Daily Meditation


Daily Meditation
Daily Meditation
Thoughts and Maxims
Elisabeth Warnon
Blue Mountain Press
King’s Garden
The Thoughts and Maxims of this booklet have been
written during the last weeks of 1996. The manuscript
was found by chance on April 16, 1997, inserted between
the pages of a magazine.
It contains the summary of Elisabeth’s instructions
on a meditation technique she practiced herself for decades.. It also attests to the unceasing activity and of the
clarity of thought she kept until the end.
Her handwriting shows the progress of the illness
that would finally take her away from us, at the end of
January 1997. The numbers used are those of the original
manuscript, except for three unnumbered thoughts inserted
after number 89 ; these are identified as 89 a, b, and c.
The Blue Mountain Press is grateful for the help
received from Jessica Huffman in editing the translated
Daily Meditation
Thoughts and Maxims
by Elisabeth Warnon
In his search for true spirituality the first step anyone has to
make is to search for the soul. As soon one has found it, the
path will be clearly defined. Man is not his physical body, he is
not his body of emotions, he is not his mind. If he wants to
discover his inner being he has to bypass the three lower bodies and walk straight towards his soul.
At the beginning of the Path, it is difficult to search for the true
Divine Wisdom because the teachings have been kept secret
for so long. Now they are unveiled, but their exoteric presentation is often confusing. In the beginning, it is good to direct
our thoughts towards what attracts us, towards what we really
want! “When the pupil is ready, the Master is ready “.
One single sentence, a book or a lecture are sometimes “road
signs”. We must pay attention to Signs. They may direct us
towards a person or a place that could provide solid support.
But at the same time, we must trust ourselves. We must cultivate our trust in Him or Her, who guides our first steps, but we
should keep trusting ourselves.
Trust is a testimony of love. In Alcyone’s booklet [J.
Krishnamurti], At the Feet of the Master, we read: “You must
trust your Master, you must trust yourself. “ (We should recommend this booklet to every beginner). The author lists the
qualifications: discrimination, detachment, good deeds, and
We must learn to meditate, to focus our spirit and our thoughts
in the heart. There are numerous methods to teach meditation.
The good Instructor chooses the method suitable for the student.
When we meditate we elevate our thoughts and we detach ourselves from the physical condition, from the lower emotions
and thoughts swarming within and without.
We must select a good Instructor, and there are few! There is a
surabundance of “masters”, of men claiming this title... Stay
away from them! A good Instructor will not tolerate to be called
a master: he is discrete, unassuming, often hidden; he lives as
everybody else, he cannot be singled out by his clothing, his
fluency of speech, his notoriety. He is humble everywhere
and in everything.
It is useless to “hover about”. As soon as the student has found
a good Instructor, he must follow his advice and his opinions.
The Instructor will not ask for money or gifts, not even gratitude for the teachings he will give according to the understanding and the spiritual advancement of the student. There is often more common sense, more enthusiasm in the search for the
truth in a man, displaying average intelligence (regardless of
his social status), than in the brilliant intellectuals too concerned
with their own knowledge.
We must search for true knowledge; the knowledge that only
an Instructor can give. How can we help ourselves and the
world, without knowledge? Slowly, progressively, patiently, we
must force our mind to study the Plan, to study the laws of
nature: those governing beings and things in the universe, maintaining their order and balance; and the laws governing man,
within and without.
By daily meditations, even short ones - five minutes - when
properly performed, we let Light descend within us. But the
mind is reluctant to become wise. As soon as we want it to
concentrate, it wanders around. Many believe they are meditating when they think of nothing, or when they let the thoughts
“flow” through their brain. The first step in meditating is concentration.
The soul is light and it is that light we must place as the topic of
our meditation. The Soul is the principle of man’s life and
thought. But the soul is threefold. We often mistake the higher
Soul for the two others: the animal soul, the instinctive one,
and the common soul, that manifests itself by friendliness towards one or more beings. It is the higher Soul, that joins together love and reason.
Middle age mysticism is obsolete: it was purely devotional.
Today the mind is developed: man has a new tool to perfect
and to use. But we must read and study with measure, inner
vigilance, and discrimination. We must develop our creative
imagination: this is the key to our realization.
In our study, we often find contradictory statements: this is the
first hurdle. If the naked Truth was openly provided and unveiled, it would become a weapon of destruction in the hands
of the wicked and the ignorant. We should not be rebuffed by
contradictions, but make notes and meditate. Then the day shall
come, when we will resolve such oppositions veiling the truth.
