationale
758 Anzac Parade - Maroubra NSW 2035 – Australia
Tel : 9344 8692 – Fax : 9349 2626
AG 19 novembre 2015 / AGM 19 November 2015
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our students applied to Sydney University with the IB certificate, they were not enrolled. I called there
to find out that the certificate was not accepted as per enrolment terms on the university website.
Parent’s question (Ms. Zita Rohr): I am not talking about French students doing the Baccalaureate but
more English students doing the French Bac? What does the school provides for this?
Answer (Mr. Philippe Courjault): The Advanced English certificate from Cambridge University will be
Remark (Ms. Zita Rohr): She argued that the Advanced English certificate is not appropriate for native
English speakers: they get 20/20.
Answer continued (Mr. Philippe Courjault): In the French Bac, we can teach English at a C2 level,
there is no problem. You can have challenging literature program in the French program.
Remark (Ms. Zita Rohr): The issue is more for Australian students who are getting problems for
enrolling into Australian universities.
Answer (Mr. Philippe Courjault): The Advanced English certificate is recognised by most universities:
there is only three exceptions: James Cook University Catholic University (but things are on the way
for these two), and New England University. In 2011, things have changed: not only has the IELTS
been accepted but also the Advanced English certificate. We are going to be an examination centre
for it. From next year onwards, every student in “Première” will sit for the Advanced English
certificate. We will meet with parents soon on the matter.
Resolution 5: Approval of Principal’s Report
The Secretary closed the questions session and moved that the Principal’s Report be adopted. The motion
was seconded by Mr. Patrice Ribault. No one opposed the motion; it was carried unanimously.
“The Principal’s report is confirmed and adopted.”
The Building Committee report was given by Mr. Alan Trestour.
Discussions and conclusions:
Mr. Alan Trestour introduced himself as new board member and chair of the Building Committee. He
thanked the management team and the Board members for their work and commitment before explaining
the main goal of the Building Committee which is to build a safe and modern infrastructure for the school
before presenting the projects conducted this year by the Building Committee.
Major projects of the committee:
 Refurbishing of science labs;
 Refurbishing of first floor classrooms; the secondary classrooms were converted in new classes for
the primary. The idea is to reserve this area/building for the preschool.
 Extension of new 4 classes for the secondary;
 Developing a campus master plan;
The campus Master Plan:
Mr. Trestour stressed on the importance to have a master plan because of the extensive size of the school
site. The school found a number of issues and did not know where the pipe lines, gas lines where they were.
Lycée Condorcet - The International French School of Sydney
Établissement homologué par le ministère français de l’Éducation nationale
758 Anzac Parade - Maroubra NSW 2035 – Australia
Tel : 9344 8692 – Fax : 9349 2626
AG 19 novembre 2015 / AGM 19 November 2015
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The master plan will help to understand how the site is. An analysis of the site has been done with surveyors
and consultants.
Stages of the Master Plan:
 Asset control:
Inventories on the conditions of assets were done in order to achieve a better control of the assets.
Proper maintenance plan can thus be devised
 Revision of the maintenance budget and asset control;
It is important to maintain our assets. The school comprises of a large site with lots of buildings to
maintain. Long term finance plan for these capital costs is important. Greater control of our assets
achieved through inventories and maintenance plan.
 Mapping of in ground and out of ground services;
The above ground services (e.g. electricity) were mapped and a few reports were produced with
 Traffic assessment:
Traffic impact is also an important element of the master plan. Parents will soon have to respond to
a survey. Impacts in terms of internal parking and traffic around the school will be assessed.
 Consultation with external bodies:
Consultation with the town planners/Randwick Council is also crucial as they may have plans that
can affect us. We need to sit together and discuss our master plan with the authorities.
 Costs of the master plan:
We have to see if the master plan is achievable from a cost perspective. We want to grow
sustainably but we do not want to grow the rates of the school. As the President said, school fees
cannot increase as a result of poor planning.
 Information sessions:
At the end of February, work sessions with parents and other stakeholders will be organised. We will
have the opportunity to put our ideas together and give our opinions on the master plan.
