Buddhist Explains the Benefits of Meditation


Buddhist Explains the Benefits of Meditation
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Benefits of Meditation Explained by a Buddhist
(YouTube, 2015)
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Why were we born? What is our purpose in life? How do I meditate? Can everyone meditate?
What did the Buddha teach? How to attain happiness in life? (A) Buddhist answers to questions asked.
So last time we talked about what meditation is and for whom meditation is useful. Maybe we could talk
a little bit about the benefits of meditation. (The) benefits of meditation, this is something we can explain
at several levels.
The first person that will benefit of meditation is yourself, of course. Your mind, as a result, will change.
Your mind, when you meditate, will develop. The thing that will happen is that when you are meditating,
first of all your mind will start to be able to tolerate your own distractions, your own thoughts better. You
start to be able to give more space to yourself.
Then, after that, when you practice more, you’ll start to develop more concentration. It becomes easier
for you to focus on one single object, and as a result you feel more peaceful, you feel calmer. It’s a very
natural concentration, as I mentioned before. And then your character starts to change. Your character
becomes more peaceful and calm, and people around you will start to notice.
And then when people around you start to notice, then the thing that will happen next is that meditation
starts to actually carry over into your daily actions, and also in the people around you. And this is how
meditation can actually positively affect the people around you and inspire them also to try meditation,
and to lead a more positive, more ethical and more inspiring life, just as you have been able to do as a
result of meditation.
So in our temple we do believe very strongly that meditation is ultimately the only means of reaching
world peace.
01. why were we born?
02. our purpose in life
03. to attain happiness
04. useful
05. to talk a little bit
06. as a result
07. to give more space
08. more peaceful
09. people around you
10. will start to notice
11. to carry over into your daily actions
12. to reach world peace
pourquoi sommes-nous nés?
notre but
atteindre le bonheur
utile, bénéfique
parler un peu
par conséquent
donner plus d’espace (liberté d’esprit)
plus tranquille, paisible
les gens qui vous entourent
commencerons à le remarquer
se transmettre, se faire sentir dans vos activités
obtenir la paix dans le monde (« to reach » = atteindre)
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Benefits of Meditation Explained by a Buddhist
(YouTube, 2015)
Exercise: fill in the blanks with the correct words
Why______________? What is our p_________ in life? How do I meditate? Can everyone meditate?
(sommes-nous nés)
What did the Buddha teach? How to a_____ h______ in life? (A) Buddhist answers to questions asked.
(atteindre le bonheur)
So last time we talked about what meditation is and for whom meditation is u_______. Maybe we could
(utile, bénéfique)
talk a l___ b__ about the benefits of meditation. (The) benefits of meditation, this is something which we
(un peu)
can explain at several levels.
The first person that will benefit of meditation is yourself, of course. Your mind, a_ a r____ will change.
(par conséquent)
Your mind, when you meditate, will develop. The thing that will happen when you are meditating, first
of all your mind will start to be able to tolerate your own distractions, your own thoughts better. You
start to be able to g______ more s______ to yourself.
(donner plus d’espace / plus de liberté d’esprit)
Then, after that, when you meditate more, you’ll start to develop more concentration. It becomes easier
for you to focus on one single object, and as a result of that you feel more p_______, you feel calmer. It’s
(tranquille, paisible)
a very natural concentration, as I mentioned before. And then your character starts to change. Your
character becomes more peaceful and calm, and people a_______ you will start to n_________.
(autour de vous)
And then when people around you start to notice, then the thing that will happen next is that meditation
starts to a_____ c_____ o ___ into your daily actions, and also in the people around you. And this is how
(en fait) (se transmettre, se faire sentir)
meditation can positively affect the people around you and inspire them also to try meditation, and to lead
a more positive, more ethical and more inspiring life, just as you have been able to do as a result of
So in our temple we do believe very strongly that meditation is the only means of ultimately
r_________ world peace.
(obtenir / atteindre)

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