Avis de convocation à l`Assemblée Générale


Avis de convocation à l`Assemblée Générale
Sydney, le 5 novembre 2014
Avis de convocation à l’Assemblée Générale Annuelle
Le Comité de gestion invite tous les membres du Lycée Condorcet – The
International French School of Sydney Limited (ACN 003 977 160)
Qui se tiendra:
samedi 29 novembre 2014
Théâtre de l’Ecole
758 Anzac Parade, Maroubra NSW 2035
Patrice Ribault
Président, Comité de gestion
Selon la réglementation du NSW toute la documentation officielle doit être produite en anglais et
l’assemblée générale se passera en anglais.
Le Lycée Condorcet est une société à responsabilité limitée. Tout parent d’élève est membre de la
société, si les frais de scolarité sont acquittés. Chaque membre de la société est invité à participer
et à voter à l’assemblée générale soit en personne, soit par procuration. Il est dans l’intérêt du
lycée et de chacun des membres, qu’autant de parents que possible participent aux activités de la
société. Veuillez lire attentivement la documentation qui accompagne le formulaire pour la
nomination aux élections du Comité de gestion.
Si vous nommez quelqu’un pour vous représenter, votre représentant doit remettre la procuration à
la réception au plus tard à 10h le jeudi 27 novembre 2014 (remise en personne ou document pdf
par envoi électronique à [email protected]) pour que votre procuration soit enregistrée.
Inclus: l’instrument de procuration, le formulaire pour nomination aux élections du Comité de
gestion qui doit être reçu à la réception avant 16h le vendredi 14 novembre 2014 (remise en
personne ou envoi électronique à l’adresse [email protected]) et la documentation
afférente, Minutes de l’Assemblée Générale 2013, Etats Financiers audités 2012-2013 et Rapport
des Directeurs, Etats Financiers audités 2013-2014 et Rapport des Directeurs.
Ordre du jour
Sous la présidence de Patrice RIBAULT
Adoption de l’ordre du jour
Début de l’élection des membres du Comité de Gestion
Adoption des minutes de la dernière Assembée Générale
Rapport du Président
Rapport du Chef d’Établissement
Rapport du Comité Immobilier
Rapport du Trésorier, approbation des comptes 2012-2014 audités
Rapport du Comité Audit
Fin du vote et Clôture
Lycée Condorcet - The International French School of Sydney
Établissement homologué par le ministère français de l’Éducation nationale
758 Anzac Parade - Maroubra NSW 2035 – Australia
Tel : 9344 8692 – Fax : 9349 2626
AG 29 novembre 2014 / AGM 29 November 2014
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5 November 2014
Notice of Annual General Meeting
The School Board is inviting all members of
Lycee Condorcet – The International French School of Sydney Limited
(ACN 003 977 160)
to the
to be held:
Venue :
Saturday, 29 November 2014
10.00 am
School Hall
758 Anzac Parade, Maroubra NSW 2035
Patrice Ribault
President, School Board
Due to NSW regulations, all official documents must be presented in English, and the AGM will be
conducted in English.
The school is a company limited by guarantee. Each parent of a student is a member of the
company, if the student’s fees are currently paid. Each member of the company is invited to attend
and vote at the general meeting either in person or by proxy. It is in the interest of the school and
each member, for as many members as possible participate in the activities of the company.
Please carefully read all the documents that will be attached with the Nomination Form.
If you cannot attend the meeting and appoint a proxy, then your proxy must give the instrument of
proxy at the school reception at the latest by 10:00 am on Thursday 27 November 2014 (either
by hand or pdf document emailed to: [email protected]) for your proxy to be registered.
Attached: the Instrument of Proxy, the form for nomination to the School Board that must be
received at the reception at latest by 4.00 pm on 14 November 2014 (either remitted by hand or
sent electronically to: [email protected]) and accompanying documents, , Minutes of the
2013 AGM, 2012-2013 Audited accounts & Directors Report, 2013-2014 Audited accounts &
Directors Report,
Agenda of Meeting
Chaired by Patrice RIBAULT
1) Welcome
2) Adoption of the Agenda
3) Start of the ongoing election of the School Board
4) Adoption of the minutes of the last Annual General Meeting
5) President’s Report
6) Principal’s Report
7) Building Committee’s Report
8) Treasurer’s Report, approval of accounts 2012-2014
9) Audit Committee Report
10) Varia
11) End of vote and Close
Lycée Condorcet - The International French School of Sydney
Établissement homologué par le ministère français de l’Éducation nationale
758 Anzac Parade - Maroubra NSW 2035 – Australia
Tel : 9344 8692 – Fax : 9349 2626
AG 29 novembre 2014 / AGM 29 November 2014
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Lycee Condorcet - The International French School of Sydney Ltd
Instrument de procuration pour l’Assemblée Générale annuelle
29 novembre 2014
Je soussigné(e), (nom) ___________________________________________________________
Domicilé à (adresse)______________________________________________________________
Suis membre du Lycée Condorcet - The International French School of Sydney (ACN 003 977
160). Je nomme:
(Nom du mandataire)_____________________________________________________________
Domicilé à (adresse)_____________________________________________________________
comme mandataire autorisé à voter en mon nom à l’assemblée générale annuelle du Lycée
Condorcet-The International French School of Sydney Ltd, qui aura lieu le 29 novembre 2014.
