Women`s Bible Study – Starting Sept 5th and running every two


Women`s Bible Study – Starting Sept 5th and running every two
Saturday / samedi
Georgette Proulx par Lucille Glaude
Jacques Raymond Campeau par La famille
Sunday / dimanche
Aline Poirier by Rob & Lucille Burgess
Wednesday / mercredi
July 1 juillet
July 4 juillet
Thérèse & Gérard Viau par Rita Hurtubise & famille
Thursday / jeudi
June 30 juin
July 5 juillet
Julie Legault-Swift par La famille
Friday / vendredi
July 6 juillet
Saturday / samedi
Jacqueline Pilon by Irene Bourdeau
Albert & Marie Laperle by Lilliane & Fern Carrière
Sunday / dimanche
July 7 juillet
July 8 juillet
Cornelius, Henry, Michael & Roxanne Sommers by Regina Sommers
Parish web site…. http://www.preciousbloodparish.ca and http://www.stjosephparish.ca
« Catholic Soccer Camp for Boys » Boys between the ages of 8 and 12 are invited to
sharpen their soccer and faith skills at the second annual Catholic Soccer Camp. This
year’s camp will take place from August 6 to 10 , from 9 am to 4 pm. The camp is
being hosted by the Diocese in partnership with the Legionnaires of Christ at their
noviciate in Summerstown. The cost for the week is $95.00 per boy and includes daily
snacks, lunch, t-shirt, fun and games. To register, call Kirstie at 613-933-1138 ext. 27.
For more information go to www.alexandria-cornwall.ca.
Precious Blood Parish in Glen Walter wants to thank all our volunteers who helped
organize and work our Bingos. A Special “Thank You” goes to Anne, Lillian, Fern,
Marc, Rose, Rolly, Pat, and Jean-Guy, and to all our students, but most of all
everyone who supported us. THANK YOU!
Salem United Church (Summerstown) Summer Concert Series presents
"Nearwater" singing and playing a pot pourri of musical genres. Sunday, July 8 at
7 p.m. Sing-along and refreshments. Free will offering. For info: call 613-347-1363.
Women’s Bible Study – Starting Sept 5th and running every two weeks for 20
weeks there will be a study of the book of ACTS, held in St. Columban’s Hall at the
Agape Centre from 7-9 pm. The cost is $40 (non-refundable) and may be made in
installments. Make cheques payable to Fidelis. For more information: Heidi
613-347-7561 or Marilynn 613-537-2021 or Carole 613-938-3465. Money can be
given to any one of us or brought at Carole’s at 645 Champlain St, Cornwall.
God give me the strength, the courage and perseverance to love today with all my heart.
Voici l’horaire des messes qui seront célébrées à 19h00 à l’extérieur au Calvaire et Chemin
de Croix à Green Valley, pour l’été 2012:
- mercredi, le 4 juillet: Ste-Élizabeth de Portugal, célébrant Père Claude Hallé
- mercredi le 11 juillet: St.Benoit, célébrant Père Gérald Poirier
- mercredi le 15 août: Assomption de la Vierge Marie, célébrant Père Denis Vaillancourt
“Vacation Bible Schools” – This year’s theme is “A Radical Ride on the Wings of
Prayer”. Each will run Monday to Friday from 9 am to 12 noon. Children will learn about
prayer through games, crafts, music and teachings. The VBSs are open to children
ages 4 to 12. Cost is $20 a child or $50 a family. To register, contact Kirstie at 613933-1138 ext. 27. For information and dates go to www.alexandria-cornwall.ca.
City Parishes – There are two English and one French
Country Parishes – St-Anthony’s Parish in Apple Hill, from July 30th to Aug. 3rd
“Camps pastorals: - Le thème de cette année est «Un voyage radical sur les ailes
de la prière». Par le moyen de jeux, de bricolage, de musique et de leçons, les enfants
apprendront ce qu’est la prière. Les camps s’adressent aux enfants de 4 à 12 ans. Le
coût : 20$ par enfant et 50$ par famille. Pour plus de renseignements et dates :
www.alexandria-cornwall.ca. Pour l’inscription contactez Kirstie au 613-933-1138
poste 27.
Paroisses de Cornwall - Il y a deux en anglais et une en français
Paroisses de campagne - (en anglais) Paroisse St-Anthony de Apple Hill, du
30 juillet au 3 août
Pour les mois d’été, le Centre d’information catholique,
catholique 146 rue Chevrier,
Cornwall (613-933-5099) vous offre 15% de rabais: Juillet – livres, bibles,
images, cartes Août – articles religieux (statues, CD, chapelets, crucifix)
Un rappel que nous avons des articles religieux et des cartes pour les
baptêmes, les mariages, etc…
À noter : Nous serons fermés les samedis les mois de juillet et août.
Catholic Bookstore Summer Sale : Are you in need of some reading material,
bibles, prayer cards, greeting cards? We are offering15% off during the month
of July. Drop in to see us at the Centre, 146 Chevrier Ave (933-5099). Please
note that we will be closed on Saturdays during July and August.
Un petit rappel, un bon nombre de paroissien(ne)s
assisteront à la messe du dimanche dans d’autres paroisses.
Vous pouvez vous servir de vos enveloppes de la paroisse
dans le diocèse (d’Alexandria/Cornwall) et elles vont nous
revenir. Nous espérons que vous n’oublierez pas votre
paroisse. Les dépenses continuent. La paroisse doit pouvoir
compter sur l’appui, la générosité de “tout son monde”. Merci
A small reminder, a sacred time for holidays, a good number of our parishioners
