Thomas Comments - Ten Shades of Blue


Thomas Comments - Ten Shades of Blue
‘If You See A Tear on the Moon Tonight
(Not Just Another Guy)’
This song documents my musing on nothingness, how little and insignificant
we are, and yet the interconnectedness of things. Inspired by a friend
(Margaret Terreau) who spent some time telling me how to read the sky, I
bought binoculars and tried to figure out the stars, constellations and the
planets. I am a Libran and my old live-in girlfriend’s star is ‘right beside Libra.’
I guess that makes me a romantic, eh? The song wasn’t about our break-up,
because we were v. much in love when I wrote it, but it ended up being a
prophesy, because seven years later there was ‘no love left in ours’ from her
point-of-view. Do you REALLY want to know what that song is all about? It’s
my effort to write a sweeping, romantic, memorable melody. That’s what I
love about Paul McCartney and the Beatles in general. ‘Close your eyes and I’ll
kiss you, tomorrow I’ll miss you…’ I can still remember the first time I heard
‘All my Loving’ and the melody haunts me still. It amazes me how few songwriters today forget Rule #1 of songwriting: Write a catchy, unforgettable
melody, and the rest is easy.
One by one the mysteries disappear
as we pierce the starry dome
and when you're a million miles away
will you remember who's at home…?
is the correct final text.
Was it an honour to have Linda sing this song? Pure genius and a dream, a
real dream to hear her wrap that magnificent voice around my melody. She
caresses that song. And Dana, that little ‘just-born’ thing, now suddenly a
woman playing guitar on my song. Unbelievable. Thank you all.
Quand tu regards les cieux soir après soir, tu finis par comprendre comment
t’es petit et insignifiant, mais peut-être aussi comment on fait tous partie de
la même chose. Cette chanson, c’est ma fascination avec les étoiles, les
constellations, les planètes. Bien sur, il décrit autant ma fascination avec une
fille, un amour qui n’est plus. Donc, oui, je suis une romantique. Dans la
chanson et la vie, ma copine avait l’étoile dans la constellation à côté de la
mienne! Linda chantait ça pour me montrer que la mélodie était aussi bonne
que j’ai pu l’imaginer. Quand je pense aux meilleurs chansons d’amour de
Paul McCartney et les Beatles, c’est souvent les mélodies inoubliables, hantant, qui avance la chose le plus. Trop souvent, les chansonniers, même les
pros, oublie le règle numéro un : écrire une mélodie inoubliable, et le reste est