(Veuillez noter que ce document, qui permet de voter par procuration, doit être remis au bureau
d’accueil de l’école au plus tard le jeudi 27 novembre 2014 à 10h afin d’être pris en considération).
Je soussigné(e) (nom du mandataire)________________________________________________
Domicilé à (adresse)______________________________________________________________
Accepte de voter à la place de (nom du membre)_______________________________________
Signature _________________________________
1- Chaque tuteur/tutrice d’un élève est membre de la société, à la condition que les frais de
scolarité de cet étudiant aient été payés.
2- Un membre qui se trouve dans l’impossibilité d’assister à l’assemblée générale peut demander
à une autre personne d’assister et de voter à sa place. Il s’agit d’un vote par procuration. Vous
pouvez nommer la personne de votre choix en tant que mandataire, y compris votre
3- La personne mandataire doit remettre ce formulaire “instrument de procuration”, au bureau
d’accueil de l’école au plus tard le 27 novembre 2014 à 10h (remise en personne ou
document pdf par envoi électronique à: [email protected]. Veuillez noter que ce
formulaire ne peut pas contenir de corrections. Si vous faites une erreur, veuillez remplir un
autre formulaire.
4- Un membre peut voter uniquement par procuration si cet instrument de procuration est rempli
correctement. Des formulaires sont disponibles à l’accueil de l’école. Une photocopie de ce
document est acceptée.
5- Une personne peut être mandataire pour un maximum de trois (3) personnes.
A noter: Des photocopies sont disponibles au bureau d’accueil de l’école.
Lycée Condorcet - The International French School of Sydney
Établissement homologué par le ministère français de l’Éducation nationale
758 Anzac Parade - Maroubra NSW 2035 – Australia
Tel : 9344 8692 – Fax : 9349 2626
AG 29 novembre 2014 / AGM 29 November 2014
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Lycee Condorcet – The International French School of Sydney Ltd
Instrument of Proxy for Annual General Meeting
29 November 2014
I, (name) _______________________________________________________________________
Of (address) ____________________________________________________________________
Am a member of Lycee Condorcet – The International French School of Sydney (ACN 003 977
I appoint:
(Name of Proxy) _________________________________________________________________
Of (address) ____________________________________________________________________
as my proxy to vote on my behalf at the General Meeting of the Lycee Condorcet – The
International French School of Sydney Ltd, to be held on 29 November 2014. (Please note that
this proxy must be returned to the school reception at latest by 10:00 am on Thursday 27
November 2014 for it to be registered).
Signed _____________________________________
Date ___________________________
I, (name of proxy) ________________________________________________________________
Of (address) ____________________________________________________________________
Agree to vote on behalf of (name of member) __________________________________________
Signed _____________________________________
Date _____________________
1- Each legal guardian of a student is a member of the company, if the fees of each student of
that legal guardian are currently paid.
2- A member who does not attend the meeting may ask another person to attend and vote on that
member’s behalf, this is called attending by proxy. You may appoint anyone to act as your
proxy, including your spouse.
3- The person acting as a member’s proxy must give this form, called an instrument of proxy, to
the school reception at latest by 10:00 am on the 27 November 2014 (in person or pdf
document emailed to: [email protected]). Please note that this form must not be
crossed or corrective liquid used. If you make a mistake, please ask for another form.
4- A member can only vote by proxy if this instrument of proxy is completed correctly. Extra
copies of this form are available at the School reception. A photocopy of this instrument is
5- A person may act as proxy for up to three (3) members.
Note: More copies are available from the Reception.
Lycée Condorcet - The International French School of Sydney
Établissement homologué par le ministère français de l’Éducation nationale
758 Anzac Parade - Maroubra NSW 2035 – Australia
Tel : 9344 8692 – Fax : 9349 2626
AG 29 novembre 2014 / AGM 29 November 2014
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Je soussigné (nom et prénom) _____________________________________________________
(adresse) ______________________________________________________________________
Membre du lycée Condorcet-The International French School of Sydney Ltd (ACN 003 977 160) accepte
ma nomination en tant que candidat pour les élections du Comité de Gestion qui se tiendront le 29
Novembre 2014.