 Planning ahead:
We need to see what our capital works program will be for the next 10 - 15 years and plan
sustainably in consequence.
Budget for the Master Plan:
The chairperson of the Building Committee disclosed the budget used to date for the Campus Master Plan:
$80,000: This is a lot of money but we are talking about assets worth between $20 to 30 millions. This
money has been used to conduct services searches, dilapidation reports, building assessments, pay
engineers, traffic planners, consultants and architectural advices and mapping of services.
Other projects:
 Last year, Patrice mentioned the new toilet blocks for the primary. The challenge was their position
and we also needed to provide disability access. Unfortunately, we put in a grant application ($1.2 1.5 millions for funding the project), the AIS rejected the plan and did not grant the money for the
project. They did not understand and see the school having an immediate and urgent need for the
Lycée Condorcet - The International French School of Sydney
Établissement homologué par le ministère français de l’Éducation nationale
758 Anzac Parade - Maroubra NSW 2035 – Australia
Tel : 9344 8692 – Fax : 9349 2626
AG 19 novembre 2015 / AGM 19 November 2015
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Consolidation of “maternelle” classes in Block A: There has been a relocation of classes from Block A
to Block E which will result in a complete segregation of students of “maternelle” and secondary.
The zebra crossing application has been approved. Aus grid will be coming soon to finalise that. Mr.
Trestour thanked the parents for their involvement as they have been putting pressure on the
Randwick Council to approve the project.
Traffic surveys and consultations: He mentioned the discrepancies with signage (the P5 to P10
signage like the neighbouring school) and said that discussions with the Council are in progress on
the matter. There are also other initiatives in progress: increasing the number of parking spots,
optimisation of the location of the bus stop resulting into more parking spaces. The traffic
consultants will be giving their report next month.
Questions from the floor:
 Parents’ question (Mr. Santini): What happened to the previous 2013 Master Plan? Is it obsolete?
Answer (Mr. Alan Trestour): There has been a bit of confusion: what has been published before was a
draft skeleton of what a master plan can be for the school. It was never a formally endorsed or
completed document that is why it was removed from the website. I invite the President to confirm
that since I was not on the board at that time.
Remark (Mr. Patrice Ribault): The President added that in 2013, we were in the process of choosing a
new architect company, that’s when this plan was done. It was their vision of the school. You need to
continue the life of the school while building on the master plan.
Parents’ question (Mr. Alex Perpoil): Is the school looking into projects like find ecological ways to have
natural light, save electricity, etc?
Answer (Mr. Alan Trestour): We definitely employ consultants that are conversant in eco-friendly building
techniques. It is our concern; we want sustainability in the choice of material we use.
Resolution 6: Approval of the Building Committee’s Report.
The Secretary closed the questions session and moved that the building Committee’s Report be adopted.
The motion was seconded by Ms. Mona Karam. No one opposed the motion; it was carried unanimously.
“The Building Committee’s report is confirmed and adopted.”
The Treasurer’s Report and the financial statements for the year ended 30 th June 2013 were presented by
Mr. Rémy Coulouvrat.
A copy of the financial statements for the year ending 30th June 2013 was attached to the Notice of Annual
General Meeting 2014, which was sent to all members on 5th November 2014.
Discussions and conclusions:
The treasurer summarised the statements of accounts of the Lycée Condorcet. The main points of his report
 Revenues remained steady over the year;
Lycée Condorcet - The International French School of Sydney
Établissement homologué par le ministère français de l’Éducation nationale
758 Anzac Parade - Maroubra NSW 2035 – Australia
Tel : 9344 8692 – Fax : 9349 2626
AG 19 novembre 2015 / AGM 19 November 2015
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We had a small increase of 1%, almost flat. The drivers of this result are firstly, the school fees that
have seen a small increase this year. Secondly, we have lower government grants because of our mix
of students; we do not receive grants for “maternelle” and the IB, Year 11 and 12. We also got a
one-off insurance payback for the floor of the hall (almost $100,000).
Expenses came down by almost $200,000.
This was mainly due to some lower personal and wages costs. The maintenance costs are lower. All
that brings our operative result to a flat result for the year.