Words can have several meanings, depending on the plane
whereof they are spoken, of the intonation, of the mood and
evolution of whom utters them.
The naked Esoteric truth has never, and never will be unveiled.
All the teachings, verbal, in lectures, or in other forms; or in
books are only milestones. They are indications, they show the
goal to reach, they lead towards the True Goal which is the
Realization of Divine Life, the life of Christ, the Sun of Life,
present in every being and in everything.
Deep or lengthy meditation may destroy the brain. A slow progression is needed, a very long progression. As years go by,
constant meditation shall become the invisible engine driving
every thought, every emotion, every deed towards the Common Good.
If, during our practice of concentration and meditation, we experience headaches, we should stop immediately and resume
our practice only after being absolutely certain we can pursue
without danger. We should always consult the Instructor. This
rest may take days, even weeks.
If the student sees light in his head during his spiritual exercises, let him not be afraid, let him rejoice. This is the light of
the soul. It is the light which shone upon Paul of Tarsis and
many others when they experienced such a contact. It may last
for minutes, hours or days. We must always consult with the
Instructor after any experience of the kind.
The serious student shall never search for psychic powers: clairvoyance, clairaudience or other. He must let these powers penetrate slowly within himself through the contact with the Soul.
But if they occur, the student shouldn’t speak about it to anyone but his Instructor.
Human Beatitude is man’s desire for God, wrote Jacob Boehme.
In other words, this state of happiness is man’s desire to rise to
the Highest, the Supreme. Spirituality is a science. It is not
entirely devotional, although Dedication to the Master, respect
for the Instructor, and service of humanity are rules we must
The physical body also needs discipline: enough sleep, vegetarianism, avoidance of drugs and unnecessary medication.
We should know that a body going through purification, a center being opened, may also be a source of suffering. If it happens, we should contact the Instructor. If he is knowledgeable,
he will know what to do; otherwise, he will refer the student to
a doctor.
When we feel sadness, nostalgia or remorse, we should have a
serious talk with ourselves, with our Higher Self, with our
Master, with Christ, or another Great Being. If we rise above
our emotions and our sensations, a silent voice will speak in
our heart. This voice will heal and regenerate. Whatever pain,
soreness or suffering we have endured will fade away. We will
live the Life of the Thought, of that Intelligence which is the
image of the Divine.
Every one has a specific mission to accomplish. What is yours?
In every baby’s cradle, the Angel places a gift. Personality
shouldn’t choose the mission. This choice is the task of the
Soul. The Call and the decision should come from Above.
We must and shall find the seeds of positive and creative thinking, thoughts from the higher realms, by our Will and by our
asceticism. Today, it is only by his intelligence - a developed
intelligence, not an over-developed one - that the student may
reach Universal Intelligence.
The developed Intelligence, together with the unveiled and illuminated Soul, may encounter the Higher Self that exists outside Time and Space; this Self living in another time, in the
immortal Duration, and in the Space of higher and more refined realms.
The student, the disciple, by his discipline, his asceticism, his
meditations and his self control, gradually climbs the mysterious ladder of true Life and receives more and more the Powers
of the Masters, of the Great Beings, to assist him in his work, in
pursuing the mission assigned to him in the cradle.
True Teaching, Initiatic Teaching is given from mouth to ear to
all deserving it, to those who have that earnest desire, and have
cultivated their mind!
To receive such Teaching, we must be dead to our Personality,
which is composed of our physical, emotional, and common
mental bodies. We must elevate our spirit to the higher, divine
planes, to which only the Great Beings have access. Only from
there, through the Soul, can we receive true Teaching.
By deep and repeated meditation, we shall hear, in the silence
of the Soul, the sound of the Sacred Word, the eternal OM.
This OM is the Voice of the Silence, by which the Voice of the
Master is heard.
The major objective of Life is to remove man from the herd,
from the mob, from the frivolity and coarseness of ordinary
life, and to lead him to spirituality, to use his mental ability to
think by himself to learn his responsibility towards the mission
assigned to him.
Life is a succession of choices. It consists of numerous paths
and multiple roundabouts, but there is a straight path leading
directly to the summit. Everyone has a choice!
Life is full of choices, of multiple paths. Some lead through
fields of pretty perfumed flowers, others to relaxation, festivities and pleasures. But where are these paths leading us? It is
a mistake to search for earthly happiness. It leaves behind
emptiness and sometimes bitterness. The true mission of man
is his constant improvement!