Signature____________________________________ Date: _____________________________
Proposée par (nom et prénom)_____________________________________________________
Signature___________________________________ Date_______________________________
Soutenue par (nom et prénom)_____________________________________________________
Signature_______________________________ Date__________________________________
Personne appuyant la candidature
A) L’élection aura lieu pendant l’Assemblée Générale Annuelle qui aura lieu le 29 novembre 2014 à 10h
dans le Hall/Théâtre de l’école, 758 Anzac parade, Maroubra NSW 2035.
B) Les formulaires de proposition de candidature doivent être envoyés à: Le Secrétaire, Lycée
Condorcet The International French School of Sydney, 758 Anzac Parade, Maroubra NSW 2035.
C) Une proposition de candidature est valable uniquement:
si elle est reçue à l’administration avant 16h le vendredi 14 novembre 2014 (remise en
personne ou envoi électronique à l’adresse [email protected]) et
si elle est correctement complétée en utilisant ce formulaire ou une copie de ce formulaire.
Lycée Condorcet - The International French School of Sydney
Établissement homologué par le ministère français de l’Éducation nationale
758 Anzac Parade - Maroubra NSW 2035 – Australia
Tel : 9344 8692 – Fax : 9349 2626
AG 29 novembre 2014 / AGM 29 November 2014
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D) Chaque candidat, chaque personne proposant un candidat et chaque personne appuyant une
candidature, doit être membre du Lycée Condorcet The International French School of Sydney Ltd.
Chaque représentant légal d’un élève est membre de la société, si les frais de scolarité courants de
chaque enfant (élève) de ce représentant légal sont payés.
E) Chaque personne éligible qui pense pouvoir contribuer de manière positive au Comité de Gestion est
encouragée à se présenter.
F) La liste des candidats sera affichée dans l'établissement après la date de clôture du 14 novembre
2014 pour consultation par les électeurs.
G) Un candidat doit inclure une courte description de ses qualifications, expérience professionnelle,
lettre de motivation expliquant la raison pour laquelle cette personne se présente et comment il/elle
est susceptible de contribuer en tant que membre du Comité de Gestion. Veuillez compléter le profil
de candidature ci-dessous. Toute information communiquée sera disponible dans l'établissement à
partir du lundi 17 novembre 2014.
Profil du candidat à compléter. Veuillez décrire les grandes lignes de vos qualifications,
expérience professionnelle et la manière dont vous pouvez contribuer (environ 200 mots)
Lycée Condorcet - The International French School of Sydney
Établissement homologué par le ministère français de l’Éducation nationale
758 Anzac Parade - Maroubra NSW 2035 – Australia
Tel : 9344 8692 – Fax : 9349 2626
AG 29 novembre 2014 / AGM 29 November 2014
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I (Name) ______________________________________________________________________
Of (Address) ___________________________________________________________________
Being a member of Lycee Condorcet – The International French School of Sydney Limited (ACN 003
977 160) accept nomination as a candidate for the November 29, 2014 election to the School Board.
Date ___________________________
Proposed By (Name) _____________________________________________________________
Of (Address) ___________________________________________________________________
Date ___________________________
Seconded By (Name) ____________________________________________________________
Of (Address) ___________________________________________________________________
Date ___________________________
A) The election will take place at the Annual General Meeting held on 29 November 2014 at 10.00 am in
the School Hall, 758 Anzac Parade, Maroubra NSW 2035.
B) Nomination forms must be sent to: The Secretary, Lycee Condorcet the International French School
of Sydney, 758 Anzac Parade, Maroubra NSW 2035.
C) A nomination is valid only, if it is:
Received at the school office at latest by 4.00 pm on 14 November 2014 (either remitted by
hand or sent electronically to: [email protected] and
Correctly completed using this form or a copy of this form.
Lycée Condorcet - The International French School of Sydney
Établissement homologué par le ministère français de l’Éducation nationale
758 Anzac Parade - Maroubra NSW 2035 – Australia
Tel : 9344 8692 – Fax : 9349 2626
AG 29 novembre 2014 / AGM 29 November 2014
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D) Each candidate, proposer and seconder must be a member of the Lycee Condorcet The International
French School of Sydney Ltd. Each legal guardian of a student is a member of the company, if the
fees of each student child of that legal guardian are currently paid.
E) Each eligible person who believes that he or she can contribute in a positive way to the Management
Committee is encouraged to seek nomination.
F) The list of candidates will be displayed at the school after the closing date of 14 November 2014, for
voters to inspect.
G) A candidate must enclose brief details of their qualifications, work experience, a note of motivation, which
states why that person seeks election and how he/she may contribute as a Board Committee member.