Cash reserves:
This year, we succeeded in putting aside almost $1 million. Now, our reserves have gone from $ 3 to
4 millions.
There is reasonable ground to believe that the company will be able to pay its debts as and when they
become due and payable;
Indicators show that our school is in a good position compared to other school of similar size. You
have received the accounts with all the detailed figures in the invitation sent by email. We are in a
capacity to repay our current debts and our working capital is increasing.
As at date, budget shows a profit of $300, 000.
Income structure of the school:
As mentioned by the President in his report, 75 % of our income sources from school fees, 14 %
from grants (from Commonwealth and NSW government), 5 % from canteen income and the rest
from interests from the bank and other miscellaneous means.
Student’s enrolment:
Student numbers are important for us. Enrolments have doubled over 10 years. In June 2014, we
were at 705 students and now at 732. The growth has been more marked in preschool.
The employees’ wages and personal costs are the main expenses of the school (66% of the school’s
revenues). This is much better than other schools which are at around 70% of their revenues. This
also includes the AEFE contributions for the resident teachers and staff.
Key Performance Indicators:
The Treasurer presented some KPIs to highlight that our school is in a good position compared to other
schools. This shows how we stand comparing to other schools of similar size and location. He used the 2013
results as indicators.
 Working capital:
It describes our capacity to repay our current debts. The working capital has increased. This is simply
due to the increase in the cash reserves this year.
 Total debt:
We have clearly improved.
 Current income per student:
We are cheaper than other schools while our resources are better. It is good value for money.
Questions from the floor:
 Parents’ question (Mr. Nicolas Santini): I don’t understand why we request school fees in advance in the
semester unlike other schools that charge their fees when school starts and not before?
Lycée Condorcet - The International French School of Sydney
Établissement homologué par le ministère français de l’Éducation nationale
758 Anzac Parade - Maroubra NSW 2035 – Australia
Tel : 9344 8692 – Fax : 9349 2626
AG 19 novembre 2015 / AGM 19 November 2015
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Answer (Mr. Remy Coulouvrat): We ask payment roughly two weeks before school starts; I believe that it
is very fair.
Remark (Ms. Zita Rohr): We changed the system because we had issues before and the school had bad
debts. We had to re-educate the mentality of the school on this respect.
Answer continued (Mr. Remy Coulouvrat): You always have the option of paying monthly with School
Plan. It is your choice, your budget.
 Parents’ question (Mr. Nicolas Santini): I don’t understand why pressure is put on parents before school
Remark (Ms. Zita Rohr): The cash reserves of the school were very low before; the company was having
issues. I would like to thank the board members for lifting the school’s budget.
Answer continued (Mr. Remy Coulouvrat): The school has around 90 persons on its payroll, meaning that
the school has expenses of around $700,000 per month.
Parents’ question (Ms. Lina Souki-Schmidt): Given the number of students is increasing, how does the
school do to cut costs?
Answer (Mr. Remy Coulouvrat): Compared to the other years, this may mean that we have been more
Parents’ question (Mr. Nicolas Santini): From what I understood we will receive government grants for
the Year 11 and Year 12 in 2016. Does that mean at that point the school fees will drop for these levels?
Answer (Mr. Remy Coulouvrat): That’s a good point. Next year in July, we are considering a drop in
school fees as we will receive grants for these classes. We are now waiting to see the amount of
grants received before deciding how much we can decrease the school fees.
Parents’ question (Mr. Nicolas Santini): What triggered the government grants for Year 11 and Year 12?
Did we do something new?
Answer (Mr. Patrice Ribault): Yes. We asked for registration of year 11 and 12. These two levels were
not registered with the Board of Studies before.
Parents’ question (Mr. Nicolas Santini): Why?
Answer (Mr. Patrice Ribault): Because by law, we were not allowed to do HSC and it was not
Resolution 7: Approval of the 2013-2014 Financial Accounts.
The secretary asked the floor for further questions. Since there was no further question, he moved to
approve the 2012-2013 and 2013-2014 audited financial statements. The motion was seconded by Ms.