The Law of Manu, the guide of our Aryan race tells us: those
who read much are better than those who study little. Those
who remember what they read are better than those who read
much, and forget. Those who understand have more merit than
those who know things by heart; and those who fulfill their
duty are preferred to those who only know.
All the souls are bound together; they all belong to the Great
Universal Soul - or Holy Ghost - but they are not qualified to
receive its gifts. Only the advanced Soul, conscious of its value,
may fully partake in the gifts of the Holy Ghost.
What is Universal Intelligence? It is represented, in the Indian
Trimurti, with a dark face. Brahma, the Holy Spirit, is dark
because He can be perfected by the higher Intelligence, the
Higher Mind of man. Mystery of the Holy Trinity!
Nothing should be accepted from anyone as long as it has not
be sieved by judgment or reason, which is the fire of the mind.
That fire must be ardent and conscious. It shall be developed,
its sparks fanned, by focussing consciousness at the middle of
the forehead. (Ajna)
Any mystic, who has developed his heart solely by his intense
love of Christ, of the World Mother, or of any other Saint, can
only bring his example to the world. If he wants to teach, he
will not find the words, nor the power of the mind he didn’t
develop. To be complete, to be the image of God, he will have
soon or later to develop that tool he has neglected.
There are many lessons we have to learn from Life and in life.
We must travel from the Path of pure Devotion, to the Path of
Wisdom, which is the Light of the Soul, and to Knowledge,
which is reason.
We need to learn many things before we may participate in the
Divine Plan. The higher mind must become active in its dealings with the lower mind, as well as passive in its dealings with
Before the Light of the Soul can illumine anything worth-while,
our mind must have reached true Knowledge. We can only
teach what we know. Only acquired spiritual values can help
Such teaching must be given with parsimony. Only beginners
want to show their superiority to their students, by the ostentatious display of their scholarship. They are driven by pride.
They want to be called Chief or Master ! Pride, says the Master, is so insidious that it can hide as humility until the last step
of evolution. But then, not one single step forward can be made!
To help others, we need in our spiritual life, an abundance of
patience, discrimination, qualification, and psychology. Life
has its high and low points. When we are at a low, we should
call for the Highest. Heaven always rescues the victims of a
Every soul belongs to the Universal Intelligence represented
on earth by the great Soul of the King of the World: Sanat
There are young souls, there are old souls. Their age is determined by the time they were sent to Earth. Therefore, it is necessary to know the souls placed in our care.
The thread binding all souls to the Great Universal Soul is invisible, but truly exists. It lives and grows by the impregnation
of the energies of heart and mind. Man is a god in becoming.
Even before birth, every being has received a particle of Love
and Universal Intelligence through the breath of the Mother;
that Breath contains everything. How great and beautiful is the
part played by the mother, who gives her Life and her Breath to
the child she carries in her womb.
Nobody knows pure, One, total Truth... Everyone knows a part
of it, colored by one’s own evolution. Therefore we should
practice tolerance and patience when we approach others spiritually.
From the Holy Ghost, to the grass, to the pebble, to the smallest speck of dust, everything is born from the Divine Mother.
There is no difference between you and me. The Universe is
within us, and we are the Universe. The form created by our
imagination progressively manifests our own essence.
Every human being manifests the One Energy. Everything
around us, in all the realms of nature - visible and invisible - is
born from the same Great and Universal Consciousness revealed
in innumerable forms.
Man is not the measure of all things, he belongs to the same
Universal Life manifested everywhere and in everything. He
is bound to that Life. He must seek, and seek again for the
essence and the driving force of all life, of all truth. That essence is the supreme self. I am That and That is me.
The elevation of the Mind is indispensable. It is necessary for
concentration, for the awakening of all that is asleep within
the unconscious, and that will, through deep meditation, rise
again to the surface as intuition.
All the experiences in life - good or bad - are the great events of
our spiritual history. Nothing happens by accident or by chance.
All these experiences bring a new light with them. This is the
new spiritual process requiring a new understanding, a new and
more symbolic language, and the practice of silence. We say
to the children: Jesus speaks to the soul in the silence of the
It is in the silence, in the Communion with nature, that we discover the mysteries of the Universe, and penetrate the heart of
beings and things.
If we meditate on anything, as if it was ourself, we become such
a thing, and we shall awaken the penetrating Energy within us,
the Mother principle by which the Yogis reach realization, and
by which they discover the meaning of the Universe.
Becoming an occultist is to try - through the practice of an inner and outer discipline, through the scientific preparation of
the organs of the human Soul, - to reach that Energy which will
prepare the student, the disciple, for a greater, nobler, more
beautiful life.