Please complete the candidate’s profile section below. Any information provided will be available at the
school as of 17 November 2014.
Candidate’s profile to be completed. Provide an outline of qualifications, work experience and
expertise and how you may contribute (about 200 words)
Lycée Condorcet - The International French School of Sydney
Établissement homologué par le ministère français de l’Éducation nationale
758 Anzac Parade - Maroubra NSW 2035 – Australia
Tel : 9344 8692 – Fax : 9349 2626
AG 29 novembre 2014 / AGM 29 November 2014
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Proposition de candidature pour l’élection au Comité de Gestion du Lycée
Condorcet -The International French School of Sydney Ltd
Votre candidature doit être accompagnée d’un profil de candidature d’un maximum de 200 mots qui
décrit vos compétences, votre expérience et la contribution que vous aimeriez faire dans la gestion de
l’école. Ce profil sera remis à tous les membres de la compagnie avant les élections qui auront lieu le 29
novembre 2014.
***Avant de poser votre candidature, nous vous prions de lire les points d’information ci-dessous
qui décrivent brièvement les devoirs et responsabilités d’un membre du Comité de Gestion.
Responsabilités – Les membres du Comité de Gestion:
Ont des responsabilités juridiques sous la loi “Australia Company Law 2001”- “due diligence”.
Sont responsables (personnellement et financièrement) pour l’école et son fonctionnement et
doivent agir dans les meilleurs intérêts de l’établissement.
Ne peuvent se présenter comme représentant d’un groupe qui possède des intérêts particuliers
Doivent assurer la viabilité financière de l’établissement ainsi que le respect des lois locales
Doivent être élus à l’Assemblée Générale. La charge de travail peut être conséquente.
Doivent être engagés dans la philosophie de l’éducation, la mission et les valeurs de
Etre disposé à effectuer un mandat de deux ans tel que décrit à l’art.28 de la constitution en date
du 28 Février 2013.
NB : Il est préférable que les membres du Comité de Gestion aient de l’expérience et des
compétences spécialisées (voir document ci-joint)
Afin de devenir membre du Comité de Gestion il faut aussi:
Passer le contrôle (« working with children check ») pour pouvoir travailler avec les enfants.
La vérification de votre casier judiciaire.
Ne pas être en situation de faillite ou le sujet d’autres procédures juridiques.
Ne pas être membre élu ou potentiellement élu d’un autre organe de l’école.
Le Président du Comité de Gestion doit être bilingue anglais/français.
Signer une déclaration avec l’Australian Securities and Investment Commission.
Signer un code d’éthique.
Signer un accord de confidentialité.
Lycée Condorcet - The International French School of Sydney
Établissement homologué par le ministère français de l’Éducation nationale
758 Anzac Parade - Maroubra NSW 2035 – Australia
Tel : 9344 8692 – Fax : 9349 2626
AG 29 novembre 2014 / AGM 29 November 2014
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Nomination for election to the School Board of Lycee Condorcet
The International French School of Sydney Ltd
Your nomination must be accompanied by a “candidate profile” of no more than 200 words outlining the
skills, experience and contribution that you would make to the management of the school. This profile will be
circulated to all members of the company prior to elections being held on 29 November 2014.
***Before nominating please read carefully the following summary information which briefly outlines
the duties and responsibilities of a Board member.
Responsibilities - Board Members:
Have legal duties under Australian Company Law 2001 - “due diligence”.
Are ultimately responsible (personally and financially) for the whole of the school and its operations
and must act in the best interests of the whole school.
Cannot hold themselves out to be representative of any special interest group
Ensure financial viability and meet local laws.
Are elected at the AGM – voluntary position, which may involve considerable work.
Be committed to the education philosophy, mission and values of the School
Be committed to a 2-year serving mandate as detailed in art. 28 of the constitution adopted Feb
28, 2013.
NB: It is desirable that Board members have experience and specialist skills (See attached
To be a Board Member you must also:
Undergo a Working with Children Check.
Criminal record check.
Must not be bankrupt or subject to any other relevant legal proceedings.
Must not hold an elected or electable position in another school body.
The President of the School Board must be bilingual French/English.
Sign a “due diligence” declaration with the Australian Securities and Investment Commission.
Sign a code of ethics.
Enter a confidentiality agreement – to cover privacy matters.
Lycée Condorcet - The International French School of Sydney
Établissement homologué par le ministère français de l’Éducation nationale
758 Anzac Parade - Maroubra NSW 2035 – Australia
Tel : 9344 8692 – Fax : 9349 2626
AG 29 novembre 2014 / AGM 29 November 2014
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Minutes of the Annual General Meeting
Held on 23 November 2013 at 10.00 a.m.