will probably be participating in Holy Mass in other parishes. We invite you to use
your envelopes anywhere in the diocese (Alexandria/Cornwall) and they will come
back to us. We hope that you will not forget your parish. The expenses continue
even if you are not with us on some weekends, and we must be able to depend on
“its entire people” for support. Thank you for you cooperation.
St-Joseph Parish Supper - We will be having a scheduled meeting
to prepare this great event. The dates are JULY 19th,
and AUGUST 23rd at 7:00pmQ If you are interested in
helping out in a small way please call Sr. Jeannine
Bissonnette at 613-347-1589 or Deacon Rick Jarvis at
The Supper will be held on Sunday,
Sept. 9th, 2012
Saint Joseph Parish has some pews for sale. They are left over from the
renovations of the parish anyone who is interested in purchasing a bench
please call Fr. Jacques at the parish office to reserve one. We do not have
many left… first come first serve. The cost for each bench is $150.00.
What is this conference about? YOU!
- Enjoy amazing live music that uplifts your spirit.
- Hear speakers who understand your hopes and your fears.
They speak straight from their hearts.
- Make peace with the Father and feel that peace in your life.
- Experience your faith in an exciting new way.
- Meet other teens just like you.
For more information please contact Father Jacques or Cathie
Jarvis. Places are limited; therefore register now for an exciting
spirit-filled conference for high school aged students.
Pilgrimage to Medjugorje with Father Cameron–Oct. 22 to Nov 2/12: Leaving Montreal
to Split and returning from Dubrovnik to Montreal. Limited seats available. For more
information, please contact Ann Germain-MacMillan at 613-534-8366.
If any Parish has extra copies of the “Gather Choir” version and the “CWB 3
Choir” version books and would like to sell or donate them to St-Columbans
Parish, we would really appreciate hearing from you. Thank you.
Faith under Fire
We all know in our heads that God is always present, always watching over us, always
wanting to be part of everything we do. But it is one thing to know this in our heads, and
quite another to know it in our hearts, with a mature faith. When the Christians in Armenia
were suffering persecution from Turkish conquerors, back in the eleventh century, there
were many opportunities to move faith from the head to the heart.
There is one story about a Christian girl who had been captured in a raid. They tried to
force her to renounce her Christian faith, but she refused, even in the face of their threats
and their weapons. So, instead of making her a slave, the pagan soldiers decided to play a
cruel game with her by throwing her to their battle dogs. They put her in the kennel that
night, and came back in the morning to see what had happened. They couldn't believe their
eyes. In the bright light of dawn they saw the young girl kneeling in prayer, with the largest
and most savage of all the dogs standing right next to her. That dog snapped at every other
dog that tried to come near the child. The pagan soldiers were terrified by the sight and ran
away, crying out at the top of their lungs, "There is a God here! There is a God here!" And
they were right - God was with that child, walking by her side.
During the persecution in China in the early 1900s, a group of Christians were holding
a prayer meeting, something that local officials had forbidden. In the middle of their
gathering, the door swung open and two soldiers with drawn guns burst in. The frightened
Christians stood with raised hands as the soldiers took down their names. They checked the
list twice and confirmed that they had marked down all twelve names, but then an old man
spoke up and said, "Actually, there are 13 people here." The soldiers counted again, but
could only find 12. "Who is the thirteenth?" They demanded to know. "God is here with us,"
the old man said calmly.
World Youth Day 2013: The Alexandria-Cornwall Diocese is organizing a
delegation for World Youth Day. The dates are from July 17 to 30th, 2013 in
Rio de Janeiro in Brazil. Two full weeks in Brazil, including a Missionary
Week and large gatherings and activities in Rio with the Pope. The cost of the
package is presently estimated between $2,500 and $2,800 (including flight,
insurance, registration, most meals, lodging with families or school settings).
Monthly preparatory meetings and fundraisers will begin in August. If you are
between 17 (you must be 18 at the moment of departure for W.Y.D.) and
35, communicate a.s.a.p. with Sr. Francine at 613-933-1138 ext. 28 or by
email, [email protected].

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The St-Joseph Parish Supper will be held on Sunday, Sept. 9th, 2012

The St-Joseph Parish Supper will be held on Sunday, Sept. 9th, 2012 public school system. If your child is ready to receive the Sacraments of Confession, Confirmation, and Communion, you are asked to register them at the parish office before September 30th, 2012. P...

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