Many souls are wandering because they were not fed with the
spiritual nourishment Religions should have provided. Young
people especially are in urgent need of such nourishment. To
grow, to elevate itself, the Soul needs spiritual nourishment
every single day. Daily meditation will provide such nourishment.
We should not force anyone to follow the path we have trodden, everyone has his limitations and his own ceiling. A wise
man from India said: The knowledge of Truth doesn’t depend
on a brilliant intellect or a mediocre intellect. It depends on
the contact we establish with the Supreme Truth by a silent and
peaceful mind, ready to receive it. So, every seeker for the
Truth can find his own true Path and follow it, rapidly or slowly,
at the rhythm of his own pace.
We make the Absolute, the Divine, descend on Earth by our
aspiration. It answers every call because it wants to unite with
man, its creature, and with all the realms of Nature. Desire,
aspiration, are the flames burning away all darkness. They rise
towards Beauty, Truth, Life. I am the Way, the Truth, and the
Life has no begining nor end. It throbs everywhere and in everything. It is in perpetual movement, and therefore its creation is constant. It transforms everything from the atom, the
molecules and the sun, to the constellations and the entire Cosmos.
Everything is life. Everything is nature. Everything is matter.
Everything has and is a soul, a god in becoming. Everything is
energy, it vibrates, it lives. Everything is born immortal and
will regain its immortality. Everywhere Life and Spirit search
for the Absolute, though they are perfection.... Mystery of Life,
mystery of God!
Life is One, but it needs everyone to be.
Life is One. But it will grow progressively in man, and only in
the measure of his spiritual evolution. Therefore, when we
contemplate the Real, it appears always greater, more beautiful, and more radiant.
Away with imposed dogmas, with arbitrary man-made rules
and laws! The one Law is contained in the words of Christ:
“Thou shalt love thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy
soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thy
neighbour as thyself. “
What we have done, what we have been doesn’t matter as long
as our desire grows towards the better, and is expressed in our
thoughts and deeds. Through our effort, our soul will take possession of itself, and the abyss between past and present shall
be filled up to the brim.
Communion with nature, communion with beauty elevates the
soul to the Divine Artist. Those who understand Him and love
Him have already opened the Portal and past the threshold leading to Life.
Even as earthquakes wipe out - in minutes - all human activity,
all homes; so there are shocks capable of erasing from normal
life, in an instant, the deep and invisible wounds felt only by
the victim who is then projected into an unknown reality in
which all points of reference have disappeared. When that happens, it is good to re-enter within oneself, in the absolute silence, in the true reality.
We must pay attention to every dream, to every desire, to every
step foreward leading us to the Instructor, and we should rejoice in the depth of our heart.
In the Agni Yoga, it is said: The disciple selects his own Teacher.
He reveres him as one of the Great Beings, he trusts him and
sends him his best thoughts. He cherishes his Name. He works
diligently, he endures the ordeals, he is accommodating in the
execution of the work.
We must pay attention to the signs, and when we do, we will
see that everything is a sign and that we create our life by our
We must learn to listen to the words of the soul; but we can
only hear in the inner and outer silence.
The Plan. What Plan? It is the Plan prepared by Hierarchy for
the Good of humanity. Hierarchy wants the unity of the planet,
that begins with the unity in thoughts, unity in research, the
sharing of many secrets. Internet, the “planetary brain”, as the
human brain, holds and distributes - for good or for worse indications, teachings above intellectual comprehension. Everyone must choose his own path from the many ways open to
All the great thoughts come from the heart. The strength of the
Soul feeds the mind, but often war is declared between the two,
and cartesianism wins the battle. The Soul is fed by Universal
Life, while the mind feeds on vulgar thoughts. But when the
mind reaches the Higher Mind, Life itself becomes its nourishment.
The Soul grows by its contact with Universal Life; it is by this
contact, by this nourishment, that the Self is born.
The two enemies of the self are the instincts of conservation
and of reproduction. Love burns away selfishness. Harmony,
balance, and purity burn the instinct of reproduction.
Harmony is the balance between excess and want; it should
rule the instinct of reproduction.
Through self-consciousness, which is born from Universal Life,
we learn about our mission in life, and about our usefulness to
the world.
The belief in one God, the practice of a non-fanatic religion,
may inspire good deeds to man. Religion is a good policy, it is
better than the long dreams, the isolation many believe to be
The man of the East, whose mind is a little chaotic, must learn
to develop it. The man of the West, whose mind is developed,
must learn to tame it.