In the School Hall
Mrs. Marie-Claude GREGOIRE
Mrs. Suzanne MCARTHUR
Mrs. Janine PEARCE
Mr. Patrice RIBAULT
Mrs. Caroline VALLERIE
Mrs. Beatrice GALLIS
Mr. Phillippe COURJAULT
Mr. Jean Pierre GUGUEN
Special Guest:
Mrs. Marie-Claire GUILBAUD
Mr. John Mac COLL
Mr. Eric BERTI
The President of the School Board, Patrice RIBAULT, confirms that there is a quorum as the
registration roll shows there are over 30 members present or represented. He declares the
meeting open at 10.20 a.m.
He states that the objective of the AGM is the election of the School Board.
Lycée Condorcet - The International French School of Sydney
Établissement homologué par le ministère français de l’Éducation nationale
758 Anzac Parade - Maroubra NSW 2035 – Australia
Tel : 9344 8692 – Fax : 9349 2626
AG 29 novembre 2014 / AGM 29 November 2014
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Janine PEARCE proceeds to the official opening of the 2013 AGM.
Seconded by Pascal
J. PEARCE moves for a motion to vary the agenda so that the voting for 2013-2014 can open
immediately and continue until the end of the debates so as to ensure that people unable to stay
until the end of the meeting are still able to cast their vote.
The motion is adopted.
J. PEARCE calls out the names of the candidates that are standing for election:
VALLERIE Sebastien
J. PEARCE moves that the rest of the agenda be adopted. No one opposes.
> The agenda is adopted.
J. PEARCE moves for the minutes of 2012 AGM to be approved. At the question “anyone opposed
to the adoption of the 2013 AGM Minutes?”, a parent asked to make a change to the AGM
J. PEARCE holds off on the adoption of the AGM Minutes.
The change was accepted and it was agreed the specific edit was to be
supplied by the Parent to the Board to adjust the Minutes.
The AGM Minutes are adopted at 1.41 pm.
J. PEARCE moves for the minutes of EGM to be approved. No one opposes.
The EGM Minutes are adopted.
P. RIBAULT presents his report in French, Luc MARIN translates in English.
School Board operates in a complex environment
P. RIBAULT restates the roles, missions and responsibilities of the School Board.
Lycée Condorcet - The International French School of Sydney
Établissement homologué par le ministère français de l’Éducation nationale
758 Anzac Parade - Maroubra NSW 2035 – Australia
Tel : 9344 8692 – Fax : 9349 2626
AG 29 novembre 2014 / AGM 29 November 2014
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He explains that the School Board operates in a complex environment as the Lycée Condorcet
operates under both Australian and French laws and regulations. He adds that this complex
environment is still changing. The school like all independent schools, is in a transition period soon
having to report to the ACNC (Australian Charities and Not-for-Profits Commission) rather than to
ASIC (Australian Securities and Investment Commission). The appropriate adjustments are being
made. There is no change in the day-to-day operation of the school.
School structure
Good governance is the foundation of a school's success as it allows all bodies to work together
for the benefit of the students..
Role and Mission of the School Board
The School Board's missions, amongst other things, are to:
Establish the long-term strategic direction and priorities for the school, taking into account the
Constitution, the agreement (“Convention”) with the AEFE and our contextual parameters.
Ensure the financial sustainability of the school through budgetary policies to support the
pedagogical plan and achieve the strategic direction.
Monitor compliance with legal obligations under Australian company law, including diligent
management of risks.
Being a School Board Director
P. RIBAULT reminds of the role, mission and responsibility of the School Board Director.
Board Directors share their expertise on a voluntary basis; they have specific skills to offer.
Every board Director is responsible personally and financially for the whole of the school.
Directors cannot represent any special interest, group or elected members of other school
Directors must comply with a code of ethics and sign a confidentiality agreement.
Attendance at board meetings
P. RIBAULT reports that between 2012 and 2013 (since the last AGM in 2012), there were 10
Director meetings and over 20 Working sessions.
P. RIBAULT wants to acknowledge everyone’s contribution and thanks the Board members and
Committees, as well as all previous Board members and Presidents.
School Board: 6 Core Objectives
The 6 core objectives of the Board are to:
i) Provide a safe and healthy environment of the students.
Ensure Compliance with WHS legislations and regulations (Australian and French).
A Work Health and safety audit in October 2012 was conducted by the AIS. The
overall assessment is positive with a few immediate actions that have been
undertaken, and a follow-up plan put in place.
Building maintenance program.
Sustainability Audit planned for early 2014 to see how we can reduce the footprint of
the school and how we can reduce cost.
ii) Provide a supportive environment.