Mona Karam. No one opposed or abstained from the motion so, it was carried unanimously.
“The 2012-2013 and 2013-2014 Audited Financial Statements of the Lycee Condorcet are adopted
and confirmed.”
Lycée Condorcet - The International French School of Sydney
Établissement homologué par le ministère français de l’Éducation nationale
758 Anzac Parade - Maroubra NSW 2035 – Australia
Tel : 9344 8692 – Fax : 9349 2626
AG 19 novembre 2015 / AGM 19 November 2015
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The secretary asked the floor if they had further questions. Since there was no further question, he invited
Ms. Caroline Vallerie as Chair of the Audit Committee to give her report.
Discussions and conclusions:
Ms. Caroline Vallerie gave a quick update on the Committee and reinstated the main objectives of the
committee which are:
 Making a healthy and safe environment to the school:
School must be safe for everyone, students and staff. A Work Health and Safety audit has been
conducted in this respect.
 Making the school financially sustainable
This means checking if the school is adequately funded. An audit of the school’s financial processes
was done by the AIS in January 2014 and the outcome was that the school was well managed; and
 Promoting environmental awareness.
We made a sustainability audit to better understand the current situation of the school. Also, it will
help us to see where we position ourselves compared to other schools environmentally speaking.
Resolution 8: Approval of the Audit Committee’s Report.
The secretary asked the floor for further questions. Since there was no further question, he moved to adopt
the Audit Committee Report. The motion was seconded by Mr. Alan Trestour. No one opposed or abstained
from the motion so, it was carried unanimously.
“The Audit Committee Report are adopted and confirmed.”
Questions from the floor:
 Parents’ question (Mr. Nicolas Santini): Do we have an advertisement budget?
Answer (Mr. Patrice Ribault): Yes. We did a few actions like increasing the Google ratings by buying
names in Google. We also tried advertising in newspapers; it is very expensive and we do not get
value for money. We are also working on the new position of the administration towards
communication. What we have to understand is that the school had only 300 kids five years ago and
the structure has to be changed too.
Parents’ comment/remark (Ms. Katia de Piccoli): My school website rates schools and provides some
space for advertising on their website.
Answer (Mr. Patrice Ribault): It is a government site. It is based on data from the NAPLAN and
financial information we send them. We have to keep in mind that the school uses a different school
calendar and financial year compared to other schools. Although we do the NAPLAN tests here, we
do not prepare our students exclusively for the NAPLAN. It should be said that our students do
perform well.
Remark (Ms. Lina Souki-Schmidt): Even if you call there, people at the NAPLAN will tell you that it is
not important.
Special guests’ speeches:
The secretary asked the floor if they had further questions. Since there was no further question, he invited
the following guests to make their speech:
 Mr John Mac Coll;
Lycée Condorcet - The International French School of Sydney
Établissement homologué par le ministère français de l’Éducation nationale
758 Anzac Parade - Maroubra NSW 2035 – Australia
Tel : 9344 8692 – Fax : 9349 2626
AG 19 novembre 2015 / AGM 19 November 2015
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Ms. Marie-Claire Guilbaud; and
Mr. Sébastien Vallerie
Resolution 9: Acceptance of nominees to the School Board
Ms. Suzanne McArthur, board member moved that the following list of members be approved as nominees
to the Board:
 Mr. Luc Marin-Curtoud;
 Mr. Frank Puligny;
 Mr. Alan Trestour; and
 Mr. Christopher White.
The motion was seconded by Ms. Mona Karam. As no objection was raised, the resolution was carried
“The following nominees to the School Board are confirmed and validated.
- Mr. Luc Marin-Curtoud;
- Mr. Frank Puligny;
- Mr. Alan Trestour; and
- Mr. Christopher White.”
There being no further matters to discuss, the President thanked the assembly for their presence and
declared the 2014 Annual General Meeting of the Lycee Condorcet adjourned at 12.30pm.
Lycée Condorcet - The International French School of Sydney
Établissement homologué par le ministère français de l’Éducation nationale
758 Anzac Parade - Maroubra NSW 2035 – Australia
Tel : 9344 8692 – Fax : 9349 2626
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