Unity is the essence of Movement. Movement is the essence
of Life.
True Art is born from the communion of the artist with Universal Life. We must have communion with Beauty, which is the
expression of the Divine in nature.
Beauty challenges Time and Death, it manifests Immortality.
Death is but another aspect of Life. It is only the release of a
mantle too tight and worn out, hiding Immortal Life.
Purity of body, emotions and thoughts is necessary to establish
the contact with Universal Life. That Great Life can only manifest itself by the gradual encounter with that with which it has
established the closest relationship.
The power to receive the Great Life depends on the power of
such contact, by the uninterrupted practice of concentration,
meditation, and contemplation. These are the three keys to the
Inner Life.
The personality is multiple, the Soul is One. It is in constant
meditation. It contemplates the Divine, unceasingly.
We learn more by dispensing the Teaching than by recieving it
orally or by reading.
How much time and money we lose when we search the truth
by following people expecting to be adored, even when they
have good intentions; by attending lectures, by talking; when
we have within ourselves all we need, and when we may accelerate our spiritual development by uni-directional research!
Doesn’t the marigold remind us of the great Marigold symbolizing the Solar System, of which the petals are the planets?...
89a Diversification is no longer of this time. We must acquire a
vision of synthesis, uniting all religions and philosophies.
89b We must prepare ourselves for the great changes taking place
in the universe which are reflected on the physical plane. Every sign, every experience on this planet must be understood
in that context.
89c The spirit of cooperation is developed in parallel with the opening of consciousness.
Everyone is responsible not only for his own evolution, but
also for the evolution of the planet. We must always go forward. To stand still is to regress.
We lose so much energy in words and deeds, while concentration alone may open for humanity the latch of the gate towards
the higher worlds and their powers.
Everything is possible with a little good will.
Everyone has his own magnetism and attracts the corresponding vibrations.
We have to free ourselves from the routines in daily life. We
have to cast away the leprosy of habits and always search for
ever higher values.
It is not good to rest on one’s laurels, every day of our lives
should be blessed with more beauty, loftiness, and greatness.
Courage opens all doors!
At certain moments in life, everyone has a need for solitude.
We should use these periods to rise to the Infinite.
The first duty of a woman is to work for the welfare of her
family, but she should take at least one hour every day to perform her spiritual exercises.
Many have approached the Path, but have been turned away by
fear. Many have trodden it timidly and lost time in searching
for powers that never came. Many have gone too fast and have
burned themselves, body and soul. Total purity is a prerequisite for the Spiritual Path.
It is said that, every three years, the soul should enlarge its
consciousness and be more open to itself and to others.
100. Those who fight for the evolution of the planet, also fight for
their own evolution and receive from above all they need.
101. Every spiritual Organization should leave its members entirely
free to face their conscience, to perform their duties, and to
work at their own pace.
102. To become a citizen of the Universe, is to go - mentally - beyond all national frontiers, and to be working for the Common
Good, without any hope for compensation. Everyone can try
to emulate Mother Theresa.
103. There is so much misery in the world. Everyone must help
according to his means. Thinking about it already opens a channel in space through which help may come.
104. It is absolutely necessary to store energy within, before approaching the Great Beings and answering the opportunities
They present.
105. The planet needs help. Humanity needs help. Everybody, at
his own level, may answer their call.
106. We must learn to speak well, and to put energy in every word
to convince and to help. Every useless word is a loss of energy.
107. A good education is indispensable for children at an early age.
But there is a special education for every age. If we continue to
learn accordingly, we will have a longer life and be happier.
108. We should study our entire life, so that our brain remains clear
and lucid until we die.
109. Knock, and it shall be opened unto you said the Lord. Call for
help to understand the mission given to you. He certainly will
110. In your work, you must always promote cooperation. To study,
to work in a group, is much more beneficial than to work alone.
111. It is good for children and people living alone, to have an animal upon which their can unload themselves in friendliness
and tenderness during the hard times in life. A child loving his
little pet learns to share and to forget himself in the process.
112. All atoms are equal in man, in animals and in plants. Therefore
we are all brothers.
113. The soul of an animal is manifested by instinct. lt will grow by
the awareness of itself and then begins to be ready for a greater
and nobler openness. Never forget that the soul is immortal.
114. Our consciousness has to change, has to widen, and become
aware of itself. One day it will embrace the entire universe.