Lycée Condorcet - The International French School of Sydney
Établissement homologué par le ministère français de l’Éducation nationale
758 Anzac Parade - Maroubra NSW 2035 – Australia
Tel : 9344 8692 – Fax : 9349 2626
AG 29 novembre 2014 / AGM 29 November 2014
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Regular maintenance and building work is undertaken to improve learning
experience and comfort:
New gymnasium (2011)
New canteen (2012)
New science labs (2014)
Invest in the school’s IT infrastructure:
Full time IT manager in place since 2012
3 years development plan started in 2011/2012
Strong financial investment (dedicated IT budget now planned year on year ;
planned investment and maintenance
Ongoing staff training
Focus on IT. Developing our IT has been a priority in 2012/2013:
- Massive upgrade of network infrastructure: professional-grade hardware and
management tolls: switches/cables/ servers. Extensive deployment of Wi-Fi
throughout the school.
- Big deployment of new IT assets: Over 90 new PCs and 35 more coming
soon; 60 new laptop computers; 7 new smartboards and 8 interactive 65inch LED screens ; New projector and screen in hall ; Sophos content
filtering solution (Q14/13) ; and soon 38 iPads for primary coming in Q4/13.
- E-Waste management: Environmentally friendly of 13+ years of legacy
equipment using e-waste services
Focus On IT - New Website
The New Condorcet website is almost here. French and English version,
with the Pronote login.
Top three benefits of the new website:
> Upgraded branding and content, especially for prospective students
> Removes duplication (website + espace parents)
> Greatly improved content management, technical infrastructure and
iii) Ensure long-term financial sustainability of the school.
Refer to R. COULOUVRAT ’s Report in the Agenda.
We are also working on auditing our Financial Processes:
Audit Provider selected (AIS)
Audit to be performed in December 2013
Compare the Lycee Condorcet to the best in class process and consider
which new processes should be adopted
> Audit the current Finance Business Process and controls (As-Is
> Recommendation and documentation of best leading practices (To-be
> Implementation of the recommendation
iv) Ensure a stable and accountable governance framework.
Strong governance is necessary to deliver the stable and effective leadership that is
essential for the achievement of the school’s mission and values
Governance Committee update
- New constitution for the school voted on 28 February 2013 (P. RIBAULT wishes
Lycée Condorcet - The International French School of Sydney
Établissement homologué par le ministère français de l’Éducation nationale
758 Anzac Parade - Maroubra NSW 2035 – Australia
Tel : 9344 8692 – Fax : 9349 2626
AG 29 novembre 2014 / AGM 29 November 2014
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to acknowledge the important job done by Marie-Claude GREGOIRE)
Consolidation of board Committees
In the next few months:
Strengthening the bridge between the Board and the Conseil d’Etablissement
(December 2013)
Finalizing the update of the AEFE convention (2013/2014 objective)
P. RIBAULT presents the new HR commission. It has been established to
reinforce the links between the different bodies on HR issues.
v) Successfully deliver comprehensive international curriculum.
P. RIBAULT emphasizes on the strong academic results.
Maintaining both the French system (BAC) and IB accreditation to offer the best
possible choices for the students.
Supporting the pedagogical objective of increasing bilingualism in the preschool
Developing links/exchanges with other school/institutions (Australian, AEFE)
vi) Actively encourage family involvement in the life of the school
The Parents and Friends Association (P&F) was created in 2013 with strong
backing from the School Board in order to coordinate all sorts of P&F initiatives:
Event committee
Parents support activities
And more…
Regular contacts with local stakeholders (French Embassy and Consulate, French
MP, Council, Australian MPs, etc.)
Question: Who will do the Sustainability audit for a safe and healthy environment?
A provider has not been selected at this time.
Question: Is there any plan to introduce financial education support for the
Answer: This is an item to be discussed at School Board meeting level.
First of all, this parent wishes to thank the school for all the work done in recent
Question: Parent asks P. RIBAULT what he thinks in regards to the stability of the
Answer: The decision to keep the IB program open was made by the previous
President. P. RIBAULT explains that the main problem is the low IB enrolments.
The IB program is a very expensive program to run and the school does not receive
financial aid from the French government. This year the number of students in IB
has increased, so that keeping it open is still financially possible. The Board made
the decision to keep the IB program based on this year’s increase in enrolment.
Lycée Condorcet - The International French School of Sydney
Établissement homologué par le ministère français de l’Éducation nationale
758 Anzac Parade - Maroubra NSW 2035 – Australia
Tel : 9344 8692 – Fax : 9349 2626
AG 29 novembre 2014 / AGM 29 November 2014
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Question: Is there a Parents’ Representative on the “Commission locale des
Bourses” ?
John MAC COLL replies that institutionally the President of the Board should be the
parents’ delegate at the committee
Eric BERTI replies that the rules vary as it is not something compulsory. The Board
can request the Ambassador to be part of the committee.
The President concludes his report and invites the Principal, Mr Philippe COURJAULT to present
his report.
The Principal, Philippe COURJAULT explains that he has been at the head of the school for the
past 4 months. He gives his view on what he has seen and what the prospects for the school are.
Since 2012 the number of students has been stable and the growth seems to have come to a halt.
He gives a breakdown of the students by nationality:
French: 30%
Australian: 30%
French-Australian: 30%
Other nationalities: 10%
Positive Results
In this school the students succeed extremely well:
100% success at all exams : Brevet (DNB), Baccalauréat and IB
100% succeed with merits at the DNB and 90% at the Baccalauréat (30% with a “mention
Très Bien”)
These results are all the more to be praised in that the school does not select its students, that is
everyone is admitted regardless of his/her academic level.
The Principal explains that our school expects a lot from the students and that they meet our
expectations. He hopes that the parents are able to see this and that they let their children know.
He thinks that the students in this school are committed to their studies and that they have
ambitions. They are doing very well, have a good understanding of the world they live in and have
a very broad choice of studies once they leave the school: France, Australia, USA, Europe. They
undoubtedly act as “International students” whatever the diploma they graduate with.
The question that needs to be asked is not about the students’ results but about what the school
does to account for the unique profile of its students and the value-added to their diploma?
The Maternelle
P. COURJAULT explains that the “maternelle” is absolutely essential for the school’s development
as it is the only level where there is a growth in enrolment. This growth is due to the bilingual
project that has been put in place in 2013.
Lycée Condorcet - The International French School of Sydney
Établissement homologué par le ministère français de l’Éducation nationale
758 Anzac Parade - Maroubra NSW 2035 – Australia
Tel : 9344 8692 – Fax : 9349 2626
AG 29 novembre 2014 / AGM 29 November 2014
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P. COURJAULT points out that good communication is essential. It is important to meet on a
regular basis with the parents and not simply communicate by email.
The new website is nearly finished and will be online in the next few weeks. A test of the website
has been requested, so 25 people are working on its improvement.
« The new Education Act in France »
The Principal gives an outline about the new Education Act that has been voted in July 2013. This
law is changing.
The French school program will be divided in 4 « cycles » from the Petite section until the end of
junior high school:
Maternelle (3 to 5 years old)
CP , CE1, CE2
CM1, CM2, 6ème
5ème, 4ème, 3ème
The law also reinforces the early teaching of languages, development of artistic education and the
use of information technology in education.
Our network of French Schools Abroad is currently facing a growing demand for international
education where competition has become increasingly fierce.
This means that we will have to strengthen the international dimension of our education through an
ambitious Language Learning Policy and develop external Language Assessments to enhance the
international curriculum of our students.
Question: What does the school do to make the French Baccalauréat valid in
Australia? The parent cites the example of Malaysia and Singapore where there is
an agreement.
Answer: The French Bac is recognized by all Australian Universities. All our
students who choose to study in Australia after their Baccalauréat get an offer that
corresponds to their marks and merit and compete very well with other students. .
A parent explained that he understands the importance of communication for the
school, for him the website is a big part of the communication of the school.
Question: Who is in charge of keeping the website updated through the year?
Answer: News and Events pages will still be updated by one person and all other
pages will be allocated to “page owners” who will be responsible of the updates.
Question: Can the students be part of the website animation?
Answer: it is one of the goals of the new website, that is to show what our students
achieve in class.
Lycée Condorcet - The International French School of Sydney
Établissement homologué par le ministère français de l’Éducation nationale
758 Anzac Parade - Maroubra NSW 2035 – Australia
Tel : 9344 8692 – Fax : 9349 2626
AG 29 novembre 2014 / AGM 29 November 2014
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In Summary
1) Ensures that all capital works fall within the strategy and Masterplan
2) Oversees the progress of planning and construction of projects on behalf of the Board.
3) The Building Committee closely follows the maintenance budget.
Recap of works 2012/13
 Administration Block
 Conversion works to the office areas:
 Principal’s office / Deputy Principal’s office
 Enrolments
 Staff Room
 Computer Room
 Block D (Primary & Secondary)
 Set up of the Primary Library area
 Painting works to 4 classrooms and corridor walls
 Set up of Computer Server Room
 New Gymnasium
 Repair to storm water connection in equipment storage area
 Repair to floor
New Projects
 Refurbishment of the Science laboratories (2013/14)
 Budget of $970,000
Grant from the Australian Government ($450,000)
 Requested grant from AEFE ($200,000)
 Balance from school reserves and sponsorships
8. TREASURER’S REPORT – approval of accounts 2012-2013
The Treasurer, Rémy COULOUVRAT presents his report.