115. All the domains of education must progress, go further, go forward and perceive the energies of the New Era.
116. We must teach how to broaden consciousness, how to study,
how to search. We must search for true values and destroy the
extreme materialism we see all around us.
117. We have to acquire the courage to take our own responsibility
and make sure that none of the sects will lead astray the conscience of those searching for the right path.
118. If humanity was not led for ages by obsolete religions operating for their sole benefit, it would be much better off and more
responsible. True religion unites heart and reason.
119. The future of humanity is the future of the Earth and of the
entire Cosmos. Let us revive the sense of the Sacred lost by
materialism and by the indifference of those in power who often work only for their own benefit.
120. L’Union fait la force [The motto of Belgium]. Working in
groups, and for groups, will renew our society, today at its lowest point. If every member of a group understands and respects
his mission, he alone may represent the entire group.
121. We must be vigilant because energies, as the ocean, are submitted to ebb and flow. A loving heart doesn’t know such
changes, it dwells above the tides.
122. Let us teach the children to understand and respect dates, first
in the family - to the joy of everyone - then the dates affecting
their country; so they will learn to think with their hearts as
well as with their minds.
123. It is very important to leave children to their games and to avoid
destroying their vision and their imagination: both are touched
by the new Energies.
124. When we have the vision of the future, it is easy to go forward
and to abandon the obsolete values.
125. The human brain is full of resources. When it is maintained by
research and the practice of what elevates it, it will continue to
function well until an advanced age. So, let us cultivate our
brain by meditation, study, and the service of others!
126. The portal is open to all, but we shouldn’t try to force happiness upon others. There is a moment of truth for everyone.
127. The current situation is serious. The planet is in danger. Everyone must do his best to save it. Compassion flows from the
hearts of the advanced beings. Let us not waste time, humanity
needs us.
128. It is said that Family is the prototype of the State. We should
therefore restore the meaning and value of marriage, and avoid
the decline of ethics, as is the case today.
129. Alcoholic beverages, drugs and the abuse of medication destroy the brain and promote man’s degradation. The only exaltation we should search is the one leading us to higher spheres.
130. Vivisection is not indispensable, it induces sadism through the
smell of blood. Blood is the support of Life: it should never be
destroyed. Let us respect all the animals, our blood brothers.
It is said: as long as the blood of animals shall flow, man shall
endure war and calamity.
131. We must discipline and program ourselves. Many don’t understand this advice, so important for our quick and safe progress.
132. We speak of the equality of the sexes, but do we practice it?
Time has come for women to react and step forward, without
exaggeration, at an equal level with men.
133. The Voice of the Silence can only be heard in inner and outer
134. Before we can know the All, we have to know ourselves, in the
three expressions of our personality: physical, emotional, and
135. When you can raise your energy to the Ajna, you will hear the
voice of your Master, that is the voice of the Divine in you.
Try... try...
136. Shakti-Power, and the World Mother, and Kundalini in you,
are synonyms. That is the great power of those who know.
137. Kill the desire to live. Kill the desire to die. Do not become
angry about your Karma, as hard as it may be. It is the sheetanchor bringing you to the safety of the other shore.
138. Follow your Path without hesitation, but respect the Path of
others. Everywhere, on the numberless paths leading to the
summit, the same hidden treasures you discovered may be
139. Pursue the way, even if you find it boring. A day will come
when someone will talk to you to reassure and to guide you.
When a brotherly hand shall be offered, grab it with confidence:
monotony will disappear.
140. What shall that brotherly hand be? A word? A book? A friend?
Perhaps an enemy? Everything is a Sign in life, nothing happens by chance.
141. Respect and love your parents, because you choose them before your birth. If your Karma has placed you there, it is because you had a debt to repay. Love creates bonds, but also
frees from bonding.
142. Respect all humans, whoever they are. All are placed on your
path to be your instructors.
143. You should love and be faithful to the friends helping you to
stay on the straight path, but avoid those who try to let you
walk on a roundabout way. A single rotten fruit will damage
all the others in the same basket.
144. Ask your conscience: it is your best friend. Do not listen to
those who want you to leave the straight path. Your conscience
is your true Guide.
145 Learn to concentrate, to speak inwardly to your soul and to
your spirit. This is the first step towards deep meditation.
146. Learn to recognize the radiance of your heart and of your head.
Unite both lights at the center of your forehead, and you will
have the higher vision.
147. You are the result of your thoughts, of your emotions. Walk
away from inner and outer vulgarity: your destiny will reward
you for it.
148. Search everywhere for union and harmony, you will find inner
and outer Peace.