In Summary
1) Revenue (excluding grants) up by $0.842 M driven by increase in both school fees and
government grants.
2) Expenses up by $1.08 M driven by payroll cost, depreciation charges and repairs &
maintenance charges.
3) Cash on hand stands at $3.097 M, up by $0.279M from FYE 2012.
4) 2013-2014 Budget indicates a surplus of $0.213 M. As at Oct 13, we are in line with
achieving this target.
5) In the Directors’ opinion there are reasonable grounds to believe that the company will be
able to pay its debts when they become due and payable. (Extract of audited Directors
Income Structure year ended 2013 (K$)
R. COULOUVRAT explains that this income structure excludes capital grants (non recurrent) of
 The school fees is 77%  $8,639
Lycée Condorcet - The International French School of Sydney
Établissement homologué par le ministère français de l’Éducation nationale
758 Anzac Parade - Maroubra NSW 2035 – Australia
Tel : 9344 8692 – Fax : 9349 2626
AG 29 novembre 2014 / AGM 29 November 2014
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 The Commonwealth grants is 15%  $1,715
 The NSW government grant is 4%  $494
 Other represents 4%  $440
Income Structure Historical Perspective
R. COULOUVRAT explains that this is directly related to the number of students. It is important to
know that the preparatory school, the Première and Terminale levels and the IB do not receive any
grants from any government.
Expatriates vs. Local families as % of school Fees
Income Drivers – Students
Employee benefits expense 71%  $7,460
Contribution to AEFE 4%  $376
Other expenses 11%  $1,200
Repairs, maintenance 4% $470
Interest Loan 3%  $296
Depreciation 7% $777
Cash Expenses – Including Capital (K$)
R. COULOUVRAT exposed that the number of students has doubled in ten years.
The preparatory school saw the number of children increase in 2012
IB is stable
Primary is stable
College has decreased a bit in 2014 (189 students in 2013; 149 students in 2014)
Operation Expenses as per the P&L (K$)
The % of expatriates in % of contribution was strong and unexpected increase in 2012.
Drop in % of Expatriates in % of contribution in 2014 (change in the LAFHA).
Employee benefits expense 67%$7,460
Contribution to AEFE 3% $376
Other expenses 11%$1,200
Repairs, maintenance 4%  $470
Interest Loan 3%  $296
Principal Loan 2%  $230
Capital 10%  $1,168
Account Overview P&L
R. COULOUVRAT shows the situation for previous years, and he explains how we will improve
over the next few years.
Question: What will happen if the school doesn’t have the grant money for the science
labs ?
Answer: If this happens, the school has the money in the budget, but the grant
application should be successful.
Question: When will the loan be repaid?
Answer: It still has a long time to run, around 15years.
Lycée Condorcet - The International French School of Sydney
Établissement homologué par le ministère français de l’Éducation nationale
758 Anzac Parade - Maroubra NSW 2035 – Australia
Tel : 9344 8692 – Fax : 9349 2626
AG 29 novembre 2014 / AGM 29 November 2014
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J. PEARCE opens the meeting for questions and other matters.
Question: How does the election work?
Answer: P. RIBAULT replies that board members are mandated for two years or one year.
After the election, the President then chooses the office holders among the members. The
best way for him usually is to ask every member.
Question: Can the parents be informed of there is any change in board members during the
Answer: P. RIBAULT replies that it is in our project.
Question: Why don’t we use an electronic vote?
Answer: P. RIBAULT replies that the school doesn’t have the system to do it yet
Marie-Claire GUILBAUD wishes to thank the members of the Board and all the teachers. She
insists on the “Commission locale des Bourses” AEFE where a parents’ representative can be
a member.
John MAC COLL wishes to thank all the volunteers who act in a committee, the teachers and
the administration team.
He believes it is important to keep good relations with the industry and suggests the creation of
a strategic committee for the school.
He is also satisfied with the way the fees are kept under control as this is a fundamental issue
for the families and the French Government.
J. PEARCE asks everyone to cast their vote for the election of the school board if they have not
already done so.
P. COURJAULT proceeds with the election of the school board.
The people elected on the board are:
VALLERIE Sebastien
With no further point on the agenda, P. RIBAULT thanks the parents for attending and declares the
2013 Lycee Condorcet International French School of Sydney AGM closed.
Lycée Condorcet - The International French School of Sydney
Établissement homologué par le ministère français de l’Éducation nationale
758 Anzac Parade - Maroubra NSW 2035 – Australia
Tel : 9344 8692 – Fax : 9349 2626
AG 29 novembre 2014 / AGM 29 November 2014
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